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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West |OT| I Die, You Die.


Warm Machine said:
That they spent the effort on the costumes and not do a game model to replace the live action stuff blows my mind.
Cutscenes do show the characters with the alt-costumes.
There are pre-recorded movies (in both versions), so those show the characters with their original costumes.
fernoca said:
Cutscenes do show the characters with the alt-costumes.
There are pre-recorded movies (in both versions), so those show the characters with their original costumes.

Yeah, I would never expect the bink movies to ever show the characters in proper costume as that is a waste of disk space but the stylistic gulf created with the live action footage and photographs is horrid.


Warm Machine said:
Yeah, I would never expect the bink movies to ever show the characters in proper costume as that is a waste of disk space but the stylistic gulf created with the live action footage and photographs is horrid.
Yeah and that first movie of them on the bike, on the wasteland it was made worse by the compressions artifacts during it. :/


Kolgar said:
To each his own and all that, but if you don't like the game, then why waste time in this thread?

Because this isn't a rainbow and unicorns and dick sucking thread.

Negativity is allowed as much as positivity. I purchased the game, Kev purchased the game, and we beat it and we're going to share our feelings as much as we want. There's no limit.

Participating in threads about games I don't like is more interesting than the game itself.
Also, I much rather participate in threads where everyone isn't circle jerking. That's completely uninteresting to me.

fernoca said:
Heck, I got beaten to death because I said that "DmC is in good hands"; after playing Enslaved.

Only because to think that means you hate Devil May Cry and everything it ever stood for!

That's ok too but you can't be surprised that DMC fans would pounce.
Just finished the game, and for me this is the game of this generation. First game this gen where I actually care about the characters. In this, it can be compared to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Beyond Good & Evil, which achieved the same thing for me in the previous generation.


Amir0x said:
Because this isn't a rainbow and unicorns and dick sucking thread.

Negativity is allowed as much as positivity. I purchased the game, Kev purchased the game, and we beat it and we're going to share our feelings as much as we want. There's no limit.

Participating in threads about games I don't like is more interesting than the game itself.
Also, I much rather participate in threads where everyone isn't circle jerking. That's completely uninteresting to me.

Only because to think that means you hate Devil May Cry and everything it ever stood for!

That's ok too but you can't be surprised that DMC fans would pounce.

Sometimes i think having standards is more of a curse than anything. I mean if one really had low to no standards one would enjoy anything
even enslaved :D


Razgreez said:
Sometimes i think having standards is more of a curse than anything. I mean if one really had low to no standards one would enjoy anything
even enslaved :D

To me it'd be a curse only if there wasn't a shitload of things I do love that are also great. If suddenly the world was sapped of quality games, I might have to be a bit more forgiving about all this shit :lol


Amir0x said:
Participating in threads about games I don't like is more interesting than the game itself.
Also, I much rather participate in threads where everyone isn't circle jerking. That's completely uninteresting to me.

I do not know. Dismissing every single review out there about this game, dismissing every single positivie opinions, saying liking Enlsaved is "having shit taste" does not differ that much from circle jerking. It is reverse circle jerking, but this time you are having fun if you dislike said product, and voice that opinion in full force. That is just, like, my opinion about this. And Enslaved is still cool :)


I dismiss reviews altogether as a defense of a game's quality, period. It could be a game I love, or a game I hate. People fall back to miserable game journalist reviews when they are incapable of defending a game themselves. Game journalism is too much of a fucking gargantuan mess, influenced by too many outside forces, to be considered a viable metric for game quality.


Amir0x said:
I dismiss reviews altogether as a defense of a game's quality, period. It could be a game I love, or a game I hate. People fall back to miserable game journalist reviews when they are incapable of defending a game themselves.

They seem to be quite capable in this thread, characters, story, cutscenes, environment, pacing was all brought up in this game's "defense". For some, that is what they are looking for in a game like this. For others, it is not.

And this is why I believe that if a review states clearly these points (and all the weaknesses, frame rate issues, lack of combat depth, uninteresting hard mode, bugs), everyone who knows their own preferences and has a basic reading skill can judge the game's value, regardless to what points the game got.


In the end, Enslaved lives or dies on our own personal belief of it. You think it's good, but, I've seen very few quality defenses of it.

At the best, even the fucking Enslaved lovers admit to the automated platforming. They might make excuses for it, but that's a fact. The platforming is challenge-less and automated and there's no way to lose. You may be OK with that, but in my opinion I don't play games to have my dick held for me.

