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DTM's Nintendo rant it's over!

On a serious note...how is the game industry in Australia? It seems like NO publisher cares what is happening down there. It sounds like there is a huge untapped market to me. I'd imagine New Zealand has a similar problem.
Oh, and if Nintendo wants to be the Disney of the games industry then they should act like Disney. Create a few spinoff companies where by you can have your Pooh's Heffalump Movie and your Kill Bills. The inbetween is made up of Pirates of the Carribean and The Rock.


mumu said:
I think you're wrong here, IMO kids (<18) are still the major buying force in the industry. Sure 18-45 years olds got more money, but i'm pretty sure there are far more kids in the world playing video games than adults! I don't know anyone over 40 who plays games, but pretty much all their kids do. And there's not so many gamers over 30 either.

Of course one cannot extrapolate such a thing from ones limited world view, because everyone will get different results, so i'd be very interested to hear some figures on this (if there are any).

Kids have more times to play games, but you're living in a dream world if you think they're buying more of 'em. With parents buying games for the tykes, I reckon most of 'em are only getting games at Christmas time anyway (that's certainly the case with consoles). Adults don't have that restriction. There's also the added restriction of more and more retailers not being allowed to sell M rated games to minors. Of course that won't prevent them from being able to play it, but buying it is a different matter.

The kids who grew up on the NES, SNES and Genesis are now in their 20's, 30's and even 40's (a fact that Nintendo seems to be unaware of or ignore). They're the ones with the purchasing power now, not Little Billy's mother. With Halo 2 and GTA SA on their way to dominating the sales charts for months to come, it'll only drive that point home.
TheGreenGiant said:
Haha. Ps2 pal games are ASs raped to hell. Have you seen capcom + SE titles on PAL PS2? Unplayable with their HUGE BIG BLACK BARS. XBOX pal racng games can screw with timing (see PGR)

All Nintendo titles are full screen 60+50htz. Apologists vs Haters? All he had to do was buy a fucking freeloader. Having to hear whingers cry about something a problem that is easily remedied is stupid.


Wasn't Sega's games 60 +50 htz in PA: territories, and you see where Sega is now..

Importing is not for everyone, so that is not an option. The reason why peole whine is they want Nintendo themsleves to be a bit more pro acting and progresive.


Shinobi said:
The kids who grew up on the NES, SNES and Genesis are now in their 20's, 30's and even 40's (a fact that Nintendo seems to be unaware of or ignore).
Except that most stopped playing games regularly at the age of 20-25. GAF is not very representative :) Still my first argument stands that there are way more gamers under 18, it more than makes up for the lacking cash in their pockets.
mumu said:
Except that most stopped playing games regularly at the age of 20-25. GAF is not very representative :)
I dont know about that... I think I have around 10 co-workers at my work who are into gaming, some more some less. Probably 7 of them have Xboxens and maybe 3 PS2's. I think its safe for me to say over half of them are "old school" gamers and played lot of Commodore 64 and Amiga games when they were kids/teens.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Don't overestimate the purchasing power of people under 18. They can't just buy a game whenever they want.

And don't underestimate the true buying power of the 18-45 demographic. This demographic can buy a game whenever they feel like it, and often buy games they may never complete. Why are many of the best selling games of this gen (GTAs, Halo) all Mature rated games? It ain't the kids buying those, that's for sure.


I really don't know what I'd do if I wasn't a multiconsole owner (go crazy most likely). It truely is a nice feeling knowing you don't have to miss out on any great games.


The answer is simple. Drop the crappy ass PAL standard and get with the times. Nintendo would have no issue releasing games over there if a market existed AND it didn't require rewriting games.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
mumu said:
Except that most stopped playing games regularly at the age of 20-25. GAF is not very representative :) Still my first argument stands that there are way more gamers under 18, it more than makes up for the lacking cash in their pockets.

IIRC the average age of people who play video games is 26 and it increases every year. Adults make up at least 40% (and that's probably a conservative estimate) of the market so in order for adults to surpass the kids in terms of purchases they would only need to buy 1.5 games for every 1 game that the kids buy. That's nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if adults bought 2-3 games for every 1 game that kids bought. Its adults, not kids, that are driving this industry.


