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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
15.3m got me into top 5% last night, checking just now unsurprisingly I fell back down into top 15%. There's 5 hours left, I guess I'll see what I can accomplish in the next 90 minutes before real life responsibilities take over. It looks like this one has no chance of unlocking the Tier 4 bonus, but still an 8 mil bonus vs a 4 mil bonus is pretty huge in this stage of my career.


I hope they end up re-thinking the scale of the ships and expand the station sizes. I want a Viper in my Anaconda, not some crap Sidewinder. Haha. Or give us external docks for some of the absolutely huge ships.


Back in top 5% at 16 million. Call me crazy but I think if I get another million or so this should hold up no problem.

I just turned in a couple million more and it moved me to 5%. Almost 17 million in total turn ins. I'm going to go out again because I need money, but I want to secure that bonus for sure.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I did notice that I dropped back to top 15% while I was at the RES. I suppose a lot of Europeans do play this game, so that final push might screw me. Sitting at 17.8 mil back in top 5%. Also got my combat rank up to master, yay.

Maybe I can get some more game time after lunch if I drop again.
Yeah, high tech high pop stations. Your current one may even have them but could be temporarily out of stock.

I went onward with the B-grade FSD; made my way over to the Pipe Nebula, then looped around to the Coalsack and back, doing some detailed surface scans here and there if any planets seemed interesting (found a waterworld terraforming candidate with 0.9999 earth mass, so close). On my return leg, I came across Anlave, a wealthy high-tech system with a population in the in the tens of billions (edit: whoops, that was 4.0 Billion, not 40). The previous high-tech system that didn't have the top-tier FSD had a population in the tens of millions, and its station was labeled "large population." The one in Anlave was labeled "very large population" and had all the A-grade stuff.

Sold all my exploration data for around $900k. Takes a lot longer than bounty hunting, but it's a nice calm break. I'm hooked now. It may be time to trade in my Cobra. Bittersweet. It served me so well.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Yeah got the top 5% at 17.93 million. I only got back in time to get about 10 more minutes of vouchers handed in, and didn't get a good RES, but I figured every last bit would help. I don't know about Python and FDL. It would be a shame to sell off my clipper after getting it for that sweet discount. Current assets is 43 million, 8 of that is in cash... and I don't have my 12 mil bonus from the CG... speaking of which... how do I collect that? Will it just pop up in my funds? Do I need to stay at Laming until a redeem button shows up like for regular bulletin missions?


What do you like about it? Seems like a difficult ship to manage.

I expect that it'll be buffed or adjusted eventually.

Dropship has huge power capacity, allowing tons of high energy cost weapons and components. Can hull-tank like a champ too.

Hardpoint placements are great too.

With FA off you can keep targets lined up easy enough. Just don't have the speed to chase them down if they run.

@Askani: I'd recommend 80m absolute minimum before switching to FDL or python. I initially went with python when I had 75m and got stuck having to run B/C grade components and didn't have the power to run anything good. Traded in it to get another 10-15m then traded it in for a FDL.

Absolutely love it, but keep in mind that the FDL is useful for combat ONLY. Python can do everything but costs a ton more to be able to do so.


Dropship has huge power capacity, allowing tons of high energy cost weapons and components. Can hull-tank like a champ too.

Hardpoint placements are great too.

With FA off you can keep targets lined up easy enough. Just don't have the speed to chase them down if they run.

Exactly. You've got to turn FA off. The Dropship can boost more or less continuously and it can turn really well, so it's like a huge strafing tank. It's top speed is 340, so it's not that slow. And don't forget it's inhibition factor of 20. Only and Anaconda, an FDL and another Dropship can mass lock you.

I'm not saying it's the best, but it's certainly underrated.


Jumped back in after binging on GTA V the past two weeks. It was funny when I first got into combat and didn't remember how my weapons were setup and which was the best! Hard to believe that taking a break like that makes you forget some of the game but I guess that's a sign that I need to play more.

I meant to get involved in the community goals over the weekend in Empire but they had ended by the time I got online last night. I know that I can make more in RES (still gotta get that guided lesson at some point) but I went for the community goal at Volungu just to get some quick combat.


