I'm not sure I understand. Can someone explain what's wrong with that line?
I'm not sure I understand. Can someone explain what's wrong with that line?
It still amounts to that all the pictures on her instagram happen to look much closer to the photoshopped version than the ingame model. If you believe that every single picture of hers is heavily edited and not representative of her at all, fine I guess.She's smiling and there's not a single wrinkle to be found. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly done, there are no bags whatsoever, come on son. You gotta try harder. And as I said in the other thread, lighting, camera work, and the angle are big factors:
I can count at least five instances of this person looking completely different in this one gif based on a glance.
How many hours of ME: A have you played again?
Come on one person doesn't like it and now we have to panic?
I have heard (several times) that development was rough...
Pure hyperbole, the lip syncing can be bad at times in Horizon, like it is in every open world with unimportant NPCs, but it was more than fine with Aloy (yet to see anyone come even close in ME:A) and pretty much every other important character was fine too, unless they glitched out, which happened once to me.
Also I saw way more shit fling, over way less, for GG pre-release, then I have aimed at Bioware, most Horizon threads were derailed by someone saying GG have never made a good game, so why would Horizon be any different, then usually nipicking something to prove it, like the tree density isn't good enough. ME:A is usually over bad animations, which Bioware have always been crap at and they haven't showed anything to show they've improved much.
The writing and tone shifts from mere sentence to sentence conversations is just...really awkward and borderline terrible imo. Listen to the video linked if you want to hear it in context. It doesn't help, it just makes it worse imo.
Lines like this:
source: https://youtu.be/Vss92x8YaF0?t=1h37m56s
I mean...it's a valid thing to say...I guess? I'm sorry, my face is tired from dealing with everything? Huh? You could say this is nit picking, but for a game series that prides itself on character interaction, I'm consistently finding the animations, transitions, tone, and writing to be really off putting and bizzare.
Weren't there a bunch of positive impressions from sites like IGN and Gamespot?
Aloy looks good, but the facial animation is just... "last gen".
(That's supposed to be her laughing/snorting by the way)
How many hours of ME: A have you played again?
Aloy looks good, but the facial animation is just... "last gen".
Aloy looks good, but the facial animation is just... "last gen".
(That's supposed to be her laughing/snorting by the way)
Maybe cryosleep is really bad for the head.this writing
Because I've been excited about the game. I've made threads for tons of games since I've joined GAF in 2010. Because I like to discuss things I'm excited about.
Aloy looks good, but the facial animation is just... "last gen".
He's right, playing the game sucks. Combat is boring and menu design is garbage.One dude's opinion.
This is also the same guy that called playing Witcher 3 like, quote, "eating cardboard".
this writing
Please, there are plenty of games with fantastic writing.Since when did people expect quality writing in video games?
I'm looking at her instagram and the vast majority of her photos are from photoshoots and selfies where she's wearing a shit ton of makeup. Actually, it seems the most natural looking photo is in black and white.It still amounts to that all the pictures on her instagram happen to look much closer to the photoshopped version than the ingame model. If you believe that every single picture of hers is heavily edited, fine I guess
Still crazy how you stormed into this thread shouting how sexist it is and how it might as well be boob armor even though it was just a photoshop orienting itself on what we know from the model.
No they remotely don't. Horizon has some of the best facial animation in an open world game. It walks all over the current ME:A footage. It still has issues sure, but it's no where close to being ME:A tier.
I'm looking at her instagram and the vast majority of her photos are from photoshoots. Actually, it seems like the some of the most natural looking photos are in black and white. And yes, photo likes this:
in the same way that photos like this:
are transparently sexist as shit in their intention.
What? lol
Not from what I've seen...
No they remotely don't. Horizon has some of the best facial animation in an open world game. It walks all over the current ME:A footage. It still has issues sure, but it's no where close to being ME:A tier.
Can't say exactly...but I got the feeling development was troubled on almost every level.Do you know what specific issues they had?
I recall the DA:I team mentioning that they too had development issues with Frostbite.
are transparently sexist as shit in their intention.
Yes.That Mirrors Edge picture is fan made right?
The problem is that female Ryder isn't ugly, we have a thread on this specific topic. Both are attractive individuals with flaws like spots on their skin.So why isn't Male Ryder sexist? He's handsome, surely that's a problem for you?
Or is it only attractive female characters that are a problem? Why is that? Because they don't exist in real life?
You're hand picking one of dozen conversations that looks good from the game. But the rest looks just as "awful" as the ME:A animations.
PS: I own Horizon in case people are wondering.
