The Simpsons was as spinoff of the Tracey Ullman Show. Fraiser, SVU, Better Call Saul.
Final Fantasy Tactics was a spinoff.
I bet this game ends up being a top rated game of the entire year and has a huge impact when it launches. There have ALWAYS been From haters who don't like the path we zeitgeist pioneers dare to tread. Too bad. We will keep going the From Software route until morale improves and everyone will follow the truth is that very few people can be trendsetters and trendsetters like hard games.
Do you know what a hipster is?
A hipster is a person who follows the latest trends and fashions in clothing and lifestyle, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream. We have enough hipsters in gaming that as long as those of us who just generally love From software keep pumping them then we will never, NEVER dry up. We will have hipsters that aren't even born yet doing our arguments for us in 30 years. Yall just keep gaming and I guarantee you, you will not resist our siren's call for the next From Software game. If you resist this spinoff now, you will simply have MORE desire to play the next one, it's not escapable unless you are capable of forming your own opinion and sticking with it thru fomo and hipsters. Good luck.