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DTM's Nintendo rant it's over!


iapetus said:
Despite what a tiny fraction of l33ter-than-thou gamers may think, slight letterboxing and timing issues are irrelevant to the vast majority of gamers. They just don't care. They probably don't even notice. And other than a handful of repeat offenders (Capcom, as you point out, being the worst) an increasing number of games released in Europe have supported 60Hz and/or been optimised for PAL displays.
Weak excuse to say it doesn't matter that Sony fucked up the PAL PS2 by saying only informed gamers realise it. I doubt this is true either, the left and upper shift with RGB on most TVs is appalling and many games still don't have screen centring. But of course only "l33ter-than-thou gamers" have RGB cables :p .

You can turn this reasoning around and use it to defend Nintendo of Europe if you want. Only the l33t gamers realise less popular titles in the territories such as Mario Party, sports (excluding Kart) and Metroid are released significantly later, consumers just don't care. The big releases such as Mario platformers and Kart along with Zeldas come out within a month or two of the US release.

You can't have 60Hz and PAL on a SCEE model PS2, your post suggests otherwise. Maybe a game can be optimised for 50Hz PAL and have 60Hz NTSC but you can't have the ideal, for most games, 60Hz PAL. This'll affect all those teenagers with cheap 14" TVs in their bedrooms. But they're an l33t set as well I presume? As are those who would like Everybodys Golf to be released... :p


Kaijima said:
You know what? To hell with the casual gamer, to hell with anyone who can't be bothered to "get" Nintendo and worry that their testicles will shrivel up and fall off if they get caught playing with a "toy". Nintendo is the Disney of videogames. Honestly people, for the love of God GET OVER IT.* I'm 31 years old and have a DVD of the Lion King sitting on my shelf and a Gamecube hooked up to my TV. It's like the hardcore hides behind the justification of worrying about popular perception or Nintendo "winning" the console wars in order to vent their insecurity over Nintendo's very existence.

Unfortunately, if you keep saying "to hell" with casual gamers then you won't have Nintendo to go to eventually. Nobody is heralding their doom yet, but if PSP manages to out sell the Nintendo DS and eventually dominates the handheld market, Nintendo will have no choice down the line.

I'm willing to see Nintendo change dramatically to see them survive. It's the choices they must make to keep thriving in this industry.
I'm an Australian and a first time importer this generation. Will defintately be importing next gen as I just don't see Nintendo making much of a come back in Australia :(

As for this issue of the "kiddy purple Gamecube", I think it looks awful and yes it does look extremely ugly and childish. I don't think anyone would have complained if Nintendo launched with just the Platinum Cube (and maybe Black). I think it looks awesome in platinum. Purple however is just shit no matter how you package it. N64 was sleek.
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