I was just thinking about the whole "used-games" issue. You know I really don't buy used games for the most part, I don't see why it's such a big thing. I would never buy a chewed up, grimy copy of something for just 5$ less, but what really does piss me off is that I'm not going to be able to share my games with friends anymore, which has sold me on some games numerous times. I remember I really wasn't that excited about Borderlands, but I bought it (to play co-op) after my friend lent me his copy, not to mention I bought some DLC and a copy for the next game.
I think Publishers should be punishing the people like Gamestop who make a living off selling used games, instead of the customers. Why can't they write "not for resale" on the back of the box like DVD's do? That way we don't get boned, and all sales are for new games. I don't know, I guess it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.