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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Took my clipper to help the Empire fight off the pirates in Ngaiawang. Making approx 500k / hr so fairly steady income. Station with all the fittings needed is only 20 Mms away too, so handy for resupplies / repairs.

Made around 1.5m so far. Not enough to get a mention on Galnet yet :/

Increased combat rank to master though, so that's all good.

Might go run some trades though. A7 shield is a cool 50m+ :eek:


I started a new job a couple of weeks ago, and actually saw someone playing this game during lunch yesterday. Apparently a few other people in the office play it too!
Has anyone managed to get their DK2 view mirrored on a monitor at the same time?

It doesn't matter if the image on the monitor is upside down, doubled, on its side or low res, I just need to guide some mates through the game.

Is this possible at all?

Google "Elite display switcher" it's a DK2 user's dream. Allows for HUD color changes, second window script, saving of display settings, etc... All in a program GUI instead of editing the text files.


Had my first surprise while exploring. popping out of hyperspace to see TWO stars right in front of me, hurtling toward me at superluminal velocities. Sure, I've been in binary systems before, but this was the first time coming out right next to a contact binary. Actually elicited an out-loud "woah!" from me.. hehe.

And then there was the stupid Viper. After the first pass, where I found he likes to play it close, he was down to around 8% or so without shields, and decides to take a close run at me again. So... a Viper with no shields and almost no hull playing chicken with a fully-shielded Asp. I wasn't interested in a head-on collision, but I did rip my fins along the bottom of his hull. Didn't go so well for him.


Alright, requesting help from Elite GAF. Trying to get into a Conda before Wings launches via Live branch. Currently in a Type 7 with 208 cargo space and 3 mil to spend on commodities. Anyone have a great route they can send me via PM? Promise not to share it with a single soul. Could really use some guidance on this, using the Thrudds tool at the moment but it's pretty brutal.


The top 5 ranked guys for the Ngaiawang combat zone community goal are just ridiculous.

Top guy was over 3 BILLION in claimed bounties. Second was just over one billion. No idea if they're hacking or just playing 24/7 since the goal started, as I did that combat zone a lot over the weekend and am still under 10m claimed.
I really wish they could fix the stutter when approaching a planet the first time in supercruise. I swear it's worse with each update. I'm not the only one getting this am I?

The top 5 ranked guys for the Ngaiawang combat zone community goal are just ridiculous.

Top guy was over 3 BILLION in claimed bounties. Second was just over one billion. No idea if they're hacking or just playing 24/7 since the goal started, as I did that combat zone a lot over the weekend and am still under 10m claimed.

I understand Anacondas with turrets can sit at the combat zone collecting kills completely unattended. That could be the explanation. The rich get richer.


I really wish they could fix the stutter when approaching a planet the first time in supercruise. I swear it's worse with each update. I'm not the only one getting this am I?

I understand Anacondas with turrets can sit at the combat zone collecting kills completely unattended. That could be the explanation. The rich get richer.

I'm going to have to try this at some point, sounds ridiculous.


Gold Member
I really wish they could fix the stutter when approaching a planet the first time in supercruise. I swear it's worse with each update. I'm not the only one getting this am I?
No, many get it.

I understand Anacondas with turrets can sit at the combat zone collecting kills completely unattended. That could be the explanation. The rich get richer.

Interesting, but probably a bit risky. Turrets have been fixed, so it might work now.


I really wish they could fix the stutter when approaching a planet the first time in supercruise. I swear it's worse with each update. I'm not the only one getting this am I?

I think most of us are affected by that. I'm playing this game exclusively in VR, can you imagine the stutter in VR.. freezing everything for a split second, enough to shake my brain. Yeah, it's uncomfortable..

Anyway, after many months I'm STILL not used to (and will never be..) the "process" we have to go through when launching a ship from a station. This going down into the station, spinning around thing, and up again, just to having to see some flaps things slowly doing something something, is kinda infuriating to me. I understand the reason behind it, but ffs Frontier, at least give me the option to just take off, please? :)


I think most of us are affected by that. I'm playing this game exclusively in VR, can you imagine the stutter in VR.. freezing everything for a split second, enough to shake my brain. Yeah, it's uncomfortable..

Anyway, after many months I'm STILL not used to (and will never be..) the "process" we have to go through when launching a ship from a station. This going down into the station, spinning around thing, and up again, just to having to see some flaps things slowly doing something something, is kinda infuriating to me. I understand the reason behind it, but ffs Frontier, at least give me the option to just take off, please? :)

Yeah that process has bothered my friend and I since we started playing. I understand what they're going with the the flaps being an engine blast shield but why not lower them after docking is successful and the engines are disengaged? Granted it is a neat touch and ads to the immersion but you do want to skip it after a while and I bet it could speed up players coming and going at busy stations.
I wish we could land facing any direction. It isn't much of a problem anymore, but when I first started I would almost always have to do a 180 to get my ship facing the right way. If the dock can spin why does it matter which way I'm facing?


