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Edge this month has some interesting PSP news.


The article states that a Source close to Sony told them the Screen used at E3 cost 70,000 yen or £350. This is way to much for massmarket and its also a reason the battery life is poor. The finiished hardware will therefore make use of a lower quality display system "similar to todays Clie OS PDA.

They put these points to Phil Harrison who said the "comments about the screen are entirely without foundation. In fact we've made some enhancements to the viewing angle of the display since E3. As for cost thats entirley speculation".

Seems to me that Sony may have been pulling a bit of a fast one at E3


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
"Seems to me that Sony may have been pulling a bit of a fast one at E3"

Ya think?


Pug said:
for you BuddyChrist83 I've changed it to speculation
I appreciate that Pug, but I think you misunderstood. I wasn't attacking the fact you called it news, but rather, I was expressing my hope that I don't see this on the bigger news sites later in the day.

oh, and neptunes: what?


This is just an Edge source, sure Edge is is a highbrow mag in most instantces it does report pretty legit info (thus it printed Phil Harrisons reposte) but it doen't mean its sources are always correct.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
There is an interview (in Japanese) with SCEJ CTO (the Cybery world guy from E3) who actually said that the are not satisfied with the quality of the screen at E3, and that the final one used in the PSP will be better, with better viewing angle. So, I guess we'll see what happens to that promise.


The Amiga Brotherhood
As it's not out till Easter next year, speculating about the cost of the screen now is a bit pointless I think ...


Here is the price 299.99 with 32MB Memory Stick, and sample disc ( three playable demos, three movies of games and three movie trailers )



Scary Euro Man
Well duh. Someone's lying or mistaken. Either Phil Harrison or Edge's unnamed source. Guess we'll have to wait a while to see which it is (or just jump to our favourite conclusions and shout about it for a while).

There's far more interesting news than that in Edge this month, IMO. Not least the tantalising undetails of Toshihiro Nagoshi's new game.


Well, there's a serious shortage of LCD manufacturing capacity at the moment (partularly for small cheaper screens), which is keeping prices sky-high.

Hopefully that will start to ease by early next year. I'm sure that's on of the factors Sony has to deal with in determining their launch date.


Knows the Score
iapetus said:
Well duh. Someone's lying or mistaken. Either Phil Harrison or Edge's unnamed source. Guess we'll have to wait a while to see which it is (or just jump to our favourite conclusions and shout about it for a while).

There's far more interesting news than that in Edge this month, IMO. Not least the tantalising undetails of Toshihiro Nagoshi's new game.

Is it a drinking game?


Knows the Score
Marconelly said:
There is an interview (in Japanese) with SCEJ CTO (the Cybery world guy from E3) who actually said that the are not satisfied with the quality of the screen at E3, and that the final one used in the PSP will be better, with better viewing angle. So, I guess we'll see what happens to that promise.

Also, it'll print free money and cure cancer.


DCX said:
Here is the price 299.99 with 32MB Memory Stick, and sample disc ( three playable demos, three movies of games and three movie trailers )

With Memory Stick? Why kill such an easy revenue stream like that? PS2 owners are trained to by memory cards, they'll buy memory sticks too.
pilonv1 said:
With Memory Stick? Why kill such an easy revenue stream like that? PS2 owners are trained to by memory cards, they'll buy memory sticks too.
It's not a very big Memory Stick, though, is it? Tantalize them with some freebies to ease the pain of the launch price...


Possibly, but I don't see them offering something for free when it will be required just like the memory card. If they "tease" them with a smaller card, I'd wager most would be happy with that, while only the hardcore would end up buying larget memory sticks.


Kobun Heat said:
It's not a very big Memory Stick, though, is it? Tantalize them with some freebies to ease the pain of the launch price...
Exactly, with that stick it will be like the current standard Gamecube memory card, that thing is worthless. Think about it, a $340 suped up gameboy/prtable dvd player/ipod...yet it has it's own media, that's where they will make thier money..UMD DVD movies...Sony isn't stupid and making something look better than it is at first is a good way to hit it up when it counts...i bet a 128 or 256MB memory stick is going to be the norm.

pilonv1 said:
Possibly, but I don't see them offering something for free when it will be required just like the memory card. If they "tease" them with a smaller card, I'd wager most would be happy with that, while only the hardcore would end up buying larget memory sticks.
They did include a memory card with the PS2 in Japan. Of course, that was because it was required to play DVDs. -_-

Again, a 32 MB memory stick is really tiny (the one in my Clie is 256 MB and that was only $49.99 after rebate). I doubt it'll add much to the cost of the system and it does make the whole package more interesting. Of course, it's not like Sony has to do much to sell the first round of PSPs. They could pretty much just sit on their ass and the things will fly off the shelves for a while.