Jumped back in after binging on GTA V the past two weeks. It was funny when I first got into combat and didn't remember how my weapons were setup and which was the best! Hard to believe that taking a break like that makes you forget some of the game but I guess that's a sign that I need to play more.

I meant to get involved in the community goals over the weekend in Empire but they had ended by the time I got online last night. I know that I can make more in RES (still gotta get that guided lesson at some point) but I went for the community goal at Volungu just to get some quick combat.

Welcome back. I will wing up with you at some point. Promise! Still 18k LY out there though so I'll be a bit.


Welcome back. I will wing up with you at some point. Promise! Still 18k LY out there though so I'll be a bit.

Heh no worries. Probably safer for both of us for me to get my space legs back so I don't end up crashing into you. After doing some combat I ran some item delivery missions (the no cargo space required type) and of course when I'm wanting to go to sleep it offers me a warzone mission finally. Hopefully more of those missions will be there tomorrow since sleep wins over the urge to keep playing this time.

The funny thing is that these courier missions are a nice change compared to fighting all the ships for kills in the conflict zone. I guess the battle at Lugh spoiled me with steady waves of ships and an evenly matched battle. This seems like the Federation has the upper hand so it's a battle for kills.


Back to this game after months without touching it (played too much of the beta and also busy at work).

Wanted to play a bit late today after my current headache goes away and was wondering if there have been many big changes to the game. Also I believe I'm still stuck with the release gift eagle and want to try some of the cooler ships added later on. What would be the fastest way to rack up some money so I can grab something better?

Edit: Also, any improvements on Oculus Rift support? Not that it was bad before, just asking...


@Askani: I'd recommend 80m absolute minimum before switching to FDL or python. I initially went with python when I had 75m and got stuck having to run B/C grade components and didn't have the power to run anything good. Traded in it to get another 10-15m then traded it in for a FDL.

Absolutely love it, but keep in mind that the FDL is useful for combat ONLY. Python can do everything but costs a ton more to be able to do so.

No doubt. I'm getting close to the base buy in cost but I'm a little further away from being ready to actually have it. I'm at 49 million right now. I have my Vulture to trade in and I have a Type 6 sitting in a dock that I could get rid of too, but it wouldn't make up the extra equipment deficit. I guess that's an easy way to look at my choice though. If I keep the Type 6 I'll go to the FDL, if I sell it I'll go with the Python.
Really loving the Asp. The cockpit offers such an amazing view. Found my first Carbon star, and later my first two Neutron stars in the same system, 1,606LY out. It's ridiculous how close you have to get to the Neutron stars to initiate the DSS. Such tiny little things. Not sure if I wanna push on farther or begin to plot the return trip.


I love this game but biy can it be a chore to find simple stuff. All I wanted to do tonight was buy a damn viper in LHS 3447. After 20 minutes of looking around for a shipyard that had one I gave up. Oie Vay!


I love this game but biy can it be a chore to find simple stuff. All I wanted to do tonight was buy a damn viper in LHS 3447. After 20 minutes of looking around for a shipyard that had one I gave up. Oie Vay!

I remember having the same problem. Wish I could remember where one is sold. Maybe Eravate?


Anyone know how combat capable an Anaconda is these days? I'm just about able to trade my Python in for one (I really want to fly a mini star destroyer) but I imagine I'd have to have 3x the funds for a combat ready version.
My Clipper is coming right along. Got a couple of 5-mill upgrades (shield generator, power plant thing), weapons seem fine. I guess all I'm saving for now is an armor/hull upgrade and maybe I'll upgrade my kill warrant scanner.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what to do with money other than saving to buy the next bigass replacement ship.

I wonder if there is a more powerful version of the Gimbaled Burst Laser (Large hardpoint) available somewhere in the universe? Also, should I look at non-gimbaled variants of any weapons? I got used to using them because I learned the virtues of targeting subsystems for easy kills on big ships, and gimbaled provides the most uptime on damage being dealt for me thus far. I'm not sure if targeting subsystems works as well with non-gimbaled laser options.


Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
You fly a clipper. You don't get to use fixed weapons. I think there's only one type of Class 3 Gimbaled Burst or whatever, I think it's just permutations of class, gimbal etc, and weapon type for the most part. Not like the internal components where you can upgrade up the chain of ratings.

