High Speed Internet isnt available everywhere.I mean, if you don't have internet, are you really going to be buying the latest console anyway?
High Speed Internet isnt available everywhere.I mean, if you don't have internet, are you really going to be buying the latest console anyway?
I think this would be an unfortunate policy by Microsoft if true.
Microsoft, or any company that forces a constant connection, is willingly giving-up on a third of US homes.
- 20% of Americans do not have internet
- 34% of Americans do not have high-speed internet
Originally Posted by BruceLeeRoy:
Not every gamer is rich and some people like to be able to buy multiple games in a relatively short time frame. Not everyone buys only 1 game a year. Not everyone wants to blow $60-$70 on a new unproven IP or franchise. If you do not like the game or if you get bored of it quick, you re stuck with it. Demos are not always indicative of the final product either. Plain and simple, if companies even consider getting rid of used games which imo is anti-consumer, they need to lower game prices to more reasonable prices. We had so many bombs and studio closings this generation where you can actually get rid of the game if you weren't satisfied with it. What's going to happen when games cost more to procure and you cannot get rid of them or try them out?
I mean, if you don't have internet, are you really going to be buying the latest console anyway?
You can play offline on Steam though.
Never understood why people are so against this. Always online is not a problem whatsoever in this day and age. I don't think my Internet connection has gone off in like 2 years. No second-hand games, well Steam has been doing it for years.
I'm wondering why someone wants to go after a videogame forum. Perhaps the new consoles are going to have features we don't like. Maybe no used games or they are going to be even more aggressive in getting as much money as they can off the hardcore. They want to stop the resistance before it starts. So they do a preemptive strike on NeoGAF and try to label us as whiners.
Diablo III must have done a lot of damage to the general perception of the PC if its to blame for this.
whats the demographic overlap of those 20% of consumers without internet and expect buyers of Xbox for the first 12-24 months (after which more users will have internet as it becomes more pervasive)
I've known people without internet that own a Xbox 360.
I think this would be an unfortunate policy by Microsoft if true.
Microsoft, or any company that forces a constant connection, is willingly giving-up on a third of US homes.
- 20% of Americans do not have internet
- 34% of Americans do not have high-speed internet
Really? Let me tell you a story.
I'm no fan of hack'n'slash games, got mildly curious about No More Heroes from reviews, not enough to buy it new because the reviews weren't actually aimed at someone like me. Tripped over it second hand at a local store for about £7, bought it, loved it, got No More Heroes 2 on day 1.
So - entirely through there being a secondhand market - the publisher/developer got one full games worth of revenue from me whereas without it they would have got nothing.
New customers. That's one thing the secondhand market feeds. You want new customers?
I think this would be an unfortunate policy by Microsoft if true.
Microsoft, or any company that forces a constant connection, is willingly giving-up on a third of US homes.
- 20% of Americans do not have internet
- 34% of Americans do not have high-speed internet
Same thing. I more just buy new games cheap rather than used cause I don't like them mucked up. I do borrow maybe a game or two from my friends either to try them out or give them a go if I am mildly interested. Or if you just want to play your games at a friends house. I feel like I am kind of out on the next xbox if this is all true. For awhile, I didn't have an easy way of getting my xbox online when I lived in an older house in college with Wifi other than going to another room and hooking it up in the main living room or dining room area where we mostly did our interneting even on laptops. This would kind of suck.They have a patent which can block second hand games from working using a RF tag and stuff.
If any console blocks used games, I'm out. It's not like I actually buy many used games, I'd say I've only bought 2 used games in the past year. But it's principle for me.
Exactly. Based on this one rather large point I don't give this rumour any weight.No way it will require an internet connection. Absolutely zero fucking chance.
Think about kids having a console in their bedrooms, or the mass of people that never even bothered to connect their consoles to the net in the first place. They are never going to abandon that group so suddenly.
