I'm sure there's some pressure from devs, but to go to that extreme?Devs will just only make games for Durango if Sony opts out
Why are people acting like publishers aren't very happy with this news
I'm sure there's some pressure from devs, but to go to that extreme?
As an individual consumer I don't see why I should care about the opinions of the publishers.Why are people acting like publishers aren't very happy with this news
Of the 75 million Xbox sold, how many we're to the hardcore/GAF crowd that cares about any of this? 5 million? The other 70 million don't give a shit about this as long as they get their COD and Madden
Every publisher ever who get $0 from used sales
I'm pretty sure blocking a second hand market is illegal in the European Union.. even digitally distributed software is protected by this according to a recent ruling http://curia.europa.eu/juris/docume...en&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=5235143
If true then I'm skipping Xbox as well. How can anyone support a console that strips so many rights from the consumer?
Of the 75 million Xbox sold, how many we're to the hardcore/GAF crowd that cares about any of this? 5 million? The other 70 million don't give a shit about this as long as they get their COD and Madden
Necessary evil in PC due to the ease of copying and sharing, that's plagued it since its inception. Wii and 16-bit CD systems (and DS/PSP on the handheld side) aside as freak exceptions, this has NOT been a serious problem on consoles, so it comes off as petty and mean spirited instead.Why do people think this is so crazy and outrageous when everyone buys PC games with these restrictions everyday?
I'm not for taking away the used market but how is this different than the pc market now? You can't resell pc games at gamestop or bestbuy...Because I hear most people saying they will stick with pc but its the same there pretty much with just a better steam sell?
Sigh freaking call of duty blind sheep will buy this shit sad face
The double-edged sword is publishers/developers can't sell games on a console nobody buys.
Now the extent to people not buying the console as a result of this is obviously unknown.
I think I will just decide based on who has the most interesting looking games...
I have bought the total amount of 0 secondhand games this gen. But I exchange (borrow) alot of games among friends, so does this mean I am screwed too?
Xbox will sell, in the mainstream it's now the defacto gaming system
Yes indeed, It's horrible.I don't even care if GameStop falls. This move destroys game rental services. That's just a very hard pill to swallow.
can you refresh my memory here?
Sigh freaking call of duty blind sheep will buy this shit sad face
I don't think the "no second-hand games" thing works unless Microsoft AND Sony are on board with it. It'd be a giant misstep for one of the high-end console manufacturers to go down this route if the other one isn't right there with them.
I think the publishers are pushing for this more so than Microsoft or Sony.
I have bought the total amount of 0 secondhand games this gen. But I exchange (borrow) alot of games among friends, so does this mean I am screwed too?
i only buy second hand, so f them. your turn, Sony.
Publishers' issue with used games is that they can't guarantee this money is going directly to them (as a company), regardless of the fact it is healthy for the industry on the whole.
I'm pretty sure blocking a second hand market is illegal in the European Union.. even digitally distributed software is protected by this according to a recent ruling http://curia.europa.eu/juris/docume...en&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=5235143
If MS doesnt block this, Im out. Consumers deserve the freedom to resell their products.
Does this feel like a controlled leak?
It kinda feels like a controlled leak....
just asking.. but how can Apple get away with it..? isn´t the iPad games blocked from reselling..? I´m just asking because I really don´t know..
I personally don't have a problem. 99.9999% of the games I buy are new. And I want that money going to my favorite dev/pub. I also remember developers having a harder time working with Playstation's OS. Didn't stop it from becoming a success.
On the other hand, stuff like this would drive Gamestop out of business. And I have no problem with that either.
Win win, baby.![]()
Xbox will sell, in the mainstream it's now the defacto gaming system
If Id were Microsoft id quickly deny this obvious absurd rumor as far as possible, unless it was truth that is.