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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West |OT| I Die, You Die.


Picked up my copy! Paid full price the bastard too- a rarity for me these days.

My interest in the game went from about 3 to 8 on the hypeometer over the course of one week. This is exactly the kind of game I feel like playing right now. Decision to dive in was mostly driven by Brad Shoemaker's review, Steve Gaynor's tweeting, and the good vibe resonating from this thread.

Heard good things about the music too!
is the character progress persistent between saves? will i be able to do my hard run through with all the moves and upgrades from my first go through?

what about the orbs and masks? will i only be looking for any i have missed?

can't see how you could collect all the orbs on some of the chase sequences in one go?


Hmm. Just beat the game... and, I dunno. It's kinda weird. I think I said earlier in the thread, I have plenty of issues with it, from the way the game plays to technical hitches like sound being desynced or just not loading at all. Yet... I think I enjoyed it overall, just because the environments looked nice so simply making your way through them was enjoyable even if it was almost completely scripted, and the characters were some of the most likable and well acted I've seen in a game.

The ending, though... I dunno. I don't think I really liked it.
It felt kinda anticlimactic after so much buildup. And the way Pyramid was portrayed as in any way possibly not the bad guy was completely at odds with the rest of the game and what we knew of the world. How many people died because of him? Including Pigsy mere minutes before?

At the very least, I think that what we got as the Epilogue should've been the final chapter, then the actual Epilogue should've been placed a year or so into the future so we could've seen how things worked out for everyone without Pyramid and mechs screwing everything up.

Still though, overall an enjoyable experience. Not something I'd have been happy spending $60 on, but I was plenty happy with it as a rental. I'll probably never play it again, but I'll likely pick it up the first time I find it for less than $20 just to have in my collection.
Always-honest said:
read this:

is this true??
Whoever wrote what you posted seems very confused. The only way you've ever been able to get uncompressed PCM has been via HDMI. For 5.1 audio, Dolby Digital (and DTS Digital Surround if offered) will still work via optical.

Uncompressed PCM is not the only way to get surround sound, despite what the audiophiles might tell you :D


endlessflood said:
Whoever wrote what you posted seems very confused. The only way you've ever been able to get uncompressed PCM has been via HDMI. For 5.1 audio, Dolby Digital (and DTS Digital Surround if offered) will still work via optical.

Uncompressed PCM is not the only way to get surround sound, despite what the audiophiles might tell you :D
Eurogamer did, they just posted there face-off.
cuyahoga said:
She's never portrayed as terribly competent and is typically reliant on Monkey to do anything successfully, and the ending is just consistent with that characterization.

She relies on Monkey to do heavy lifting as he is huge and she is a girl who isn't as athletic. She's a genius and much of the gameplan from where to go to strategy in battle comes from her. Pretty competent, just unsure if he revenge was appropriate in that unexpected scenario imo. Monkey was first pissed in Pyramid, then liked it, then was ok with Trip's decision. He was unsure as well.


Amazing game. Graphics in some areas are simply stunning. Too bad for the shitting framerates every now and then.

Want to go back and get all the orbs, but like Alan Wake, collecting is going to be a bitch.


Not sure if it has been mentioned already but I just bought the game at HMV (Oxford Street) and I got the 'Talent pack' for the price of the regular edition. It contains the soundtrack and a novel by Alex Garland.


Unconfirmed Member
nicjac said:
Not sure if it has been mentioned already but I just bought the game at HMV (Oxford Street) and I got the 'Talent pack' for the price of the regular edition. It contains the soundtrack and a novel by Alex Garland.

Pretty sure each store only got like 5 or 6 copies of this.

Plus, this game is just beautiful, the music, the voice work, the graphics. The only let down is the combat.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, I'm still enjoying the game, but it definitely takes a nose dive in the second half.

The first half was pretty magical and left a wonderful impression on me, but much of the second half involves ugly wasteland areas with god awful framerate problems. Every time I get into combat the framerate drops like a rock and tearing rears its head. What the hell happened? It's like they spent their time polishing up the earlier areas in the game and just dropped the ball here.

The combat becomes more difficult as well which, when combined with the terrible framerate, just becomes annoying.

It feels like a different game at this point. :(

Shame there is no PC version as that would at least take care of the performance issues. If the 360 version is struggling this hard, I shudder to think of how it must be on PS3. The framerate issues here are much worse than the PS3 demo areas. Ninja Theory just can't handle good framerates it seems. Heavenly Sword was also terrible in this regard.
Just Finished the game and turned off the system.


The Graphics and The Music are really good as expected from NT... the gameplay was so much better than Heavenly Sword, I'm surprised how much they learned from their experience in Heavenly Sword... and I really liked the platforming and boss battles plus the puzzles .