I do want to try fixed weapons and really test my flight skills, but that's going to have to wait for a different ship.
You fly a clipper. You don't get to use fixed weapons. I think there's only one type of Class 3 Gimbaled Burst or whatever, I think it's just permutations of class, gimbal etc, and weapon type for the most part. Not like the internal components where you can upgrade up the chain of ratings.

I do want to try fixed weapons and really test my flight skills, but that's going to have to wait for a different ship.

roger that. :D
I wonder if there is a more powerful version of the Gimbaled Burst Laser (Large hardpoint) available somewhere in the universe? Also, should I look at non-gimbaled variants of any weapons? I got used to using them because I learned the virtues of targeting subsystems for easy kills on big ships, and gimbaled provides the most uptime on damage being dealt for me thus far. I'm not sure if targeting subsystems works as well with non-gimbaled laser options.


Like Pegasus said, the ratings/mount types are standard across the board with the weapons for now, so as long as your Gimballed Burst is a Class 3, you've got the best (read: only) one of that type for the large hardpoint.

edshipyard.com is your friend!

I much prefer gimbaled/turreted weapons for specific subsystem targeting. You can do it with fixed weapons, of course--the game will still provide the target box for the subsystem as a courtesy--you're just expected to hit it manually. With the Clipper's hardpoint spacing, that's just... well, not very easy nor efficient.

I love this game but biy can it be a chore to find simple stuff. All I wanted to do tonight was buy a damn viper in LHS 3447. After 20 minutes of looking around for a shipyard that had one I gave up. Oie Vay!


I found this site last night; it's a community effort but they've logged a lot of useful info so far. You can search for systems by name, check for stations with shipyards, then click the station and check the shipyard inventory should they have the info for it logged. DrBo42 suggested Eravate, and it appears the Cleve Hub there has a Viper waiting for you!

There are several other useful tools on that site, though I honestly prefer to just play the game cruising around and taking notes. More rewarding that way. But if you're in a hurry to find anything, that site could be a very useful resource where the galaxy/system maps in-game fall short.
Like Pegasus said, the ratings/mount types are standard across the board with the weapons for now, so as long as your Gimballed Burst is a Class 3, you've got the best (read: only) one of that type for the large hardpoint.

edshipyard.com is your friend!

I much prefer gimbaled/turreted weapons for specific subsystem targeting. You can do it with fixed weapons, of course--the game will still provide the target box for the subsystem as a courtesy--you're just expected to hit it manually. With the Clipper's hardpoint spacing, that's just... well, not very easy nor efficient.

got it. and ty for the link. I'll review that asap. my gimbaled burst lasers are indeed C3, so I guess I'm as good as I'll ever get there unless I go back to beam lasers. I might try some of those out if I get bored with my burst solution.

Is a higher powered beam laser more or less effective than a burst laser when targeting subsystems?

There's nothing stopping you from running say a fixed large and med on one side and gimballed on the other side. I tried that for a bit but kept mixing up which reticle was which so went back to gimballed on both sides.

I think if you tried it and didn't like it, that's enough for me. I'm happy to learn the lessons of those who came before.
Is a higher powered beam laser more or less effective than a burst laser when targeting subsystems?

Beams have been extremely effective for me, but I find it's best to use them to take down shields very quickly, then hit the targeted subsystem with a missile or some other type of kinetic weapon. Beams will still get the job done rather quickly (much of my bounty earnings came in a Cobra with 4 gimbaled beams, 2 small and 2 medium), they just drain the hell out of your available power, so make sure you get the best power distributor you can find to go along with the A-grade powerplant you already bought. That'll give your weapons higher overall power capacity and recharge rates. It's also helpful to divert all your pips to weapons if you're going heavy with Beams, as that drastically affects the power drain rate.
Beams have been extremely effective for me, but I find it's best to use them to take down shields very quickly, then hit the targeted subsystem with a missile or some other type of kinetic weapon. Beams will still get the job done rather quickly (much of my bounty earnings came in a Cobra with 4 gimbaled beams, 2 small and 2 medium), they just drain the hell out of your available power, so make sure you get the best power distributor you can find to go along with the A-grade powerplant you already bought. That'll give your weapons higher overall power capacity and recharge rates. It's also helpful to divert all your pips to weapons if you're going heavy with Beams, as that drastically affects the power drain rate.

roger that. I'll start saving for a pair of badass large gimbaled beam lasers and see how it goes. I do have the best power distributor I could find, so I think I can manage the power drain from some big beam lasers. Not sure about 4 beam lasers, but I've never tried it before either. sounds like fun. nothing lost if I don't like it.