Similarly, the BEST any Enslaved defender has said about the combat is "well...um...it gets the job done!" I mean, nevermind the near endless ways that it is a gargantuan mess (and nevermind what that says about how awful combat must be for you to believe it doesn't get the job done, effectively rendering your opinion on the matter worthless), that's hardly a ringing endorsement in any regard.

So all we have left is the "cinematic" presentation (marred by an awful framerate, tearing, texture pop in) and its "story", which is a awful
Reverse Matrix derivative
with all the character of a Sci-Fi Channel original.

Some people like Sci-Fi Channel originals though. Not me
BrokenSymmetry said:
Just finished the game, and for me this is the game of this generation. First game this gen where I actually care about the characters. In this, it can be compared to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Beyond Good & Evil, which achieved the same thing for me in the previous generation.

I agree!

Amir0x said:
In the end, Enslaved lives or dies on our own personal belief of it. You think it's good, but, I've seen very few quality defenses of it.

At the best, even the fucking Enslaved lovers admit to the automated platforming. They might make excuses for it, but that's a fact. The platforming is challenge-less and automated and there's no way to lose. You may be OK with that, but in my opinion I don't play games to have my dick held for me.

Similarly, the BEST any Enslaved defender has said about the combat is "well...um...it gets the job done!" I mean, nevermind the near endless ways that it is a gargantuan mess (and nevermind what that says about how awful combat must be for you to believe it doesn't get the job done, effectively rendering your opinion on the matter worthless), that's hardly a ringing endorsement in any regard.

So all we have left is the "cinematic" presentation (marred by an awful framerate, tearing, texture pop in) and its "story", which is a awful
Reverse Matrix derivative
with all the character of a Sci-Fi Channel original.

Some people like Sci-Fi Channel originals though. Not me

It seems you see this is a challenge and hobby; people have to prove you wrong or you reign in this thread as right. The platforming is automatic; there's no question. It doesn't mean the process of it is not enjoyable. It can definitely be frustrating, especially since you can't simply drop down, but there are times where you have to find where to go or avoid obstacles that make it challenging
such as the windmill and train puzzles or the ending with the fire obstacles
. I still remember the section where I had to climb and capture the dragonfly. I remember thinking that this game is a keeper and truly a breath of fresh air.

You hate the battle system. Other people do, too. Still, many don't. I thought the stun attacks and the enemies ability to block you throughout gave a nice mix of strategy; you'd be surrounded by 5 mechs and have to find a way to take them down one by one. I had no issue targeting and remember noting how easy targeting was, I could be taking down one mech and point the analog stick to a mech offscreen and jump to him accurately. It flowed very well. It doesn't have to dethrone any game as the king of fighters. It's fun. Getting 5 mechs thrown at you and trying to stun the others to take out the one that can explode is fun. The "distraction" turret moments were, too. There could be some more combos, it could be deeper, but I feel it's a solid experience.

Enslaved then does a very admirable job of story telling. The characters, the dialog, it's timing and delivery...it's all grade A and better than any game I have experienced. It's not "all we have left" because you don't like the makings of this game. No one is going to be able to convince you to like this game because you do not like it and that's fine. But we're not wrong for truly loving it or not being interested in debating your views of the game mechanics. It was a fun, immersive and unique game.

You're doing the equivalent of Metacritic's scoring. It's a fail for you, so no one can actually enjoy it. I can do nothing but laugh at your SciFi movie comparison.


Amir0x, i'd wanted to ask your thoughts on something.

BrokenSymmetry said:
Just finished the game, and for me this is the game of this generation. First game this gen where I actually care about the characters. In this, it can be compared to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Beyond Good & Evil, which achieved the same thing for me in the previous generation.

this is an example of someone who loved what the experience had to offer despite its glaring flaws (ive only played the demo, can't speak further on it than that yet).
Similarly: your disdain for Heavy Rain is well known, and in all fairness, i don't recall you or many others' qualms being untrue: the VA was more bad than good, the plot had holes you could walk through, etc - all very big problems for a highly cinematic game; moreso than even its controls, id think.

but as a sum of its parts, it's been one of my favorite experiences this year: i came for suspense, and got more tension in a number of scenes than games usually provide for me. likewise, i really dug a few of the harder choices/consequences. none of this forgives the big problems, but it makes the overall game a great time in my mind, while juxtaposed with, again, the numerous and very fair criticisms.