Shinobi is correct in his summary. I agree with everything he said... similar to what I have said over and over on GAF, but I'm not nearly as eloquent. :p


The Amiga Brotherhood
M3wThr33 said:
The answer is simple. Drop the crappy ass PAL standard and get with the times. Nintendo would have no issue releasing games over there if a market existed AND it didn't require rewriting games.

Er, translating the games into a bucketload of extra languages is more of the issue than PAL vs. NTSC.

Now if the rest of Europe would get with the times and just adopt English as their national language ... ;)


Clothed, sober, cooperative

Seriously Hitch. Nintendo doesn't make Freeloader. As a matter of fact, Nintendo loathes and hates Freeloader. So according to your argument, Nintendo is not only still stupid, but devoutly stupid. Why you hate on Nintendo so much? HATER.


being watched
Nes never really took off in Europe.

But I adored my SNES. Must have bought over 40 carts for it in it's lifetime. SNES..Actraiser...Pilotwings.

Problem with Nintendo having created the 'modern' videogame market they think they know whats best. I remember knowing the writing was on the wall reading Gamefan and Ninty's stubboern insistance on carts over CD's...when only a year before Capcom got their arses hosed with unsold inventory of SNES CE carts.

Nintendo really need a shakeup of their board...at least Reggie has some dynamism to him, Iwata or whoever he was who took over from the Pimphand needs to step down and make way for someone with a love for videogames and whose passionate about kicking the shit out of MS & Sony rather then standing their bleating apologies at E3..


If Australia supported NTSC instead of PAL, then they'd have themselves one hell of a market since it'd be open to just using the U.S. versions. But I think what needs to convince Nintendo the most is the potential for the Australia market to move beyond some-5% of the whole worldwide console war. China and South Korea certainly have far more potential than Australia in terms of growth, profit and a community of developers. I'm not trying to put Australia down or anything, but things can start by adopting an American standard. A population of 20 Million people also ain't much; the city of Tokyo has that many people.


The Inside Track
M3wThr33 said:
The answer is simple. Drop the crappy ass PAL standard and get with the times. Nintendo would have no issue releasing games over there if a market existed AND it didn't require rewriting games.
Guess what ? Metroid Prime 2 only supports PAL 60, which is basically the same as NTSC on the software side.


being watched
Blimblim said:
Guess what ? Metroid Prime 2 only supports PAL 60, which is basically the same as NTSC on the software side.

99% of TV's these days are NTSC compatible. Good move for Ninty to support just 60htz. Those with Tesco's BYNISAHHIIIYYADA made TV's from south Koreanpanstan can fuck off.
M3wThr33 said:
The answer is simple. Drop the crappy ass PAL standard and get with the times. Nintendo would have no issue releasing games over there if a market existed AND it didn't require rewriting games.

Why should we? PAL is technically superior to NTSC and we pay more than you for games, so we can EXPECT getting what we deserve. Who the fuck would make an exchange that costs trillions of € for video games? Besides, 85% of all oversea games don't have the problem to integrate a simple 60 Hz mode switch for the PAL editions nowadays, so it can't be such a hard work. Damn retard, STFU.


M3wThr33 said:
The answer is simple. Drop the crappy ass PAL standard and get with the times. Nintendo would have no issue releasing games over there if a market existed AND it didn't require rewriting games.

Newsflash, PAL is the superior standard. Plain PAL has a higher image quality (but at 50hz) and PAL60 is simply better than NTSC in every way.

As towards the rest of this thread: Is it that time of the month again?

Nintendo will just keep plowing on, they clearly don't want to do business the PS2/XBOX way. I don't see this changing much with Iwata either. Their systems are simply vehicles for their games, the rest (like, oh, marketshare) doesn't seem to interest them all that much.

It's fine with me, I just picked up Paper Mario :)


JC10001 said:
IIRC the average age of people who play video games is 26 and it increases every year. Adults make up at least 40%.
Where did you get those numbers from? Also are we talking about buyers or gamers here, and does that study (or wherever you got those numbers from) account for the fact that kids usually don't buy the games themselves?


