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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West |OT| I Die, You Die.


Amir0x said:
why would you even need that shit with how easy the game is :lol
Replaying the game; achievement hunting. :p
Since the content can only be used after finishing the game. Which makes sense since it's relatively easy and the costumes make it even easier, plus your upgrades carry-on.


ezekial45 said:
It's not super deep, but it gets the job done. I particularly like the quick cinematic shots during finishers. To be honest, that makes it for me.

no fucking way Y2Kev. You planned this shit with ezekial45. You PMed him and told him to write this didn't you, you sly dog!? :lol


ezekial45 said:
Excuse me?

We were mocking the game in another place talking about how the combat was this bad to make it more "cinematic", and then you come and say this about five seconds later... the timing was too perfect :lol
Amir0x said:
I think it's genuinely the worst combat system I've experienced in an action game all gen.

It's unresponsive, tipping the analog stick even a little sends Monkey careening about in the most ridiculous directions - almost always at a mech I don't want to hit. The targeting is bonkers. Many times the hit detection is off. There's a total of two combos you'll be repeating for the entire game, and enemies stay the same for 80% of the game only changing to add a shield to the mix later on. Everything about the combat system is balls.

Learn to use an analogue stick :) I didn't have any of the problems with the combat as you seem to have. Are there two combos...yeah for the most part there are.

I didn't take the game as an action game, I took it as more of an adventure game with 3 main parts action, platforming, and puzzles. Nothing is done particularily well but for me nothing was a game breaker.

I think the combat is better than Fable 2 and the platforming better than the PoP from 2 years ago.

Not that this is you, but with some people, if the enemy isn't on screen they seem to completely lose all idea of where they are.


Warm Machine said:
Learn to use an analogue stick :) I didn't have any of the problems with the combat as you seem to have. Are there two combos...yeah for the most part there are.

I didn't take the game as an action game, I took it as more of an adventure game with 3 main parts action, platforming, and puzzles. Nothing is done particularily well but for me nothing was a game breaker.

I think the combat is better than Fable 2 and the platforming better than the PoP from 2 years ago.

Not that this is you, but with some people, if the enemy isn't on screen they seem to completely lose all idea of where they are.

I am fantastic at using analog sticks. I am a master of Ninja Gaiden on the hardest difficulties, Devil May Cry in all aspects, Bayonetta in its hardest difficulty. God of War on God mode. I know how to use an analog stick.

Enslaved, unfortunately, does not know how to respond to it, nor any other fucking thing.
Y2Kev said:
Just played chapter 6 and then puked all over my room. terrible.


Nothing to do with LoS, your avatar just looks kinda pissed.

Edit: Gah, what is wrong with your avatar?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fimbulvetr said:

Nothing to do with LoS, your avatar just looks kinda pissed.

Edit: Gah, what is wrong with your avatar?
I have protection against avatar quoting

This game is really NoseDive: Odyssey to the West or Divebomb: odyssey to the west
Amir0x said:
I think it's genuinely the worst combat system I've experienced in an action game all gen.

It's unresponsive, tipping the analog stick even a little sends Monkey careening about in the most ridiculous directions - almost always at a mech I don't want to hit. The targeting is bonkers. Many times the hit detection is off. There's a total of two combos you'll be repeating for the entire game, and enemies stay the same for 80% of the game only changing to add a shield to the mix later on. Everything about the combat system is balls. I cannot imagine how they could have made it worse. Maybe if Monkey came through the screen and tossed flaming spikes at my testicles while I played it?

The game is easy. The battle of the windmill is only a little more difficult because of the game's funky ass combat and camera.


I can agree with it being shallow or average but I had no problem hitting who I wanted to hit or doing what I wanted to do. There are a small amount of combos and moves to mix it up with but the technical aspects - targeting, hit detection - I never had a problem there. I beat the game in a few sittings and enjoyed it; I'm genuinely surprised (not at the "meh" opinion, but the "it's broke and he hits random directions" statement).