can you appreciate this take - mine on Heavy Rain, or brokensymmetry here on Enslaved's characters (it looks like he's speaking to that and not the plot) - or do even these subjective priorities strike you as too forgiving of the other parts/the results of lowered standards/etc? just curious on your take here, since you're enjoying yourself so :D


IrishNinja said:
Amir0x, i'd wanted to ask your thoughts on something.

this is an example of someone who loved what the experience had to offer despite its glaring flaws (ive only played the demo, can't speak further on it than that yet).
Similarly: your disdain for Heavy Rain is well known, and in all fairness, i don't recall you or many others' qualms being untrue: the VA was more bad than good, the plot had holes you could walk through, etc - all very big problems for a highly cinematic game; moreso than even its controls, id think.

but as a sum of its parts, it's been one of my favorite experiences this year: i came for suspense, and got more tension in a number of scenes than games usually provide for me. likewise, i really dug a few of the harder choices/consequences. none of this forgives the big problems, but it makes the overall game a great time in my mind, while juxtaposed with, again, the numerous and very fair criticisms.

can you appreciate this take - mine on Heavy Rain, or brokensymmetry here on Enslaved's characters (it looks like he's speaking to that and not the plot) - or do even these subjective priorities strike you as too forgiving of the other parts/the results of lowered standards/etc? just curious on your take here, since you're enjoying yourself so :D

It depends on the variable focus on these specific "strengths" the fans of these games keep heralding.

For example, in Heavy Rain there is nothing but story. If a fan chooses to ignore the story and still like it, then yes, I'm going to believe there is low standards/ignorance at play. It's impossible to go through Heavy Rain with a straight face and actually come out with a positive impression of the story if you were paying attention.

So, in that case, I don't know what "larger experience" these fans were possibly getting from a game that -only- had story.

In the case of Enslaved, the game is hardly only about story. Relative to the gameplay, there is actually very little story. Throughout they pepper in quaint dialogue back and forth between Trip, Pigsy and Monkey, but all in all the story takes a pretty big back seat to the details of the gameplay. In that case, you may like the story, but if it's enough to allow you to give a pass to the horrible combat and horrible platforming and the awful framerate, texture pop-in, late game tearing... that's when I'll take issue with it.

I mean, I'll even put aside that I can tear the story itself to shreds as well. We'll just let them have it for the moment for the sake of the point.


I love games with interesting and deep gameplay mechanics, like Mirror's Edge, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden Black, DMC3, etc; but that doesn't stop me from enjoying other, more simplistic, "hold your hand as you play" games, like PoP 2008, God of War, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, etc. If done right, that type of game can be very fun and enjoyable, and Enslaved looks like that. I'll probably end up buying it, and (if the demo is any indication) enjoying it quite a bit.

Maybe I'm weird, but I'm glad I can enjoy different types of games, unlike some of the gaffers in this thread (or so it seems) Well, at least I don't go around saying people is dumb for having different tastes than me (I hate that kind of elitist attitude)

Bye ;)


BrokenSymmetry said:
Just finished the game, and for me this is the game of this generation. First game this gen where I actually care about the characters.

you should play POP 2008 - because its the better game in every aspect. i dont care much about the characters in enslaved, because they dont feel naturally to me - especially monkey. also i dont likle the combat, the stealth gameplay and the whole tactics component. overall a really mediocre effort and the framerate stuttering is just the icing.


What's that saying? Opinions are like assholes? Yes, everybody has one. What one person likes another may not like. There isn't any right or wrong answer.

Video games are for entertainment and enjoyment. I got both from Enslaved in spades. Does that make me a rube? I guess according to some people.

Carry on. We need some criticism to balance out the dick sucking!
Hell, I enjoyed the game but for me it really was a 7/10...but Amir0x is putting in a 10/10 effort in this thread. Maybe less Enslaved and more work on the Tomb Raider OT


Gold Member
Do I have to make "New Journey" to record a HARD-mode play-through or can I just do Chapter Select and do it on HARD?


Just finished it right now and it was pretty cool! Liked it overall. I once had a bug in Chapter 11
where you have to line up the trains or whatever they were. I did line them up and wasn't able to jump to the other cart.. Don't know why. I just restarted from the last checkpoint, tried it again and it worked.
banKai said:
Just finished it right now and it was pretty cool! Liked it overall. I once had a bug in Chapter 11
where you have to line up the trains or whatever they were. I did line them up and wasn't able to jump to the other cart.. Don't know why. I just restarted from the last checkpoint, tried it again and it worked.