No, you see apparently does the model actually look exactly like that and only survives by hiding her face in every possible photoshootSo they intentionally made femshep way uglier than the RL model she was based on, but maleshep was perfectly spot on? Hmmm.
So where were you when the positive previews started to trickle out?
Hand wringing over this review is hilarious, a lot of people apparently never read RPS or know anything about John Walker.
This dude hates video games. He low key despises the profession he likely feels he's forced to work in. He shat all over The Witcher 3 too.
are transparently sexist as shit in their intention.
Hand wringing over this review is hilarious, a lot of people apparently never read RPS or know anything about John Walker.
This dude hates video games. He low key despises the profession he likely feels he's forced to work in. He shat all over The Witcher 3 too.
Why did the fan edit take away Faith's tattoo?
Thank you for finding that link. People are being daft.I think that you would need an apples to apples comparison. I'm not saying the in game model is 100% accurate, as has been said Bioware changed it. However without being able to match settings, you can't compare the selfie to that in game shot.
I think this is a pretty good example of why
That's what we refer to as the uncanny valley. This game's animation, at least in a ton of scenes, is very uncanny valley. And you know what so are Horizon's to a slightly lesser degree. And so did the animation in Deus Ex last year. Procedurally generated animation is lagging behind the ever increasing fidelity of video game rendering.I agree that the Photoshops of Peebee and Faith are ridiculous and sexist. I am glad that you're pushing back against this kind of thing.
But Ryder in the game as presented does look a little bit weird, in the eyes especially. Not from a point of view of conventional attractiveness, but just in a looks-like-a-person way.
Because women characters aren't allowed to have any sort of facial markings whatsoever. Let alone a face that isn't shaped very specifically like a V, otherwise you "look like a man," and they're also not allowed to have anything but large eyes with a ton of eyeliner. And women faces also don't contort realistically, because you see young women don't have any sort of facial wrinkles naturally. /sWhy did the fan edit take away Faith's tattoo?
The problem is that female Ryder isn't ugly, we have a thread on this specific topic.
Another problem with FemRyder's model is how her eyes are wide open when smiling. It's an unnatural look.
Can't say exactly...but I got the feeling development was troubled on almost every level.
She looks like they took the real model and ran over her face with a roller like in Looney Tunes. Like they 2D-ized her face and couldn't put it back together again humpy-dumpty style.
I said gamers, not game developers, Bioware isn't the one at fault for people making shit edits to their models. You've completely missed the point of what i've been saying ITT about those edits.You were just saying that developers are "sexist" for creating attractive characters, though. So if Sara's face was well made and attractive, you would have a problem with it.
And that still doesn't address why you're crying about attractive females, yet giving the hot male face a pass. Why can't they both be attractive?
It feels strange to call an artificial face "ugly", so I'll say the face they created for Sara is terrible. TERRIBLE. If this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be so much talk about it.
Notice how no one really is making fun of Scott's face.
Not much longer now I bet.
Man I used to love Bioware. Baldur's Gate 2, Dragon Age:Origins, Mass Effect... Fantastic games that gave me hundreds of hours of enjoyment. I really hope ME:A turns out to be great, I can deal with any technical issues if the core of the game stays true to the Bioware of old.
No, that's not what being a "Chosen One" means. That's what being a protagonist with agency means. They are different things.In New Vegas you still get to do all the shit, that's what makes you a "Chosen One".
I really like the attention to details in NPC faces. Like this woman is apparently a forger (haven't met her yet) and she has a lovely but weathered face. No fancy make-up or perfect hair or anything, just a normal woman ready to work. I met another NPC who is intending to meet her lover, and she's got the sharply red lipstick and her hair is all pretty. In an industry where it seems every female character is constantly a dolled up 10, having the contrast is a refreshing detail.Just let Guerilla Games do all the character designs. One thing that really impressed me in Horizon was how incredible the character models for even random ass NPCs look. The animation in that game is still a little bit weird at times, certainly not on the level of, say, Uncharted but considering that it's a big open world game it's nothing to sneeze at. Just look at this:
That's someone you meet through a side quest.
Yeah, and Breath of the Wild received a crazy amount of 10s. Smetimes you need to look past the hype.
Well, I can't think of many games that beat it so handily as to push it down a tier. It's up there for sure.
Like I said, it's much more having to do with the animation itself.It's more to do with her overall expressions. I mean if you compare FemRyder to her in videos, you can see the similarities. Striking, in some ways.
Yet when Female Ryder talks, she looks off. In my opinion, the expressions she makes doesnt fit the situations I've seen her in.
Um...this IS the RPS thread?cross-posting from the RPS thread...LOL