That's sad isn't it? Knowing that all they have to do is just release something shining, slap the name Sony on it and it's going to sell out of the gate. If Sony was doing this in the interest of gamers they would offer a rebate for a free UMD movie from a choice of 10 grabage movies :p, a UMD disc with MP3's on it, the 32MB card and the demo disc. Give users a chance to test all of the units capabilities out of the gate...the pricing should still stay at 299. I mean, kids convinced parents that PS2 was a good buy becuase it doubled as a DVD players, how can a kid even begin to debate the purchase of a PERSONAL entertainment unit? Not happening.



I stopped trusting Edge after Edge's(and Future publishing's in general) infamous "Nintendo is going third party" stunt. On the other hand I have Sony capable of doing something like this. We'll see...


They put these points to Phil Harrison who said the "comments about the screen are entirely without foundation. In fact we've made some enhancements to the viewing angle of the display since E3. As for cost thats entirley speculation".

Case closed, then.
Yeah, but Sony shouldn't have made promises.

What promises have they broken? If you look at Marco's post he said that Sony was disappointed in the screens quality and want to make it better not worse as Edge is suggesting.

Sony wouldn't have so much info to clean up with the PSP if all these mags wouldn't start making crap up just to fill their issue.


People should have learn by now that Sony make unrealistic promises to cause hype among mainstream people


Gold Member
nubbe said:
People should have learn by now that Sony make unrealistic promises to cause hype among mainstream people

IAWTP. By the time the poor consumers (including me) have put 500 eur on the table - that's how much PS2 was during launch in Scandinavia, without any games included - they are better of just ignoring the shortcomings and justifying their purchase with a "well, it's pretty good anyway." But not just Toy Story good.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
nubbe said:
People should have learn by now that Sony make unrealistic promises to cause hype among mainstream people

Bullshit, both PSOne and PlayStation 2 delivered what I expected and more and this is true for tons of other gamers.

Keep on hating mr. MVP, you seem good at it.


And even i am moderately surprised
"The PSX had a troubled start. Sony began selling the console in Japan with fewer functions than promised"

... ;)


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
"The PSX had a troubled start. Sony began selling the console in Japan with fewer functions than promised"

... ;)


have you set the post bot in automatic again ?

This is a PSP thread ;).


And even i am moderately surprised
i'm just pointing out that it is possible for Sony to over promise and under deliver....


Don't panic ;)


Panajev2001a said:
Bullshit, both PSOne and PlayStation 2 delivered what I expected and more and this is true for tons of other gamers.

Keep on hating mr. MVP, you seem good at it.

Uh, you're not the only one who can call bullshit. I feel like an ass for having to bring up those tech demos but hey, I just did. But let me guess you're response - it was people's fault for falling for Sony's spin, Sony didn't lie, they just misled blah blah blah.
"I feel like an ass for having to bring up those tech demos but hey"

Are you referring to the tech demos they showed at the PS2's unveiling? Because i've yet to see one that a PS2 game hasn't owned.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Didn't they give you the stuff they promised at a later date? I don't see the problem."


Well, the firm ware upgrades still aren't complete. We are missing a lot of functionality, on top of which the unit software has so many problems/glitches it's not even funny.

I think it is a problem if we are going to get phased functionality like this. They announced VERY late in the day that this would be the case, and made promises about fast upgrades (within weeks) - and it took AGES for them to add basic stuff like keyboard input.
if the PSP wont have that LCD screen it used at E3 i am going ot be pissed,that screen made the games look so great and clear!



I want to know how many orgasms per second the PSP's screen can push. If its anything less than 10 mops, they can kiss my ass.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
I want to know how many orgasms per second the PSP's screen can push. If its anything less than 10 mops, they can kiss my ass.

It's 30 mops, actually, which is well above the 0.00524 mops that GBA pushes. :p


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Apple aren't exactly saints in this regard...


The super-slim iPod defines what a digital music player should be. It’s lighter than two CDs, can hold up to 10,000 songs, thousands of digital photos and works as a personal voice recorder.

No indication of what size iPod or what compression rate you need to use to get that 10000 song number until the next paragraph...

And yet the iPod gives you a huge 15GB, 20GB or 40GB hard drive — big enough to hold 10,000 songs.
They still don't associate that number of songs with a specific HD size, and no mention at all of compression rate yet either. Reading that, one not so well versed in their understanding of technological components like HDs could be forgiven for thinking they're all big enough...

Of course, if you go to their tech specs page and start to read the fine print, you'll find that info, but they're not making it abundantly clear on their iPod front page. I'm sure what Sony is doing is no different.


And even i am moderately surprised
I agree that Apple are no saints (infact, my ipod wores are aplenty), but Sony are saying "in comparison to the Ipod..." which is the difference here. They are failing to point out the difference in quality. It is misleading - deliberately so infact.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Apple chooses not to point out what there specific quality level is too. Any comparison to Apple's numbers will automatically be misleading simply because Apple's advertised numbers are misleading to begin with. There's nothing more deliberate about Sony's actions in comparison to Apple's. In fact, this practice of half-truth related to music capacities is pretty widespread amongst all digital audio player manufacturers. I don't see any point to holding Sony more culpable or singling them out regarding this practice.
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