Grampa Simpson
I can't wait for Sony to announce the same exact thing.
I can't wait for Sony to announce the same exact thing.
Windows 8 wasn't a dumb move it was done on purpose to move ahead of the market before tablets/touchscreen ultrabooks take over. That way when they finally become larger than the PC desktop and non-touchscreen ultrabook market they will have a Full OS actually built for it.
In fact Windows 8 is one of the first times Microsoft hasn't reacted late to a market change and one of their least dumb moves in the long run.
I'm not defending the below views or condoning them on consoles.
What do you think modern PC gaming is? The content no longer matters what you're buying is the right to play the game not the content of the game itself. You try selling a modern PC game without a keycode and see how much you get for it.
When you buy a modern PC game you're buying this:
The day we bought Skyrim brought it home put the disc in and a prompt came up to put in the cd key and it started downloading the game rather than installing the disc is the day PC gaming became all about the cd key.
1) A lot of games have Demos on Xbox Live. Couldn't try it like that? Or look up gameplay videos and reviews/opinions to check to see if you'll like the game?For one, why would I be happy to have less freedom with a game I paid for? There are a lot of reasons why I'd want used games to exist:
1. Being able to borrow or let someone borrow/try a game.
2. Selling a game I got burned by (couldn't get rid of LittleBigPlanet or Kirby's Epic Yarn fast enough after I bought them)
3. Selling games to buy NEW games
4. The ability to buy a physical game 2 years after release (the shelf life for most games is very small)
I don't understand why some people are so willing to give up certain things that heavily benefit consumers so easily.
This bullshit needs to stop.
You're no more of a gamer than I am. You're no more of a gamer than most people. Your "no true Scotsman" shit just makes it seem like you're more of an asshole than a lot of people, but more a gamer? No.
Because you've never bought or sold a used game does not make you more of anything except more of someone who has never bought or sold a game used game. The fact that you think that makes you more of a gamer is pretty fucking sad.
Honestly, I won't mind the no used games thing much if it's true.
I fucking hate Gamestop. They give you $15 of store credit for a 3 day old game that you just paid $60 for, then sell it back for $55. Like, really, a 5 dollar discount? Fuck that.
The difference is, PSP Go wasn't the follow up to the Xbox 360 (the US' best selling console this generation).I'm pretty sure GameStop is shitting their pants at the thought of this.
That's why I think it won't happen. We saw what they did with the PSP Go, they hated that thing.
5 years from now, high speed internet is going to be more common than it is now. Especially outside of the US. Microsoft is building for that customer.
This is one of the reasons pc gaming is doing shitty.
None of the console manufactures have commented on the used game policy, even when patents and numerous rumors have come out about it. I think it’s safe to assume, for now atleast, that both will have some form of blocking.has MS stomped this rumor/speculation? if not.. then it is true.
It's not the fact that it's newer, it's that there is a reported rumor about it being implemented versus just having a patent submitted for approval. And based of the EDGE rumor it wouldn't seem as though Microsoft is using new technology to implement anti-used games, thus no patent required.
has MS stomped this rumor/speculation? if not.. then it is true.
Except the churn of used games being traded in feeds the new game market.This is definitely where the market is headed. Publishers and console makers both gain nothing from the second hand market and have been wanting to kill it off for awhile. I guess they figured with Steam being what it is now is the time to do it.
This has been pretty common on PC for... over a decade. So I don't really understand the 'PC gaming will explode' remarks.
If this is true maybe borrowed/bought used games would have a free trial period or something (like an hour or two of gameplay) and then you'd be prompted $10 to unlock the game or you'd be booted out. And maybe rented games would be special versions where you get a code from Red Box/Gamefly to put in to unlock the rest of the game, but it lasts a limited period of time (a few days).
I agree. Some of the opinions in this thread are incredibly absurd and uneducated.What's scary about this thread isn't really people acting like it's true but people actually defending it
has MS stomped this rumor/speculation? if not.. then it is true.
I've heard from one reliable industry source that Microsoft intends to incorporate some sort of anti-used game system as part of their so-called Xbox 720.
[UPDATE: A Microsoft rep e-mailed me the following statement: "As an innovator we're always thinking about what is next and how we can push the boundaries of technology like we did with Kinect. We believe the key to extending the lifespan of a console is not just about the console hardware, but about the games and entertainment experiences being delivered to consumers. Beyond that we don't comment on rumors or speculation."]