Beams have been extremely effective for me, but I find it's best to use them to take down shields very quickly, then hit the targeted subsystem with a missile or some other type of kinetic weapon. Beams will still get the job done rather quickly (much of my bounty earnings came in a Cobra with 4 gimbaled beams, 2 small and 2 medium), they just drain the hell out of your available power, so make sure you get the best power distributor you can find to go along with the A-grade powerplant you already bought. That'll give your weapons higher overall power capacity and recharge rates. It's also helpful to divert all your pips to weapons if you're going heavy with Beams, as that drastically affects the power drain rate.

Med to large beams also overheat your ship really quickly too, so you run the risk of damaging your subsystems. Burst and pulse are much more forgiving in that regard.


Interesting. Didn't know that.

Is that what the heat ejector thing is for?

That and going "undetected" you eject your heat and then button up the ship in silent running mode. Makes you an unresolved (blinking icon) on radar. Although they've made changes to ships signature based on size etc. Not sure if you completely leave the radar in the new builds.
That and going "undetected" you eject your heat and then button up the ship in silent running mode. Makes you an unresolved (blinking icon) on radar. Although they've made changes to ships signature based on size etc. Not sure if you completely leave the radar in the new builds.
I see. I wondered what silent running mode is for.


I see. I wondered what silent running mode is for.
It reduces your thermo-electric signature, so you don't show up as easily on scanners. The downside is how it does it... it shuts down your shields and closes off your external heat sinks, so instead of shunting normal heat to space, it holds it inside... your ship will begin to overheat. You won't be able to stay like that for very long, but maybe long enough to do whatever you were trying to do in the first place. I rarely use it myself, since I run above-board for everything. Right now I'm making a living hunting criminals, not being one of them. :)
Took this lovely picture of Jupiter today. Sol is the brightest star just to the right of the planet.



That and going "undetected" you eject your heat and then button up the ship in silent running mode. Makes you an unresolved (blinking icon) on radar. Although they've made changes to ships signature based on size etc. Not sure if you completely leave the radar in the new builds.

Also for when you misjudge your distance near a neutron star or white dwarf and get kicked out of SC. Trying to jump after that heats you up ridiculously quick, so the heatsink is needed to avoid critical system damage due to overheating.

Goes without saying that having your fuel scoop or FSD melt when you're 10,000 LY from the nearest station is a Bad Thing.

In other news I just came across binary earth-likes in a system approx 150 LY from the Great Annihilator black hole:

And the Great Annihilator itself:

Vid since the screenie doesn't show it very well:
Dev Update is out!

This week has seen the release of the latest Mac beta build and an accompanying PC build (it’s 1.2.07, the same as the current released game, but running on a different server setup), so even if you don’t have a Mac, and you have beta access, you can help the beta out as we’re focusing on looking for any issues playing between Mac and PC. This is an important step towards the Mac release and is the first time players from different platforms will interact with each other in the Elite: Dangerous universe. As always thanks for the feedback so far, it had been invaluable.

In last week’s Powerplay AMA David mentioned that I would be doing a crime special covering the changes relating to crime in the Powerplay update. We’ve covered a few in previous dev updates, but I’ll collate them all here in one place for easy reference.

Fines will now take seven days before they mature into bounties, so giving you more time to clear them off.

Active bounties are changing so that they are issued by minor factions only, even for systems owned by one of the three major factions. You won’t be able to pay these bounties for seven days. We’ll tweak the friendly fire to be a bit more forgiving and we can balance this number further if needed. We’ll also apply the friendly fire to hits on players in the same way they are for NPCs.

Whenever you commit a new bounty offence in a jurisdiction where you already have an active bounty then the bounty value is increased and the timer reset to seven days. If you gain a fine in the same jurisdiction then the bounty value is increased, but the timer is not reset.

