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DTM's Nintendo rant it's over!

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I must say I am extremely pissed off at Nintendo this generation for many reasons!

You just can’t buy games in Australia; Nintendo has only sold about 50k gamecubes in total and most major retailers stop stocking games over a year ago. Yes you can get most new titles from EB but if a game is not published buy Nintendo you have a very small chance of getting it after launch. For example I can’t buy games I want like RE:0 or SOA:L!

After a good 12+ years of Nintendo gaming I just feel Nintendo is not offering me anything new. To be honest I am bored with every major Nintendo franchise with the expectation of Pikmin.

Nintendo has whored way too many franchises; I would be extremely excited to see them make a new platforming character or create an exciting new franchise but no we get more of a same old.

I also can’t understand why Nintendo made no effort to have an exclusive AAA FPS title on there console this gen. Last Gen golden eye was the must have title and this gen it’s Halo 2. It makes sense to have such a game.

People have said it’s impossible to know what the next big thing is going to be but it’s safe to say people love FPS. Especially the university aged students that want to play some multiplayer over a few beers. Nintendo have been ranting about how they are going to target the 17 year old age group. Not likely with there current franchises.

No brand new Mario platformers on the GBA, I can play these ports on my NES why the fuck would I won’t to buy them again? Seriously why Nintendo couldn’t put the time and effort they put into these ports into a fresh new 2D Mario platformer?

Anyway I won’t sell my gamecube (because you can’t give them away in Australia) but it’s over.

At least I still have my Nes!

* hugs Nes


Do you own a PS2 and an Xbox? If so then just buy any of the Nintendo games that appeal to you still. Get the 3rd party goods on the other platforms.


Yep it's over. Nice knowing you Nintendo.

No, but seriously. When they first sold Rare then split with SK they died for me. I won't get Revolution, but I won't sell my GC however since RE4 and Zelda comes out next year. That's about it.

Sony + MS gives me what I need.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Yup i own an Xbox as of 2 months ago

But it can even be hard to find Nintendo first party games, plus a lack of marketing means games like waverace are still full price.


Do The Mario said:
I also can’t understand why Nintendo made no effort to have an exclusive AAA FPS title on there console this gen. Last Gen golden eye was the must have title and this gen it’s Halo 2. It makes sense to have such a game.

People have said it’s impossible to know what the next big thing is going to be but it’s safe to say people love FPS. Especially the university aged students that want to play some multiplayer over a few beers. Nintendo have been ranting about how they are going to target the 17 year old age group. Not likely with there currant franchises.

But, but, but Nintendo has the Metroid franchise!! Oh................wait..........it's not a first person shooter, it's a first-person ADVENTURE!!

Well, that about wraps it up for Nintendo, I guess. SELL YOUR GAMECUBES!!! IT'S ALL OVER!!!


Do The Mario said:
Yup i own an Xbox as of 2 months ago

But it can even be hard to find Nintendo first party games, plus a lack of marketing means games like waverace are still full price.

Then buy online. Choice is huge and the best prices. Plus games are sealed.


And even i am moderately surprised
the JPN reality : PS2 gets 98% shelf space, the final 2% is split between GC and Xbox.

Softmap in Aki heap on the indignity by combining the Xbox / GC new releases with the second hand section, taking up about a 1/10 of total floor space...


Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Deg said:
Then buy online. Choice is huge and the best prices. Plus games are sealed.

I just don’t shop online, i deal in cash because I have cash jobs.

Plus even all the resident evil games are unavailable on Topshop for example


You sorta wonder how much more Nintendo would be trying console wise if they didn't have their hand held market to lean back on.


I agree 100% with your post, DTM, and you outlined the disparaging situation the big N has put its fans in this generation quite succinctly. Some here might remember that I started out this generation as a big proponent of GameCube (first console I bought this gen), but was similarly disillusioned and disappointed over time by one thing after another... Until the current situation where my Cube sits untouched for long periods of time nowadays, definitely the least used of the three consoles. At the outset of this gen, I thought it'd be by far the most played.
Do The Mario said:
No brand new Mario platformers on the GBA, I can play these ports on my NES why the fuck would I won’t to buy them again? Seriously why Nintendo couldn’t put the time and effort they put into these ports into a fresh new 2D Mario platformer?
Though that would be nice, one thing I will give Nintendo props for is making two original, awesome 2D Metroid games for the GBA. Metroid Zero Mission earlier this year is an example of everything I love about Nintendo displayed in classic form--would that there were more software like it recently.
Do The Mario said:
I must say I am extremely pissed off at Nintendo this generation for many reasons!

