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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Huhhh, interesting.

Since people seem to know stuff here:

I had a mission last night where I was taking some quest item propaganda somewhere and someone wanted to pay me more for jettisoning it. They said they were gonna make it worth my while if I went to system X. So I do that, and nothing happens. How do I find what happened?

You look into the mission detail in your transaction tab if it shows you another mission. In your case, I think you need to abandon the mission and then just jettison the cargo. It should then point you to the station (usually the one you took the mission from) you can get your pay from.


Can someone explain why when I take "kill x number of traders from system y", when I get to a USS they plead for mercy, I get a message that my contract has been updated, and then when I abandon the kill message it says object complete and I get the money anyway.

You abandon the contract but you don't get the rep with the faction that gave it to you, and they don't gain influence.. at least that's how I understand it, anyway

Huhhh, interesting.

Since people seem to know stuff here:

I had a mission last night where I was taking some quest item propaganda somewhere and someone wanted to pay me more for jettisoning it. They said they were gonna make it worth my while if I went to system X. So I do that, and nothing happens. How do I find what happened?

Check your transactions tab, it should update with a new system and station to turn in your contract. I have had it where it's bugged out the mission after these encounters, though.


Can someone explain why when I take "kill x number of traders from system y", when I get to a USS they plead for mercy, I get a message that my contract has been updated, and then when I abandon the kill message it says object complete and I get the money anyway.

Cause that's the second objective and you chose that and apparently the proper follow up is not properly implemented yet.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I shouldn't be reading this thread on the weekends. I stay at my missus place with her 3yo son so don't game here and I got massive withdrawals.

Very hard to squeeze in the time a couple of nights a week when I really need a decent 4+hr session to get into the groove. Currently taking missions that continually take me to new systems. One place I was in last night had less than 10 ships visit over a 24hr period. Feels lonely.
So I caved and bought elite - only done the training through sidewinder and I can already tell it's gonna be good .

one control question: I'm using a gamepad and, by default, left and right thrusters are not mapped ( q and e on keyboard). That seems pretty important to me, but I haven't been able to map it out quite well. As of last night I had it mapped to A+left stick so that I could thrust and yaw, which gives me a poor mans version of strafing if I claw it. Is there a better way to set up an Xbox controller?


I just exited from super cruise and was about ~1km away from station. Before I had time to do anything I hit the station a bit. I didn't take any damage and I was able to request landing before they shot me. That was pretty scary experience.


Are anarchic systems the best place to bounty hunt? I just visited an unexplored system, used my warrant scanner to find two ships with bounties, killed them both and got "bounty earned" messages, but only one seems to be showing up as being able to be claimed? Any ideas why?


Are anarchic systems the best place to bounty hunt? I just visited an unexplored system, used my warrant scanner to find two ships with bounties, killed them both and got "bounty earned" messages, but only one seems to be showing up as being able to be claimed? Any ideas why?

That's a bug that's being looked into.


Hmm, I don't show up on the bounty list? Good...I guess...got 30K in Ho Hsi...last night anyway, let me check. No one scanned me yet in the area though. Maybe as I'm docked in a different system atm.

Isinona is back with new heat.

Love these videos, will watch in a sec, need to get a morning jump into ED though >:)

That blue looks really nice as well. I was worried about the shield showing up but it switches to orange? Very nice. [Make your own -> http://arkku.com/elite/hud_editor/ ]

So i decided to go full in with this game, i ordered a X52 joystick and played a few tutorials. I used to play as a child with X-Wing and TIE Fighter but other than a little bit of Freelancer, this is my first real foray into space sims as an adult, and it was just a blast doing little missions and delivering cargo (I seem to enjoy the traveling aspect the most so far). With that said, I kind of need help as far as reading into the map. Is there a way to find out what commodities can be bought from where? Also, is there like online group/chat support? Sorry if these questions has been asked before. Its just a bit overwhelming and after a 2 hr session of just flying to place to place and having a blast, I just wanna figure out how to do more.

This helped me find slaves near me:

This system is the Too Many Cooks of the galaxy.



Achievement unlocked, reach a net worth of 10 million credits.


Check your transactions tab, it should update with a new system and station to turn in your contract. I have had it where it's bugged out the mission after these encounters, though.

