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DriveClub Review Thread.

Why? Because it doesn't fit your agenda? Please. The image is stupid to begin with.

Lol. Keep spinning and moving goal posts dude.

Agendas and goal posts.

Does this thread fit my agenda?

Slight tangent here, but I am one of the crowd who thinks making GT6 PS3 only was a huge mistake. I would have bought it on PS4 but I skipped it on PS3.

Hmm, that's funny, because I did the exact same thing. Based on the sales figures it seems we weren't alone. First GT game I didn't buy.

You didn't say that originally.

Nowhere does it say that. At all.

It appears you've caught me in a disastrously embarrassing situation. I didn't specify the new consoles.


Sales do equal the opinions of the average gamer though, which is what you were trying to pass aggregate reviews off as. 60 reviewers who played for free versus 5 million customers who plopped down a minimum of $60 to play a game, what is the more valid sample size?

People buying a game is neither an indicator that the people enjoy the game nor that it is any good.


Based on all the hype leading up to this game on GAF, I really did expect it to destroy Forza Horizon 2 in the review scores.

I'm happy I waited till after they were both out before making a decision on which racing game to buy this year.

You...did? How is that possible? I can't think of a single person, even the ones most hyped for DC, who thought it would score higher than FH2, let alone destroy. This seems like a product of your own strange expectations, not any others'.
Sony and evolution are doomed!!!!

not really this game have lots of potential and is going to sell just fine.. it will endure pretty well, with a great and dedicated online community behind it

Honestly, I think this is a good ground and can definitely go far with the IP given. The Playstation franchise hasn't had their own sim-cade racer in I don't think... a long time, if ever? So if anything, it's good to have this, plus Wipeout and GT to go along with it.


Honestly, I think this is a good ground and can definitely go far with the IP given. The Playstation franchise hasn't had their own sim-cade racer in I don't think... a long time, if ever? So if anything, it's good to have this, plus Wipeout and GT to go along with it.
Ummmm... About that...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Right from the beginning people were questioning this game's existence in Sony's portfolio...
And, right from the beginning, their concerns certainly had to be absolutely valid, amirite?

I'm not even sure what this kind of concern could possibly be about. I can only try to take clues from the fact that 2 seconds later you're praising MS for milking a single racing franchise more than once a year, whereas with Sony we must question the legitimacy of even daring to bring a new racing franchise into the world.

In the time Sony has released a single racing game, Microsoft has somehow managed to release two that both reviewed better than Driveclub.


Not sure about everyone else, but for a game that apparently shouldn't exist I think 74 is pretty good. :)

People enjoyed Knack and Ryse with their atrocious 60 MC scores, Destiny has like 10 OTs and it only has a 76 and I've only heard good things about Alien which has a 78

Review are strange this gen.


You...did? How is that possible? I can't think of a single person, even the ones most hyped for DC, who thought it would score higher than FH2, let alone destroy. This seems like a product of your own strange expectations, not any others'.

There were more than enough comparison gifs showing just how much more amazing Drive Club was going to be... Maybe I was interpreting those incorrectly?
It might surprise you when you play it, it's not super-grippy and some of the races and cars feel like trying to keep the Stratos in place on Sega Rally while nailing a fast, clean lap - and I'm only on the early courses :)

I hope it does. I want it to be good - it's why I bought a PS4 at launch.

I cancelled my PS+ pre-order and wanted to wait to try the free version. I'm no fan of review scores, I often find scores not matching the words on the page - often reading text that I'd score a couple of points lower. Scores seem to stop people reading the words - often completely ignoring interesting critical points merely because they don't like a number.

I believe that art criticism is vital to any artform. In fact I'd go as far as to say something can't truly be art without a valid discourse. Cinema, literature, theatre, music etc. all seem to manage to exist within a world of discussion, reviews and opinion.

It makes me sad that people see a number and decide they wish to have the discussion ended. The way people talk about reviewers as though they are a different species. The head in the sand approach to any kind of criticism of something they have been looking forward to. Laughable comments about how the industry is corrupt because it didn't follow the expected narrative of unsophisticated consumer .

One review doesn't necessarily tell a whole story, but it exists within a larger discourse. I've read plenty of Driveclub reviews today and there are common things that do come out of it - places where you see agreement in both positive and negative reviews. And so one can read the reviews and form a narrative around the game - see which elements are likely to be problematic to you, which are not. And that discourse informs you as a consumer of products like this. I know that my issues with Driveclub will come down to the handling model, off track penalties and the AI - with other issues being less important. For another gamer the focus will be different. These are the things I will be looking out for when I play on Friday.

People say reviews don't matter. They do. Discussion of art is culturally significant. Yes you can argue that all the panning in the world doesn't stop Michael Bay shitting out another Transformer turd. But so what, it doesn't mean cinema criticism has to stoop to his base level of artistic drought. Some of the best writing you can ever read is movie criticism, some of the best writers have had a stab at it. The same with book and theatre reviews.

But who would want to be a games reviewer when the audience for those reviews can barely see beyond a number, or is like an audience of monkeys throwing shit at the screen.
Yeah I had a feeling this game would review like this. Amazing, industry leading graphics but quite the soulless game underneath. That seems to be the echo of every reviews' primary criticism. As for Metro saying "The game should have been canceled as opposed to being delayed"; wow that seems unnecessary and overly harsh.

The game clearly holds some value and merit (some of the other scores are quite high and impressive) so that comment just comes across as abrasive and undeserved.

Kind of feel like we're still waiting for that 10/10 Game Of The Year first party title from Sony. Hope this generation Sony will deliver one.


People enjoyed Knack and Ryse with their atrocious 60 MC scores, Destiny has like 10 OTs and it only has a 76 and I've only heard good things about Alien which has a 78

Review are strange this gen.

