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ELDEN RING |OT| One Ring To Rule Them All


Gold Member
Isn't it just a matter of time until you get the bell?

Not that crucial either. I don't really like the summoning mechanic so I've only used it a few times for fun. I guess some later bosses require you to use it though so idk.

Anyway I thought the bell was given to you at a certain point regardless.

There's an easily missed NPC early on that gives you it or you can buy it from the merchant at the Roundtable.

Yeah, I didn't think to go back there, and you also have to do it at night apparently. Like, I know these games like to not explain things, but again, not even a single hint at that is pretty weird.

The Cockatrice

Gold Member
60h in, and at around Im assuming 60% of the game with the entire lower half of the map prolly entire done, with some few exceptions like some of the dragon stuff and the aquaduct undeground which are optional but for very high levels based on the dmg I deal so Ill just continue with the main quest now and return there later.

Anyway I can safely say that this is on par with the other dark souls games except its incredibly overrated especially if you've played all previous souls games. If you're new this may seem refreshing which why a lot of ppl praise but I have not seen anything new in the entire game. ALso it's technically a piece of shit on PC and the art style and atmosphere are just carrying the entire game on its shoulders.

Sekiro remains the best souls game with the best combat and Bloodborne second best with the best atmosphere.


Gold Member
Curious are you looking to find everything or just trying to progress with primary game focus? I'm completely mired in trying to find every nook and cranny before moving on and it is absolutely tedious in the ability to miss something so easily. This game may take me a couple months of dedicated adventuring but I'm still enjoying the experience enough to avoid playing anything else.
Yeah, I think a lot of it is my fault and down to how I play open world games versus souls games.

What I absolutely adore about traditional souls games is the compact, rubix cube design. This has this, but only in certain moments. I find galloping around a lake looking for a map fragment.....dull. That sort of drudgery seems to undermine what I love about the traditional formula. Really does feel like two different games bundled into one.

Anyway, I'll stop moaning. Will still be my GOTY.


The game is seriously big and filled with stuff to distract you from the main quest line. Its easy to get lost in that and lose the main thread you were supposed to follow. Ive started using the markers to come back there later. And move on towards the next main goal. But I just entered the Altus plateau and realised this is going to take even longer than what Id assumed a couple of days ago. How the hell did From manage to put all of this together. Mindblowing and awesome once in a lifetime experience.
Got to be honest, it's starting to drag now.

Everything is just too random and too obtuse. I've spent hours just running around in circles, hugging cliffs trying to find legacy dungeons. After about twenty hours, the 'magic' of discovery is just replaced with frustration.

As soon as the standard DS experience kicks in, it's absolutely incredible. The dungeons and bosses are fantastic.

I dunno. It's obviously an outstanding achievement. But it's too much for me.
20 hours total or 20 hours after you've discovered most things?

If it's 20 total, there's no way you've seen the bulk of things. I'm at 40 hours and haven't even got all the map pieces, I haven't even fully explored the southern peninsula.
I continue to get blown away by how large the map is...especially when you consider that...

the underground portion of the map is fucking HUGE. it's confusing as hell, but is insanely massive if you take the time to explore it. it's deceiving, the in game map doesn't do it justice. for example, the map shows that the mimic boss battle is right next to the siofra first grace. obviously, this isn't the case. they must be leveled in a weird way where there are layers to the underground world. meaning the map isn't even close to being indicative of how large the underground portion of the game is

The game is seriously big and filled with stuff to distract you from the main quest line. Its easy to get lost in that and lose the main thread you were supposed to follow. Ive started using the markers to come back there later. And move on towards the next main goal. But I just entered the Altus plateau and realised this is going to take even longer than what Id assumed a couple of days ago. How the hell did From manage to put all of this together. Mindblowing and awesome once in a lifetime experience.
yeah I haven't even scratched the surface of Atlus Plateau

I tried to work my way to Volcano Manner, even rushing through it took hours. simply getting there is a huge adventure.
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Gordon Freeman

Gold Member
I'm on PS5, 92 hours clocked, zero issues, sorry to hear that 👍

Not sure why you assume I had the issue. I didn’t.