- Added functionality at Starports with security offices for the Player to hand over Marked cargo

Anaconda exploit fixed :(

- Remove a spurious "Is Critical" flag from docking computer modules, you can no longer kill a ship by tickling one with a laser

Is this the ship lights buff?

- Added new light cone renderer

I love the audio in ED, so looking forward to hearing these:

- Fer De Lance Audio.
- Vulture Audio
- Sounds for “masslock”, “safe to disengage” and “slowdown” GUI alerts.
- Audio added for “FSD Cool-down” GUI animation.
- Audio for reboot-sequence.
- New heat indicator audio warnings.
- Specific new impact sounds for Cannons, Railguns and PlasmaAccelerator impacts.
- New Ship voice lines for enabling/disabling thrusters, self destruct and ship reboot.
- Upgraded audio engine (Wwise) to the latest version.


- Fix paintjobs to apply to cockpit model making them visible from inside the player ship
Nice. Now maybe make some for the Anaconda, uh? :p

- Brought back fuel usage gauge
I don't remember this.

- Balance pass on repair costs
- Update to the repair discount based on faction reputation: Now only kicks in at 80% (allied) reputation, Reduced from 40%(ish) to 10%
Ehh, okay then.
Downloading the Beta 1.2 update now, so it's live.

And somebody posted the FDL specs:


That looks like a BEAST. Hopefully it's agile a bit. But I think the Vulture will be the main combat ship. This just seems like a Python without the cargo.

EDIT: and the Vulture:


Vulture looks about as good as a vulture I guess. What an ugly ship, lol. Will probably buy the FDL assuming they don't fuck it over.


Both new ships look pretty cool. FDL is what I want if it's even remotely agile. Not sure if I'm feeling only having 2 large hardpoints on the Vulture, despite the fact I think it looks really cool.
The FDL is amazing to fly. The sounds are sooooo good. Doing a video, will try and get it uploaded tonight for those who don't have beta access.

Next up: Gotta find the Vulture!
Hahaha, hey, I really like the look of the Vulture. Ugly and mean as fuck.





Detailed post on 1.2 and using Wings:

You can use new hotkey bindings to quickly target each wingman in your wing.
If you target a wingman you will target their wake if applicable.
If you target a wingman in a different system you will target their system.
If you have a wingman targeted, you can use the Select Wingman’s Target binding.
In addition, all scans performed by wingmen are shared across the entire wing as long as they are present at the location.

Wingman Relaxed Requirements

When using wakes created by your wingmen, you can travel faster and be further away and still safely use them.

Wingman Crime Exemption

You cannot commit crimes against wingmen, and no authorities will intervene as long as your actions do not affect other ships or structures.
Cargo can be freely transferred between wingmen who all count as its owner.
Crimes against non-wingmen remain personal; other wingmen are not punished directly, though they may well commit crimes if they wish to help out.

Wingman nav-Lock

You can slave your ship’s frame shift drive to a wingman’s vessel. Select a Commander from the Comms Contacts tab in the Comms panel who is listed under the “Wing” heading and choose:
You will see a square marker appear on the wingman’s status element in the wing interface.
When you are nav-locked, the following effects occur *automatically* if you are close enough to them.
When the nav-lock marker is cyan, you are within nav-lock range.
When the nav-lock maker is red, you are out of range.
· You will follow the wingman into and out of super cruise
o Standard requirements still apply (retracted hardpoints and gear, etc.)
· You will follow the wingman into a hyperspace jump
o Standard requirements still apply (retracted hardpoints and gear, capable FSD, fuel, etc.)
· You will follow the wingman’s wakes
o Standard requirements still apply
Note, you can only slave your drive to a single wingman at a time, but you can change the nav-lock target freely.
To turn off the nav-lock, select the nav-locked Commander from the Comms Contacts tab in the Comms panel who is listed under the “Wing” heading and choose:

Wingman Beacon Signal

When in normal space, you can activate your ship’s beacon signal, by navigating to the Functions tab, highlighting and selecting:
Choose “Wing” to turn the beacon signal on.
Choose “Off” to turn the beacon signal off.
Whilst the beacon signal is on, any Commanders at super cruise in your system will see a signal contact on their sensors.
You can target and drop out at a signal contact to arrive at the wingman’s location in normal space.

Wingman Shared Bounties

When attacking wanted vessels, every wingman that takes part in the fight, landing some hits on target will be eligible for an equal share in the bounty claim, as long as they are present when the vessel is destroyed.