I would have been pissed if this happened to me. That was my least favorite part of the game. If I had to do it all over again I would have probably given up.

Warm Machine said:
Hell, I enjoyed the game but for me it really was a 7/10...but Amir0x is putting in a 10/10 effort in this thread. Maybe less Enslaved and more work on the Tomb Raider OT



jonnybryce said:
I would have been pissed if this happened to me. That was my least favorite part of the game. If I had to do it all over again I would have probably given up.


Excellent. If he's taken his Enslaved bashing to another thread, maybe this one can get back to being about the game.

On topic, I'm slogging through a backlog of games--Alan Wake, FarCry 2, even Halo Reach--and I find that what I really want to do is complete a second play of Enslaved.

santi_yo said:
According to gamerankings, Enslaved is the best game ever!


106.58% ranking, eh? LOL, nice!


Kolgar said:
Excellent. If he's taken his Enslaved bashing to another thread, maybe this one can get back to being about the game.

On topic, I'm slogging through a backlog of games--Alan Wake, FarCry 2, even Halo Reach--and I find that what I really want to do is complete a second play of Enslaved.

Enslaved "bashing" is on topic and about the game. If you don't like it, don't respond.


BrokenSymmetry said:
Just finished the game, and for me this is the game of this generation. First game this gen where I actually care about the characters. In this, it can be compared to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Beyond Good & Evil, which achieved the same thing for me in the previous generation.
Have you played Uncharted 2 by any chance?


Amir0x said:
Enslaved "bashing" is on topic and about the game. If you don't like it, don't respond.

I think what people (rightly) see as bashing from you is this habit of dismissing their opinions and experiences as somehow wrong. You tend to phrase your own thoughts on things as fact, when in truth they're just another take on things. Perhaps instead of making flat statements without allowing room for digging a little deeper, it would feel more like an open discussion rather than people roundly rejecting conflicting viewpoints and shutting down banter.

What you do is stoke flamebait chatter with definitive statements that are purposely counter to others' takes on things. Simply presenting your own experiences with an "I think..." or "for me..." goes a long way toward defusing more emotional responses and encourages people to cite specific moments when the game was or wasn't entertaining for them. For instance:

I had a great time with the controls, and for me the only bit that had me frustrated was trying to control Monkey's cloud in tighter spaces. I loved the traversal because it really was meant to be a more acrobatic and visually interesting than the stuff in the older PoP games. Mindless, sure, but for me it was about the ride more than getting hung up on the specifics. As I mentioned in my review, though, I'm happy to suspend disbelief and not pick something apart if it's presented well, and I thought Enslaved was a fantastic example of what Ninja Theory does best, which is create believable characters and worlds. I'd LOVE to see more of what they created here -- especially West Coast cities.


sorry but i'm not going to waste another post trying to coddle individuals who don't understand my statements are opinion, not fact. It's my opinion that people excusing the near endless flaws of Enslaved have bad taste, and it's my opinion that this game has those issues.

I'm not going to bother putting imo, "i think..." etc before my posts. And I'm not going to bother explaining that painfully obvious shit in every thread.

If you have a problem with straight forward, non-pussyfooting opinions then skip my posts. All I have to say on that subject.

P.S. Enslaved is fucking balls.

As for characters, you guys fail in your critical analysis of that too:

Amir0x said:
Monkey and Trip are the standard go-to male/female dichotomy that developers love to abuse in every fucking game, that is borderline sexist and plays up long dead stereotypical gender roles. Monkey is a brutish, if not too intelligent "ME STRONG, YOU WEAK" character - in fact, at one point he even bangs a computer to get it working. He's so one dimensional that it's hard to even really stop to appreciate how impressive the facial animation is. And it IS impressive.

Trip is the weak yet intelligent "girl behind the man." She needs to LITERALLY be carried around by Monkey, and whenever those mean badguys come around she freaks out and screams and starts whimpering like a pathetic child. Her sole value is that she is smart, where he is dumb! That's the long and short of the character depth. She uses her tricksy cunning to force the man to help her!

And then, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, SUPER OBVIOUS SPOILER ALERT...
they fall in love.
Can you guys believe that shit?

How surprising is that? They start the journey, he's all pissed. "Growl, grrr! Me angry, me strong and want live byself. Why woman come bother me, take off headband now!" And by the end of the game?

There really is very little to like in this game.


