Give me your dream 3 Durango exclusive launch games within reason, people. Obviously it's kind of hard to give new IP's since they don't exist, but whatever. I'll go first:
-Alan Wake 2: After playing through American Nightmare, I'm ready to see a more improved and fleshed out Alan Wake game, and I think there's definitely a lot of potential there. The combat already feels pretty good, and I like where the story is going. Hopefully this time around Rockstar won't release a game on the same day. (Which actually could happen with a GTA V port.)
-Fable IV: Okay, I know, I know. Fable has definitely not gotten better as the series has gone on, even without considering the crappy on-rails shooters. Without Molyneux, I think Lionhead has lost some stuff and gained some other things. They've probably lost a lot of notability, but they've also probably lost a lot of notoriety and shackles to archaic ideas. Maybe now that the series has faded quite a bit into obscurity, and the big boss is gone, Lionhead will be motivated to try and prove themselves. Remember, you can still keep things light and fun in the traditional Fable style, but dialog, fighting, the openness and other things really need to modernize. I could see Fable return to the fantastic experience that Fable 1 was, even beyond it if Lionhead just gives enough of a shit to prove themselves.
-A Rare Game That Doesn't Involve Kinect: Well, maybe a little bit more specific than that...I want to see Rare come back. I don't know how much they respect themselves, but they have to know they've slipped quite a far way down from the peak of the mountain. I'd rather see something from an older series, I'd rather see a Perfect Dark that actually had a decent development run, or a Banjo game that didn't seemed scatterbrained in creation. Microsoft is looking to get the attention of younger audiences, something they've been very successful with since Mincecraft was released on XBLA for the 360, and a new Banjo game could definitely do that.