Honestly, I won't mind the no used games thing much if it's true.
I fucking hate Gamestop. They give you $15 of store credit for a 3 day old game that you just paid $60 for, then sell it back for $55. Like, really, a 5 dollar discount? Fuck that.
1) A lot of games have Demos on Xbox Live. Couldn't try it like that? Or look up gameplay videos and reviews/opinions to check to see if you'll like the game?
2) Why did you get burned out on those games? Did you not like them? Again, sucks having to adapt and no longer being able to sell back games you don't like, but again, can you watch videos online and read OTs for the game on NeoGAF so you know you'll like the game?
3) That's good for you but bad for the market.If you sell 3 games so you can get $60 to buy a game, you support the game you bought, but now someone else buys the 3 games used, screwing over the 3 developers/publishers of the games you sold.
4) Buy it digitally. The article even states games will be avaliable for download digitally and retail. If you can't find a game you want 1 year later, just buy it digitally.
I can see the concern and critism against Anti-Used Games, but to me it doesn't seem like too big of a deal for me.
Using keys? is?
While Sony and MS will always have one eye on the other it seems to be (with the Durango specs in mind) that MS are going off in a different direction and may want to forge a new market by taking this new console in a new direction.
it entirely possible MS simply do not want to wage another 'gaming Cold war' with Sony this coming generation given how the market has changed since the 360 launched.
I dont refuse to believe it because both MS and Sony are arrogant enough to do it. MS will say PCs have been doing it for years so whats the big deal and we want every owner online to pay for xbox live. And Sony is, well Sony. If only one of them do it then it will be an auto win for the other. Clerks will warn customers, especially Gamestop clerks. That company will be made an example of by the console market.
If both do it this would be the major fuck up by both Sony and MS that hands Wii U a win as the dark horse ive been saying in other threads.
I pretty much buy mostly digital at this point. Haven't sold a game of mine to anyone in many years. Also, I currently live in France where I think it's illegal to rent/sell used games, so uh yeah...
I don't believe this crap. It just doesn't make sense. A large portion of their customers don't even have internet! It'll be suicide. Besides, when people trade games they do it mainly to get credit for a newer game. I'm starting to take Edge with a mega grain of salt. They're getting trolled hard here. It's almost obvious. Microsoft (or somebody) is leaking some serious misinformation.
Using keys? Absolutely.
This is definitely where the market is headed. Publishers and console makers both gain nothing from the second hand market and have been wanting to kill it off for awhile. I guess they figured with Steam being what it is now is the time to do it.
Yeah I haven't sold a game to Gamestop in years, they're awful. I do private sales or sell to Best Buy when they do 100% extra trade in, if you time it right it's not uncommon to get $40 for a game.No one is forcing you to deal with Gamestop. When you're done playing a game, sell it privately, or on Craigslist, or Amazon, or eBay.
It seems like roughly half the anti-used crowd's arguments center on how much the arguer hates Gamestop. Evidently Gamestop is so evil that consumer rights and the first sale doctrine can burn in the lava pits of hell just as long as Gamestop is tossed into the flames along with them.
Well said.This bullshit needs to stop.
You're no more of a gamer than I am. You're no more of a gamer than most people. Your "no true Scotsman" shit just makes it seem like you're more of an asshole than a lot of people, but more a gamer? No.
Because you've never bought or sold a used game does not make you more of anything except more of someone who has never bought or sold a game used game. The fact that you think that makes you more of a gamer is pretty fucking sad.
I mean this is terrible and i won't be supporting this if true, i already have a wii u, pc, getiing 3ds/vita. But i highly doubt that many people in this thread won't be supporting these consoles.
Let's be honest here, even if they both have an anti-used system majority of you guys will still buy the consoles.
If both do it this would be the major fuck up by both Sony and MS that hands Wii U a win as the dark horse ive been saying in other threads.
This is one of the reasons pc gaming is doing shitty.
This bullshit needs to stop.
You're no more of a gamer than I am. You're no more of a gamer than most people. Your "no true Scotsman" shit just makes it seem like you're more of an asshole than a lot of people, but more a gamer? No.
Because you've never bought or sold a used game does not make you more of anything except more of someone who has never bought or sold a game used game. The fact that you think that makes you more of a gamer is pretty fucking sad.