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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


is now taking requests
Just before the whole BoA shitstorm started, my mom qualified for a home loan payment adjustment. Somewhere along the line, they fucked up the first of the new payments and it was designated as three or four days late, even though my mom woes the payments well in advance. Bank of America then refused all further payments and gave us a foreclosure date. So not only did THEY fuck up the payment processing, they ILLEGALLY put us in foreclosure since there's supposed to be a much larger grace period for a late payment. As if they gave a shit. And here's the thing... If you so much as mention "attorney" they'll refuse to even speak to you.

So for literally 7 or 8 months my mom called them EVERY DAY to speak to representatives.meanwhile she was still sending payments, which were being refused anyway but she was still sending them to make a point. They were charging us fees the entire time as well. Every time she would reach a representative, they'd forward her to someone else, who would tell her something completely different. Months of this shit went by. We were in contact with the treasury department who was doing their own investigation and offering advice, and my mom finally (due to daily persistence) had the direct number of one of the CEO's secretaries or assistants. Can't remember what his position was but he was really high up.

Anyway, they FINALLY worked something out. BoA had charged over $17,000 in fees, which were essentially late fees even though my mom was making payments (they just refused to accept them due to foreclosure status). We were SO close to losing our house completely so were were actually somewhat lucky to "only" lose 17 grand. A class action suit was filed against BoA, and essentially those impacted were put into various categories. We didn't lose our house so we were put into the lowest category. So we get about an estimated $250 back.

You think that's bad? A friend of ours actually lost her house, was kicked out, but was told she still had to maintain the yard, etc. and NONE of it was her fault. She'll get back about $120,000 from the class action suit.... Which is a out 1/3 of what her house was worth.

This has happened to literally thousands of people across the country.

This is fucking depressing to read :(

How is anyone still doing business with this bank?


Gotta wonder: If it hasn't been for the SimCity disaster and for a rather flimsy reaction from Peter Moore (that was summarily ripped to shreds), would EA have repeated? I don't think so, personally.
Congratulations to EA they have won an "award" they actually deserved rather than paid for. I look forward to next year when EA win it for a third year running.

I cannot wait to hear what their excuse will be next year. Last year it was "oh yeah ME 3 made people complain" this year it was "oh yeah people that hated us supporting LGBT voted for us as worst company" you are running out of people and things to blame here Pete me ole mucker.

To those that complain that BOA didn't win and should've well all I can say is this. If BOA is guilty of half the shit you guys are saying (not saying they are or aren't) then I wouldn't be going "why isn't BOA winning this poll" I would be going "why the hell hasn't my Government arrested these damn crooks ?"
Congratulations to EA they have won an "award" they actually deserved rather than paid for. I look forward to next year when EA win it for a third year running.

I cannot wait to hear what their excuse will be next year. Last year it was "oh yeah ME 3 made people complain" this year it was "oh yeah people that hated us supporting LGBT voted for us as worst company" you are running out of people and things to blame here Pete me ole mucker.

To those that complain that BOA didn't win and should've well all I can say is this. If BOA is guilty of half the shit you guys are saying (not saying they are or aren't) then I wouldn't be going "why isn't BOA winning this poll" I would be going "why the hell hasn't my Government arrested these damn crooks ?"



Congratulations to EA they have won an "award" they actually deserved rather than paid for. I look forward to next year when EA win it for a third year running.

I cannot wait to hear what their excuse will be next year. Last year it was "oh yeah ME 3 made people complain" this year it was "oh yeah people that hated us supporting LGBT voted for us as worst company" you are running out of people and things to blame here Pete me ole mucker.

To those that complain that BOA didn't win and should've well all I can say is this. If BOA is guilty of half the shit you guys are saying (not saying they are or aren't) then I wouldn't be going "why isn't BOA winning this poll" I would be going "why the hell hasn't my Government arrested these damn crooks ?"

Because BoA paid to put the people in the government so they don't have to deal with it, but that's another topic.


Congratulations to EA they have won an "award" they actually deserved rather than paid for. I look forward to next year when EA win it for a third year running.

I cannot wait to hear what their excuse will be next year. Last year it was "oh yeah ME 3 made people complain" this year it was "oh yeah people that hated us supporting LGBT voted for us as worst company" you are running out of people and things to blame here Pete me ole mucker.

To those that complain that BOA didn't win and should've well all I can say is this. If BOA is guilty of half the shit you guys are saying (not saying they are or aren't) then I wouldn't be going "why isn't BOA winning this poll" I would be going "why the hell hasn't my Government arrested these damn crooks ?"
Because voting doesn't work.


Congrats to the worst company in gaming history. You truly earned it, as you earn it each and every year.

They have certainly earned the hatred they get.They may not be anywhere near as bad as the others in the competition, but they have earned every bit of what they got in this poll. Outside of the context of this "competition", they should be aware that people hate their practices that are going to infect the rest of the industry.


Congratulations to EA they have won an "award" they actually deserved rather than paid for. I look forward to next year when EA win it for a third year running.

I cannot wait to hear what their excuse will be next year. Last year it was "oh yeah ME 3 made people complain" this year it was "oh yeah people that hated us supporting LGBT voted for us as worst company" you are running out of people and things to blame here Pete me ole mucker.

To those that complain that BOA didn't win and should've well all I can say is this. If BOA is guilty of half the shit you guys are saying (not saying they are or aren't) then I wouldn't be going "why isn't BOA winning this poll" I would be going "why the hell hasn't my Government arrested these damn crooks ?"