But it’s well documented on Reddit, here and more. So feel free to find out for yourself.

I’m so sick and tied of the “I didn’t have the bug so it’s not a big deal” attitude. Your attitude is worthless.


People are putting invasion signs on Radhan. That’s specially shitty because it’s bait and they know the coop signs are summoned fast. Pretty shitty.


I have yet to face Margit! Lol!


finally found a somber smithing stone 1, which allowed me to finally use the 2 and 3 i already gathered throughout my adventure.
system seems way too limiting tbh,needing the exact numbered one for the upgrade you need
People are putting invasion signs on Radhan. That’s specially shitty because it’s bait and they know the coop signs are summoned fast. Pretty shitty.
not sure if you've fought Radahn yet but DO NOT summon coop for Radahn

you can summon like 10 NPCs for the battle who you can resummon once they die. you can't do this if you do coop. and you don't have to worry about him getting beefed up, which happens if you rely on coop

people might be putting the invasion sign there because it seems like it would be a really fun place to PVP. I was actually thinking of doing it, because the place where you fight Radahn seems like it would be an epic place to duel.


not sure if you've fought Radahn yet but DO NOT summon coop for Radahn

you can summon like 10 NPCs for the battle who you can resummon once they die. you can't do this if you do coop. and you don't have to worry about him getting beefed up, which happens if you rely on coop

people might be putting the invasion sign there because it seems like it would be a really fun place to PVP. I was actually thinking of doing it, because the place where you fight Radahn seems like it would be an epic place to duel.
So, I’ve tried three times and will do it more tomorrow. It seems such a BS fight…
So, I’ve tried three times and will do it more tomorrow. It seems such a BS fight…
if you truly feel like it is a BS fight and waste of your time, I have 2 methods of cheesing him

one is pretty cheesy, the other is ultra cheese

lmk if you want me to share it, although one makes the fight truly laughable. pretty sure its a glitch.


Gold Member
Not sure why you assume I had the issue. I didn’t.

But it’s well documented on Reddit, here and more. So feel free to find out for yourself.

I’m so sick and tied of the “I didn’t have the bug so it’s not a big deal” attitude. Your attitude is worthless.
Did someone piss in your cornflakes this morning? Didn't enjoy the taste? I answered you in a respectful manner, didn't claim it wasn't an issue, didn't claim you experienced it, I simply stated *my* experience, no one forced you to answer my post that wasn't addressed to you in the first place. Don't talk reckless or you'll get the dog shit slapped out of you, carry on. Oh, and praise the Ring! 👑

Gordon Freeman

Gold Member
Did someone piss in your cornflakes this morning? Didn't enjoy the taste? I answered you in a respectful manner, didn't claim it wasn't an issue, didn't claim you experienced it, I simply stated *my* experience, no one forced you to answer my post that wasn't addressed to you in the first place. Don't talk reckless or you'll get the dog shit slapped out of you, carry on. Oh, and praise the Ring! 👑

Dude you know what you did. The age old defence that since you didn’t have the issue it’s a non problem.

It’s ok. You did what you did and it’s noticeable.

Also what? You weren’t addressing me? You quoted my post and replied. Are you high?
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Gold Member
Equip load confuses me a little. I don't really notice any difference in roll speed between no armor and a lot of armor. In the DS games this difference was always extremely noticeable.

I'm also finding this game much more difficult than I thought I would. I have beaten all the previous games (well, I haven't played Sekiro), and the first few bosses are always a cakewalk. But holy shit, I have zero chance against the first real boss outside the castle. I don't know, maybe I'm playing it wrong. I started out as the Samurai, going mostly for dex. Don't have any magic or really anything I can use at a distance (except for the bow, but that's too slow for boss fights I think). Getting absolutely wrecked, just can't handle his attacks in the second phase.
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Put me in the 'it's dragging' column. I'm not sure I get what they're going for with this. I love Dark Souls with a desperate passion, but I'm kinda bored with this one already. I think the fact that so many item pick ups are throw away consumables kills the exploration for me, or that some areas are just bizarrely overstocked: mines where you can farm three or four levels of smithing stone in half an hour feel bizarrely out of place, especially when other areas yield nothing but runes and crafting materials. I don't know, I'm struggling to stay interested.