An active bounty is resolved in one of the following ways: Firstly if a ship detects the bounty and destroys you then the bounty is claimed and removed. Secondly if your ship is destroyed, but the bounty is not detected then the following happens: The bounty becomes dormant and can only be detected by authority scans by agents of that jurisdiction and if detected will become an active bounty with a new seven day timer. If a dormant bounty is not detected within seven days then it is removed. If an active bounty is not claimed or made dormant within seven days then it will be cleared.

Note that when a bounty is removed, for whatever reason, it is added as a legacy fine for the same amount and for the same jurisdiction. Legacy fines never expire and are automatically added to the rebuy cost if you restart in a station or outpost owned by that minor faction.

We recently added caps to bounties per jurisdiction. These caps will remain although they do not apply to fines and legacy fines.

During the Powerplay beta we’ll also trial a new crime of ramming at speed within no fire zones. If travelling at over 100 m/s and you collide with another ship within the no fire zone then it will be considered a crime. There has been some vigorous debate on this so it will be interesting to hear peoples’ thoughts on this once it’s in place.

Something we’re looking at a bit futher down the line, but might not make the Powerplay update is the concept of interstellar bounties. These occur when fines and/or bounties for minor factions within a major faction cross a threshold then they are combined into an interstellar bounty. They work in the same way as normal bounties except that the jurisdiction is counted as the whole of the major faction. There will be legacy interstellar fines in a similar way to the legacy fines already described.

One last piece of news for Powerplay before I sign off for this week and that is an improvement to how we cache shaders, especially for celestial objects like planets and stars, which is one of the causes for stutters that have been identified. We’ll continue to investigate other causes.


  • Fines take seven days to mature into bounties
  • Bounties will only be issues by minor factions only, even if the system is owned by one of the big three; can't pay these bounties for seven days
  • Friendly fire is being tweaked to be more forgiving and they'll continue to evaluate it
  • CMDR friendly fire will be handled the same as NPCs (I assume: shots to shields aren't immediately hostile, but non-shield shot is)
  • If you commit new bounty-worthy offense in jurisdiction where you're already wanted, bounty value increases and the seven days reset; if you just commit a fine-worthy offense, the bounty value increase but the timer doesn't reset
  • How bounties can be cleared:
    • Ship scans you, detects bounty, and destroys you
    • Dormant bounty: your ship is destroyed but you were not scanned for the bounty: the bounty becomes "dormant" and can only be detected by system authority scans in the specific jurisdiction. If that happens, it becomes an active bounty and the seven day counter resets. If a dormant bounty is not detected (i.e., you are not scanned by system authority in that jurisdiction) within seven days, it clears
    • If an active bounty is not claimed or made dormant within seven days, it clears
  • When a bounty is cleared, a "legacy fine" for the same amount remains in the same jurisdiction. This fine never expires and is added to rebuy cost if you restart in station/outpost owned by that minor faction/jurisdiction
  • How does this relate to recent cap on bounties per jurisdiction? Caps remain, but do not apply to fines or legacy fines
  • Powerplay beta: ramming penalties in no fire zones! If you travel over 100 m/s and ram another ship in a no fire zone, it is considered a crime
  • Idea being thrown around that MIGHT make Powerplay: interstellar bounties. Bounties/fines for minor faction within a major faction reach a tipping point to become an "interstellar bounty". Same as normal bounties but jurisdiction is extended to the whole of the major faction. Legacy interstellar fines would exist, similar to legacy fines
  • Stuttering improvement coming soon, as they improved their shader caching


Thanks Anton.

Edit: I feel like this is going to cause even more people to flee to solo mode when they gain bounties. I honestly wish they'd just get rid of solo at this point, really holds back the interaction between players. At the very least create a save slot for each mode and don't allow transfer.
Unrelated to the update, but some insight on the FDL design from the artist:



Fer De Lance Concept art for Elite: Dangerous . The Fer De Lance is an interesting beasty, it went through a few looks.

The bottom two, grabbed from the ‘art direction diary with john laws’ is a 30 or so minute sketch based on the idea that it was a rich man’s yacht, with big engines and low armament, I pictured a largely glass yacht with fold-able solar sails 'not shown on this crop’.

There had been a few other versions of it done over time.

Then Xavier Henry laid down the art direction guides for the shipyards and I picked up the Zorgon Petterson shipyard, and the Fer De Lance was once again mine to push forward. I tried to keep it inline with the adder, and inline with the more triangular art direction of the elite universe.