Amir0x said:
sorry but i'm not going to waste another post trying to coddle individuals who don't understand my statements are opinion, not fact. It's my opinion that people excusing the near endless flaws of Enslaved have bad taste, and it's my opinion that this game has those issues.

I'm not going to bother putting imo, "i think..." etc before my posts. And I'm not going to bother explaining that painfully obvious shit in every thread.

If you have a problem with straight forward, non-pussyfooting opinions then skip my posts. All I have to say on that subject.

P.S. Enslaved is fucking balls.

As for characters, you guys fail in your critical analysis of that too:

There really is very little to like in this game.

If you have to explain it over and over again, that sort of runs afoul of the idea of it being "painfully obvious" by definition. Instead posts like this reek of self-important, "my opinion is better than yours, I can't believe I have to lower myself to coddle these simpletons" grandstanding.

Again, you seem committed to poking holes in other people's opinions of stuff. If they dug it, they dug it. Though I guess you're lumping in my personal feelings about the ability of the devs to capture performances well in with everyone else's as some kind of agreed-upon metric of what did or didn't work, it's simply easier to allow everyone to offer their experience and leave it at that.

[edit] Stupid touch screen phones submitting before I'm done...

In regards to the characters, I never really boiled it down that much. Trip is a child, having living in an enclosed community all her life, apparently, so her freak-outs made a little sense to me. I also didn't see the relationship going beyond a brother/sister thing, and while I agree that Monkey's essentially a brute, I felt he was flavored nicely with great voice acting and a really solid rapport with the other characters throughout the game.

Clearly you and others were looking for more from this. I dug it because I found it to be an imaginative take on the post-apocalyptic future and really liked how the characters bantered with each other, going so far as to get invested in the characters because of the facial animation and motion capture.


SamBishop said:
If you have to explain it over and over again, that sort of runs afoul of the idea of it being "painfully obvious" by definition. Instead posts like this reek of self-important, "my opinion is better than yours, I can't believe I have to lower myself to cuddle these

It's painfully obvious, and it's sad that we even require this discussion. You should always assume the very fucking simple thing that discussing any subjective metric about a game's quality is an opinion. That's the way I view my statements, and the way I view yours.

Unless it's something that's factual - like Enslaved's poor framerate - it's always going to be an opinion. It's redundant to have to always say that, and that's not the way I'm going to talk. I don't hold opinions unless I believe in them, and I'm not going to pussyfoot around saying them with all the strength of my convictions. if you don't like that, then I am personally not bothered by you skipping my posts. I encourage everyone who is undone by bold, straightforward perspectives to skip my posts.

So with the knowledge that all my posts are opinion, you can insert "imo" before them mentally and get the job done yourself, and while you're at it you can choose to respond to the points I've made or not.

The character one up above is one such clear and concise point.


This was one of the worst games I played. Made it to chapter 9 and said fuck it and decided to trade it in for vanquish, dont even care enough to see how the story ends, dont even care enough to youtube the ending.

My main complaints would be:

-Atrocious framerate and choppy animation: Game feels like it is hitting 20 fps at the best of times on the ps3. Monkeys animations while good dont have any transitions whatsoever. This is especially apparent when you jump up to a platform and he swings and pulls himself over. For a game that has zero actual platforming but where platforming is basicly on the rails with you pushing x to move along while monkey does his own thing is fucking inexcusable. Also it is retarded that monkey can only jump over predefined things and is incapable of climbing on a box half his height or you keep rolling into geometry until you get to that magic spot where you are supposed to be aligned to to start the jump sequence.

-You fight the same fucking robot enemy from the beginning of the game to the end of the game and the boss fights are retardedly bad. The combat was not fun on any level since you do the same combo all throughout the game and the upgrades dont add anything worth talking about but shit like extra ammo and extra health. since monkey only has one weapon you would think the devs would spend some time to add some moves to it or make combat fun. But I guess they have realized the main character controls like a truck where getting to where you want to go is a chore with monkey skidding and sliding all over the place they said fuck it and went on.

-The gfx sucks ass. It is all the same muddy green everywhere. If you thought this game is amazing looking you need to go play uncharted 2 and castlevania.

-Has ZERO replay value.

I can go on but no need. I feel like I got scammed buying this game and I hope my post acts as a warning to others considering buying this crap. I bought it to "support the devs trying to do something new" but BOY was I wrong with my initial assesment of this game.
Amir0x said:
Enslaved "bashing" is on topic and about the game. If you don't like it, don't respond.

You are commiting the "STFU" fallacy here and it is obvious to anyone posting in this thread.