Wingman Trade Dividend

When a wingman makes a profitable trade, all other wingmen will receive a trade dividend claim, a small, profit-based credit payment awarded by starports to encourage the protection of traders in the system.
This voucher may be handed in at any starport in the system.

Wingman Shared Exploration

When in the same system as your wingmen, exploration data is awarded for all wingmen present, allowing the entire wing to profit.
The first person to hand the data in is eligible for any bonus payment, but if the data constitutes a new discovery, all wingmen present in the system when the body was scanned will be listed as the discoverers.

Heat Damage

Heat damage now damages modules when ship heat reaches 100%. Whilst heat remains above this value, modules may randomly suffer small amounts of damage every few seconds.
Should ship heat rise above 160%, the ship’s hull will start to lose integrity.
BE AWARE, when your WEP capacitor is low, more heat will bleed out from the weapon’s cooling loop and increase your ship’s temperature.

Reboot and Repair

There is a new option in the Functions Tab:
Use this to initiate a diagnostics and repair sequence. During this sequence, your ship will cannibalise healthy modules to repair completely broken ones.
Each broken module will be brought back online with a couple of percentage points of health.
For every percentage point of health repaired, double this amount is taken from randomly selected healthy modules.
This sequence will fail if you have no modules with more than 5% health, or if you have no completely broken modules. The sequence cannot repair hull or canopy failure.
Warning, once imitated, you will have no ship control until the process is complete.

Shield Boosters

You can purchase and fit shield boosters to utility mounts.
Each booster increases your shields overall strength by a set amount when the booster is powered.
Be aware, increasing your shield strength in this manner will cause regeneration, including time required to reform after breaking, to increase.

Hull upgrade packages

You can purchase and fit hull upgrade packages for internal slots.
Each hull upgrade package increases your ship’s overall hull integrity.
Be aware, hull upgrade packages have mass that may impact negatively on a ship’s flight characteristics.

Signal Source Strength

You will encounter weak and strong signal sources.
Weak signal sources *tend* to imply that few vessels are present.
Strong signal sources *tend* to imply that many vessels are present. Be aware of elevated risk when investigating strong signal sources. Flying as a wing may help: there’s normally safety in numbers.

Heat Bar Update

The ship’s heat bar has been updated. It is now clearly segmented.
The bottom, largest segment represents nominal ship temperature; no heat damage will occur if the ship’s temperature is in this segment.
The middle, smaller segment represents unsafe ship temperature. This segment will flash red when ship heat is within it, and alarms will sound, as well as short circuiting effects. Your modules will take damage when ship heat is in this segment.
The top, smallest segment represents catastrophic ship temperature. This segment will flash faster when ship heat is within it, in additional to all other indicators. Your ship hull will lose integrity when ship heat is in this segment.



I don't remember this.
If this is what I think it is they mean where the fuel gauge will says 1.35/ls or whatever the unit of measurement was. It was showing the fuel usage and it changed depending on your acceleration etc. Although I'm not 100% sure since I only remember seeing that for a few days after I started playing then they removed it in a patch so one of the veterans can correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit about 1.2 notes above:
So if modules take damage above 100% how are we supposed to use fuel scoops without accumulating enough damage eventually to make the ship inoperable? The current way fuel scooping works sounds like it will be useless with this new heat system or am I misunderstanding it?


Very interesting changes!

Heat Damage

Heat damage now damages modules when ship heat reaches 100%. Whilst heat remains above this value, modules may randomly suffer small amounts of damage every few seconds.
Should ship heat rise above 160%, the ship’s hull will start to lose integrity.
BE AWARE, when your WEP capacitor is low, more heat will bleed out from the weapon’s cooling loop and increase your ship’s temperature.

Well, this kind of sucks for explorers and fuel scooping in general, doesn't it?


Now I see Portman thought the same thing.

And great find on that concept art, Anton Sugar!
PvP arena coming in 1.3?

So as usual when there's a new update (1.2) I rummage through the data files for clues as to what has been added, or will be added, but has not been mentioned in the changelogs. Luckily for us FDEV are good at forgetting to purge unused files and stuff under development when they release new patches.

Ok, here we go. If you're a beta 1.2 participant have a look at the following file system path:


Uh oh! What's in there you say? Could it be... a competitive PVP mode ala Star Citizen Arena Commander?!
Let's look what's inside of it shall we, fire up that hex editor!


As usual it's compressed, let's uncompress it! (if you want to know how to decompress it; find the zlib signature (78 9C) after the STATIC section, then uncompress till the end)


Well there we have it, three game modes...

Death Match
Team Death Match
Zone Control

... that in the future most likely will be located at "Earth Arena" in Sol


Also, can't wait to get my hands on that debug cam:

And someone dropped into a "heavy" USS...