I ran into a bug like that yesterday myself. It updated with a new destination...went there but couldn't give them the cargo to claim it.

Well... my Internet cut out, but we're on Gafmumble.typefrag.com port 6740 and we are free to use it for the elite group if you guys want. I'll add it to the OP.

Awesome news! Bookmarked.

Sometimes the in-game comms doesn't want to work (well it was like that last night, kept getting errors).


Klykka I made it to Ho Hsi finally. We're working for jet comms right?

Yep! Jet Comms Limited. Ho Hsi Corp and the other factions are free to engage.

Make sure you only use Steiner Hub and Alecheyev Enterprise for your trading/repairing/etc...
Also note that all wanted ships in the sector are wanted by Ho Hsi orp so you could only get their bounty at the station they own,which is a big no no. So if you want to make money from bounty hunting,you need to do it outside the system.


New patch is out! Daily updates = gooooooooood

Hi everyone,

Servers should be down in a few moments to update to Elite: Dangerous 1.03 - there are a few headline features on there (see the top three bullet points).

• Added option to hide the orbit lines in shown in Supercruise
• Added control bindings icons for some of the most popular control devices
• Reduce likelihood of NPC ships claiming bounties after a player has weakened an opponent
• Avoid disconnection if the client is unable to connect to the TURN server but is setup to successfully connect to peers through normal means
• Fix for refresh of mission data provoking rare disconnections from a heavily loaded server
• Fix for ranking missions sometimes being available from factions that won't award a rank promotion
• Fix for "unknown error" shown when selecting an already refined material from the refinery hopper
• Fix for a rare crash when loading inconsistent saved game data
• Correction for missing name for Python radiator module
• Corrections for some mission descriptions
• Corrections for some galaxy data in a small number of systems
• Enhanced diagnostics for PVP bounties sometime not being awarded
• Enhanced diagnostics for rare errors preventing game data from loading

Just the one server-side update today:

- Fix a bug that was preventing Commanders from exploration scanning stellar bodies that they had previously scanned but not sold and then died.

Cheers guys!



wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I can tell this game has its hooks in me.

Didn't get to play at all last night, the gf and I had a date night, but DAMN wasn't I thinking about playing Elite the entire God Damn Time. Tonight, I'm having a date night with Elite Dangerous!


Neo Member
So pleased you guys are having such a great time in our game, and i love the fact that you're working to destabilse the system of Ho Hsi, who knows maybe i'll see you there ;)

Commander Johnjamin Out


I'm finding it hard to get out of my local group of star systems LH 3447 in my Sidewinder, I'm trying to set a course towards Earth but it never seems to get me in the right direction. Best to stay put and upgrade my ship maybe?


I'm finding it hard to get out of my local group of star systems LH 3447 in my Sidewinder, I'm trying to set a course towards Earth but it never seems to get me in the right direction. Best to stay put and upgrade my ship maybe?

Sidewinders don't have a great starting jump distance so it's best to either upgrade it if you want to keep it or gain enough money to buy a new ship.
Spent an hour playing the training missions. Didn't even make it into the main game. Clearly I need a heavier joystick (Saitek Cyborg Evo Force), but I'm enjoying the quirks of Elite combat so far (they want you to roll, not yaw; shields seem to have a set recharge time after they go down, and then restore to 100%; lasers and guns need to be led differently but guns kind of auto-aim).

Just tell me there's nothing as brutal as Incursion at the beginning of the game. I only made it to wave 6 before running out of autocannon ammo and getting crushed by three fighters.


Just waiting for my X52 Pro to arrive, so anxious! Only did the training with KB/M but left the actual game to play only with my HOTAS, and I didn't even play with a HOTAS before in my life. LOL


Fucking hell I'm loving this game. The immersion and depth of it are unlike anything else. I haven't had anywhere near enough time to understand a fraction of it thus far but goddamn... I'm gonna be sinking a lot of time into this.

Now I want a beautiful minimalistic 1080p Elite: Dangerous wallpaper for my desktop. Anyone have something cool?