You just can’t buy games in Australia; Nintendo has only sold about 50k gamecubes in total and most major retailers stop stocking games over a year ago. Yes you can get most new titles from EB but if a game is not published buy Nintendo you have a very small chance of getting it after launch. For example I can’t games I want like RE:0 or SOA:L!

After a good 12+ years of Nintendo gaming I just feel Nintendo is not offering me anything new. To be honest I am bored with every major Nintendo franchise with the expectation of Pikmin.

Nintendo has whored way too many franchises; I would be extremely excited to see them make a new platforming character or create an exciting new franchise but no we get more of a same old.

I also can’t understand why Nintendo made no effort to have an exclusive AAA FPS title on there console this gen. Last Gen golden eye was the must have title and this gen it’s Halo 2. It makes sense to have such a game.

People have said it’s impossible to know what the next big thing is going to be but it’s safe to say people love FPS. Especially the university aged students that want to play some multiplayer over a few beers. Nintendo have been ranting about how they are going to target the 17 year old age group. Not likely with there currant franchises.

No brand new Mario platformers on the GBA, I can play these ports on my NES why the fuck would I won’t to buy them again? Seriously why Nintendo couldn’t put the time and effort they put into these ports into a fresh new 2D Mario platformer?

Anyway I won’t sell my gamecube (because you can’t give them away in Australia) but it’s over.

At least I still have my Nes!

* hugs Nes

You're in Australia? I guess you really have to know where people are from to take their bias to a degree. Its not so much Nintendo's fault as it is the gaming-public in Australia for only buying into PS2/XBOX games. And fucking quit whinging and

a) buy a freeloader and then the games you complain about not getting
b) mail me that gamecube. I'll take it. You can give it away

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
TheGreenGiant said:
You're in Australia? I guess you really have to know where people are from to take their bias to a degree. Its not so much Nintendo's fault as it is the gaming-public in Australia for only buying into PS2/XBOX games. And fucking quit whinging and

a) buy a freeloader and then the games you complain about not getting
b) mail me that gamecube. I'll take it. You can give it away

No I don’t blame the Australian public; I applaud them for supporting the Xbox so strongly. To be honest Nintendo has treated PAL territories like crap for the last 12 years. My dad used to buy me Imported games for my SNES my friends were so jealous that I had super star wars and Mario kart way before anybody has herd about them.

Nintendo deserves it’s appalling sales for the complete lack of advertising, huge release delays and shocking budget range.
Do The Mario said:
No I don’t blame the Australian public; I applaud them for supporting the Xbox so strongly. To be honest Nintendo has treated PAL territories like crap for the last 12 years. My dad used to buy me Imported games for my SNES my friends were so jealous that I had super star wars and Mario kart way before anybody has herd about them.

Nintendo deserves it’s appalling sales for the complete lack of advertising, huge release delays and shocking budget range.

address point a) or b)

We don't need to hear you

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
TheGreenGiant said:
address point a) or b)

We don't need to hear you
I have already talked about point A you can’t expect the average gamer to buy freeloader and import games.

How can I address point B without you’re’ details?


Actually there hasn't really been that much on the PS2 this year that I thought was great outside of Katamari Damacy and GTA:SA...

I think the XBox has had the best games this year so far followed by GameCube.


Nintendo should've been a solid second this generation, and they pissed that chance away with a frightening lack of aggressiveness, and a severe lack of game choices for the older gamer. I would love to know of another company that has underestimated a new competitor three times in a row...it's simply laughable, and speaks to just out of touch Nintendo's top brass are. Don't know how they turn it around next generation...Microsoft is here to stay, and it'll take a 9.5 quake under Sony HQ to make the Playstation brand lose any steam. And now their dominance in the handheld market is under serious threat for the first time in over a decade. Simply put, they've been in better positions.


Shinobi said:
Nintendo should've been a solid second this generation, and they pissed that chance away with a frightening lack of aggressiveness, and a severe lack of game choices for the older gamer. I would love to know of another company that has underestimated a new competitor three times in a row...it's simply laughable, and speaks to just out of touch Nintendo's top brass are. Don't know how they turn it around next generation...Microsoft is here to stay, and it'll take a 9.5 quake under Sony HQ to make the Playstation brand lose any steam. And now their dominance in the handheld market is under serious threat for the first time in over a decade. Simply put, they've been in better positions.