Now let's come to the reason why I'm a fan of NT... The Story and the characters, I will start by saying that Heavenly Sword win in this section... the Characters in Heavenly Sword were so much more memorable ( Kai is one of the best characters ever in gaming )... also the story in Heavenly Sword felt more epic and emotional... and the ending felt perfect for the game and gave the player strong sense that the story really ended.

What I hated the most in Enslaved and I felt that it ruined the game for me is
putting real life images in the masks and include them in the game's world... I mean would it hurt them to put something from the game engine in the masks? I hate when games do this.

And about the ending....
why the hell did Serkis appeared in the game? why didn't they make a in game model for him? I feel that his appearance ruined the sense that this is A GAME and it has it's own FICTION WORLD :\

Beside... they could at less show us what happened next and how did everything went after what Trip did instead of leaving us hanging like this.

After all.... I loved the idea of the ending and I think it was brilliant and nothing I expected.... the game was a step forward for NT in the term of Gameplay, but a little step backward from the term of Story.

I would love to see a game from them that combine The good elements of Enslaved Gameplay and the good elements of Heavenly Sword Story.

Last Question: Namco said that this is one of the Strongest IP in the upcoming years and they are planning to do Sequels for it... so do you think we will really see Enslaved turns Into Trilogy? ..... I really do hope so.

I will take a little break from the game before I go trough a 2nd playtrough to get my Platinum.
kanugo said:
Finished a couple of minutes ago. Whooa, what an ending. Loved it from start to finish.

as did i. & i'm ready to jump on the 'first half > second half' bandwagon. &, while i'm sure there's all kinds of ways of interpreting the ending, i thought it was pretty clunky:

i mean, why not just let people 'choose' which way they wanted to live, rather than using coercion, or killing them outright? or was the serkis guy (& i also hated the use of video) supposed to be some kinda warped messianic cult leader type figure? if so, it felt sorta lame/cliched...

i think there were other ways of raising the whole 'is it real or is it memorex?' issue that would've suited the storyline, made more sense, & been more effective, & it blows my mind that a studio could work so hard on a game & somehow bungle that part...

anyway, had a good time overall, but in no way, shape, or form did i have a bg&e, psychonauts, or ico level great time :) ...

edit: i realized what game i would compare this to: primal. good story, good characters, satisfactory gameplay... good, but just not great...


surprise. surprise. After an hour each in Castlevania and Enslaved, this game leaves a much better impression. I 'haven't got it' yet with Castlevania, but this game is so easy to get into.
I'm up to chapter 9 now. The mech combat is starting to get boring. I prefer the fights where you have to work your way to the gun turrets as opposed to the arena fights where you have to fight 3 waves of mechs back to back. If it were up to me though, I'd rather spend 90% of my time just navigating the beautiful environments.


Unlimited Capacity
canova said:
surprise. surprise. After an hour each in Castlevania and Enslaved, this game leaves a much better impression. I 'haven't got it' yet with Castlevania, but this game is so easy to get into.

That is because Castlevania takes about 3~ hours to pick up since it is a much longer game.
The Praiseworthy said:
Beside... they could at less show us what happened next and how did everything went after what Trip did instead of leaving us hanging like this.

I'm happy they didn't do that. I don't want to see a cheesy flashfoward of some happy life, I don't want to see some cheesy cliffhanger of them suiting up for another battle against a new bad force, it's not necessary. It's all been done and I prefer the characters still being and me not knowing than "they lived happily ever after, how sweet." I like them letting the story be and ending it when the journey is over.
endlessflood said:
Whoever wrote what you posted seems very confused. The only way you've ever been able to get uncompressed PCM has been via HDMI. For 5.1 audio, Dolby Digital (and DTS Digital Surround if offered) will still work via optical.

Uncompressed PCM is not the only way to get surround sound, despite what the audiophiles might tell you :D

What you say makes sense, except it appears that DF's blog is right. So Toslink users, be warned.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Holy sharts. When did Amazon start offering free Saturday delivery to NJ home addresses for Prime members?! Rock on. This and a new 32GB Sandisk microSDHC both arrived in a specially marked package today!


Up to chapter 5, really enjoying it. Very few games make you want to explore rather than fight but this game does it... maybe the sub-par combat actually helps with that feeling but I can't deny I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far.

The main thing that's bugging me is actually those
'glitches'. I know they'll be explained later (or at least I hope they will be...) but at the moment they just feel stupid. Maybe if they'd been rendered too as opposed to just pictures of Serkis stuck in there :lol

Can't get over how much I love the visuals though, stunning!


_tetsuo_ said:
That is because Castlevania takes about 3~ hours to pick up since it is a much longer game.

not exactly, I can already tell that there are a few things Enslaved does it better than Castlevania

- camera.
- platforming
jonnybryce said:
I'm happy they didn't do that. I don't want to see a cheesy flashfoward of some happy life, I don't want to see some cheesy cliffhanger of them suiting up for another battle against a new bad force, it's not necessary. It's all been done and I prefer the characters still being and me not knowing than "they lived happily ever after, how sweet." I like them letting the story be and ending it when the journey is over.
You have a very good point there... Thinking your way make me feels better about it.