You are also crossing the line between 'filing a compaint' and 'becoming the prophet of my holier than thou opinion', in particular since you carry the moderator-title and are supposed to ensure that people can express their opinion, especially if it's wrong.

edit: Don't shoot the messenger ( :( )


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
MarshMellow96 said:
Jesus Amir0x, what kind of game do you like? :lol

He likes Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, which is a decent game.

I do have to agree with the above poster that Ami could tone down his posting a little. It's coming off as "trolling under the moderation title" a little. So people like the game and Ami doesn't. Maybe Ami should stop posting for a bit and go to the Vanquish thread. :/ (Says an outside observer that didn't mind the demo too much even with the issues in it)

In before ban for questioning the mods!


SamBishop said:
In regards to the characters, I never really boiled it down that much. Trip is a child, having living in an enclosed community all her life, apparently, so her freak-outs made a little sense to me. I also didn't see the relationship going beyond a brother/sister thing, and while I agree that Monkey's essentially a brute, I felt he was flavored nicely with great voice acting and a really solid rapport with the other characters throughout the game.

Clearly you and others were looking for more from this. I dug it because I found it to be an imaginative take on the post-apocalyptic future and really liked how the characters bantered with each other, going so far as to get invested in the characters because of the facial animation and motion capture.

The voice acting wasn't bad for a game, and the facial expression was impressive. However, I think your bolded interpretation is especially incorrect given what happened with Pigsy. The game went through great lengths to establish that
Pigsy was jealous of the relationship he knew Monkey and Trip were having/going to have
, and that was the thematic coil that allowed
Pigsy's sacrifice to make sense.
Pigsy was the
brother in the sister/brother relationship... Monkey was the man/boyfriend.

When I play games, I am just looking for some basic things. Is it successful at what it sets out to do? Is that something fun to me?

I suspect their goal was a cinematic, story-driven action/adventure game. However, because of the gameplay mechanics being so bad, I could not enjoy the action/adventure. And because of the poor story/character tropes, I could hardly enjoy that either.

I don't think I was looking for anything particularly astounding. You guys are acting like I expected too much.

Zeitgeister said:
You are commiting the "STFU" fallacy here and it is obvious to anyone posting in this thread.

No, I'm telling you the facts. Negativity and Positivity are allowed in equal order. If you don't like someone being negative, nobody cares. It's allowed, whether you like it or not. I'm not telling him to shut the fuck up about being positive, I'm telling him to stop trying to act like the negativity is off-topic or inappropriate for this thread. That's simply not the case.

And, as a matter of fact, complaining about that over and over is actually off topic.

MarshMellow96 said:
Jesus Amir0x, what kind of game do you like?

Why are you acting like Enslaved is of such high calibre that not liking it suggests my standards are soooooooo impossibly high? :lol

I love tons of games. I liked Uncharted 2 enough, even though I had a similar complaint about the automated platforming. I loved the old Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy games, to provide contextual comparison for the platforming. I like Beyond Good & Evil. I like all sorts of games. I just don't have time to make excuses for poor ones. Is that so bad?

TheSeks said:
He likes Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, which is a decent game.



Animator said:
This was one of the worst games I played. Made it to chapter 9 and said fuck it and decided to trade it in for vanquish, dont even care enough to see how the story ends, dont even care enough to youtube the ending.

My main complaints would be:

-Atrocious framerate and choppy animation: Game feels like it is hitting 20 fps at the best of times on the ps3. Monkeys animations while good dont have any transitions whatsoever. This is especially apparent when you jump up to a platform and he swings and pulls himself over. For a game that has zero actual platforming but where platforming is basicly on the rails with you pushing x to move along while monkey does his own thing is fucking inexcusable. Also it is retarded that monkey can only jump over predefined things and is incapable of climbing on a box half his height or you keep rolling into geometry until you get to that magic spot where you are supposed to be aligned to to start the jump sequence.

-You fight the same fucking robot enemy from the beginning of the game to the end of the game and the boss fights are retardedly bad. The combat was not fun on any level since you do the same combo all throughout the game and the upgrades dont add anything worth talking about but shit like extra ammo and extra health. since monkey only has one weapon you would think the devs would spend some time to add some moves to it or make combat fun. But I guess they have realized the main character controls like a truck where getting to where you want to go is a chore with monkey skidding and sliding all over the place they said fuck it and went on.

-The gfx sucks ass. It is all the same muddy green everywhere. If you thought this game is amazing looking you need to go play uncharted 2 and castlevania.

