For all the shit he takes, lisen to this Pach comment:
He's right, and it's not like you guys are reading it.
Always online is out of question by now, it should be read as going online to activate.
The enemy is Gamestop, not Used games. They know used game can generate revenue to use in new game purchases.
I think if they do something, it's something along the lines of online pass for used games, because with this model, the publisher gets a share on it, unlike Gamestop raping consumers and charging 55 dollars for games that they bought in cheap.
Sony's patented stuff might even allow the used game to work for a day or two or more (would still work for borrowing, renting), but still to me it appears that they are just testing waters until DD only is established.
It is a terrible thing, i'm just saying they will sugarcoat a bit if they indeed go this route. But there are even worse things going on in that Edge article, like the Kinect built in confirmation. That's the real shit.