Here’s the final concept I produced for the Fer De Lance.

Kinda love that initial concept.
Good. Getting insta-ganked for 200-400 credit bounties is crazy.

yo this. when I see a CMDR pick up one of these I just ignore them. who are these assholes that will kill a CMDR to collect a 300c bounty knowing it will cost them a ton of money? stahp.

also, not impressed by these 2 million credit Gimbaled C3 beam lasers on my Clipper. Or...I just don't know how to feel about them. They do notably more damage to hulls (I think), but I think they're a downgrade in dispatching larger ships that I can assassinate relatively quickly with my old C3 gimbaled burst lasers. I feel like ~10 seconds or more have been added to my Anaconda killing time. While having a lower up-time at a 4x higher cost. I'll give them another day before I decided how I really feel about them, but I'm really not impressed thus far. And yes, my power distributor is the best money can buy.


yo this. when I see a CMDR pick up one of these I just ignore them. who are these assholes that will kill a CMDR to collect a 300c bounty knowing it will cost them a ton of money? stahp.

also, not impressed by these 2 million credit Gimbaled C3 beam lasers on my Clipper. Or...I just don't know how to feel about them. They do notably more damage to hulls (I think), but I think they're a downgrade in dispatching larger ships that I can assassinate relatively quickly with my old C3 gimbaled burst lasers. I feel like ~10 seconds or more have been added to my Anaconda killing time. While having a lower up-time at a 4x higher cost. I'll give them another day before I decided how I really feel about them, but I'm really not impressed thus far. And yes, my power distributor is the best money can buy.
They strip shields quick but drain your capacitor so quick you need to stop attacking and wait for it to recharge, whereas with the burst you can sustain fire for far longer. This be reason #1 why I recommended burst over beam ;)

Pulse work great too but lack the punch of the burst.
They strip shields quick but drain your capacitor so quick you need to stop attacking and wait for it to recharge, whereas with the burst you can sustain fire for far longer. This be reason #1 why I recommended burst over beam ;)

Pulse work great too but lack the punch of the burst.

I wish I had timed the amount of time it takes me on average to kill an anaconda with each before I sold my Bursts. I'd say it takes about 3 full discharges and recharges to kill with those 2. Can't remember how many it took with the Bursts. It's not bad, but for costing 5x as much, it needs to be an UPgrade, not a SIDEgrade, you know? Burning a shield down 2 seconds faster doesn't seem to mean much when you have to wait for them bitches to recharge.

I guess I'll try 4x gimbaled pulse lasers and 4x burst lasers just for shits and giggles next.
I'm not sure how I feel about a legacy fine being added to rebuy costs--that seems a little harsh. Luckily I play nicely in a private PvE group and have only ever lost 1 ship through a dopey mistake which won't happen again, so it may never affect me.

I also don't get the fuss about solo play. If someone wants to avoid running into a human asshole in a fully built Anaconda or some such, let them. There would be nothing more infuriating than returning from a multi-day exploration run just to get interdicted and immediately annihilated while minding your own business just because some other player had a bad day and feels like frying a few ants as it were. Obviously, different people want different experiences from the game. That's precisely why I joined the private PvE group--I want to run into other players now and then, but with the confidence that they'll be reasonable, like-minded Commanders who aren't out to ruin another player's day. Also, it's not like solo play is a safe zone. NPCs will still swarm you if you're wanted. You still risk interdiction practically anywhere within colonized space. There's no way to fully escape your bounties in any mode of play without paying them off or being destroyed. Who cares if an NPC or another player is ultimately responsible? I've also seen a lot of grief on other forums about traders running in solo play having an affect on trading in open play... and again, who cares? In principle it would be no different than NPCs carrying out trading and such while you do other things--it keeps the galaxy alive and volatile. It adds to the game. Besides, there are so many trade routes to take advantage of out there--if one gets soured, find a new handful of systems. Move along, yeah?

also, not impressed by these 2 million credit Gimbaled C3 beam lasers on my Clipper. Or...I just don't know how to feel about them. They do notably more damage to hulls (I think), but I think they're a downgrade in dispatching larger ships that I can assassinate relatively quickly with my old C3 gimbaled burst lasers. I feel like ~10 seconds or more have been added to my Anaconda killing time. While having a lower up-time at a 4x higher cost. I'll give them another day before I decided how I really feel about them, but I'm really not impressed thus far. And yes, my power distributor is the best money can buy.