I don't think it was that simple for Nintendo this. There are a lot of things changing in the industry. Nintendo's core philosophy is a relic of the past, and MS and Sony are emerging as leaders not merely because they are doing things better than Nintendo, but because they represent the next generation. Even if Nintendo made no mistake this generation, I think that their console situation would still be faltering because of the heavy reliance on first party software development and the refusal to jump on the console convergence bandwagon.

I do think they will continue to dominate handhelds, and I expect them to put even more weight in this area, along with expanding their business to more convential toys and possibly animation if Yamauchi's proposal works out. They may continue to support consoles in niche capacity if the software sales remain strong, but I wouldn't be surprised if the executives have given up the battle for position. Sony and MS have a different vision of the future of consoles, and they have largely the convinced third parties and investors this is the right way. Nintendo biggest enemy is the fundemental change of the industy's idea of what a succesful console constitutes. It ain't about first party mascots and no frills hardware anymore.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i feel the same way most of the time - but i did the smart thing and bought a freeloader and import my games for cube instead, you get them budget prices before they're even on the horizon for an Aus release.

one thing that's really irritating to me (especially after playing halo 2 online and seeing how well they pulled it off) is nintendo's frustrating 'we dont' DO online' thing on the cube. i always think of the potential for a full online mario kart or fzero or something like that and mourn the lost oppurtunities :p that said though, in terms of exclusive titles the cube has been a lot better for me when compared to my ps2/xbox . (halo 2 and katamari damacy have really been the only exclusives on them that have grabbed me).. each to their own i guess :p

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
julls said:
i feel the same way most of the time - but i did the smart thing and bought a freeloader and import my games for cube instead, you get them budget prices before they're even on the horizon for an Aus release.

one thing that's really irritating to me (especially after playing halo 2 online and seeing how well they pulled it off) is nintendo's frustrating 'we dont' DO online' thing on the cube. i always think of the potential for a full online mario kart or fzero or something like that and mourn the lost oppurtunities :p that said though, in terms of exclusive titles the cube has been a lot better for me when compared to my ps2/xbox . (halo 2 and katamari damacy have really been the only exclusives on them that have grabbed me).. each to their own i guess :p

Agreed how easy would it be to have pokemon battle over 56k!

Turn based battles would mean almost everyone could use there GBA critters in online via pokemon stadium!

It would have been a fucking huge hit for Nintendo


Do The Mario said:
I also can’t understand why Nintendo made no effort to have an exclusive AAA FPS title on there console this gen. Last Gen golden eye was the must have title and this gen it’s Halo 2. It makes sense to have such a game.

People have said it’s impossible to know what the next big thing is going to be but it’s safe to say people love FPS. Especially the university aged students that want to play some multiplayer over a few beers.
The GC really isn't very well suited for FPS games, because of the f*cking stupid shape of the right analog stick. It's completely beyond me why it should have the shape.


ge-man said:
I don't think it was that simple for Nintendo this. There are a lot of things changing in the industry. Nintendo's core philosophy is a relic of the past, and MS and Sony are emerging as leaders not merely because they are doing things better than Nintendo, but because they represent the next generation. Even if Nintendo made no mistake this generation, I think that their console situation would still be faltering because of the heavy reliance on first party software development and the refusal to jump on the console convergence bandwagon.

I do think they will continue to dominate handhelds, and I expect them to put even more weight in this area, along with expanding their business to more convential toys and possibly animation if Yamauchi's proposal works out. They may continue to support consoles in niche capacity if the software sales remain strong, but I wouldn't be surprised if the executives have given up the battle for position. Sony and MS have a different vision of the future of consoles, and they have largely the convinced third parties and investors this is the right way. Nintendo biggest enemy is the fundemental change of the industy's idea of what a succesful console constitutes. It ain't about first party mascots and no frills hardware anymore.

I don't think it's ever been about first parties...at least not totally. N64 is the only breakout console where the first party games (along with Goldeneye and a few wrestling games) carried the system. Otherwise a system has needed tons of third party support to be successful. That's a historic fact...it was as much Madden as it was Sonic that got the Genesis moving (MK1 might've given it an extra jump as well), it was SF2 that really got the SNES going, and PSX was actually criticized for being too third party reliant back in the day (seems kinda laughable now).

As long as you have exclusive killer apps, it doesn't matter who produces them. MK3 helped PSX's cache, Soul Calibur helped DC's cache, DOA3 helped XBox's cache. Why Nintendo has refused to dip into the $5 billion coffers that they and their fans love to boast about and pay for some third party offerings (or at the very least lower developer license fees to the same levels as XBox and PS2) is a mystery to me. That refusal BTW is what I referred to as aggressiveness (or lack thereof in this case).

