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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Seriously MS? I guess it's PC, Wii U and PS4 this generation. Ah, I'll miss all of those amazing exclusive Xbox titles.


gs stock dropping


Why the hell is the stock dropping based on an EDGE rumor?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
My issue more has to do with the always online BS. Because what if their servers go down? What if, there is a time where I don't have access to internet (it happens). That to me, is total BS/restrictive.

In terms of your argument about 2nd hand games, as a consumer I would say - okay, but how about we start managing the prices a little better, if we are cutting out the trade in market. The problem is, places like Steam (where publishers control the price) - never happens in the Console market. Or at least it's very rare. Are you saying that's 100% the fault of 2nd hand games? So if the next gen removes 2nd hand games, then we will start to see Steam like sales on Xbox?

I would assume it works like 360 does now

If its not on the console the license is for, you have to play online (until you transfer your licenses)


Not Banned from OT
MS will not do this alone. It would only happen if Sony agrees to it also. If that happens they both can suck it. I'll be done gaming then don't want a Wii:U and don't want the pain of PC gaming.


Actually I think I came to the conclusion that neither Sony or MS would be dumb enough to do this. They are going to sell even less software at gamestop.


Just want to clear something up for console gamers:

Steam does not require an Internet connection to play your games. It has an off-line mode that works just fine.

Let's lay off the hyperbole as it makes any discussion less intelligent.

BUT it does require a one-time activation to download/unlock the game.


You're still not paying the original producer of that product, that's the point of that example. Pick the other media examples for a more accurate juxtaposition of this. Games, movies, books. Whatever. There's a thousand examples.

Food is still a horrible example as it's sold with an assumed one time only use. Just because you let your buddy eat it doesn't change the fact that it's bought once, used once.

Movies, they get licensing fees from rentals / Netflix / HBO etc, plus of course DVD sales. The customer base is also HUGE compared to gaming (be honest, it is), which is the real reason they're so cheap compared to a game (thus negating a huge drive or impetus to buy a used DVD of a movie). In other words, a bad example.

Book industry has been shitty for years, another bad example.

In short, you can't easily compare it and it's foolish to try unless you put all the qualifiers on it. If gaming had as big of an audience as movies do, it'd be a different story and they could price lower. Alas..


I'll still buy it. Too invested into the Xbox LIve ecosystem to not upgrade without feeling regret.

Might I ask GAF, what exactly is a legitimate reason for hating " No used games"?

I don't see anything wrong from it. Why should people be allowed to fully experince and play a game because they paid $2 to rent them, or their friends let them borrow them? Why should they have the right to play it when they didn't give the Developer/Publisher any money for the good they made?

You guys act as if games only have a set price of New - $60 and Used - $55, and only used copies go down in price. New games take price drops within the first few months. Why don't you guys who want to save money, do what people do on Steam and wait for a sale/price drop in 2 months, and buy the game. Or just support the developer and buy new at launch for $60.

For one, why would I be happy to have less freedom with a game I paid for? There are a lot of reasons why I'd want used games to exist:

1. Being able to borrow or let someone borrow/try a game.
2. Selling a game I got burned by (couldn't get rid of LittleBigPlanet or Kirby's Epic Yarn fast enough after I bought them)
3. Selling games to buy NEW games
4. The ability to buy a physical game 2 years after release (the shelf life for most games is very small)

I don't understand why some people are so willing to give up certain things that heavily benefit consumers so easily.


But second hand market removes publisher ability to sell at lower prices (see: steam)

This is the most absurd claim I have yet seen in this thread. Where in the world did you fathom that? There is no evidence at all for that, and you're delusional to think the second hand market is the reason companies can't have games at lower prices. Fuck, a console game that came out a little over a month ago launched at $30. Second hand sales has fuck all to do with how companies price product. Companies want to get away with premium prices for fucking everything, and it really is that simple. Thinking otherwise is putting more thought into it than what actually is the case here. Look at how most digital content is priced on consoles and the evidence is there. On consoles, digital sales are done very rarely and are done to boost games with declining sales figures.


Well at least we don't have to pay to pay onli-...oh wait.

If this holds true, MS has just lost a long time customer.

Unfortunately, I dont think I should even be surprised by this...
Its an absolutely terrible example and isnt applicable at all. If you buy 8 pieces of chicken then only 8 pieces of chicken can be consumed and once its eaten you have to buy more chicken. A single game can be rented over and over and over, consumed numerous times.

Hello Mr. Strawman, pick a different fucking example then.

Food is still a horrible example as it's sold with an assumed one time only use. Just because you let your buddy eat it doesn't change the fact that it's bought once, used once.

