I thought some companies had a limit on how times you could re download?
On PC? I don't think so. On consoles they already do, so that's another issue.
I thought some companies had a limit on how times you could re download?
Because now there $1.8 billion in used games that are being resold for $2.5-3 billion?
You see where the loss is occurring? None of that goes to the game creators
No way - all the companies will be behind the "no second hand" idea/consoles due to the misguided belief that second hand sales are a terrible evil in this industry, which means all the third party support will go to them and the Wii U is left for dust. Again. :<
Yet somehow the music, movie, and publishing industries have survived all these years.
Yes because no third party will ever release any game on the Wii U.
pc gaming already has this problem .... steam , diablo , activation codes, why is pc gaming salvation when they will only be doing what pc gaming has done for years ?
I don't think this is the solution though, it's fiercely anti consumer, and will alienate retail partners in a big way.
Always online-required is absolutely mortifying for me.
Where I live, my internet connection is unstable as FUCK.
No I'm not poor...the wiring in my apartment building is ancient and the internet is prone to switching off all the damn time.
So I would be literally incapable of playing the console, especially when it likes to get testy and cut me off the Internet for 30 minutes at a time.
If the new Xbox / new PlayStation have an always-online restriction, it's Wii U-only for me in consoles next gen.
Haven't you heard? Unlike say, movies or high end consumer products, games cost lots of money to make, so the producers can do whatever the fuck they want and you best not get lippy, wouldnt want to be all entitled or anything!
Another thing , the games will be on 50gb brds.
So if i decide i want a digital only copy, can you imagine the bandwidth consumption? I know they wont be that big off the bat but still. This no second hand thing must be pushed by top publishers, the ones that want every game to cost multimillions and have a trillogy minimum. They want you to pay off the name and brand alone now, no renting if you have a gut feeling you wont like it, and are being cautious befkre dropping $60.
Im tired of this and its obviously the way a game is envisioned at conception. It really did pan out just like the movie industry, damn. Reviews and their integrity will be more important than ever and i dont even want to get into that vipers nest of a discussion this early.
Please Sony, don't follow in Microsoft's footsteps.
Look, see...
There's a face you can trust.
If MS does this and Sony doesn't match, 3rd parties will ditch Sony and do everything in their power to make sure MS succeeds. If Sony does match, it'll ensure the death of consoles after this gen. I guess Nintendo could exploit the opportunity, but third parties will be ignoring it for other reasons. So it's not like it'll remain this oasis for hard core gamers. Really fucking stupid.
"Why did you not make a WiiU version of your game?"
"Because people could buy used copies of it."
On ps3 you have limits but i think the account management tools can undo it irrc. I know if your doing a system transfer you can transfer the rights over.On PC? I don't think so. On consoles they already do, so that's another issue.
Because now there $1.8 billion in used games that are being resold for $2.5-3 billion?
You see where the loss is occurring? None of that goes to the game creators
The quality between the PS4 and Xbox Edge article is really noticable: The PS4 article is really straight forward, with more facts then opinion. The Xbox article is just inconsistant, with really bizarre opinions in it.
No way it will require an internet connection. Absolutely zero fucking chance.
Think about kids having a console in their bedrooms, or the mass of people that never even bothered to connect their consoles to the net in the first place. They are never going to abandon that group so suddenly.
Does Steam require an always on connection?
How will it work on a console when a family has an Xbox, little Jimmy moves out to college, buys a new system and tries to play the games that he had on his home 720?
So basically it will be like retail PC games with Steam codes. Not surprising.
Two reasons:
1) You can actually get new games at really affordable prices.
2) There's no way to universally enforce a DRM scheme on an open platform. Even if some publishers decide to use a DRM system, others will ignore it. Hell, there's a whole store (GOG.com) dedicated to DRM-free games.
We (PC gamers) warned people years ago of the perils of locking themselves in proprietary, locked-down platforms. This was inevitable, get out while you still can.
You're being flippant, but skyrocketing dev costs are a real issue.
We lose either way.According to Edge's article, MS aim to suppress 2nd hand sales.
Sony's patent aims to CONTROL it. Their solution even enables offline users to buy new game [or 2nd hand game with deauthorized old PSN ID [gamestop/amazon/even maybe ordinary users could do that]] and start playing it without internet connection.
What if both the consoles do the same thing? PC Gaming would EXPLODE this fall.
I'm more surprised by the number of people who think that Microsoft isn't "dumb" enough to do something like this. Do you guys need a quick primer on Microsoft's business decisions this decade?
* Put out the Zune Media Player to compete with Apple's iPOD. Four years too late.
* Spent eight years trying to make the Xbox division profitable. Regardless of how it turned out from a video game perspective, the Xbox division has not really paid off for Microsoft financially given how much money they pumped into it.
* Windows Vista and while I still think it's too early to tell, Windows 8 seems to be headed in that direction
* Sat idly while RIMM, Nokia Google and Apple all took shots at the mobile space.
* Sat idly by while Android and iOS devices took shots at the tablet space.
That's Microsoft's share price over the last decade. It not the shining beacon of a company that consistently makes good financial decisions.
But.. Who's not online these days? More so... Who wouldn't be online, but would be buying a new Xbox console? Can't be a high percentage.