I think Nintendo's first party games are fine. They're not my bag, but those games aren't what's killing the Cube. It's relying on nothing but those games (and third parties releasing similiar stuff) that's killing it. I always thought that Nintendo should've either invested in or bought several developers that made sports, action and adventure games for a different label under the Nintendo brand (think someone else mentioned this earlier in the thread). Nintendo doesn't need something as coarse as GTA, or something as violent as Soldier or Fortune, but they could've used a lot more Goldeneyes and Courtsides then they have right now. Marrying them to the traditional franchises and giving them equal promotion would've made Cube look a lot more attractive to the older set...and let's face it, the 18-45 year olds are the ones that can buy several games a month, as opposed to the 7-12 year olds who might get several games a year. With a balanced first party lineup in tow, you make the machine more attractive to older users, and you make it more attractive to developers who let's face it, generally only make "older" games these days.

Of course Gamecube's name and appearance was always an issue. Unveilng some lilac coloured tissue box and matching controller with rainbow-coloured buttons was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. It's easy to say appearance doesn't matter, but it does...in this case it merely reinforced the notion that Nintendo does nothing but make little toys for little children. That isn't what older consumers needed to hear, and it certainly isn't what the developers needed to hear. First impressions last a long time.

The lack of online play hurts as well, simply from a perception standpoint. Nintendo viewing it simply as a money issue shows they can't see the forest from the trees. MS hasn't used Live to make money...they've used it to build up the XBox brand, so they can make money down the road. It's clearly the system of choice for online gaming, giving it a distinct advantage even over PS2 in terms of providing a quality online experience. And the stronger Live gets, the stronger XBox gets. Meanwhile Gamecube has next to nothing in terms of online play, making the system look old. Doesn't matter if people would use it's online modes or not...just not having it creates a perception of being behind the times, which is hardly positive. DC went through this as well when PS2 launched with it's ability to play DVD's out of the box. Nintendo's tunnel vision hasn't allowed them to see this. The fact that they tried to promote connectivity in it's stead (has connectivity even been a topic of discussion in the last 6-8 months?) makes the online omission all the more disappointing.

The funny thing is that Nintendo still has the resources and know how to compete against Sony and Microsoft. I really do believe they've got what it takes to take the fight to them. But I really haven't seen them displaying any sense of really going after it since 1994/95. It would take major change at or near the top for Nintendo to get that mentality back. But hell, maybe they don't want to...perhaps they're comfortable simply being the choice of the younger gamer (the Fisher-Price or Disney of game consoles if you will), leaving Sony and MS to fight for the wider audience. If that's the case, I guess they're not doing anything wrong.


Scary Euro Man
Nice to see the Nintendo apologists avoiding the fact that Nintendo's piss poor marketing and hideous delays are to blame for its abysmal performance in PAL markets. They started out quite well this generation, but they've reverted to form pretty quickly.


Do The Mario said:
No brand new Mario platformers on the GBA, I can play these ports on my NES why the fuck would I won’t to buy them again? Seriously why Nintendo couldn’t put the time and effort they put into these ports into a fresh new 2D Mario platformer?

hey I'm all for a new 2D Mario platformer (prefer it for the GC though), but seriously why should they bother when they can make so much more $$$ by selling ports & updated ports to a devoted fanbase?
iapetus said:
Nice to see the Nintendo apologists avoiding the fact that Nintendo's piss poor marketing and hideous delays are to blame for its abysmal performance in PAL markets. They started out quite well this generation, but they've reverted to form pretty quickly.

Haha. Ps2 pal games are ASs raped to hell. Have you seen capcom + SE titles on PAL PS2? Unplayable with their HUGE BIG BLACK BARS. XBOX pal racng games can screw with timing (see PGR)

All Nintendo titles are full screen 60+50htz. Apologists vs Haters? All he had to do was buy a fucking freeloader. Having to hear whingers cry about something a problem that is easily remedied is stupid.



How about we all give Iwata a chance to prove himself? The man is taking over a failed vision, where the Cube was initially set out to be a 'toy', as stated by Yamauchi himself. The look of the Cube dictates this. It's akin to a Fisher-Price toy rather than a sleek piece of electronics. After the design of the GBA:SP and DS, I think that Iwata has proven that he knows how to have design appeal for the older crowd.

In numerous interviews, he has stated the the next system would offer all the same functionality that the competition offers. I think that next round, we'll see a different Nintendo. A Nintendo whose livelihood is threatened by the PSP, and I think that will force them to be much more agressive.