-Has ZERO replay value.

I can go on but no need. I feel like I got scammed buying this game and I hope my post acts as a warning to others considering buying this crap. I bought it to "support the devs trying to do something new" but BOY was I wrong with my initial assesment of this game.

Is the framerate THAT bad?
Amir0x said:
It's painfully obvious, and it's sad that we even require this discussion. You should always assume the very fucking simple thing that discussing any subjective metric about a game's quality is an opinion. That's the way I view my statements, and the way I view yours.

Unless it's something that's factual - like Enslaved's poor framerate - it's always going to be an opinion. It's redundant to have to always say that, and that's not the way I'm going to talk. I don't hold opinions unless I believe in them, and I'm not going to pussyfoot around saying them with all the strength of my convictions. if you don't like that, then I am personally not bothered by you skipping my posts. I encourage everyone who is undone by bold, straightforward perspectives to skip my posts.

So with the knowledge that all my posts are opinion, you can insert "imo" before them mentally and get the job done yourself, and while you're at it you can choose to respond to the points I've made or not.

The character one up above is one such clear and concise point.

It doesn't change the fact that it's a bit annoying to read, even when one doesn't like the game. It's great to have bold opinions, but frankly, you're grating.

There is a difference between holding a strong opinion and being borderline insulting to those who like the game. It also obfuscates what you really mean, as a large part of the population will psychologically focus on the aggressive tone/foul language rather than the arguments.

And yes, the reason why people can't afford to have the same tone as you is in very large part due to the fact that you are a mod, which makes this kind of conversation annoying to have with you. You have made your opinion on the game clear in a few point, but repeated it at nauseam (prompted by replies of people who didn't agree with you, granted) over quite a few posts. Each post adding very little other than 'the story does suck, the gameplay does suck, if you don't see it it just means your taste is invalid'. It makes for very poor conversation.

Gosh, after playing this game a bit more I am liking it less and less, but i almost feel like i am liking it more than i should because of your discussion on it. And I really do agree with your points (horrible framerate, horrible combat, broken targeting. story i have no opinion on so far, it's way too early).

you sound like the guy who hold the insomnia.ac website, and that is not a compliment.

But go ahead, call me a pussy and say that i should ignore your posts if i want to protect my overly sensitive ears, and that I am secretly loving Enslaved due to my shitty taste, and want to turn this thread into a circlejerk. I always love some condescension.

edit: feel free to ignore the question, but out of curiosity, why do you finish games that you dislike so much? Between this and heavy rain (which i have not played), i always find it surprising that if you hate these games so much, you'd bother finishing them, especially if they are not so easy (enslaved and heavy rain probably don't belong this category, but heavenly sword is not total cakewalk if i remember well). beyond the question of hardness, i am sure you'd rather spend that time on stuff you actually like.
I am myself guilty of this on a few games, but it's on rare occasions and I always wonder why the hell i did it after the fact (last example being Alan wake + dlc)


harriet the spy said:
it's really, really bad. or maybe it's the tearing. but with both combined i think that many people will experience unease during the game.

I can't say about the ps3 version, but on the 360 I've only had two moments where the frame rates were really bad.


Animator said:
-Has ZERO replay value.

yup, I finished it, has no desire to go for a second. The leve design is gorgeous, gotta give them credit there, but no replay value. it didn't even give you gold trophy for finishing the game. goddamnit
Amir0x said:
The voice acting wasn't bad for a game, and the facial expression was impressive. However, I think your bolded interpretation is especially incorrect given what happened with Pigsy. The game went through great lengths to establish that
Pigsy was jealous of the relationship he knew Monkey and Trip were having/going to have
, and that was the thematic coil that allowed
Pigsy's sacrifice to make sense.
Pigsy was the
brother in the sister/brother relationship... Monkey was the man/boyfriend.

Some of the best "acting" in gaming comes from The Uncharted Series, Heavenly Sword and then this game. And no, it is more than just the actual voices themselves, its the acting, the actions, be they facial or otherwise by the character.

Though I would be interested in hearing what examples you have of "good" voice acting.


Amir0x said:
The voice acting wasn't bad for a game, and the facial expression was impressive. However, I think your bolded interpretation is especially incorrect given what happened with Pigsy. The game went through great lengths to establish that
Pigsy was jealous of the relationship he knew Monkey and Trip were having/going to have
, and that was the thematic coil that allowed
Pigsy's sacrifice to make sense.
Pigsy was the
brother in the sister/brother relationship... Monkey was the man/boyfriend.