Too big to jail.
Congratulations to EA they have won an "award" they actually deserved rather than paid for. I look forward to next year when EA win it for a third year running.

I cannot wait to hear what their excuse will be next year. Last year it was "oh yeah ME 3 made people complain" this year it was "oh yeah people that hated us supporting LGBT voted for us as worst company" you are running out of people and things to blame here Pete me ole mucker.

To those that complain that BOA didn't win and should've well all I can say is this. If BOA is guilty of half the shit you guys are saying (not saying they are or aren't) then I wouldn't be going "why isn't BOA winning this poll" I would be going "why the hell hasn't my Government arrested these damn crooks ?"

Because Bank of America owns Senators and Representatives. They line the pockets of these people to change laws in their favor and also to avoid any punishment for blatantly breaking them. Its one of the reasons they are worse than EA by miles.


Fucking pathetic, I'm embarrassed for anyone that voted for EA.

Just glad this doesn't mean anything or I might actually have a platform for outrage.


As a voter I'd just like to thank Moore's outstandingly backfiring statement - his contribution to the campaign cannot be underestimated.

Oh, and for some who have asked - I haven't given EA a single penny since the ME3 debacle. And I don't intend to start now.
Congratulations to EA they have won an "award" they actually deserved rather than paid for. I look forward to next year when EA win it for a third year running.

I cannot wait to hear what their excuse will be next year. Last year it was "oh yeah ME 3 made people complain" this year it was "oh yeah people that hated us supporting LGBT voted for us as worst company" you are running out of people and things to blame here Pete me ole mucker.

To those that complain that BOA didn't win and should've well all I can say is this. If BOA is guilty of half the shit you guys are saying (not saying they are or aren't) then I wouldn't be going "why isn't BOA winning this poll" I would be going "why the hell hasn't my Government arrested these damn crooks ?"

Because as you can see here, people only care about DLC instead of real issues.
At least we can make their logo into a steaming pile of shit. That would have been enough to say that justice had been done. Gamers just don't care about this country.

I'm not American, so I'll vote for the horrible vidya company

Everyone here has to chill out, this is a popularity contest... And I'm glad EA won


You and people who think like this are hypocrites.

"It's an internet poll it doesn't matter!"

"The only way to send a message is to vote for them as the worst!"

Fuck all of you amoralists.

EA's the only company on this list that would even bother issuing a response. Do you think BoA would have even bothered responding if they won?


At least we can make their logo into a steaming pile of shit. That would have been enough to say that justice had been done. Gamers just don't care about this country.

You could say that, yes, but an issue with those bigger bodies of corruption is that it goes beyond voting polls. We know the banks are corrupt scumfuckers, but as consumers we don't really have as much power in expressing an image of disdain as we do as with video games, as that market has more notoriety on the internet. More people simply flock to EA stuff online than BoA stuff, for example.

I voted for BoA, by the way. But I can see why people didn't. EA hate can get traction.


I guess we will never know.

You think that they would stand down for the Consumerist when they wouldn't against the US Government?

EA won. They have poor business practices.

BoA lost. They are worse than EA by a lot.

BoA would never respond to this. It would make no difference at all. EA responds to this poll, it will still make no difference.

Do you actually believe that people think EA is worse than Bank of America on a whole?

The funniest part of the backlash from these polls are the people and writers covering games that buy into the "BoA" is worse talking points to distract from the fact that a lot of people just hate EA's practices.

BoA is a LOT worse, but EA is still pretty shitty.


You think that they would stand down for the Consumerist when they wouldn't against the US Government?

EA won. They have poor business practices.

BoA lost. They are worse than EA by a lot.

BoA would never respond to this. It would make no difference at all. EA responds to this poll, it will still make no difference.

Do you actually believe that people think EA is worse than Bank of America on a whole?

The funniest part of the backlash from these polls are the people and writers covering games that buy into the "BoA" is worse talking points to distract from the fact that a lot of people just hate EA's practices.

BoA is a LOT worse, but EA is still pretty shitty.

Imagine BoA as a vidgame company, and EA as a bank.

We'd be a much worse place.
You think that they would stand down for the Consumerist when they wouldn't against the US Government?

EA won. They have poor business practices.

BoA lost. They are worse than EA by a lot.

BoA would never respond to this. It would make no difference at all. EA responds to this poll, it will still make no difference.

Do you actually believe that people think EA is worse than Bank of America on a whole?

The funniest part of the backlash from these polls are the people and writers covering games that buy into the "BoA" is worse talking points to distract from the fact that a lot of people just hate EA's practices.

BoA is a LOT worse, but EA is still pretty shitty.

The poll speaks for itself, stop trying to justify it.

If you think that BoA is worse than EA, then vote on it. Not amount of logic is going to change that fact.


Bank of America's actions have had far reaching consequences globally.

Ok seriously if we are talking about who is truly the worst, Goldman Sachs wins by a large margin. I couldn't even begin to list the criminality of that company. Goldman Sachs is literally a full fledged criminal enterprise. The fact that they weren't even on the list shows how above it all that company is.
Surely they just need better PR, then they could be like Valve, and loved by everyone. After all, that's the only difference between the two, right?


Ok seriously if we are talking about who is truly the worst, Goldman Sachs wins by a large margin. I couldn't even begin to list the criminality of that company. Goldman Sachs is literally a full fledged criminal enterprise. The fact that they weren't even on the list shows how above it all that company is.

I wouldn't disagree. I assume they weren't included because the average person is both more aware of and has more interactions with BoA than Goldman.
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