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Dyack: "NeoGAF...I would say is probably the worst forum." Response.

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Crisis said:
Well I'd like to have a quick say if nobody minds (I'm sure nobody else will care). This thread was precisely the right way to respond to Denis Dyack's stupidity. Even though it would be easy to I'm not even going to call out Dyack's flawed psychology and pseudo-intellect. For everyone saying this is childish and "Dyack is right about the forum" I have just one question to ask: If Dyack is right then why are you still here? There shouldn't be anything worthwhile about posting here at this forum if you're agreeing with Dyack.

To address Dyack directly (because in all honesty we know he's reading this): You are a huge hypocrite. You complain about GAF being "unfair" to your game and that people don't understand it. You have nobody to blame but yourself for this. You made this game with the hopes that people in this demographic would buy it and we don't like it. It's disappointing but it happens. The right thing to do is to try to figure out what people like and what people don't like about it and move on from there. Maybe patch your game to better suit the audience that you're making it for. The wrong thing to do is to blame everyone except yourself for your game being taken badly. You had a bad showing at E3 2006 not Epic. Your game is poorly animated. Your game has hilariously bad dialogue. Your game isn't any fun to play. You see where this is going? The reviews of your game are by and large reflecting this opinion.

Whether or not you like this forum or you think it's the worst ever this forum only responded to what you put out there for it. It responded to your bad E3 showing. It responded to your bad demo. It's responding to your poor review scores. It's responding to your bad game. But you know as well as I do that none of this really mattered because it wasn't profound. All you did was realize that your game wasn't going to turn out well and you started running out of things to scapegoat so you preemptively attacked the audience you were hoping to sell your game to. Anything to avoid the cold hard fact that your game just isn't that good and that you're really not that good of a developer and to try to create controversy to sell this game. Maybe that will work and maybe it won't but this topic and your ban at NeoGAF is more than warranted. We're not your little pawns in your shallow and self-indulgent social experiments.

Thank you EviLore.

Well fucking said.

The sad fact of the matter is Dyack has done irrefutable damage not only to himself but Silicon Knights as a whole. For me personally, he's ensured I will never support him or his studio in any future games just from the amount of bullshit he's spewed out on a constant basics and how poorly he's handled himself. Sure that's just one person, but I get the feeling I'm not the only one on GAF who feels the same way.

I think the most ironic thing of this all, while Dyack was out there publicly criticising the Neogaf as the worst website, he was happily in the official thread pimping his game out like no tomorrow. In some way I wish he wasn't banned so he could dig himself a deeper grave but frankly it was the only response.

Well done Evilore and thanks for calling Skip and 1up crew out on their bullshit too.


Speevy said:
What else is releasing in August? Perhaps Too Human will be swallowed amidst the hype of those other games.

Disgaea 3?? Unfortunately the SRPG probably wont ever come close to Too Human in sales, but that probably isn't going to stop it from being a better game either.

EDIT: Also Tales of Vesperia is released on 8/26 for the 360. Unfortunately I don't think that it will find a greater audience in the west as it did in the east. Still, a Tales game is far better than what Dyack can cook up.


It wouldn't be GAF without the melodramatic announcement of him actually being banned, but I'm glad its happened. He was GAF's most elaborate troll and I too thought it was slimy how in one breath he was calling the forum "the worst one ever" and then exclusively posting only in the Official Too Human thread to pimp his game afterwards. So bravo, EviLore

I also enjoyed skip actually being called out on his 'hilarious' snark for once. He seems to view this place with such derision yet here he is interacting with the userbase more so than their own sites. Some of 1up such as Shawn Elliot and Jeff Green and co are intellectual people who I enjoy reading and hearing their thoughts. For the majority of the rest its like tuning into some drunken fraternity of 'cool dudes' looking down on other people on the internet because they write about videogames.

Nolan. said:
Expect him to be a regular guest on 1up and for them to be ''shocked'' everytime he rants on. Anyway this whole thing is just way too much. Game journalists allowing a dev to talk about everything but their game in detail. A dev having a prolonged meltdown originating from goodness knows what. Still everyone expects gaming and it's journalism to be taken seriously. At least his ranting and shameless promoting here will end.

And this is precisely why. While occasionally having exclusive Milkman interviews with maybe some of the japanese developers reveals some interesting tidbits, this bizarre chummy chummy relationship with lots of devs feels ridiculous if they want their journalism to be taken seriously. That 1up Podcast was ridiculous to listen to, like a room of frightened children having invited their dad's workmate onto the show and then couldnt stop him ranting. When he was actively talking about censoring internet forums because of their negative effect on HUMANITY, and hearing only Garnett pipe up with a half hearted "come onnnnnnnn mannnnnnnn" while the rest all presumably sat and sucked their thumbs made me lose a lot of respect for the team.

Anyway, this was needed if the whole Too Human debacle was ever going to go away. Maybe next time Denis makes a game either his publisher will cut out his tongue beforehand or he will have learned from his grievous errors this time around.


It's like daddy slapped mommy, and we're all sitting at the dinner table with our forks frozen in mid air . . . :lol


Speevy said:
What else is releasing in August? Perhaps Too Human will be swallowed amidst the hype of those other games.