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
It better not be over. I had a Gamecube a while ago and sold it due to lack of time to play and a severe game drought. There was a nice platinum Gamecube w/extra controller and Mario Kart Double Dash for $99.99 deal that sucked me in yesterday though. It's a great time to buy since my local EB has a gazillion used games that are under $20. I finally got the last Zelda and it was only $12.99!


Project Midway said:
I dont know about that... I think I have around 10 co-workers at my work who are into gaming, some more some less. Probably 7 of them have Xboxens and maybe 3 PS2's. I think its safe for me to say over half of them are "old school" gamers and played lot of Commodore 64 and Amiga games when they were kids/teens.
Where do you work? For me it's kinda the other way around so i'd be interested to get some real numbers.


As far as software is concerned, I wish Nintendo had developed more new properties. Especially since Miyamato explicitly said ~two years ago that they would. It's like they became afraid of abandoning franchises.

Still, I've bought and loved more Nintendo games this gen than from any other developer. That includes GBA, of course. So while I'm disappointed with their productivity over the past few years, that can only be because I hold them to such a high standard (as everyone seems to).


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think it's crap how Australia is getting shafted by Nintendo, but honestly, if the market isn't there, I can't blame them.

I AM tired of the same drivel you post in almost every thread you participate in, however. :)
Nintendo's problems (in order)

1.) Lack of content (too much mascot stuff, they have no invested enough in making content for older players ... PS2 and XBox whup the GCN here). Nintendo has to do it themselves, you cannot rely on third parties to bail you out unless you're the clear cut market leader.

2.) Erosion of 3rd party confidence - don't expect any Resident Evil deals with Revolution; I could really see EA dropping Revolution. GCN sells less software than the PS2 and XBox, and on top of that most of the software sold is Nintendo stuff. Not exactly ideal for 3rd parties.

3.) Mario/Zelda becoming less popular - The numbers are way down from the N64.

4.) No Rare type sidekick - Nintendo needs a Rare or a Rare-type to be able to give them some blockbusters, the SNES and N64 benefitted greatly from this.

5.) Over-Reliance on Established Franchises - We got Pac-Man VS. and Zelda: Four Swords instead. Nintendo's franchises are still good for a quick buck ... the problem is I think the company is too reliant on going to this well nowadays.

6.) PSP. Obviously a problem.

7.) The "kiddie" image is a very real perception. Maybe not on its own merits, but put next to the PS2 or XBox ... I mean can you even picture Sony or MS releasing a purple console? No, because it would never happen. It's been years, but Nintendo has done a lot of damage to themselves. I know there's a stigma among a lot of bitter ex-Nintendo fans that they were "tricked" into buying the N64 because they thought it would be like the NES/SNES. Now they've switched sides to Sony or MS and don't trust Nintendo at all.

8.) Marketing. Their marketing itself isn't so bad these days, but some ad campaigns don't get a lot of screen time.

9.) N64 was "cooler" than GameCube - GoldenEye, Turok, Wave Race, 1080, Perfect Dark, etc. were hits on the N64; the N64 still had leeway with older consumers because it was known as the console for FPS titles and extreme sports. The GameCube has struck out on both of those counts (especailly FPS).

10.) "Innovation" - They talk more about innovation than they sometimes push it IMO. With GameCube Iwata gave a huge speech on huge it would revolutionize the industry, and the first game Nintendo shows for GCN at E3 2001? Basically Smash Brothers 2. Reggie talks about DS, and the first game Nintendo shows for DS at E3 2004? A remake of Super Mario 64. Now sure, Nintendo is trying new ideas, but c'mon none are exactly any more daring than Sony's Eye Toy and many are stuck in development limbo (Stage Debut or Roll-O-Rama anyone?).

Iwata has his work cut out for him. As a console maker I think Nintendo's days are probably waning. They may be able to talk another corporation to co-finance future consoles with them (say their friends over at Panasonic or maybe a company like Apple or NEC) though instead of becoming third party.