Gold Member
I don't know, I have the full samurai set on and I'm rolling as fast as with nothing on at all.
It's only a three tier system. Light, medium and heavy. Medium and light are similar but light is a bit quicker. Naked runs are not really necessary. Medium is always the meta unless you're a super specialized build. There are no "degrees" of equip load, just the three tiers.

Technically there's a fourth tier - over 100% load and you can't roll at all. But we don't do that here.


Gold Member
It's only a three tier system. Light, medium and heavy. Medium and light are similar but light is a bit quicker. Naked runs are not really necessary. Medium is always the meta unless you're a super specialized build. There are no "degrees" of equip load, just the three tiers.

Technically there's a fourth tier - over 100% load and you can't roll at all. But we don't do that here.

Yeah, what I'm saying is that I find the difference between light and medium pretty much unnoticeable.


Just started really playing last night. Got completely sucked in. I've played Bloodborne, all the Dark Souls games and vanilla Demons Souls (never finished though), but I feel like this had me the most interested to keep on playing. Normally unsettling games tend to steer me away but so far I'm still compelled to soldier on (first time I heard those screams at night creeped the heck out of me). Currently just running around cutting down those soldiers and zombies roaming around.


Gold Member
Yeah, what I'm saying is that I find the difference between light and medium pretty much unnoticeable.
Yeah it's very slight. It's enough of a difference to notice if you've got a lot of hours under your belt and run setups like quickstep builds or builds that revolve around that low carry weight/ high damage ring (talisman). It's probably designed to be a slight difference since the large majority of players will be using medium. Don't sweat it man.

Winter John

I tried summoning help on that first boss but by Christ the players that joined were worse than useless. I couldn't afford to buy more than a couple of them things that let you see summon signs. So that was 4000 runes down the pisser. In the end I beat the boss with that wizard dude. On the first go. I wish I'd just summoned him at the start. It would've saved me a lot of time and runes.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I tried summoning help on that first boss but by Christ the players that joined were worse than useless. I couldn't afford to buy more than a couple of them things that let you see summon signs. So that was 4000 runes down the pisser. In the end I beat the boss with that wizard dude. On the first go. I wish I'd just summoned him at the start. It would've saved me a lot of time and runes.
The co-op item is really easy to craft.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Did you finish it yet, and if so, was your prediction that you'd be about SL120 accurate?

Also curious about others who beat the game - what level were you at the end?
Not yet, had irl responsibilities to get back to so progress has slowed. I’m over SL 100 after finishing the capital and exploring underground. Still have what looks like a good amount left.


Got suckered into another trap chest today. Last one at the Tower of Return transported me to the Capital. This one in the Dragon Burnt Ruins transported me to the Selia Mine. It was a nail biter trying to run out of there while holding onto all my ruins. Died a few times to those upright cockroach looking mofo's before I finally just threw caution to the winds and started swinging away at them. Went into the mine with 6000 ruins, came out with 14,000. At level 33 now and I still haven't advanced past the opening area yet.

I think all these trap chests are telling me something.
You can share it alright. I have no intention of fighting this guy fair.
well the method I won't spoiler is the same method you can use to cheese almost any boss: rot

you can apply rot through that one dog summon that inflicts rot, craft arrows/bolts, I'm sure there is a grease recipe to apply it to your weapon (although I haven't found it), or use a spell. rot will tick a boss health down to zero. it is typically permanent, although with Radahn you'll need to inflict rot a second time during his second phase.

the specific ultra cheese method for Radahn in particular is below, it's basically a glitch:

you need to lock on the boss while on your horse and hold forward on the stick so you move straight while behind him. he will get stuck in this running loop and be unable to attack you:

it's hard to explain, but don't raise any summons. just run at him, get on your horse, and follow his behind while locked onto him. you can just hold the forward stick and it will automatically track him once you get behind him
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Got suckered into another trap chest today. Last one at the Tower of Return transported me to the Capital. This one in the Dragon Burnt Ruins transported me to the Selia Mine. It was a nail biter trying to run out of there while holding onto all my ruins. Died a few times to those upright cockroach looking mofo's before I finally just threw caution to the winds and started swinging away at them. Went into the mine with 6000 ruins, came out with 14,000. At level 33 now and I still haven't advanced past the opening area yet.