So pleased you guys are having such a great time in our game, and i love the fact that you're working to destabilse the system of Ho Hsi, who knows maybe i'll see you there ;)

Commander Johnjamin Out

If you are a developer for Frontier you should message a mod or admin and ask them to tag you with a tag stating that you are a developer. That way people know to bug you with things :)


Ah man, I dunno what was happening last night. I kept randomly overheating, no idea why and it stopped after a couple of deaths. I would be near the sun at 88% heat collecting fuel then when full head over to the NAV beacon. Drop out of cruise and after scanning a few ships for wanteds suddenly jump up to 150% heat and trying to jump away or thrust or anything would increase heat to take it to my destruction.

So pleased you guys are having such a great time in our game, and i love the fact that you're working to destabilse the system of Ho Hsi, who knows maybe i'll see you there ;)

Commander Johnjamin Out

Congrats on the successful launch! Such a beautiful game and you guys made simple things like flying around really rewarding. The Rift integration is astounding, Facebook should send some kudos Frontiers way.

If only I could make some damn credits, haha... at least it is realistic. I keep coming back for more, so addictive even if the 'game' isn't quite there yet.

Would be cool to be able to create your own groups territory, make Ho Hsi into GAF land. ;)
Last night the game finally "clicked" for me, i got my first few kills, ended up going on a long haul to gather fish for a mission only to find i had no route back to where i came from! So, one new ship drive and a lot of distractions along the way, i finally made it back, fish in tow. I was sooo tired, but i didn't wanna go to bed and fail the mission! It feels just like i wanted it to - a contemporary re-imagining of an old favourite.
I've always wanted to really get into a space sim, as outside of arcade dogfighting games like Rouge Squadron, I never really played one growing up. Is this a good jumping on point? Is it similar to EVE at all? I tried that and found it far too daunting.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Ah man, I dunno what was happening last night. I kept randomly overheating, no idea why and it stopped after a couple of deaths. I would be near the sun at 88% heat collecting fuel then when full head over to the NAV beacon. Drop out of cruise and after scanning a few ships for wanteds suddenly jump up to 150% heat and trying to jump away or thrust or anything would increase heat to take it to my destruction.

Sounds like you may have accidently turned on silent running.


I've always wanted to really get into a space sim, as outside of arcade dogfighting games like Rouge Squadron, I never really played one growing up. Is this a good jumping on point? Is it similar to EVE at all? I tried that and found it far too daunting.

It's like EVE in that there's little handholding.

Thr learning curve seems a lot smaller to me anyway in Elite. It'll take a few to get your bearings but it's worth the time investment imo.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So pleased you guys are having such a great time in our game, and i love the fact that you're working to destabilse the system of Ho Hsi, who knows maybe i'll see you there ;)

Commander Johnjamin Out

If you work at FDev, then welcome to NeoGAF! Also, please express my thanks to the team, job well done so far with Elite. I'm having a blast with it just like I first did 30 years ago on my C64.

FDev said:
• Added option to hide the orbit lines in shown in Supercruise

OH YEAH they actually did it! This has been a very requested feature for over half a year now, I hope we can put it on a toggle key so it can be easily turned off and on for screenshots. I do like having the lines on during exploration though.


I've never played a flight sim in my life and I only have mouse and keyboard. Honestly, how difficult will it be to learn how to fly the ships in this game? I want to play it, it looks amazing.


Neo Member
If you work at FDev, then welcome to NeoGAF! Also, please express my thanks to the team, job well done so far with Elite. I'm having a blast with it just like I first did 30 years ago on my C64.

Cheers, you're more than welcome if it weren't for guys it wouldn't of happened in the first place, keep eyes on the horizon, there's more good stuff to come ;)

OH YEAH they actually did it! This has been a very requested feature for over half a year now, .[/QUOT

both externally and internally ;)
I've never played a flight sim in my life and I only have mouse and keyboard. Honestly, how difficult will it be to learn how to fly the ships in this game? I want to play it, it looks amazing.

I picked up the flight controls with kb/m pretty quickly, but I was used to playing other space sims that used kb/m, just not quite in the same way.
Is there a way to differentiate friends when you see them on Radar?

Need to make a checklist of things I need to do when I get home. I always forget and end up just cruising around doing nothing.

Although I did get VoiceAttack setup with most of the commands I want. The biggest problem is that "R2" is a little tough to use for my computer command name.