Just finished the game! I loved the ending and totally happy how it finished off there. No bullshit needed to make it feel complete!

Man I kind of wish Ninja Theory was working on another original IP rather than DMC. I've really enjoyed their characters in This and Heavenly Sword.


I'm thoroughly enjoying this. Combat is better than I expected and the platforming is tops. The world looks amazing and I like both protagonists. Only real complaints are on the technical side- all of which relate to the choice of UE3 engine. The camera gets a little too close at times or picks a funny angle at moments during combat, leading to a few surprise attacks from enemies to my side that I would otherwise easily dodge from a wider perspective.

Here's my only curiosity: There is no apparent benefit to sneaking past idle enemies, apart from a single achievement. I'd sooner aggro a group of standby mechs and claim their orbs than sneak past and miss out. Low-level mechs are a cinch to defeat without losing health. Should I avoid diving in and wiping them out?

Oh, and even though collecting orbs is occasionally fun and provides a reason to be more explorative in the platformy bits, their occurrence in the world is never explained and they feel a bit arbitrary.

The sound design is super-duper too!


Just finished too, enjoyed it quite a bit. I think I agree that the last part of the game is not as fulfilling as the rest thanks to the change in environments, but at least the gameplay doesn't suffer (well, the framerate does, but still). It's funny, I can think of several things that weren't up to snuff... combat is very shallow, the story is really generic and predictable (fantastic voice acting and character expressions though), the platforming is extremely easy... and yet none of that really detracted from the game while I was playing. It's Prince of Persia 2008 all over again :lol Positive impressions overall.

That being said, two things that I want to nitpick

- Stop putting shit behind the camera and try to get the player to move on quickly, it's too obvious by now and here 90% of the time there are orbs right behind you whenever you enter a door or a cutscene ends.

- At the end of chapter 14,
Trip is all like "NO WE CAN'T LEAVE PIGSY HERE NO NOOOOOO" but she sure avoids saying "Command: Save Pigsy" or whatever :lol

EDIT: ^Yep, you can definitely just trash everything after you get the achievement, but sometimes one or more of the mechs will go after Trip if she's nearby.


Peff said:
EDIT: ^Yep, you can definitely just trash everything after you get the achievement, but sometimes one or more of the mechs will go after Trip if she's nearby.
Beauty - smashy smashy works just fine with me!

The puzzle sections aren't too deep, but they're still rewarding. I just did the
lower the light scaffolding in the theatre to avoid the Dog mech.
Fun stuff.


Here's the marvelous thing about this game: The game lets you choose your encounters in a way I haven't encountered in another game. Yeah, it's linear as hell, but a large number of enemy encounters occur when the Mechs are idle, giving you plenty of time to assess the situation before diving in. Do I pick them off with my ranged attack, or I sneak around and man a turret? There's never any combat fatigue and I always feel in control of the situation. Most of the time is spent climbing about and sucking in the story, and I'm plenty satisfied with the even delivery of exposition and gameplay.

It's the platform-climbing adventure I've always wanted- the Tomb Raider game that has enjoyable combat. It has a lot of gameplay elements that would be completely toxic in any other context- the escorting isn't a chore; item hunting is fun; and the co-op with the AI is clever if somewhat unoriginal. Taking cues from Ico, Prince of Persia and Uncharted, the gameplay has little in the way of its own gameplay ideas, but executes all of it very effectively.

The ranged attacks are powerful but need to be considered because of the strict ammo- I thought shooting would feel out of context but it works wonderfully to balance out the melee combat such that neither gets stale.

Best aspect? The pacing. Every chapter is the just the right size yet I want to keep playing as each has enough of a cliffhanger to hook the player in. It could be a little more polished in places, but there isn't any one major area where the game falls done. Hell, I even like the dinky hoverboard stuff.

The characterisation and animation is exactly what I would expect from Ninja Theory, but I can't help but feel slightly let down by the implementation of UE3. As a counterpoint, the game is a good showcase of what the engine can achieve when it isn't fed the usual diet of greys and browns. Mirror's Edge did great things with the engine and so does Enslaved. I guess I just can't help but imagine what the game would have looked like had Ninja Theory been able to retain the Heavenly Sword engine for the title. With a few years under their belt, they could have really polished the crap out of that engine. Technical fluff aside, the game is amazing regardless of the tech it's running on.

I came for nice single-player adventure game with well-realized characters, unique atmosphere and average combat but I'm getting so much more.