I think all these trap chests are telling me something.
slight spoiler about the capital transport

the one that transported you to the capital, if you run to the right of that giant which is lying down, you can find one of the best talisman in the game on the floor


Just found Long tailed cat talisman, it doesn’t work 😞
That's the fall damage one right? It says it gives you fall immunity, but doesn't prevent falling to your death. My guess is that there is a certain height threshold that your character will just die instantly.


Gold Member
I beat the game today at 88 hours. I think I still had roughly 10-15% undiscovered stuff on the map. IMO it's a 10/10 and might be my favorite game of all time. I may need to let that opinion marinate for awhile, but right now it feels that way.

If there was only one major complaint I have about the game, is that late game difficulty for bosses gets ramped up to such an crazy degree, that the "Play whatever build you want" approach is no longer viable. You might feel forced into respecing and changing your build into something you never would've used, but you are now because it's giving you an actual fighting chance against the bosses, or allowing you to cheese them.


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
Finally got the plat on Horizon so now I can begin Elden Ring! Did some exploring and got to my first big check with Bloodhound Knight Darriwil in Limgrave. I don’t know if you are supposed to be upgraded on the weapon at this point but I fought him with the starter longsword and at SL20 and it took a solid 40 minutes of attempts! Finally got the timing down and bested him with a series of parries and ripostes.

This game is gonna be good.
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Gold Member
I was wandering around and found this long ravine that lead to a big mine. There's some shit in there, and on the other side some more. Real nice rollercoaster of emotion.


Put nearly 100 hours into this and loved every minute. Ive scoured what feels like every inch of Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula and Liurnia, and aboit 50% through Caelid. Im level 55, how much more game is there? I havent really been too far North of the Lake yet, got a couple of sites located but no map frags as yet.

Ive done a dex/int build and using a Lordsworn Quality Sttaight Sword +14. Thinking of trying some other weapons to see if anything is stronger, found a sword of night and flame or something which looks great but I need 17 more points in Faith for that, will that make my build spread too thin?


Gold Member
Put nearly 100 hours into this and loved every minute. Ive scoured what feels like every inch of Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula and Liurnia, and aboit 50% through Caelid. Im level 55, how much more game is there? I havent really been too far North of the Lake yet, got a couple of sites located but no map frags as yet.

Ive done a dex/int build and using a Lordsworn Quality Sttaight Sword +14. Thinking of trying some other weapons to see if anything is stronger, found a sword of night and flame or something which looks great but I need 17 more points in Faith for that, will that make my build spread too thin?
You're about halfway. Probably a little less actually. You are taking more time to do stuff than the average player, but don't let that stop you. Keep enjoying the hell out of it!
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SL 120 on my Strength run on Series X after playing Mage/dex on PS5.

Magic pretty much negates a lot of the boss mechanics up until 2/3 through the game. You can zone out bosses fairly easily and then the last 1/3 of the game they rush you down. I was going full mage from the rip but had to mix it up the last part of the game.

Just got the ruin greatsword to +10 with 50 strength. Seems like greatswords are underwhelming compared to other strength weapons. Could be just the weapon so I'll have to test.


That farming spot in the mausoleum is pretty insane. I went from lv 76 to 111 in a couple of hours and I wasn't rushing either.
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“Try finger but hole”. Kills me every time. You guys need to stop putting that message down 😂😂 very distracting.
not sure if you've fought Radahn yet but DO NOT summon coop for Radahn

you can summon like 10 NPCs for the battle who you can resummon once they die. you can't do this if you do coop. and you don't have to worry about him getting beefed up, which happens if you rely on coop

Not true, did the fight with a friend and was still able to do the summons. No torrent though...

Theres this ash of war that invaders are using me where they jump in the air and hold for a sec then go into a combo of slashes that completely busts through my shield and stun locks, anybody know this move and a good counter? Even hit them while they were midair and they didnt get knocked
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