And that's with full power to weapons? I gave those same beams a bounty hunting run in the Vulture last night with an A4 power plant and A5 coupler (both of those are smaller than what your Clipper can fit) and with full pips to weapons, they melted through an Anaconda's power plant in 2-3 full charges with both beams active, 2 charges with just 1 beam active. Smaller ships were a laugh--just one of the large beams could cut through a high-level Cobra/Viper's shields and cripple its power plant with just one full charge. Helps to remain within one km of your target or so. Either way, it's nice of Frontier to give us full value on part exchanges when outfitting, so you can go back to the bursts without losing any moneys.

On that note... I made what could've been a very costly mistake with my math when trading in my Asp for that temporary Vulture. The part exchange at trade-in didn't give me the full value I thought it did. Made the same mistake again before realizing it when trading the kitted-out Vulture back in for the Asp, and was wondering what the deal was when I was outfitting the Asp as it used to be and coming out with less money than I had before. Luckily the bounty hunting in the Vulture was lucrative and I nearly broke even, but I learned a new lesson at the cost of a couple hours: always sell all your parts/replace them with E1 modules BEFORE trading in your ship. A quick google search leads me to believe this is common knowledge, but I learned it the hard way.

Before the Vulture trade-in flub, I'd finally made it back to civilization and cashed in my exploration data for around $3m after a round trip of 4,000 lightyears or so. Have completed just over 500 detailed surface scans now (denoted as level 2--I'm very curious to see what the level 3 scans will be in future updates--perhaps that'll come with the planet landings?). Loving the exploration game--just cruising around listening to music and relaxing is SO very nice. It sure does take a while, though. Does anyone know if better thrusters affect the acceleration in supercruise as well? Sometimes I'll just ignore distant stars or planets if they're 100,000+ light-seconds out... will leave those long trips for someone else with more patience.

I intended to write down all my original discoveries when selling the data, but there were just too many, so I'm only keeping track of the notable ones with large credit bonuses. I'd guess I've got close to 100 original discoveries now, with a small handful of terraforming candidates. No "true" earthlikes just yet, but I'm only just getting started. I'd really love to have a way to search for my original discoveries in-game, or at the very least have a counter for the total number of original discoveries in the Exploration section of the statistics list. Making such data viewable/searchable in-game in future updates would be a huge boon to those of us who get our kicks by finding new worlds.


I'm not sure how I feel about a legacy fine being added to rebuy costs--that seems a little harsh. Luckily I play nicely in a private PvE group and have only ever lost 1 ship through a dopey mistake which won't happen again, so it may never affect me.

I also don't get the fuss about solo play. If someone wants to avoid running into a human asshole in a fully built Anaconda or some such, let them. There would be nothing more infuriating than returning from a multi-day exploration run just to get interdicted and immediately annihilated while minding your own business just because some other player had a bad day and feels like frying a few ants as it were. Obviously, different people want different experiences from the game. That's precisely why I joined the private PvE group--I want to run into other players now and then, but with the confidence that they'll be reasonable, like-minded Commanders who aren't out to ruin another player's day. Also, it's not like solo play is a safe zone. NPCs will still swarm you if you're wanted. You still risk interdiction practically anywhere within colonized space. There's no way to fully escape your bounties in any mode of play without paying them off or being destroyed. Who cares if an NPC or another player is ultimately responsible? I've also seen a lot of grief on other forums about traders running in solo play having an affect on trading in open play... and again, who cares? In principle it would be no different than NPCs carrying out trading and such while you do other things--it keeps the galaxy alive and volatile. It adds to the game. Besides, there are so many trade routes to take advantage of out there--if one gets soured, find a new handful of systems. Move along, yeah?

It's the ability to move back and forth that's the problem. A trader moving to solo when he starts to see combat ships in his trade route rather than finding another route is a problem for privateers. You're not going to see that high volume of cargo or ships from the NPCs. If you're running a combat bond cg you have no chance of actually competent members of the other faction working against you in solo. It is more a safe zone absolutely. Then when you've made your fortune and want to come back and work against players etc you can. It's not a good system.
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