Not very much else aside from Madden. Based on my experience with the demo, I originally thought that Too Human would bomb really hard, but because there is so little else releasing in August, I think chances are that it will do decent.


Speevy said:
Yeah Madden comes out every August. So that's it? Well, I guess Too Human is the big exclusive fish.


Gaw....you asked for what else was releasing in August. That's two better games right there.


m0dus said:
It's like daddy slapped mommy, and we're all sitting at the dinner table with our forks frozen in mid air . . . :lol

Probably one of the best/funniest thread reactions as a whole I've ever seen on GAF. Brings it all out from the woodwork, which says a lot more than merely the OP.


Not Wario
I totally agree that Dyack deserved the ban. Many of the things he has said and done would have gotten others banned earlier, even. The problems I had lay more with the attention drawing nature of this thread, the comments being tossed around by many, and just the prevailing attitude throughout this whole thing, on both sides.


Aurvant said:

Gaw....you asked for what else was releasing in August. That's two better games right there.

Okay, well I guess we can hope America catches Tales fever.


Speevy said:
Okay, well I guess we can hope America catches Tales fever.

If Gamestop is to be believed then it looks like Infinite Undiscovery is released on 8/29. Though I don't know how hyped up people are about that game....

Still, it could be better than Too Human.
Wurm said:
It wouldn't be GAF without the melodramatic announcement of him actually being banned, but I'm glad its happened. He was GAF's most elaborate troll and I too thought it was slimy how in one breath he was calling the forum "the worst one ever" and then exclusively posting only in the Official Too Human thread to pimp his game afterwards. So bravo, EviLore

I also enjoyed skip actually being called out on his 'hilarious' snark for once. He seems to view this place with such derision yet here he is interacting with the userbase more so than their own sites. Some of 1up such as Shawn Elliot and Jeff Green and co are intellectual people who I enjoy reading and hearing their thoughts. For the majority of the rest its like tuning into some drunken fraternity of 'cool dudes' looking down on other people on the internet because they write about videogames.

And this is precisely why. While occasionally having exclusive Milkman interviews with maybe some of the japanese developers reveals some interesting tidbits, this bizarre chummy chummy relationship with lots of devs feels ridiculous if they want their journalism to be taken seriously. That 1up Podcast was ridiculous to listen to, like a room of frightened children having invited their dad's workmate onto the show and then couldnt stop him ranting. When he was actively talking about censoring internet forums because of their negative effect on HUMANITY, and hearing only Garnett pipe up with a half hearted "come onnnnnnnn mannnnnnnn" while the rest all presumably sat and sucked their thumbs made me lose a lot of respect for the team.

Anyway, this was needed if the whole Too Human debacle was ever going to go away. Maybe next time Denis makes a game either his publisher will cut out his tongue beforehand or he will have learned from his grievous errors this time around.

can someone link me to where Skip was called out?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Dare I rub what is probably an old forgotten wound for Denis? Sure why not.

Hey Denis I'm glad you lost the rights to Soul Reaver!


Batteries the CRISIS!
m0dus said:
It's like daddy slapped mommy, and we're all sitting at the dinner table with our forks frozen in mid air . . . :lol

:lol I like this description of events.

Rapping Granny said:
I can't wait for 1up yours.

Skip already said earlier in this thread they're only talking about the game, not the debacle or the forum warz.


Gino said:
I hope it sells well. The employees at SK must be scared shitless right now.

That to me is the biggest thing. Dyack's personal battles reflect poorly on himself and his company, and if/when this game fails they'll be the ones who suffer. It must really suck to spend years of your life on a project only to have it undermined by your boss' inability to shut the fuck up.
I'm just wondering what other developers who lurk here are thinking in regards to this incident. Will GAF be seen as more influencial now, will developers no longer post here in fear of damaging their games' perceptions?

It's sad that it has come to this really, Too Human is a game that has clearly had a very troubled development and the final game has suffered as a result. I still believe that SK has a lot of talent in their team despite how Too Human has turned out. (Nothing can change the fact that Eternal Darkness is an absolutely fantastic game)

Either way, I'm looking forward to the inevitable EDGE article!


If a poster, on NeoGAF, said this forum was "probably the worst forum" they would be banned. In fact, I've seen that a half dozen times just recently. Don't shit on the place and expect to post here.

Dyack was using his position in the public to do just that, and then he hangs out in the (well moderated) Too Human thread as a safe haven, avoiding any actual discourse. Getting called out for and banned is pretty appropriate. And frankly, his taking repeated pot shots at the forum from afar while still posting in it and somehow expecting not to get banned is just stupid.

He was poking the hornets nest with a stick. They stung him. He has no one to blame but his egotistic, hyperbole-spouting self.
FLEABttn said:
It's not like GAF is CNN is is held to some standard of journalistic integrity; how bad GAF looks could harm it, but this isn't a case where GAF will be harmed. People love this shit.

