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Dungeons of Dredmor |OT| it's roguelike, it has graphics, it's funny and it's $4.49


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Alright, point taken. Permadeath stays on :). Anybody on gaf actually finished the game?


I would go without permadeath until you see if the game crashes for you or not. You can always "fake" permadeath, deleting the save if you die.

Idk if somebody on gaf finished it, but I read about some on the official forums.


Are there online leaderboards? When I click on Leaderboards all I see are my local records.

Lost a really good character last night. I was showing the game off to a friend and made it pretty far in floor 2 before the game crashed.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
How/where do you sell stuff? I've met a pig in a checkered suit but I don't really think that's right.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Corky said:
How/where do you sell stuff? I've met a pig in a checkered suit but I don't really think that's right.

Yea thats the place. Just click your items onto him to sell them.

Where are you guys seeing your score without dying?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Sinatar said:
Yea thats the place. Just click your items onto him to sell them.

Where are you guys seeing your score without dying?


Joe Molotov said:
Started a game, got killed by the first Digger I saw.

I got killed twice by the first digglers. Got a whopping 50-100 score on both runs :{. On my 3rd run now and just cleared the first floor, got to the second floor and got scared, things are dangerous down there.
Has anyone had any luck with Necronomiconomics? I like to choose random skills and I almost always get that, but it seems like a shit deal. The 'cost' is not worth the benefit, compared to other magic schools.


Conciliator said:
Has anyone had any luck with Necronomiconomics? I like to choose random skills and I almost always get that, but it seems like a shit deal. The 'cost' is not worth the benefit, compared to other magic schools.
I tried it but it seems to hurt more than it helps.
I mean, the mana cost is low but 2 uses and you are on death's door.
Time passes much too quickly when you're playing this game... I'm up to 120k points with my vamperic unarmed shield weilding fungal master. Am a little worried that I won't be able to rack up much damage unarmed if I manage to make it far into the game.
I've been playing for 7 hours in total and still haven't cleared and left the first level...not in the same dungeon mind you...i have died more than's healthy. It's my first rougelike and i'm enjoying it so far...but i find myself having to withdraw one's knuckles away from the monitor on occasion :)
I made good progress with vampirism paired up with berserker, once you level up both of those skills once each, it's a really solid build. I only died cause I transported into a room with poisonous gas and a big enemy that I couldn't get away from.
Conciliator said:
Has anyone had any luck with Necronomiconomics? I like to choose random skills and I almost always get that, but it seems like a shit deal. The 'cost' is not worth the benefit, compared to other magic schools.
There's supposed to be a buff from another magic skill that cuts the damage you take. Can't remember what it is at the moment, though.

I'm gonna shelve my melee dude for the moment and roll up another mage, as the stories of Promethean badassery from the last page make macing seem pretty dull.


Just finished my run with the most boring character yet.
Bad starting choices and subsequent leveling picks, I guess
Unarmed Combat
Artful Dodger
Fungal Arts
The plan was being hard to hit so artful dodger, burglary and archeology had that role, fungal arts and astrology were there to help in case the hits landed (both for curing and to "punish" the attackers) and assassination was to help killing.
But the damage output going unarmed seemed pretty abysmal and there wasn't anything to hit aoe.
Survivability was fine, I got killed by a boss on level 2 which would have been a pretty tedious fight but by that point I was fed up with my failed experiment and I just let myself get killed.
Then again, I didn't find much to equip my character with so that didn't help.
Also the fourth skill in the unarmed tree has an area of effect attack but I didn't reach it, in hindsight I should have avoided some other skills to reach it faster but I tought that the archeology skills could have helped leveling and get good equipment. They didn't aside from making me able to disarm every trap I encountered.


User33 said:
I'm finding Archaeology really useful actually. Rerolling artifacts and using Anvil of Krong's twice is too valuable. I have Smithing too, so I'll forge something, use an AOK to make it an artifact, and then re-roll it for something good.
I am sure it is, it just wasn't in my run and in general I probably should wait a bit more before getting those skills and use them more as a tool for the refining phase of the character more than of the building phase as I ended up doing with that character.
User33 said:
I'm finding Archaeology really useful actually. Rerolling artifacts and using Anvil of Krong's twice is too valuable. I have Smithing too, so I'll forge something, use an AOK to make it an artifact, and then re-roll it for something good.