As for the Cube, I am pleasantly surprised by it this gen. I didn't expect much going into this gen. In fact, I fully expected the Xbox to be my most played system because of my love for PC games, yet it's the Cube that holds that honour this gen.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Link316 said:
hey I'm all for a new 2D Mario platformer (prefer it for the GC though), but seriously why should they bother when they can make so much more $$$ by selling ports & updated ports to a devoted fanbase?

True as along as there are people that keep buying Nintendo’s repackaged games they have nothing to worry about. We are already getting a port of M64 for a DS a port of SMS for the Revolution can’t be far off. When does Nintendo draw the line?

I bet we will see super Mario all stars one and two on DS, one having the Nes remakes on it and two having the snes titles.

Super Marios bros has been ported twice to the GBA/GBC

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
TheGreenGiant said:
Haha. Ps2 pal games are ASs raped to hell. Have you seen capcom + SE titles on PAL PS2? Unplayable with their HUGE BIG BLACK BARS. XBOX pal racng games can screw with timing (see PGR)

All Nintendo titles are full screen 60+50htz. Apologists vs Haters? All he had to do was buy a fucking freeloader. Having to hear whingers cry about something a problem that is easily remedied is stupid.


As I said how the fuck can you expect the average gamer to buy freeloader and import? I don’t want to import games I want to be able to walk down to the shop and make my purchase.

Saying Just buy freeloader doesn’t fix the problems that Nintendo has in Pal territories!
ge-man said:
Nintendo biggest enemy is the fundemental change of the industy's idea of what a succesful console constitutes. It ain't about first party mascots and no frills hardware anymore.

Their biggest enemy is Nintendo. It's because they refuse to actually follow anyone. I'm not saying that they have to stop making their quirky games like Pikmin or AC, i'm saying they need to start making games the mainstream wants to go along with those games. They need to make the FPS. They need to make the more realistic style of racing games (in look, it doesn't have to be in feel). Essentially cater to what the mainstream wants while still making those niche games, because if you actually get those mainstream gamers then there's a chance that they'll try those games. There's no way they're going to buy a system for a niche game. But as GE showed, they will buy a system for one of those mainstream type of games.

As long as Nintendo has it in their head that following is bad, they'll being staying in 3rd place.


Spike said:
How about we all give Iwata a chance to prove himself? The man is taking over a failed vision, where the Cube was initially set out to be a 'toy', as stated by Yamauchi himself. The look of the Cube dictates this. It's akin to a Fisher-Price toy rather than a sleek piece of electronics. After the design of the GBA:SP and DS, I think that Iwata has proven that he knows how to have design appeal for the older crowd.

In numerous interviews, he has stated the the next system would offer all the same functionality that the competition offers. I think that next round, we'll see a different Nintendo. A Nintendo whose livelihood is threatened by the PSP, and I think that will force them to be much more agressive.

I don't disagree with giving Iwata a chance (or most of your post for that matter), but the way Cube has lost some previous third party "exclusives" (quoted cause I don't think any of them were paid for, that's not Nintendo's style) over the past year has been kind of alarming. Again, it's all about perception. Though since they weren't paid for, it was out of his hands. But yeah, Iwata got fucked when he was handed something that was already started...just a completely unfair and stupid move on Yamauchi's part. He can't be judged properly until he's had a chance to start from a clean slate.


As long as there is at least one ITS ALL OVER post here every day Nintendo will be fine. More haters just means Nintendo is doing good. When people will stop hating on Nintendo then it's time to worry.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
mumu said:
As long as there is at least one ITS ALL OVER post here every day Nintendo will be fine. More haters just means Nintendo is doing good. When people will stop hating on Nintendo then it's time to worry.

I don't think i am hating, just disappointed with Nintendo’s performance this gen.


Shinobi said:
I don't think it's ever been about first parties...at least not totally. N64 is the only breakout console where the first party games (along with Goldeneye and a few wrestling games) carried the system. Otherwise a system has needed tons of third party support to be successful. That's a historic fact...it was as much Madden as it was Sonic that got the Genesis moving (MK1 might've given it an extra jump as well), it was SF2 that really got the SNES going, and PSX was actually criticized for being too third party reliant back in the day (seems kinda laughable now).

As long as you have exclusive killer apps, it doesn't matter who produces them. MK3 helped PSX's cache, Soul Calibur helped DC's cache, DOA3 helped XBox's cache. Why Nintendo has refused to dip into the $5 billion coffers that they and their fans love to boast about and pay for some third party offerings (or at the very least lower developer license fees to the same levels as XBox and PS2) is a mystery to me. That refusal BTW is what I referred to as aggressiveness (or lack thereof in this case).