It's almost like reviewers are using the full scale now. Maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions about mediocrity if a game scores in the 70's anymore.


It's almost like reviewers are using the full scale now. Maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions about mediocrity if a game scores in the 70's anymore.

Maybe we (the royal we, not a specific subset) should have never jumped on the 'numerical scores are the best arbiter of enjoyment/quality' bandwagon, as gamers.
I read pages 1 to 4 and page 46. Anything fun happen in between that's worth reading?

I knew this would end up being a semi-turd. I figured 6s and 7s at the most from the main media outlets, and then a couple of high 9.5+ scores from Playstation-only sites. This game always looked like a bore-fest. But you know what, we get like 20% of it for free so fuck it, I'll give it a shot.


Im not a MASSIVE racing fan, but unless my eyes are deceiving me, most of the reviews are in the 7-9 category, 7 = good, 9 = excellent and 6 + under ranging from average to poor generally.

Whats the problem? Even IGN reviews 7.9, basically an 8.


Cancelled my pre-order and will give the "demo" version a go first. It looks decent on streams etc but I'd rather test it for myself given some comments.


People enjoyed Knack and Ryse with their atrocious 60 MC scores, Destiny has like 10 OTs and it only has a 76 and I've only heard good things about Alien which has a 78

Review are strange this gen.

Looks like meta critics are going the way of films. Sounds good to me. Plenty of excellent 75 rated films and under.


There were more than enough comparison gifs showing just how much more amazing Drive Club was going to be... Maybe I was interpreting those incorrectly?

Actually any comparison gifs were merely showing the visuals, not any other aspect of the game, or that it would be more amazing than FH2.


Unconfirmed Member
Agreed. It may not sound like much, but a fully fleshed out weather system and corresponding handling system can take what some people might consider to be a hum-drum, by the numbers racer into an entirely different league.

Hopefully we'll see a few sites re-review the game when the weather system is patched in.

FUEL, for all its problems, was a pretty enjoyable game simply because it offered the option to race during a tornado.

I fucking love FUEL so much, i know not many folk like it but it's right up there with Driver San Francisco as one of my favourite racing games last gen. It has its problems of course but I love its scale, its loneliness and going for a long drive in that world. I love how it's not trying to be a super social experience either, it's a very lonely game and I still play it from time to time. The FUEL Reloaded mod on PC is decent too.


Generally speaking, i think it would be much better if reviews dropped the scores. Then people would have to read what people actually said. It seems to be much arguements around the score itself rather than what the review is actually saying as a whole.


Moving Evolution to WipEout would be a death sentence. That series (while great) seems to only appeal to a niche audience.

I think it would be a death sentence if they put the whole team on it. But a small 15-20 person chunk working on another one a'la Wipeout HD? That wouldn't be a death sentence.
Im not a MASSIVE racing fan, but unless my eyes are deceiving me, most of the reviews are in the 7-9 category, 7 = good, 9 = excellent and 6 + under ranging from average to poor generally.

Whats the problem? Even IGN reviews 7.9, basically an 8.

We live in a world where everything is rather perfect or it sucks. There is nothing in the middle.


Generally speaking, i think it would be much better if reviews dropped the scores. Then people would have to read what people actually said. It seems to be much arguements around the score itself rather than what the review is actually saying as a whole.

Some reviewers are just shit at assigning a number that matches their words. But can write reviews well.
I fucking love FUEL so much, i know not many folk like it but it's right up there with Driver San Francisco as one of my favourite racing games last gen. It has its problems of course but I love its scale, its loneliness and going for a long drive in that world. I love how it's not trying to be a super social experience either, it's a very lonely game and I still play it from time to time. The FUEL Reloaded mod on PC is decent too.

I really wanted to like Fuel. But you know when something really minor annoys you so much you can't get past it? That bloody vignette on the screen all the damn time in Fuel


Looks like meta critics are going the way of films. Sounds good to me. Plenty of excellent 75 rated films and under.

I still think Tron Legacy was underrated. Yes it's cheesy, has some questionable CGI, and has a weak plot, but for what it sets out to do it's thoroughly entertaining and full of cool moments. Certainly not "Rotten" imo.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Ahhh Fuel, there's a name I haven't heard in awhile. I actually enjoyed that, some of the races were really enjoyable.


I hope it does. I want it to be good - it's why I bought a PS4 at launch.

I cancelled my PS+ pre-order and wanted to wait to try the free version. I'm no fan of review scores, I often find scores not matching the words on the page - often reading text that I'd score a couple of points lower. Scores seem to stop people reading the words - often completely ignoring interesting critical points merely because they don't like a number.

I've written reviews and been told by my editor that I needed to change my score. I tried to give a Black Keys album a high rating and my editor insisted I lower it a whole point, because they weren't a popular band at the time (joke was on him as it turned out to be their breakout record). The review was very positive but the score a little less so.

I can picture reviewers enjoying the game, then being told by their editors that it's a boring racing game and they need to lower the score.


Oh it's you!
He is partly right about what he said there though. Unless people have tried the game before buying it, many people buy the game without having tried it first, so they dont know for sure if they will like it or not. It goes for every game.

Some reviewers are just shit at assigning a number that matches their words. But can write reviews well.
That is possible indeed. Then it would also be much better to just drop the scores.


This will probably come off as a bit crazy but looking at at the progress of Drive Club I really doubt that Sony was being honest about it being a launch title in the first place. When it was revealed they were only what, 35% complete? Were they really THAT confident in programming the majority of a AAA title in several months? Were they really off their mark by a YEAR?

It makes more sense that Sony was just calling it a launch title to help guarantee good early press.
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