Having a hard time in combat sometimes. I don´t know if its me because I am not used to such games or the game itself.
Still enjoying this adventure and especially the characters, even if I struggle with it at times. The
real life flashbacks, or hallucinations with Andy
are kind of taking me out of the experience, though.

edit: it´s my first Ninja Theory game and I will keep an eye on this guys.


Was between this and Castlevania, but went with this one for now since I liked the visual style more. (Xbox 360 version)

So far, I'm loving it.
Looks incredible, full of color, the expresions in their faces are amazing. Game is fun, love the jumping and platforming; combat is cool.

Got it at Best Buy, came with a costume for Trip; though ca be used only after finishing the game. The download was 10MB so was kinda glad that it was actual content instead of a "key".

Was interested in the Monkey costume from Gamestop, too bad I didn't preordered there. Any plans on releasing it by separate at some point?


Just got to Chapter 9 - this is a tremendously entertaining game. I also bought Castlevania, and while that is the more refined game overall, much to my surprise I'm having more fun with Enslaved. It's certainly rough around the edges; even sloppy in some ways, but I'm still loving every minute of this journey.

The game is certainly linear, but I've found that the amount of exploration opportunities is just right. There are always nooks and crannies where orbs and ammo are hiding that make it worthwhile to wander and poke around each area.

Some of the emotional moments are unfortunately compromised by technical shortcomings, but in general this is a game of very strong, likable and endearing characters. Hats off to both actors for their convincing, natural performances.

There have been sentiments here that the first half of the game is better than the second half; I hope that I don't find it a considerable drop-off. If the rest of the game comes close to the quality I've experienced so far, I'll be 100% satisfied with my purchase. This game deserves success.
Finished the game. The final chapter and ending is fantastic. Not GOTY but a great cinematic adventure up there like Uncharted 2.

But I must complain.
Who thought fighting 20 waves of mechs at the end of chapter 13 in the titan core would be fun. By far the lowest point in the game.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Ugh this game is so frustrating on hard and I'm about to give up on it due to the mediocre combat. Stuck at chapter 6 where you fight about 4-5 waves of mechs :/ Can't beat the last wave for the past 2 hours
One more thing I hated which was brought up this week on Rebel FM is how exploitable the
the dog fight is
. Keep stunning it over and over again then beating on it with the staff. So bad.
SteveO409 said:
Ugh this game is so frustrating on hard and I'm about to give up on it due to the mediocre combat. Stuck at chapter 6 where you fight about 4-5 waves of mechs :/ Can't beat the last wave for the past 2 hours

You could just start the chapter over on easy or medium. All your stats will carry over.

DevelopmentArrested said:
One more thing I hated which was brought up this week on Rebel FM is how exploitable the
the dog fight is
. Keep stunning it over and over again then beating on it with the staff. So bad.

I ended up spamming this for both fights.
The Rhino fight was much better.
So I just finished and am very dissappointed with the ending. Was going to be my "Story of the forever" in a game until the end.

How the hell could they end without a proper wrapup? I want to see what happens as a result, I want to see how trip and monkey end up, how can you have a story that focuses on the relationship between two characters without showing it's conclusion? Also the pyramid thing felt like it was tacked on at the very end of development, would have been much better if we knew what was going on earlier in the story, say when trip finds out her colony has been taken, then there would have been a purpose for going there (rescuing the rest of her colony) other than just "Kill them all!!!".

DLC alternate ending plz


DevelopmentArrested said:
One more thing I hated which was brought up this week on Rebel FM is how exploitable the
the dog fight is
. Keep stunning it over and over again then beating on it with the staff. So bad.

How is that exploitable? I'm pretty sure Trip says to do this. And the ammo regenerates.
Conflict NZ said:
So I just finished and am very dissappointed with the ending. Was going to be my "Story of the forever" in a game until the end.

How the hell could they end without a proper wrapup? I want to see what happens as a result, I want to see how trip and monkey end up, how can you have a story that focuses on the relationship between two characters without showing it's conclusion? Also the pyramid thing felt like it was tacked on at the very end of development, would have been much better if we knew what was going on earlier in the story, say when trip finds out her colony has been taken, then there would have been a purpose for going there (rescuing the rest of her colony) other than just "Kill them all!!!".

DLC alternate ending plz
Like seriously. Can't believe Ninja Theory originally pitched this as a CG movie. It would be laughed out of the box office.


Ugh, the hoverboarding in chapter 9 is just woeful. Whilst wrangling with the unwieldy controls, there's a bunch of insta-death landmines and boost pads that will shoot you off in random directions- commonly into the bloody mines. A pretty dumb design choice, especially since I'd cleared the area of Mechs and was hunting for orbs.

I'm near the end and there's render pop-in up the arse galore!


Is there a comparison thread for this game? I thought I had seen one but I can't find it. I'm totally ready to buy this today. :)
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