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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect

MS is always trying to be imitate other companies instead of carving their own path. In the leaked PowerPoint slides they want to target 100 million in sales so why would they off the bat eliminate a segment if the market to sell to? Sounds really stupid to do but they've been making lots of stupid mistakes lately so it's probably accurate.

I'd say MS did a great job pushing online services on consoles this gen. It seems like whatever MS did Sony was there to copy later.


2 years from now when E3 roles around, the vast majority of the people saying that they are not going to buy these consoles are going to be arguing over what is better, Halo 5 or Uncharted 4. You are not going to sit out 10 years of gaming because of second hand games or always on consoles. You are going to buy a console and change your habits.

True for some perhaps, but I doubt its this simple. If it were just a case of companies dictating what they want to do and consumers adapting, a lot of defunct or devastated companies like Atari and Sega would still be making and selling consoles.

If its really the case that you can't easily play borrowed or used games, sell games, or do much of anything offline, that's pretty big. I'd also add it isn't simply parity with PC either - that's a whole different deal, with more factors involved than just Steam sales.


Tell that to Apple. Apple wants as many customers as they can get but they sell their hardware at a premium. Plenty of things you buy come with things you don't want or never use but you still pay for those features.

That's true but that's because they're Apple. Microsoft wants so badly to be like Apple but they're not. I hope these rumors are all true just to see how the market reacts to it.


I'd say MS did a great job pushing online services on consoles this gen. It seems like whatever MS did Sony was there to copy later.

Oh I agree and I think it's good that they did as I don't think that just being a pure gaming system will do it anymore. However, the rumor of two cores and three GB's being reserved for the OS and kinect seems a bit excessive.

Demon Ice

I mean every person commenting on this thread is online right now. The vast majority of people that are going to buy more than 3 games for their consoles are going to be online. How many of those 25 million consoles not connected have more than 3 games?

Every person that is online right now has probably also experienced an unexpected internet blackout that ranged anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. A console the requires an internet connection to play any games, including single player, would be worthless in that scenario. And that one fact is enough to absolutely guarantee that if MS chooses to go this route with game DRM, I will not be buying the next Xbox.


Give me your dream 3 Durango exclusive launch games within reason, people. Obviously it's kind of hard to give new IP's since they don't exist, but whatever. I'll go first:

-Alan Wake 2: After playing through American Nightmare, I'm ready to see a more improved and fleshed out Alan Wake game, and I think there's definitely a lot of potential there. The combat already feels pretty good, and I like where the story is going. Hopefully this time around Rockstar won't release a game on the same day. (Which actually could happen with a GTA V port.)

-Fable IV: Okay, I know, I know. Fable has definitely not gotten better as the series has gone on, even without considering the crappy on-rails shooters. Without Molyneux, I think Lionhead has lost some stuff and gained some other things. They've probably lost a lot of notability, but they've also probably lost a lot of notoriety and shackles to archaic ideas. Maybe now that the series has faded quite a bit into obscurity, and the big boss is gone, Lionhead will be motivated to try and prove themselves. Remember, you can still keep things light and fun in the traditional Fable style, but dialog, fighting, the openness and other things really need to modernize. I could see Fable return to the fantastic experience that Fable 1 was, even beyond it if Lionhead just gives enough of a shit to prove themselves.

-A Rare Game That Doesn't Involve Kinect: Well, maybe a little bit more specific than that...I want to see Rare come back. I don't know how much they respect themselves, but they have to know they've slipped quite a far way down from the peak of the mountain. I'd rather see something from an older series, I'd rather see a Perfect Dark that actually had a decent development run, or a Banjo game that didn't seemed scatterbrained in creation. Microsoft is looking to get the attention of younger audiences, something they've been very successful with since Mincecraft was released on XBLA for the 360, and a new Banjo game could definitely do that.
I mean every person commenting on this thread is online right now.

My internet is on pretty much all the time. That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I refuse to buy any product that requires that to be the case. First of all, it's not my internet I'm concerned with; it's theirs. When PSN went down for a month, I couldn't play one game that had always-on DRM (unbeknownst to me until then). That was one thing. Having the whole system become worthless is something else entirely.