"our two" not recognized
"are two" is what I have it as, as I just used what it showed me saying.

Might have to change it to something else, "Dave" might be simple and understood. I could name it Roland after my puppy and really confuse him.

All's I know is my chair is starting to become ridiculous. Luckily the 30' USB hub/extension I use has 4 ports at the end, 2 for the X55, one for the mic, and the last one will be for EDTracker when it arrives. Once I get "really good" and not too worried about dying and enough credits to really hold me over, I'll probably play in the Rift more often.
Okay, I added everyone on the...

... except for WGMBY, whose CMDR name (Murro Crohan) can't be found and fishbang, who hasn't listed one.

Also, ichtyander's CMDR name was tagged as invalid but worked for me, maybe try it again (SID 6581) if it didn't work for you earlier?

I've stuck my name on the list too. I'll get everyone added when I next get a chance to play, which unfortunately probably won't be until Monday night.


Sounds like you may have accidently turned on silent running.

Had my shields and everything with no binding for it, checked my power levels, bunch spare... dunno it was odd. Normal star as well. It would happen in about 10 seconds. Enough time to panic and go into denial. :) Was fine for at least an hour after happening twice in a row.

Inferno - Play the tutorials and ask here if you are confused on anything, definitely a good place to start. Bit confusing at first and I still struggle with the money making side but great fun in spite of grievances.

Would recommend a joystick though, I get by just fine with a cheap FLY 5, in fact I love it apart from a lack of weight and slight loose feeling (understandable as you can adjust so much).

Just remember this is a sandbox with near zero narrative, and is pretty realistic so has up's and downs in terms of gameplay. You will definitely get your money's worth at the very least. Find myself playing a few hours and not even realizing it, time flies


I've always wanted to really get into a space sim, as outside of arcade dogfighting games like Rouge Squadron, I never really played one growing up. Is this a good jumping on point? Is it similar to EVE at all? I tried that and found it far too daunting.

Same here and I'm having so much fun with the game, HOTAS + voicettack is great with this game the only thing missing is the OR .

I'd say it's a good place to start .
Hmm, I have a bit of a dilemma here. I had a mission to acquire 2 slaves, but it seems that the game's confusing me about the rewards.

When I went to Worlidge, there was no option to hand in the mission, while at Serebrov, the proper reward that's in the brief is not showing up, as seen above.

What gives here? I purchases the slaves elsewhere, not stolen.


Alright, it's Friday night here. Time to get into my cockpit and continue my trip to Ho Hsi. I will also try to start saving some money because my Eagle is not really all that amazing for what I wanna do.

Also please Frontier, add already an option to change the HUD color or something! I keep changing the HUD color via the GraphicsConfiguration.xml but on each update (which I appreciate a lot!) the file gets overwritten and I have to go and do it again :(
I wanna be able to change the oranges to greens. Come on, guys...!


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Is he using OR ? Damn I need OR for this game it seems so useful to be able to look at the target while piloting the ship you can keep track of stuffs .

DAT skill

Most likely it's track IR or one of the homebrew alternatives.
Is he using OR ? Damn I need OR for this game it seems so useful to be able to look at the target while piloting the ship you can keep track of stuffs .

DAT skill

I don't think he'd be able to record like that with a Rift, you'd see the double screen or a lower resolution version. Most likely using TrackIR or EDTracker or just good enough to use headlook on a hat.

My guess is head tracking though.

...Find myself playing a few hours and not even realizing it, time flies



Hmm, I have a bit of a dilemma here. I had a mission to acquire 2 slaves, but it seems that the game's confusing me about the rewards.

When I went to Worlidge, there was no option to hand in the mission, while at Serebrov, the proper reward that's in the brief is not showing up, as seen above.

What gives here? I purchases the slaves elsewhere, not stolen.
I honestly think that the missions where someone asks you to abandon them are bugged. Even when they say that they are going to give you more credits than the original mission they never seem to actually do that.
I honestly think that the missions where someone asks you to abandon them are bugged. Even when they say that they are going to give you more credits than the original mission they never seem to actually do that.

So the best solution would be to tell them both to bugger off and black market?


Neo Member
I went to set up Voice Attack last night and realized that my Turtle Beach PX4's need a special cable for the microphone to work. Goddammit.
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