As a Dyack supporter myself, I thought that the venom on the internet going back to Eternal Darkness was more or less uncalled for, but the Too Human shit really was over the line for him. Name dropping GAF as the worst forum ever as well as hyping his game to high heaven and back would have gotten him a tag of the century had it been the masterpiece. It wasn't, this is the price he pays for his actions. If he never said anything to begin with or if his game was good, he wouldn't even be in this situation.

Take a note from other developers on this forum, Dyack. Don't overly hype your games here, don't namedrop GAF in interviews about how horrible it is here, and don't whine here when shit doesn't go your way.

Well yeah, GAF obviously isn't the worst forum ever. It's just a very large one, and the larger the forum the louder their voice is. Unless he means "worst" as "most critical of Too Human", which well could be true, perhaps... but no, that's not really what he meant, I think, though it certainly influenced his thinking.

He does have a very good point that forums seem to breed negativity. You have to really try to avoid it to keep away from it getting too bad... I've certainly noticed that myself. With text it's just so easy to do, compared to, for instance, conversation! So the larger the forum, the worse the negativity? Perhaps, perhaps not... but either way, GAF isn't the worst forum ever. (For one thing, there are plenty of other gaming forums that are larger!) It's not the best, but it's not the worst either. And no, I don't know what the best or worst would be... there are far too many gaming forums out there to try to rank them all. But anyway...

A good part of his anger of it is surely just that he's angry that GAF has targeted his game. Would he be so angry about the negativity of gaming forums if they were targeting some other game instead of his own? The point would be just as true overall, but I think that he likely wouldn't be the one making it. :)

lawblob said:
Originally Posted by A Black Falcon:

Why? GAF is a private organization, it is legally similar to EviLore's house. If someone walked around your house all day insulting you to your face, you would eventually kick that person out the front door.

What, because banning people who disagree with you makes you look good? I'd say that it just makes you look like you don't like criticism.... Pretending that people who disagree with you don't exist is pretty much the opposite of solving the problem.

Perhaps you could say "the problem doesn't need to be solved, just let each group bash the other in peace and never let them speak", but how good is THAT really? It's not!

... Of course given the immaturity level of so much of the gaming fanbase (and many developers too) that's far too much to hope for, I know, but I do anyway...

Both sides here clearly have issues with that. Dyack has problems with criticism, as you can see when you look at his responses to GAF, and GAF does too, as you can see when you look at things like this thread.


Danthrax said:
Fixed for likely truth =\

Not Really. Even if it bombs on retail, SK already has a deal with Sega, and SK can always go back to Nintendo (Kinda like what Factor 5 is doing)
Aurvant said:

Gaw....you asked for what else was releasing in August. That's two better games right there.
Disgaea 3 comes out this month? Hmmm... I hear it's $40 too.



is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
GhaleonEB said:
If a poster, on NeoGAF, said this forum was "probably the worst forum" they would be banned. In fact, I've seen that a half dozen times just recently. Don't shit on the place and expect to post here.

Dyack was using his position in the public to do just that, and then he hangs out in the (well moderated) Too Human thread as a safe haven, avoiding any actual discourse. Getting called out for and banned is pretty appropriate. And frankly, his taking repeated pot shots at the forum from afar while still posting in it and somehow expecting not to get banned is just stupid.

He was poking the hornets nest with a stick. They stung him. He has no one to blame but his egotistic, hyperbole-spouting self.

I don't mind people wanting a flame-free thread for people that enjoy the game to discuss it, or even him answering people's questions in it. But you are right about everything else. He would have made a stronger statement by declining to continue posting here. Talking about how lousy the forum is for an hour on 1up Yours and then continuing to post here just seems odd.


All of this Dyack Drama because Mark MacDonald called an E3 demo of Too Human terrible back in 2006... Who would have guessed?


Grecco said:
Not Really. Even if it bombs on retail, SK already has a deal with Sega, and SK can always go back to Nintendo (Kinda like what Factor 5 is doing)

This would be great. Nintendo puts the rains on Denis and they still get to make great, inovative, and different games.

Let us not forget Eternal Darkness my friends.
Personaly i think NeoGAF is one of the best forums in the gamerscene with nice feedback and a comparable small part of trolling. In fact i only found out about it because it was one of the few places where people were not making silly comments about a product i was working on and gave some really nice and motivating feedback instead.

Produce quality and the people on this board will be able to recognize and to appreciate it. Thats my experience with GAF so far. But it is still a gamer forum and you don't mess with gamers. They take their passion for gaming very seriously. They will try to destroy you. Dyack just learned that lesson. I can't feel sorry for him, he should have known better. It's only sad for all the artists and designers at his company who certainly worked really hard and had nothing to do with all that drama.



This old saying has served men of good character for ages. You don't make use of the many services that NeoGAF provides and then slag it in the enthusiast press. Dyack connected with Too Human fans through this board and for that, at least, some respect was called for. He was not respectful, rather he was a hypocrite.

So well done all involved.


Epic thread

FAQ is without the worst forum that is relating to video games. GAF just has a lot of say because every developer knows this place one way or the other.

I kinda of feel sorry for Dyack for the amount of crow he will probably be eating with all the bullshit hype that was associated with this title.
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