Movies, they get licensing fees from rentals / Netflix / HBO etc, plus of course DVD sales. The customer base is also HUGE compared to gaming (be honest, it is), which is the real reason they're so cheap compared to a game (thus negating a huge drive or impetus to buy a used DVD of a movie). In other words, a bad example.

Book industry has been shitty for years, another bad example.

In short, you can't easily compare it and it's foolish to try unless you put all the qualifiers on it. If gaming had as big of an audience as movies do, it'd be a different story and they could price lower. Alas..

Gaming is the highest grossing media industry at the moment.


Why do people think this is so crazy and outrageous when everyone buys PC games with these restrictions everyday?

Not all PC games require online always to work.

PC games are often sold at a much lower price than regular retail (or rather, the prices are much more flexible and there is a market that has sales, where PC games can go to trade in level prices - that you don't see on consoles).

And when games DO require bullshit like online always, that's when people start pirating.
What's odd to me is that this is the weirdest way to do it. I figured they'd just double down on online passes and the like - start locking significant content behind codes that only come with new copies. Was this not working well enough? Did they find people buying used didn't give a fuck or that the $10 to download it wasn't enough?

Putting a giant wall seems like a massive overreaction when they've just been putting scalable walls for the last few years.


I have no idea now how Microsoft is going to implement/integrate this if Sony has the patent, other than always on, always checks, and if you dont buy it used, you dont play it.

This is basically what they are dong now with the Online passes for 1st party titles and I hope that continues going forward rather than the rumored MS approach..

Next Xbox is sounding kind of annoying. Needing the system to be online at all times? Really?

Easier for them to sell advertising to their partners! The XBoxes are always connected, so we can put your product in the forfront 100% more than before, now give us more $$$ for the ad time....
Well, academically, it creates an interesting situation. As others have mentioned, the sale of used games fuels the purchase of new games through trade-in-deals like those offered at Gamestop and Bestbuy. Moreover, I would imagine that many gamers take a gamble on B-tier franchises, paying full MRSP, secure in the knowledge they'll be able to recoup a portion of the cost with a trade in down the line. If these rumours turn out to be true, what will be the impact on the new game market? Will there be an overall decline in first day/month sales as consumers wait for price drops? Or will the purported policy have a negligible effect?

I can see MS and Sony getting on board with this to curb piracy, but wouldn't be surprised if used game sales continued by the issuing of licenses (for a nominal fee) to second-hand retailers. I know publishers would like nothing more than to eradicate the used game market, but I just can't see it happening in the console space this early.
Pc already does no used games, but Steam has super sales all the time. Can't you get new games cheap on Amazon when there older? I'm not to concerned with buying 1 month old games at gamestop for $5-10 less then new. I would be more concerned with always online especially if that's a DRM tool.


With logic like that, you have to be right!

DD sales prove otherwise. Sales can be more frequent when profit is guaranteed.

You think that making it so new retail is the only option is going to drive prices down?

Can I have some of what's in your pipe?

Pc already does no used games, but Steam has super sales all the time. Can't you get new games cheap on Amazon when there older? I'm not to concerned with buying 1 month old games at gamestop for $5-10 less then new. I would be more concerned with always online especially if that's a DRM tool.

PC is cheaper because of that though. Consoles are closed systems.
You realize publishers will have far fewer reasons for discounting games if there's no used market to drive prices down, right?
Aside from terrible sales? Along with low player base and low DLC sales? Seem like enough reason for a Publisher to give a price drop.
Have you ever used a library? Have you ever watched TV at someone's house? Have you ever eaten food at someone's house? How dare you not pay the producer of that content/product before consuming it.
Difference between a Library and Gamestop is Library's are made to rent and check out books, Gamestop was made to sell games, new. Plus you pay a fee to even get a library card, giving you right to the books their books, you don't pay a $10 fee to buy games used at Gamestop. Also, I think Book Publishers have the right to not allow their books in a Library? Not sure.
Only watch TV with their premission, now going into hardware/products intended for home use for the person who bought it, versus Game Software intended for use by one person/system.

I only eat if they offer me the food. If they're ok with me eating. Publisher's like THQ and EA don't get to have a say on if their products are sold used. If they can be sold as used. Most developers don't like it, amd can't do anything about it other than an Online Pass. You don't have the Developera/Publisher to use their product used, or second hand, unlike some nice family/friend's family offering to feed you while you're over.


I expect a "No comment" from Sony on used games at the PS Meeting.