Yes I do.After a generation is over, do you ever seek out games you missed out the first time? Games that are out of print and out of stock at retail?
Exactly. PC games had always-online bullshit way before consoles. And now/if consoles have it too, this just makes it easier for third parties to slap this DRM on their games and add elements into them to make sure you HAVE to be always online. To unify this as a new norm in gaming. Jim Sterling doesn't know what he's on about. PC is not immune to these practices, it spearheaded them.
I knew it, called this in the thread about NeoGAF documentary. They knew the resistance would start here.
It's not a deflection. At least not on my part. I just don't believe rumors until I see more proof behind them. So far this seems to be just an idea.
I honestly can't imagine they'd just say NO to used games. It seems almost unfathomable, like they don't realize that many users trade in old games to buy new ones. It's a cycle.
I think this would be an unfortunate policy by Microsoft if true.
Microsoft, or any company that forces a constant connection, is willingly giving-up on a third of US homes.
- 20% of Americans do not have internet
- 34% of Americans do not have high-speed internet
I wish people would stop over stating what Steam sales really are.
You can't buy brand new games for $10 that are normally $40-60 not on sale.
You can buy older games for cheap, but yeah go try and buy new releases for the prices people keep saying. That doesn't happen.
Yeah, you can buy Witcher 3 or Alan Wake for $10 right now. Both are at least year old at this point.
doesn't mean that they arn't a minority and not a factor in MS's big picture
This is the future. People will complain, just like they did when Steam first launched. Now that platform is accepted, even loved by the majority of PC fans. Consolites will get on board sooner rather than later.
doesn't mean that they arn't a minority and not a factor in MS's big picture
Please, today it's easier than ever to know in advance if you'll like a game or not. There are videos, demos, reviews....
And please let's not forget that gaming was always an expensive hobby, so I don't really get that "some people don't have a lot of money" argument. It doesn't make any sense at all.
doesn't mean that they arn't a minority and not a factor in MS's big picture
"As long as you don't hurt anyone".... Come on man. Just because you disagree, doesn't mean it isn't the law. Its a murky area admittedly, but "NO BS LICENSING" isn't helping you point either.
I'm starting to think this is the case.
I mean, if you don't have internet, are you really going to be buying the latest console anyway?
What about people in rural areas who do not have access to high speed internet? They suddenly do not buy consoles?
When did I say I was more of anything than anybody else? I simply said that MS' used game idea doesn't effect me one bit. I don't buy a game because of the possibility to get money back from it. I buy games because I enjoy playing games. No other reasons for incentives are needed for me to enjoy my favorite hobby.
Take it as you will.
Halo CE (rented)
Halo 3 ODST (borrowed)
Halo CE Anniversary (borrowed)
I wish people would stop over stating what Steam sales really are.
You can't buy brand new games for $10 that are normally $40-60 not on sale.
You can buy older games for cheap, but yeah go try and buy new releases for the prices people keep saying. That doesn't happen.
Yeah, you can buy Witcher 3 or Alan Wake for $10 right now. Both are at least year old at this point.
Then it's super weird how, in this thread, you listed several games as "borrowed" or "rented."
Super weird.
But it doesn't look like it
Could you please explain?They can reduce the cost(who knows if they will) and control market prices easier from this kind of model.
People defend paying for peer 2 peer. It really isn't that shocking.Are people really defending this? Wow.
Your username is apt.This is in response to used is worse than piracy.
Because people who are willing spend money on a game are giving Zero to the devs. Pirates aren't willing to spend money. Thus you have the argument of used is worse that piracy.
Good Lord this thread is moving fast...
Exactly. PC games had always-online bullshit way before consoles. And now/if consoles have it too, this just makes it easier for third parties to slap this DRM on their games and add elements into them to make sure you HAVE to be always online. To unify this as a new norm in gaming. Jim Sterling doesn't know what he's on about. PC is not immune to these practices, it spearheaded them.