And, sooner or later, their side of that system will turn off permanently. My confidence in that date being further in the future than my own interest in still playing any of those games is exactly zero.

And lastly, aside from any practical reason, it's simply wrong for a company to dictate to me the conditions of my use of something I buy. Period. It's also arguably illegal, and it should be.


Based on these ads Sony really seems to be projecting itself in the opposite direction from what we have heard of MS so far for some reason.

These arent actual ads. They are fake which is why you never get a link. They caught fire bed because eveyone wants to play dumb and hype them up.

They were fun at firsrt until you see how fake they are.
MS is always trying to be imitate other companies instead of carving their own path. In the leaked PowerPoint slides they want to target 100 million in sales so why would they off the bat eliminate a segment if the market to sell to? Sounds really stupid to do but they've been making lots of stupid mistakes lately so it's probably accurate.

Totally agree, I will give you one of the examples.
Windows Phone 7, I still have till end of this year on my 2 year contract for my blue Lumia 800.
They already abandoned 7.5 (I am on 7.8 right now)
The same will happen to Windows Surface RT.They are already talking about the successor.

I will save money to buy the next gen console(s) and my first choice is the next xbox, but it might be changed if MS has made lots of f*cked up decisions.
Now it is your move MS.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Sounds like total bullshit. If he's getting this info from sites why doesn't he link to any of them? Also why would they be demoing next gen hardware on a 360 slim shell? If they're not ready to show off the real thing they wouldn't bother building a devkit into a 360 slim shell, they would just use the devkit.

Are the press/investors even invited to this event? I was under the impression it was an invite only MS employee event.



This MUST have been posted elsewhere, but a search pulled up nothing. Woodysgamertag reckons he has 'leaks' from the current MS investor's conference. I call BS on pretty much all of it (720 only 3x as powerful as 360, no BR drive, two SKUs for example), but what do you guys think?


New thread worthy? Someone do it if so. I'm off to bed.

Video has the source which is this site: http://www.gamingcapacity.com/xbox-720-info-revealed-by-inside-source/

I never heard of that site, so I'm inclined to believe it's BS. Maybe someone else has heard of it?


tagged by Blackace
This MUST have been posted elsewhere, but a search pulled up nothing. Woodysgamertag reckons he has 'leaks' from the current MS investor's conference. I call BS on pretty much all of it (720 only 3x as powerful as 360, no BR drive, two SKUs for example), but what do you guys think?


New thread worthy? Someone do it if so. I'm off to bed.
This sounds like bullshit he's heard through the grapevine.

They're showing it off encased in 360 Slims but don't have a final hardware design? Why would they even bother to show it off in any hardware factor then? It doesn't make any sense. Sounds strange he's will discount select parts of the rumour though, and which select parts specifically. Not worth a thread IMO.
This MUST have been posted elsewhere, but a search pulled up nothing. Woodysgamertag reckons he has 'leaks' from the current MS investor's conference. I call BS on pretty much all of it (720 only 3x as powerful as 360, no BR drive, two SKUs for example), but what do you guys think?


New thread worthy? Someone do it if so. I'm off to bed.

Nothing new or interesting really. 320/500gb HDD, no blu-ray player (I expected MS to use a proprietary BD drive instead), similar specs as the rumors, no real pricing info.
This MUST have been posted elsewhere, but a search pulled up nothing. Woodysgamertag reckons he has 'leaks' from the current MS investor's conference. I call BS on pretty much all of it (720 only 3x as powerful as 360, no BR drive, two SKUs for example), but what do you guys think?


New thread worthy? Someone do it if so. I'm off to bed.
Holy shit this guy maybe from future,he use a March 4 article as source but the Xbox meeting was at March 7,even the video itself still one day earlier than the MS meeting

Video has the source which is this site: http://www.gamingcapacity.com/xbox-720-info-revealed-by-inside-source/

I never heard of that site, so I'm inclined to believe it's BS. Maybe someone else has heard of it?
And i don't even know why this source spec just same as vgleaks but he still think it's only 3x 360
Nothing new or interesting really. 320/500gb HDD, no blu-ray player (I expected MS to use a proprietary BD drive instead), similar specs as the rumors, no real pricing info.