I think Nintendo's first party games are fine. They're not my bag, but those games aren't what's killing the Cube. It's relying on nothing but those games (and third parties releasing similiar stuff) that's killing it. I always thought that Nintendo should've either invested in or bought several developers that made sports, action and adventure games for a different label under the Nintendo brand (think someone else mentioned this earlier in the thread). Nintendo doesn't need something as coarse as GTA, or something as violent as Soldier or Fortune, but they could've used a lot more Goldeneyes and Courtsides then they have right now. Marrying them to the traditional franchises and giving them equal promotion would've made Cube look a lot more attractive to the older set...and let's face it, the 18-45 year olds are the ones that can buy several games a month, as opposed to the 7-12 year olds who might get several games a year. With a balanced first party lineup in tow, you make the machine more attractive to older users, and you make it more attractive to developers who let's face it, generally only make "older" games these days.

Of course Gamecube's name and appearance was always an issue. Unveilng some lilac coloured tissue box and matching controller with rainbow-coloured buttons was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. It's easy to say appearance doesn't matter, but it does...in this case it merely reinforced the notion that Nintendo does nothing but make little toys for little children. That isn't what older consumers needed to hear, and it certainly isn't what the developers needed to hear. First impressions last a long time.

The lack of online play hurts as well, simply from a perception standpoint. Nintendo viewing it simply as a money issue shows they can't see the forest from the trees. MS hasn't used Live to make money...they've used it to build up the XBox brand, so they can make money down the road. It's clearly the system of choice for online gaming, giving it a distinct advantage even over PS2 in terms of providing a quality online experience. And the stronger Live gets, the stronger XBox gets. Meanwhile Gamecube has next to nothing in terms of online play, making the system look old. Doesn't matter if people would use it's online modes or not...just not having it creates a perception of being behind the times, which is hardly positive. DC went through this as well when PS2 launched with it's ability to play DVD's out of the box. Nintendo's tunnel vision hasn't allowed them to see this. The fact that they tried to promote connectivity in it's stead (has connectivity even been a topic of discussion in the last 6-8 months?) makes the online omission all the more disappointing.

The funny thing is that Nintendo still has the resources and know how to compete against Sony and Microsoft. I really do believe they've got what it takes to take the fight to them. But I really haven't seen them displaying any sense of really going after it since 1994/95. It would take major change at or near the top for Nintendo to get that mentality back. But hell, maybe they don't want to...perhaps they're comfortable simply being the choice of the younger gamer (the Fisher-Price or Disney of game consoles if you will), leaving Sony and MS to fight for the wider audience. If that's the case, I guess they're not doing anything wrong.
Possibly the most comprehensive post of the year.

This thread is over.


Shinobi said:
the 18-45 year olds are the ones that can buy several games a month, as opposed to the 7-12 year olds who might get several games a year.
I think you're wrong here, IMO kids (<18) are still the major buying force in the industry. Sure 18-45 years olds got more money, but i'm pretty sure there are far more kids in the world playing video games than adults! I don't know anyone over 40 who plays games, but pretty much all their kids do. And there's not so many gamers over 30 either.

Of course one cannot extrapolate such a thing from ones limited world view, because everyone will get different results, so i'd be very interested to hear some figures on this (if there are any).


Nintendo is in a very damned if you do, damned if you don't position right now.

If they want to attract new gamers, they're going to have to dedicate their resources to different, non-traditional Nintendo games. That would alienate their fanatical, at times absurdly rabid fan(boy) base. And if they keep making the kinds of games they have been making, then their base stays happy and they don't attract the non-rabid Nintendo fan. Catch 22.


Raoul Duke said:
Nintendo is in a very damned if you do, damned if you don't position right now.

If they want to attract new gamers, they're going to have to dedicate their resources to different, non-traditional Nintendo games. That would alienate their fanatical, at times absurdly rabid fan(boy) base. And if they keep making the kinds of games they have been making, then their base stays happy and they don't attract the non-rabid Nintendo fan. Catch 22.

perfect post! This is exactly how I see it is, and its really supported by all the arguing on forums you see people want nintendo to do this and that.

The last 4 of my 5 game purchases have been Gamecube games, I've been enjoying the recent games that have been coming out like Pikmin 2, Donkey konga and PM, but I also live in the States =P.

well what can you do, i don't expect nintendo to change, so I'll just play the games they make that I like.