Is there a cap on 2 uses with Archaeology then? I only had it on my first character and he died before I level it up.
User33 said:
I'm pretty sure you can re-roll as many times as you want with "This Translation is All Wrong", while Anvil of Krong's can only be recharged once (for a total of two blessings) with "Ancient Kronian Ritual".

That's pretty disgusting given how many buffs the good rolls will get you. Think that will be a must-have for my next build.


User33 said:
I'm finding Archaeology really useful actually. Rerolling artifacts and using Anvil of Krong's twice is too valuable. I have Smithing too, so I'll forge something, use an AOK to make it an artifact, and then re-roll it for something good.

So if you re-roll something the anvil cursed, do all the cursed stats get removed?


Labombadog said:
Fuck you guys. Srsly, I innocently go into a thread and ending up buying another game. Fuck you all.


Well, you paid five bucks for one of the best games released this year so don't feel too bad.

I already have like 14 hours into this game. Great roguelike with only a few problems (imo) that should be easy to clean up for them. Plus it's Steamplay so I can play it on my MBP.
Wallach said:
Well, you paid five bucks for one of the best games released this year so don't feel too bad.

I already have like 14 hours into this game. Great roguelike with only a few problems (imo) that should be easy to clean up for them. Plus it's Steamplay so I can play it on my MBP.
Good to hear. This will be my first roguelike game. I also bought the Cthulhu and BODVII combo. I have BODVII on the 360, but I wanted it on Steam.
Anyone know if this is a good char build for long term?

Promethean Magic
Magic Training
Blood Magic
Ley lines

This setup keeps the meat shield spell going while I burn enemies with Dragon's Breath. Im on the first level so I'd like to know if later enemies have fire immunity and if the meat shield will become obsolete quickly. Someone tried this setup yet?


Man, I died around 200,000 points because a goddamn Commando Digger thing was at the doorway of the shop and I didn't see it. When it swung it activated the Radiant Aura which counted as an "attack" on Brax. I killed like 25 Dread Collectors but there wasn't any way for me to get out without blowing myself up with Fireball, and didn't manage to chew through all of them to get to a stairwell. So pissed off, my gear was unbelievable and I was cruising along very easily at that point.


Died to the monster zoo on level 6. Didn't realise a batty was a more powerful named version.

Think I'll try promethean magic next. Viking magic is really only good for the root spell that keep the enemy in place for a few turns.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Herla said:
I had a level 10 character, went down into the fourth floor, pc froze and now my save is gone.
I feel like I don't want to play this game anymore...I wanted to die wielding my sword :(

I know what you mean. They correct that bug on monday/tuesday, though.

I wont play until then as well.
Just died at character level 10, ~76k points on going rogue + permadeth to a damn acid gargoyle trap. The worst part is that I had 6 in trap affinity or whatever it's called, and could see and simply pick up just about any trap I came across, but I missed this one lying under a foreground wall because I wasn't paying attention.

Character was Promethean Magic, Blood Magic, Staves, Ley Lines, Archaeologist, Magic Mastery, Perception. I won't take Ley Lines on my next mage; even maxed it just means you get a mana point per 5 turns instead of every 8. Blood magic on the other hand is great. I never got anything good from an Archaeologist reroll and it was tedious keeping up with the cooldowns to boot. Everything else was pretty solid.
OK, the game's crashed twice on me now. Both times when going from the second floor back to the first floor. I hope that is the absolute top priority for the developers right now, considering the nature of the game it's disturbing that it was released in this state. There's no point in playing a permadeath when I could lose arbitrarily at any time through no cause of my own actions. I mean, what is this, Nethack?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
so err, gaf I don't want to die. I'm like lvl 13 or something and Floor 5 isn't really giving me troubles but I REALLY don't want to die :(

edit : how many floors? Write in spoilers for others plax <3
User33 said:
A Vamprisim/Unarmed build feels so cheap. I don't remember the last time I've been below half health.