Not really. Even just looking at raw flops of the rumored GPU, it's 5x the 360 gpu not 3x. And with efficiency accounted, probably more like 8x+in real terms. Plus 10x the ram for games, 16x overall, etc.

3x 360 isn't a realistic assessment of performance from the Durango rumors. Overall I'd think at least 8x is.

And I hate these mainstream idiots on youtube making next gen rumors videos. As much time as I spend on forums, it's always old to me, or they're dumb so they just pull some poorly sourced rumor for views, etc. They dont filter the info correctly. It's like a casual/mainstream take on a hardcore subject. Hell to half these guys, 3x 360 performance probably is like "wow amazing, that sure is powerful!"


Yeah, Woody is apparently supposed to be some big cheese where COD info is concerned, but his credibility is getting stretched with these Durango ramblings. Even ignoring all his ancient and debunked rumours dressed up as 'facts', he seems totally unaware about the late April unveiling event, expecting the console to be revealed at E3. Hell, he wasn't even sure that E3 was in June, for fuck's sake.

Epic fail.


Holy shit this guy maybe from future,he use a March 4 article as source but the Xbox meeting was at March 7,even the video itself still one day earlier than the MS meeting

And i don't even know why this source spec just same as vgleaks but he still think it's only 3x 360

Probably saw CoD running at 180 fps. :D


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I heard always online isn't DRM related actually, but rather some way to download updates or items in a sleep state, similar to what the PS4 can do. Apparently the two way the systems go about this, technologically speaking, is somewhat different.


I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I heard always online isn't DRM related actually, but rather some way to download updates or items in a sleep state, similar to what the PS4 can do. Apparently the two way the systems go about this, technologically speaking, is somewhat different.
It actually would make sense that this crap is at least half to improve functionality. Problem is similar to SimCity is it REALLY worth it to go always online for that? That is assuming the system simply will not work rather than just staying connected unless it can't connect at all.
I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I heard always online isn't DRM related actually, but rather some way to download updates or items in a sleep state, similar to what the PS4 can do. Apparently the two way the systems go about this, technologically speaking, is somewhat different.
If they want to include an option to keep it in idle mode or something so it can download updates, be my guest. From what it sounds like though it'd be a mandatory thing to play vidya.


This is good news for Nintendo. It seems like MS and Sony are doing this always-on, DRM, social stuff, and Nintendo's complete inability to create a workable on-line strategy might actually work in their favour.


This is good news for Nintendo. It seems like MS and Sony are doing this always-on, DRM, social stuff, and Nintendo's complete inability to create a workable on-line strategy might actually work in their favour.

Sony already confirmed that there won´t be an always online requirement for the PS4.


Are they gonna have an online registration thing? Do you have to register on the Wii-U, or is it just pop the disc in and play?

Haven´t heard anything about online registration yet, but it wouldn´t really make sense anyway. There are still way to many customers who aren´t online with their consoles at all.


Are they gonna have an online registration thing? Do you have to register on the Wii-U, or is it just pop the disc in and play?

They've said you never have to take the system online and that "PS4 discs will work in all PS4 systems". Given both of those there really is no way to require disc registration to simply play a game. Publishers could still online pass the fuck out of us, but the PS4 isn't going to inherently restrict your ability to play based on the availability of your internet connection.


Judging by the quality of nintendos online system? No. Probably early 2005.

It... works. You can play online, download games (from a very convenient interface devoid of ads), video chat, browse faster and more conveniently than on any other console, so my guess is we're dealing with an Eastwood Chair situation here.


Is the Wii U's online really that bad?

From what I've seen it reminds me of how PSN was when it started out on the PS3.

I don't own a Wii U so I wouldn't know much about it but using that as an excuse is not acceptable. They're meant to meet current standards, not what happened 7 years ago. Yeah, it means they can improve but they should be trying to push things, not playing catch-up.
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