On a side note, cross post from the OT.
nib95 said:
This just further speaks to the ineptitude and ignorance of certain journalists and reviewers. Reading some of the reviews was frustrating, because I've actually been analysing the AI in different gameplay videos for the longest time, and know for a fact that so many of the comments ushered by certain journalists was false.
High speed collisions are sometimes unavoidable, especially when the sense of speed and reaction is as quick and aggressive as it is in Driveclub. But it was amusing hearing certain journalists say crap like this .
Gamespot said:Your opponents are concerned above all else with the prescribed racing line, regardless of which car they drive, favoring the most aggressive possible speeds down the clearest, most obvious route. This lack of adaptability isn't much of a concern early in your tour, but when the cars get faster and the courses get more labyrinthine.
AI racers tend to clump up around certain curves and ignore the presence of other vehicles, including your own. AI vehicles prefer collisions to deviations from the line,
Giant Bomb said:If the game's single-minded AI decides to slam into you.
Whilst at the same time they themselves were smashing in to opponent vehicles left and right in their gameplay videos, hands on and reviews. It's as if they expect the AI to behave in an extraordinarily pedestrian and polite way, when they themselves are not even capable of the same, sometimes not even out of intention.
This video is just further insult to injury.