Arrived at Ho Hsi, I guess it's time to finally get a bit of cash, get that Cobra Mk. III and start stirring shit up.
Also, ichtyander's CMDR name was tagged as invalid but worked for me, maybe try it again (SID 6581) if it didn't work for you earlier?
Glad that it's seemingly working. I haven't done anything regarding my commander name but was worried if people wouldn't be able to add me.
So pleased you guys are having such a great time in our game, and i love the fact that you're working to destabilse the system of Ho Hsi, who knows maybe i'll see you there
Commander Johnjamin Out
These couple of days have been surreal for me. Waiting so long for a good space sim, and it being an Elite game on top of that, it's like finding a unicorn or something. You've done a fantastic job and I'm loving every minute of it.
Spent an hour playing the training missions. Didn't even make it into the main game. Clearly I need a heavier joystick (Saitek Cyborg Evo Force), but I'm enjoying the quirks of Elite combat so far (they want you to roll, not yaw; shields seem to have a set recharge time after they go down, and then restore to 100%; lasers and guns need to be led differently but guns kind of auto-aim).
Just tell me there's nothing as brutal as Incursion at the beginning of the game. I only made it to wave 6 before running out of autocannon ammo and getting crushed by three fighters.
Well, it all depends on what you want to do. If you take on missions with a payout higher than ~10k, there's a high probability you'll be mowed down in seconds. I haven't really had that many combat encounters, but the ones I've had, I've picked carefully and didn't have a lot of problems at all.
It's important to manage your power levels, if you're being pounded, transfer everything to systems (shields recharge faster) and engines (higher max speed, faster boost recharge) since you need to survive and escape, not shoot back.