On the plus side though, their games are still very good. No denying that. There's no developer making as many good games as they do per year ... EA does not stack up quality wise.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
The only reason why I can't see Nintendo caring too much about Australia is because you guys just aren't a big market. Sure, they can try to improve things, but I'd rather see Nintendo pick up the pace in Japan and Europe.

The xbox has reached like 700k and I think the PS2 has cracked 1 million.

I would say that’s a decent market
So the cube was a bad console. Big deal.

So Nintendo might not dominate the portable market next year. Big deal.

Look at any anticipated titles list on this board, guaranteed there will be a shitload more Nintendo games than anyone elses.

Why do we need to see Nintendo dominate again? Anyone who is a serious console gamer should own multiple consoles. Buy the Nintendo one for the big Nintendo games. Buy the others for the rest that suits your taste.
captainbiotch said:
So the cube was a bad console. Big deal.

So Nintendo might not dominate the portable market next year. Big deal.

Look at any anticipated titles list on this board, guaranteed there will be a shitload more Nintendo games than anyone elses.

Why do we need to see Nintendo dominate again? Anyone who is a serious console gamer should own multiple consoles. Buy the Nintendo one for the big Nintendo games. Buy the others for the rest that suits your taste.

just wanted to add this : next gen all the consoles will proabably look the same visually so tis not about which console but what games you want to play? I'll still need a N-console for the Nintendo goodness and I'm placing my bets on PS3 for the Jap goodness. Word.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
mumu said:
Where did you get those numbers from? Also are we talking about buyers or gamers here, and does that study (or wherever you got those numbers from) account for the fact that kids usually don't buy the games themselves?

I read it in a news story online a while back. The study looked at people who actually played the games.


Shinobi--I think you misinterpeted what I said. I didn't mean that Nintendo 1st party games are bad--what's bad is that Nintendo is stuck with a top heavy 1st party approach to their console while the rest of the industry has embraced a stronger relationship between console makers and 3rd parties.

Honestly, I don't think Nintendo has what it takes to compete in this area know. MS and Sony have long term goals that people continually ignore in these discussions. Video games are the first stop on a path towards a new kind of entertainment/productivity device. Let's be honest--Nintendo has been and still is a toy company. They are far more interested in what they can do with their own properties than being at the forefront of change in the entire entertainment and electronics industry. The thing is, I don't neccessarily see anything wrong with that if they play things smartly. The only people who are sweating all this shit are fanboys on both sides.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
It's funny - I always thought the original purple Gamecube and controller were a great design for a game console. Love how they look.

I think sometimes, people forget the distinction between perceptions and realities. Because the casual gamer has been conditioned to see things which are black and "edgy" as "mature", doesn't make a purple cube-shaped game console "kiddie" looking. Actually, outside the 18-25 casual gamer demographic, industrial design is often far removed from the cheesy "hardcore / x-treme" style.

This is not to say that screwed up casual gamer perceptions can't have a massive effect on a system's accceptability - it should be obvious that it does. However, for all the vitriol directed at Nintendo for being dense and stupid, I do think some pundits might not be grasping Nintendo's actual perspective on things. Is it really so hard to believe (or accept) that Nintendo may not want to change some things about themselves? That maybe they feel regardless of sheer mainstream popularity, they might be doing some things better? Making something as popular and acceptable as possible frequently - if not most of the time - means severe compromise and loss of individuality. Nintendo's stuff stands out - the irony is that the same trademark Nintendo qualities hardcore pundits damn to hell as the things the casual gamer scoffs at, are what make Nintendo itself in the first place.

You know what? To hell with the casual gamer, to hell with anyone who can't be bothered to "get" Nintendo and worry that their testicles will shrivel up and fall off if they get caught playing with a "toy". Nintendo is the Disney of videogames. Honestly people, for the love of God GET OVER IT.* I'm 31 years old and have a DVD of the Lion King sitting on my shelf and a Gamecube hooked up to my TV. It's like the hardcore hides behind the justification of worrying about popular perception or Nintendo "winning" the console wars in order to vent their insecurity over Nintendo's very existence.