Why would they comment even if they decided they weren't going to do it? It would open the door to allow Microsoft tor react based on Sony's decision. If Sony doesn't say anything until Microsoft confirms that they are doing it, and then confirm that they will in fact not follow suit, would be way more effective.


Damn, that one slid by me as well. Good show, Sony.

"He said, 'for the record, I'm totally opposed to blocking used games. I think it's great for the consumer that they can buy those. We have a customer that buys our console late in the cycle, pays less, is looking for value priced games, and I think it would be anti-consumer for us to do that'," - Tretton


Says he is opposed to it not that Sony isn't going to do it.

I really don't want to create rumors or spread this one just showing how dumb of a rumor this really is.


This is interesting...This us fucking interesting

Now if I remember correctly sony has a no used games patent as well tho? But Tretton stated he was against a patent.

So either Sony is following suit or they threw everyone off on purpose with that patent


Seriously MS? I guess it's PC, Wii U and PS4 this generation. Ah, I'll miss all of those amazing exclusive Xbox titles.

Another reason this is silly. Xbox got by solely on third party support and timed exclusives. But owning the system really doesn't have many benefits. I can only play Halo on Xbox and, uh, Halo? While it was the system everyone focused on this gen the rules don't have to be the same when next gen hits. If anything the Steambox would replace it if it wasn't for the Live Stockholm Syndrome userbase.


Pc already does no used games, but Steam has super sales all the time. Can't you get new games cheap on Amazon when there older? I'm not to concerned with buying 1 month old games at gamestop for $5-10 less then new. I would be more concerned with always online especially if that's a DRM tool.

Can do that anywhere. People just want them NOW.


Possibly dumb question...how much say does Tretton actually have in PS4's functionality?

He probably has very little involvement but he would be kept fully informed. However, I find that statement reassuring as I doubt he would make that statement if there was even a small possibility that a anti-used games system was PS4 bound.

If it is a possibility, then Jack dropped a bollock


Why would they comment even if they decided they weren't going to do it? It would open the door to allow Microsoft tor react based on Sony's decision. If Sony doesn't say anything until Microsoft confirms that they are doing it, and then confirm that they will in fact not follow suit, would be way more effective.
Nah, third parties would have pushed Sony and MS to do this based on several rumors floating around but we'll see either way.


"He said, 'for the record, I'm totally opposed to blocking used games. I think it's great for the consumer that they can buy those. We have a customer that buys our console late in the cycle, pays less, is looking for value priced games, and I think it would be anti-consumer for us to do that'," - Tretton


Says he is opposed to it not that Sony isn't going to do it.

I really don't want to create rumors or spread this one just showing how dumb of a rumor this really is.

There is no recent rumor about anti-used-games being implemented in PS4 while EDGE rumor says that it will be in Microsoft's next console. Sony has researched and applied for a patent regarding technology that could be used to do it, but nothing says that it will be implemented. Patents are submitted every waking moment, but only a fraction of them ever are used.


GameStop stock already taking a beating, regardless of whether rumor is correct. Off more than $2 on the news.

What strikes me is that we've heard this "used game lockout" rumor for some time now, and it's been fairly consistent-- even if the words have varied. Not saying that the rumor definitely verifies, but it gets a little more likely each time I read the general theme.

Interesting times indeed.


I half expected a 'universal' online pass implementation, but I did not expect an always online console which practically kills the second hand market.

Hopefully Sony doesn't follow the same approach because I'll most definitely skip on the Durango now, unless the new Kinect blows me away.


Lol at GAF going crazy at not been able to play second hand games. Last I checked you guys didn't have a problem with not being able to play used games because and I quote:

GAF you guys are difficult to please. Either you care about used games or you don't.

I love fools who think this is just about used games.

You can't even borrow from a friend under this.


This is interesting...This us fucking interesting

Now if I remember correctly sony has a no used games patent as well tho? But Tretton stated he was against a patent.

So either Sony is following suit or they threw everyone off on purpose with that patent

Funny thing is Sony has a patent and this is a rumor, but Rumors >>Patents. Go figure...


There is no recent rumor about anti-used-games being implemented in PS4 while EDGE rumor says that it will be in Microsoft's next console. Sony has researched and applied for a patent regarding technology that could be used to do it, but nothing says that it will be implemented. Patents are submitted every waking moment, but only a fraction of them ever are used.

Why would they comment even if they decided they weren't going to do it? It would open the door to allow Microsoft tor react based on Sony's decision. If Sony doesn't say anything until Microsoft confirms that they are doing it, and then confirm that they will in fact not follow suit, would be way more effective.
That is a lot... spin for nothing.
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