When I play games, I am just looking for some basic things. Is it successful at what it sets out to do? Is that something fun to me?

I suspect their goal was a cinematic, story-driven action/adventure game. However, because of the gameplay mechanics being so bad, I could not enjoy the action/adventure. And because of the poor story/character tropes, I could hardly enjoy that either.

I don't think I was looking for anything particularly astounding. You guys are acting like I expected too much.

I think it might be the vehemence with which you're insisting the game has little to offer, that's all. Implied or not, the whole "this game is shit" tone of a lot of the stuff makes it seem like you consider the game to be offensively bad, and maybe that's what people aren't quite understanding as there's obviously a group that loves it despite admitted issues.

Interestingly, I read the relationship stuff completely different.
Pigsy was effectively the creepy family friend that has feelings for a teenager, while Monkey settled into a protective/big brother role once Trip lost everyone she knew. I think Monkey cares for her because she's well and truly alone, but I never read a romantic angle into things. Totally agreed that Pigsy was jealous, but Monkey had no qualms with essentially using that to give Trip shit and entertain himself. The sacrifice to me was more necessity than some kind of redemptive act; he did it because if he didn't, they'd all die.

Again, though, these are indeed different interpretations of the same thing, and the fact that people seem to have processed the cutscenes differently means there's probably room to at least consider the others rather than saying someone's flat-out wrong. In fact, I'd say it's fair to credit the team with creating something that is open to interpretation, but again I really did love the game.

Amir0x said:
No, I'm telling you the facts. Negativity and Positivity are allowed in equal order. If you don't like someone being negative, nobody cares. It's allowed, whether you like it or not. I'm not telling him to shut the fuck up about being positive, I'm telling him to stop trying to act like the negativity is off-topic or inappropriate for this thread. That's simply not the case.

And, as a matter of fact, complaining about that over and over is actually off topic.

There have been three people now that have commented on the tone of how you say that stuff, and that was kinda my point. I'm just asking that you listen to the friendly advice. It makes your posts come off as especially dickish and close-minded when I'm sure that's not the fully intended effect (though you've gotta admit you like poking the hornet's nest a little).
thetechkid said:
I can't say about the ps3 version, but on the 360 I've only had two moments where the frame rates were really bad.
Yes, sorry, i should have mentioned that. Dunno why i went with that version, but it doesn't matter in the end


Unlimited Capacity
This game should draw close comparisons with Uncharted. Great game with auto-platforming, fantastic pacing and set pieces, simple yet well acted story, and combat that isn't quite as good as other similar games but is still challenging and satisfying.


_tetsuo_ said:
This game should draw close comparisons with Uncharted. Great game with auto-platforming, fantastic pacing and set pieces, simple yet well acted story, and combat that isn't quite as good as other similar games but is still challenging.

Careful there, you might set off Amir0x again.

I do agree that it seemed a lot like the original Uncharted.


Kittonwy said:
Is the framerate THAT bad?

It is that bad.

_tetsuo_ said:
This game should draw close comparisons with Uncharted. Great game with auto-platforming, fantastic pacing and set pieces, simple yet well acted story, and combat that isn't quite as good as other similar games but is still challenging and satisfying.

This game doesnt even belong with uncharted in the same sentence.

Last I checked Uncharted had a way better story, multiple weapons, diverse environments, much better framerate and shitton of replay value due to fun gameplay and with uncharted 2, a kickass multiplayer portion.

Drake also controlled super fluid and nothing like monkey. I am glad some of you love the game but I am not sure how you can say this is anything of the quality of uncharted 1 let alone uncharted 2.


ezekial45 said:
Careful there, you might set off Amir0x again.

I do agree that it seemed a lot like the original Uncharted.

That's probably because there was a pretty heavy influence from Uncharted. Again, I absolutely loved the game, but in anything but casual comparisons of things like the facial animation, mocapped cutscenes and the lushness of the environments, I wouldn't bother bringing the two games in close proximity.

Enjoyment of Enslaved comes with admission of a few issues, most notably performance and polish. On those grounds alone I wouldn't put the two up against each other. Enslaved lovingly bites the style off Uncharted in numerous ways, but in all but the presentation could it be considered something that can hang with what Naughty Dog did -- not that I'm against Ninja Theory continuing to try.


Unlimited Capacity
I'm not saying they are close in quality. I mean close comparisons as in what makes both games worth playing.
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