Angelus said:
Do you own a PS2 and an Xbox? If so then just buy any of the Nintendo games that appeal to you still. Get the 3rd party goods on the other platforms.

thats what i do

poor gc, relegated to playing status like once a year :<


Nintendo fucked up in every territory, but I guess I'd be extra pissed if I lived in Australia. Seriously, I don't know what they're thinking. I'm guessing Nintendo has seen the writing on the wall and realizes it may not be making home consoles much longer, so it might as well just give up and ride out the GameCube as long and as profitably as it can.


Scary Euro Man
Raoul Duke said:
Nintendo is in a very damned if you do, damned if you don't position right now.

If they are, then it's their own damned fault. As I said, they really had a chance to make a go of it earlier this generation, with sane pricing and a great line-up of games at and following launch. And then the traditional Nintendo scheduling slippages started to pile up, and people started to lose interest. The fact that Sony in particular have actually been doing a better job with high profile titles making it out over here - either vastly reduced time gaps between US and PAL releases or bonus features to make up for the wait - only makes it worse. Nintendo had a chance to catch up on that front, and instead they screwed it up. Their loss, not mine.

Sure, hardcore gamers who are willing to give up on the ability to make impulse purchases can go the way of the import. I know that - I've done it myself. But that doesn't cover a huge range of gamers. Plenty of GC owners are too young to own credit cards (sorry if that's going to make TheGreenGiant go off on another hissy fit, but it's the truth) which really screws their ability to import. And a lack of games on the shelves does bad things for brand recognition. When I walk into Game and see that the GC section has shrunk again, and is now stuck in a corner previously reserved for crappy peripherals and its previous space has been taken up by XBox and PS2 pre-owned titles, what am I going to think as a consumer. "Hmm. I really ought to buy myself a Gamecube and a copy of Freeloader so that I can import games from a region Nintendo actually gives a toss about" is not likely to be top of anyone's list, I can tell you that.

Appealing only to the hardcore Nintendo fanatic - and make no mistake, that's what forcing PAL gamers to import is doing, because anyone other than the hardcore just isn't going to do that - is a stupid idea. Because you're going to lose hardcore fans faster than you gain them. Nintendo needs and deserves a broader appeal. And it could have had it in Europe if it had been bothered to try. Still can, if it wants it, but the window's closing.

TheGreenGiant said:
Haha. Ps2 pal games are ASs raped to hell. Have you seen capcom + SE titles on PAL PS2? Unplayable with their HUGE BIG BLACK BARS. XBOX pal racng games can screw with timing (see PGR)

Please. Do us all a favour and get a clue. Despite what a tiny fraction of l33ter-than-thou gamers may think, slight letterboxing and timing issues are irrelevant to the vast majority of gamers. They just don't care. They probably don't even notice. And other than a handful of repeat offenders (Capcom, as you point out, being the worst) an increasing number of games released in Europe have supported 60Hz and/or been optimised for PAL displays. And anyone who does care probably cares enough to import, for other systems as much as for GC. Freeloader really isn't that much of an advantage any more. For the price of a couple of games I can get a superior Freeloader equivalent for PS2 - it's called an imported PSTwo.

I'm part of that minority, which is why my first PS2 and GC hardware this generation was imported. But if you cared at all about Nintendo, you'd be looking at the reasons they've bombed and continue to bomb in PAL regions, rather than throwing your toys out of the pram and whining that everyone should buy Freeloader and all the problems will go away.

Because they won't.

[Edit: And damn, if it's bad in the UK (which it is) I dread to think what it's like for Nintendo gamers in Australia...]


The only reason why I can't see Nintendo caring too much about Australia is because you guys just aren't a big market. Sure, they can try to improve things, but I'd rather see Nintendo pick up the pace in Japan and Europe.
iapetus said:
If they are, then it's their own damned fault. As I said, they really had a chance to make a go of it earlier this generation, with sane pricing and a great line-up of games at and following launch. And then the traditional Nintendo scheduling slippages started to pile up, and people started to lose interest. The fact that Sony in particular have actually been doing a better job with high profile titles making it out over here - either vastly reduced time gaps between US and PAL releases or bonus features to make up for the wait - only makes it worse. Nintendo had a chance to catch up on that front, and instead they screwed it up. Their loss, not mine.