* None of this means Nintendo can't do what they do better, branch out, or change with the times to some degree.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Kaijima said:
It's funny - I always thought the original purple Gamecube and controller were a great design for a game console. Love how they look.

I think sometimes, people forget the distinction between perceptions and realities. Because the casual gamer has been conditioned to see things which are black and "edgy" as "mature", doesn't make a purple cube-shaped game console "kiddie" looking. Actually, outside the 18-25 casual gamer demographic, industrial design is often far removed from the cheesy "hardcore / x-treme" style.

This is not to say that screwed up casual gamer perceptions can't have a massive effect on a system's accceptability - it should be obvious that it does. However, for all the vitriol directed at Nintendo for being dense and stupid, I do think some pundits might not be grasping Nintendo's actual perspective on things. Is it really so hard to believe (or accept) that Nintendo may not want to change some things about themselves? That maybe they feel regardless of sheer mainstream popularity, they might be doing some things better? Making something as popular and acceptable as possible frequently - if not most of the time - means severe compromise and loss of individuality. Nintendo's stuff stands out - the irony is that the same trademark Nintendo qualities hardcore pundits damn to hell as the things the casual gamer scoffs at, are what make Nintendo itself in the first place.

You know what? To hell with the casual gamer, to hell with anyone who can't be bothered to "get" Nintendo and worry that their testicles will shrivel up and fall off if they get caught playing with a "toy". Nintendo is the Disney of videogames. Honestly people, for the love of God GET OVER IT.* I'm 31 years old and have a DVD of the Lion King sitting on my shelf and a Gamecube hooked up to my TV. It's like the hardcore hides behind the justification of worrying about popular perception or Nintendo "winning" the console wars in order to vent their insecurity over Nintendo's very existence.

* None of this means Nintendo can't do what they do better, branch out, or change with the times to some degree.

But... but.... they're d000med!!111111 :p


Vagabond said:
The old Nintendo is DEAD. Let go and let the current company ride itself into the ground. Damn.

This is exactly what I disagree with. The old Nintendo didn't die--the industry it helped established is now passing it by. If Nintendo still has a long term vision, it surely doesn't match up with the industry's current trajectory.


Kaijima said:
It's funny - I always thought the original purple Gamecube and controller were a great design for a game console. Love how they look.

I think sometimes, people forget the distinction between perceptions and realities. Because the casual gamer has been conditioned to see things which are black and "edgy" as "mature", doesn't make a purple cube-shaped game console "kiddie" looking. Actually, outside the 18-25 casual gamer demographic, industrial design is often far removed from the cheesy "hardcore / x-treme" style.

This is not to say that screwed up casual gamer perceptions can't have a massive effect on a system's accceptability - it should be obvious that it does. However, for all the vitriol directed at Nintendo for being dense and stupid, I do think some pundits might not be grasping Nintendo's actual perspective on things. Is it really so hard to believe (or accept) that Nintendo may not want to change some things about themselves? That maybe they feel regardless of sheer mainstream popularity, they might be doing some things better? Making something as popular and acceptable as possible frequently - if not most of the time - means severe compromise and loss of individuality. Nintendo's stuff stands out - the irony is that the same trademark Nintendo qualities hardcore pundits damn to hell as the things the casual gamer scoffs at, are what make Nintendo itself in the first place.

You know what? To hell with the casual gamer, to hell with anyone who can't be bothered to "get" Nintendo and worry that their testicles will shrivel up and fall off if they get caught playing with a "toy". Nintendo is the Disney of videogames. Honestly people, for the love of God GET OVER IT.* I'm 31 years old and have a DVD of the Lion King sitting on my shelf and a Gamecube hooked up to my TV. It's like the hardcore hides behind the justification of worrying about popular perception or Nintendo "winning" the console wars in order to vent their insecurity over Nintendo's very existence.