I feel like the issue is people are comparing this with heavy combat action games. It came out with Castlevania, it's by the guys who did Heavenly Sword and doing Devil May Cry...so expectations are higher than they should be for an adventure game.
Enslaved was pretty awesome. Combat was blah, autoplatforming was mostly bad, camera was awful, it became more jank as the game progressed, etc. but in the end it was enjoyable; greater than the sum of its parts and all that.

On hard the combat was basically: Hold X, XXXXXYYYYXYXYXYXY (it doesn't matter), B+Y
which was oddly nice because the bad camera failed to show the action.

Platforming was: A A A A A A A A

Still, it managed to be entertaining. Weird since I normally don't like games that don't have strong mechanics and try and win you over with presentation (recent example: Castlevania Lords of Shadow). I think it's because the mechanics were...nothing. I didn't have a negative reaction towards them nor did I have a positive one. I was able to enjoy the situations they put me in. Another part of it is the world, characters, story and all that. Like Heavenly Sword, that stuff is probably the strong part of the game.

also, not to get in tech warz stuff here, but the game seems like it is dying as you keep playing. Suddenly tearing becomes a bigger issue and the frame rate becomes total shit. The game is kinda rough...yeah.


jett said:

I could use some protection against tag quoting though...

i would have helped you but then you pussed out of calling Castlevania mediocre. shoulda stayed with the truth
almost all of the parts that make enslaved a videogame are poor.

everything else was pretty amazing; which is weird because i hate games like this most of the time. uncharted 2 (and this game) was barely more than a modern version of dragon's lair.


Rabbitwork said:
almost all of the parts that make enslaved a videogame are poor.

everything else was pretty amazing; which is weird because i hate games like this most of the time. uncharted 2 (and this game) was barely more than a modern version of dragon's lair.
Except Uncharted 2 actually has good gameplay.
heringer said:
Except Uncharted 2 actually has good gameplay.
i won't say uncharted 2 had poor controls (it doesn't); however i don't really feel they needed to be for me to have the same largely on-rails experience.


Rabbitwork said:
almost all of the parts that make enslaved a videogame are poor.

everything else was pretty amazing; which is weird because i hate games like this most of the time. uncharted 2 (and this game) was barely more than a modern version of dragon's lair.

What the hell is this bullllllshiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Rabbitwork said:
i won't say uncharted 2 had poor controls (it doesn't); however i don't really feel they needed to be for me to have the same largely on-rails experience.

Uh it was needed for all the gunfights you were in though.
Discotheque said:
Uh it was needed for all the gunfights you were in though.
in order to engage in a gunfight you need to be able to fire a gun. some games allow you to fire guns in ways that are not fun, others (like uncharted 2) take the opposite route and make the gun combat feel fun, intuitive, and responsive. but precision of control has nothing to do with holding the joystick in a direction and pressing X to jump/climb/vault or watching a motion-captured cutscene. gun combat is one facet of uncharted 2 that just happens to be well-done. they could've easily made the game control like shit and told the same story with the same beats, same locales, characters and same quicktime(ish) events.

Gravijah said:
Have you played Dragon's Lair?
why would you ask a question you know i'll answer "yes" to? whats the point? am i going to say "no" and somehow think my earlier point still stands? cut to the chase tell me you think i'm wrong on my comparison. what a waste.


Rabbitwork said:
why would you ask a question you know i'll answer "yes" to? whats the point? am i going to say "no" and somehow think my earlier point still stands? cut to the chase tell me you think i'm wrong on my comparison. what a waste.

Dragon's Lair consists of following on-screen button prompts while watching an animated short. That is the entirety of the game.

Button prompts, or QTEs, or whatever you wanna call them, don't exist in U2. Your comparison is well, nonsense.
jett said:
Dragon's Lair consists of following on-screen button prompts while watching an animated short. That is the entirety of the game.