Gold Member
So if modules take damage above 100% how are we supposed to use fuel scoops without accumulating enough damage eventually to make the ship inoperable? The current way fuel scooping works sounds like it will be useless with this new heat system or am I misunderstanding it?

Well, this kind of sucks for explorers and fuel scooping in general, doesn't it?

Just make sure the heat remains below 100% when scooping. It's not a big issue as this is quite easy to do, but I guess you can scoop at high speed while being in a different room anymore :)


Just make sure the heat remains below 100% when scooping. It's not a big issue as this is quite easy to do, but I guess you can scoop at high speed while being in a different room anymore :)

I must be doing something wrong. Everytime I've used a fuel scoop I've always shot up over 100% quickly and I would scoop until 140% then break off to cool down and resume. It always seems to shoot up past 100% so quick that I don't see how the new method works. Is there a trick that I don't know about or a method to refuel at a high intake without raising the temperature quickly?
Coopage. .
Saw that PVP Arena stuff on reddit. So many things I'd rather have them focusing on.

I agree BUT at least this diversifies gameplay options and it may help keep or attract an audience.

I'm also going they actually do something interesting with the modes rather than matchmake people into a simple asteroid field.

I must be doing something wrong. Everytime I've used a fuel scoop I've always shot up over 100% quickly and I would scoop until 140% then break off to cool down and resume. It always seems to shoot up past 100% so quick that I don't see how the new method works. Is there a trick that I don't know about or a method to refuel at a high intake without raising the temperature quickly?

Ditto. I can't hit max scoopage without going over 100%.


Gold Member
I must be doing something wrong. Everytime I've used a fuel scoop I've always shot up over 100% quickly and I would scoop until 140% then break off to cool down and resume. It always seems to shoot up past 100% so quick that I don't see how the new method works. Is there a trick that I don't know about or a method to refuel at a high intake without raising the temperature quickly?

Ditto. I can't hit max scoopage without going over 100%.

Keep the sun above you, just above the wind shield. Keep below 0.12c speed, and when you reach 95-98% heat, drop the throttle to zero. If you have a relatively correct angle and keep just the rings of the sun in the wind shield, you should keep below 100%. You might not be at max scoopage but close.
I haven't gone into the beta yet but 100% heat resulting in module damage is absolutely absurd unless they're tweaking all heat values. Some of the bigger ships break that threshold just trying to frame shift. So dumb.

From what I understand it's just the UI that's changed

150% on Live Build = 100% on the Beta build.


From what I understand it's just the UI that's changed

150% on Live Build = 100% on the Beta build.

Thanks for that, just found it.

FD said:
So, under the hood the mechanics are exactly as before, we're just scaling the numbers that are shown on the heat UI so that 100% is the danger point (it makes more sense to most people, subjective of course ) - it's exactly as hard to reach what is now shown as 100% as it was to reach the old 150%. The fuel scoop UI doesn't seem to have been updated to match... yet, which I think is a source of confusion for now.

At the 100% danger point you do indeed now start taking module damage rather than hull damage, hull damage kicks in at 166% (previously 250%).

Looks like it's actually a heat damage NERF. Crazy.


Gold Member
Repairing damage is 10x cheaper now, so some damage won't ruin you. I've yet to see any module damage even at 125%, so no need to worry quite yet.


Saw that PVP Arena stuff on reddit. So many things I'd rather have them focusing on.

Agree as well, but if it keeps the vocal CoD kiddies happy while FD can work on other more important stuff then I'm all for it.

Regarding fuel scooping: The key is to orbit the sun at a distance that keeps your temperature relatively static. Sweet spot seems to be traveling at around 0.3c. I find it easiest to keep the sun just below me and I'll constantly point slightly down towards it. Just try to keep the light orange glow in your view and you should be fine. If your temp starts dropping then point down more, or point up a little if your temp starts rising too fast and try to hold that sweet spot as long as you can. Not overly difficult once you get the hang of it and get to know what temperature limit your ship can take before getting damaged.


Hmm. What would you even put on the Vulture to maximize the two large hardpoints? Rails?
Hmm I don't think class 3 railguns currently exist (and this is probably a good thing). I'd guess since raw dps won't be the Vulture's strength (it should be similar to the Cobra/Viper) it should probably fly with at least one beam, hopefully fixed if the ship is nimble enough. The other could be another beam or a large gimballed multicannon, maybe?


Hmm I don't think class 3 railguns currently exist (and this is probably a good thing). I'd guess since raw dps won't be the Vulture's strength (it should be similar to the Cobra/Viper) it should probably fly with at least one beam, hopefully fixed if the ship is nimble enough. The other could be another beam or a large gimballed multicannon, maybe?

Yeah I was thinking beam/multi-cannon but with only 2 hardpoints? I just don't see it working unless you're firing in tandem with a wing and specialize. Which actually kinda appeals to me.
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