Sure, hardcore gamers who are willing to give up on the ability to make impulse purchases can go the way of the import. I know that - I've done it myself. But that doesn't cover a huge range of gamers. Plenty of GC owners are too young to own credit cards (sorry if that's going to make TheGreenGiant go off on another hissy fit, but it's the truth) which really screws their ability to import. And a lack of games on the shelves does bad things for brand recognition. When I walk into Game and see that the GC section has shrunk again, and is now stuck in a corner previously reserved for crappy peripherals and its previous space has been taken up by XBox and PS2 pre-owned titles, what am I going to think as a consumer. "Hmm. I really ought to buy myself a Gamecube and a copy of Freeloader so that I can import games from a region Nintendo actually gives a toss about" is not likely to be top of anyone's list, I can tell you that.

Appealing only to the hardcore Nintendo fanatic - and make no mistake, that's what forcing PAL gamers to import is doing, because anyone other than the hardcore just isn't going to do that - is a stupid idea. Because you're going to lose hardcore fans faster than you gain them. Nintendo needs and deserves a broader appeal. And it could have had it in Europe if it had been bothered to try. Still can, if it wants it, but the window's closing.

Please. Do us all a favour and get a clue. Despite what a tiny fraction of l33ter-than-thou gamers may think, slight letterboxing and timing issues are irrelevant to the vast majority of gamers. They just don't care. They probably don't even notice. And other than a handful of repeat offenders (Capcom, as you point out, being the worst) an increasing number of games released in Europe have supported 60Hz and/or been optimised for PAL displays. And anyone who does care probably cares enough to import, for other systems as much as for GC. Freeloader really isn't that much of an advantage any more. For the price of a couple of games I can get a superior Freeloader equivalent for PS2 - it's called an imported PSTwo.

I'm part of that minority, which is why my first PS2 and GC hardware this generation was imported. But if you cared at all about Nintendo, you'd be looking at the reasons they've bombed and continue to bomb in PAL regions, rather than throwing your toys out of the pram and whining that everyone should buy Freeloader and all the problems will go away.

Because they won't.

[Edit: And damn, if it's bad in the UK (which it is) I dread to think what it's like for Nintendo gamers in Australia...]



I just play games. Mostly this year on X-Box and Cube. Console clinging weirdos scare me. If only games were more enjoyable to me depending on how much they sold. I would be in a constant state of bliss with my PS2.

And Nintendo has done terrible in the market this gen. Although they do have 2 corporate giants on their back doing their best to push them out. Still they should be doing better.


Here's my view on the situation.

Nintendo is in a very precarious situation because, despite the quality of its franchise titles, mainstream gamers have taken Nintendo to mean old hat or childish. When a casual gamer thinks about Nintendo, they don't see a system offering them possibilities they haven't yet experienced, they see Zelda, Mario and Metroid and think "well, I enjoyed the last fifteen Mario and Zelda and Metroid games... but do I really want to play more of that?" I think the answer for casual gamers is pretty much universally NO.

Now, my position is not to get rid of Zelda, Metroid or Mario. All that would serve to do is isolate their key userbase, which is basically super hardcore gamers that have grown up with Nintendo.

But my "Nintendo Strategy" is fairly simple.

- Make a string of new franchises. And these franchises must have the same tender loving care that you have put into Mario and Zelda over the years. Pikmin was a good start, but you need to tell casual gamers what makes Pikmin so interesting, which you failed to do with your ludicrous marketing of said game.

- Market the new Nintendo franchises foremost. Yes, that means more than Zelda, more than Mario and more than Metroid. Don't worry, those games will still get the attention they deserve and will have plenty of love from the hardcore. They will sell well on those merits alone. But if you're going to draw in the casual gamers, you need people to perceive you on a new foot.

- Touching is good. But if you're going to have such a sexy marketing campaign, you've gotta have the sexy games to back it up. I want to see tons of marketing for Feel the Magic XY/XX. I want to see tons of marketing for every game that would appeal to the casual 18-30 year old demographic. Nintendo DS will be a mild success, but if you ever plan to skyrocket the thing you can't be saying "TOUCHING IS GOOD" and then show Kirby and Super Princess Peach. I'm anticipating those games as a hardcore gamer, but marketing such things to casual gamers is not only going to be difficult, it's going to be downright impossible.

- Tone down the family friendly atmosphere. Yes, we know that you have games that appeal to all ages. We've got that point. We understand that you're prone to complain when a porn star mentiones Zelda as a favorite game. But let's be serious. As much as I like to have options, no casual gamer is going to support a Revolution that comes in purple and polka dot yellow. Similarly, they're not going to give a shit when the controller is red, yellow, green and perceived as one step up from a Fischer Price toy. Casual gamers are stupid. Take advantage of their stupidity. As long as you bring the great games, Nintendo, us hardcore gamers will come no matter what level you must stoop to.

Well, that's my rant. There's more, but I'm tired :)
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