I'm at level 16 on floor 7 or 8 (forgot in my delirium after playing it for a ridiculous number of hours straight) and it's become such a grind due to the lack of damage output or AOE. Luckily I checked to see how many floors were left before I was going to suicide in order to get my score up, the last few levels have been pretty soul crushing.

I did fuck up with my skills though, alchemy and assination haven't been too useful. I should have gone with berserker rage and maybe master at arms instead. Enemies doing elemental damage are a real bitch when your armor's focused on damage resist though.


Man this game is hard, lost 5 times now in quick succession just after reaching lvl 2 at most. Once because of a Sick Digglet, once because of an Evil Genie I "accidentally" let out of a chest, once because of poison arrows and once...well....I got run over by an army of Digglets. :p

And I keep going at it.

Oh, and I died trying to kick down a door, had very little health apparently I think.


I totally thought there were twice as many floors. I'm even more bummed I lost my last mage if that's the case, but I'm on my way again with the same skill set. Promethean Magic is the business.

Apparently I'm in the top 10 globally for Going Rogue/Permadeath with that run. Fuckin' Brax. Once I kill Lord Dreadmor I'm making a run where I kill your stupid ass every floor.


Would anybody like to trade me a copy of this game? I have copies of Defense Grid, Killing Floor, and Left 4 Dead.
So many nerdy instincts activating at once. I went in blind after playing Cthulu Saves the World and instantly chose Archaeology. The fedora's tooltip made me laugh far too much ("No time for love, Dr. Jones?") and to cap it off, an Alpha Centauri reference when you quit. Great game.
Edit: Typo.
FUUUUU- I just lost my furthest character(defensive rogue) on floor 5 to an acid trap! I feel so bummed that I died to a trap, but damn they're nasty! Time to roll a mage and see what all the fireball fuss is about.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
dammit Im on the fence onthis one... someone just push me over with some hype!

I just finished VAmpire Bloodlines I know its totally different but Im craving more RPG experiences


dgenx said:
dammit Im on the fence onthis one... someone just push me over with some hype!

I just finished VAmpire Bloodlines I know its totally different but Im craving more RPG experiences

It's five bucks for a fucking great game with hand-animated sprites and classic, hard-as-balls dungeon crawling.

That said, it's about as similar to Bloodlines as it is to Modern Warfare.


dgenx said:
dammit Im on the fence onthis one... someone just push me over with some hype!

I just finished VAmpire Bloodlines I know its totally different but Im craving more RPG experiences
It's a roguelike. And it's funny. That's pretty much the best combination ever.
Been addicted to this game all weekend.

I finally managed to make my Sorcerer build not die a really really premature death! My first 10 or so characters barely made it over 5000 points. The last one was almost at 30,000 points before 4 The Deths surrounded and beat him to hell and back.

I managed to even clear out an entire Monster Farm with him. It was tense but once I set up a great bottleneck they were gone.


Viking Wizadry
Bloog Mage
Magic Training

Wondering if I am gimping my mage by not going Promethean as well. Seems like I am lacking AoE

That first buff you get seems god-tier, especially at early levels. Not sure about later but early on it is so so awesome. My dudes keep meeting their demises before I max anything out though so I can't speak for late game. :(


I must do better.
Damn this game is addictive.

I made a dual axe wielding blacksmith berserker and just completed my first monster zoo. Almost died since I was low on health when I found it but I ran to a teleporter, doubled back, found a choke point, and slowly killed everything.

I think after I die with this guy I’ll just go random skills since I seem to be a bit too powerful for my liking.
I'm only on Floor 3 so far, but each floor is quite long. I went with random skills and adjusted from there. I like the skills that let me repair my wands and use them as my main weapon.


Question about skills. If you don't choose any of the weapon skills:

Swords, Maces, Axes, Staves, Crossbows, or Unarmed...are you gimped? The bad weapon icon pops up.

On top of that my choosing dual wielding, the one two attack/hold two weapons..how is this combo with said above?
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