* None of this means Nintendo can't do what they do better, branch out, or change with the times to some degree.



ge-man said:
This is exactly what I disagree with. The old Nintendo didn't die--the industry it helped established is now passing it by. If Nintendo still has a long term vision, it surely doesn't match up with the industry's current trajectory.
It wasn't serious. Everyone already knows most of the industry passed Nintendo by. They're out of touch. It's like we're a huge group and Nintendo's the rambling dwarf that congregated a lot of us here, yet went on their demented way. We should leave them ALONE :lol


mumu said:
Except that most stopped playing games regularly at the age of 20-25. GAF is not very representative :) Still my first argument stands that there are way more gamers under 18, it more than makes up for the lacking cash in their pockets.

If you think I used GAF as a measure of adult gamers, you're out of your tree. If anything they strengthen your argument. :lol

Of course as many gamers continued to play on past 25 as those that stopped. And you've had people who only became gamers during their adult years. So it kinda balances out.

M3wThr33 said:
The answer is simple. Drop the crappy ass PAL standard and get with the times. Nintendo would have no issue releasing games over there if a market existed AND it didn't require rewriting games.

:lol Brilliant solution...

Stinkles said:
Seriously Hitch. Nintendo doesn't make Freeloader. As a matter of fact, Nintendo loathes and hates Freeloader. So according to your argument, Nintendo is not only still stupid, but devoutly stupid. Why you hate on Nintendo so much? HATER.


captainbiotch said:
Why do we need to see Nintendo dominate again?

No one asked Nintendo to be dominant. They merely asked them to be competent.

ge-man said:
Shinobi--I think you misinterpeted what I said. I didn't mean that Nintendo 1st party games are bad--what's bad is that Nintendo is stuck with a top heavy 1st party approach to their console while the rest of the industry has embraced a stronger relationship between console makers and 3rd parties.

No, I agree...I think Nintendo needed to attract more third party software and failed miserably. Again, if the goal is to compete against Sony and MS. If Nintendo is doing their own thing as I said before (and as yourself and Kaijima have touched on), it's pretty much a non-issue. Though that's a pretty dangerous approach if you ask me, particularly seeing what could happen in the handheld arena.


Wait... people are still bitching about Nintendo's position in Australia? Gosh, give it up.... the Gamecube was practically still born in this country & the GBA can't even match market share with the PSone FFS, there's nothing else left to discuss, just let it go.
No one asked Nintendo to be dominant. They merely asked them to be competent.

They aren't competent? Please explain. They may not garner the third party support of the other two consoles, and they have put out a few flawed titles, but most of them are golden. What exactly are you expecting?


Do The Mario said:
I just don’t shop online, i deal in cash because I have cash jobs.

Plus even all the resident evil games are unavailable on Topshop for example

DTM, dvdcrave.com still has RE0, RE2, RE3, RE:CVX available if you're after them.

Topshop.com.au? who the heck would buy from them? i don't go there much, but i've rarely, if ever, see then offer games much cheaper than you could buy from retail anyway...

also, you just need to direct deposit cash into their bank account, no credit card or whatever needed.

i'm also frustrated at the availability of GC games in Australia, i remember last year many shops often had sales with 50% off GC games, i snagged a lot of games up that way, but now, its just eh... anyhow, if there's games you're after, you might want to check out dvdcrave.com, i've bought from them numerous times completely problem free.


Yeah, really guys, Australia sucks and I say that as an Australian living in Canada.

I know the GC was popular amongst my group of friends though, 17-23, who regularly attend LAN parties, I guess that constitutes hardcore gamers, though.


lockii said:
Yeah, really guys, Australia sucks and I say that as an Australian living in Canada.

I know the GC was popular amongst my group of friends though, 17-23, who regularly attend LAN parties, I guess that constitutes hardcore gamers, though.

my uncle tells me Canada sucks and Australia is much better though :/

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
lockii said:
Yeah, really guys, Australia sucks and I say that as an Australian living in Canada.

I know the GC was popular amongst my group of friends though, 17-23, who regularly attend LAN parties, I guess that constitutes hardcore gamers, though.

The UN still rates Australia as the second best country in the world to live in (we may of slipped to third)

It’s sucks Nintendo is doing so badly but my Xbox is giving me what I need these days.

Also will an Ethernet cable used for linking laptops be able to system link two Xboxes?
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