Button prompts, or QTEs, or whatever you wanna call them, don't exist in U2. Your comparison is well, nonsense.
so because naughty dog didn't actually put an up arrow, X icon, followed by a left arrow and the R1 icon for a section of a level where those actions are required to progress regardless of how many times or ways you attempt to do otherwise means my comparison is nonsense?

aside from the occasional sections where you were allowed to run/fight freely (despite having a single goal point to reach via a single path of traversal) the game has zero wiggle room for improvisation. that guy will always be on that balcony. you will always have to jump at that platform. you will always have to duck behind that door or face certain death. you cannot miss that jump to the next truck or the checkpoint restarts. i felt like all i was doing was pressing the correct buttons in an invisible string of "correct" inputs in order to get drake around the game.


Rabbitwork said:
in order to engage in a gunfight you need to be able to fire a gun. some games allow you to fire guns in ways that are not fun, others (like uncharted 2) take the opposite route and make the gun combat feel fun, intuitive, and responsive. but precision of control has nothing to do with holding the joystick in a direction and pressing X to jump/climb/vault or watching a motion-captured cutscene. gun combat is one facet of uncharted 2 that just happens to be well-done. they could've easily made the game control like shit and told the same story with the same beats, same locales, characters and same quicktime(ish) events.

why would you ask a question you know i'll answer "yes" to? whats the point? am i going to say "no" and somehow think my earlier point still stands? cut to the chase tell me you think i'm wrong on my comparison. what a waste.

Dragon's Lair haz no herp derp, your comparison failz.
I'm currently on Chapter 10. Originally I thought the game was trying to be too much like Uncharted, but I find the two quite different (outside the platform jumping). Loving every bit of Enslaved too. I was not much of a Ninja Theory fan, but this game changes it.


Finished last night. Wow!

This game just did it for me. Upon playing the demo, I really disliked the Monkey character. But, through the smart writing and impressive voice acting, I wound up loving the characters in this game.

The journey was one amazing scenic vista after another, and yes, I found the second half just as engaging as the first. It was different than the ruined city, and I was thankful for the variety.

(I also wasn't terribly bothered by frame drops or tearing that others have mentioned. Sure, I encountered a couple of rough patches, but the rest of the time, I simply marveled at the beautiful visuals. 360 version installed to hard drive here.)

And that last level? Holy SHIT, that was awesome.

Yes, the combat and platforming are simple. Good. I'm 40 years old and have a shit-ton of games to play, and not a lot of time to do it. I actually enjoy games like this with straightforward mechanics that just let me play through the story in a week and have a good time. The characters, the world, the sumptuous visuals, and all the rest ensure that I'll be back for a second go-round soon enough.

And I was annoyed by the fact that I could never get my stun-charge attack to aim in the proper direction during combat. Until, that is, I started holding the thumb stick in the direction I wanted during the charge. Seems to me that the game should have auto-corrected that for the player, in keeping with the streamlined platforming and all, but whatever. My complaint vanished thereafter.

Overall, Enslaved was a great surprise for me. It was a fantastic, colorful romp (does it remind anyone else of Beyond Good and Evil?), and one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had in some time. Glad I bought it on release day and so glad this game exists. It's a breath of fresh air and one I'll remember fondly.


Weenerz said:
This was part of the B2G1 from Toys R Us, worth opening or should I save for a possible return for Black Ops?

at this point all signs point to yes. Black Ops is going to have one infinity billion times better replay value for one, and two, Black ops probably won't frequently run at sub-20fps. Also Black Ops probably has good gunplay whereas Enslaved has terrible combat.

Your choice though. They're very different games.


Weenerz said:
This was part of the B2G1 from Toys R Us, worth opening or should I save for a possible return for Black Ops?

See my post above. I know a lot of people picked this game up for the TRU sale, and I hope a lot of people keep it. As I was playing the last three chapters last night, I kept thinking what a nice surprise is waiting for those who do give this game a try.

That said, I don't know what type of gamer you are. If you enjoy colorful adventures with a cinematic feel, and you're willing to try something different, play this. But if you're a grizzled war-game veteran who has to have his next big fix and you have to choose between this and Black Ops, well--definitely go for Black Ops.

Edit: I really don't get all the "sub-20fps" complaints here. Either there are a lot of folks playing this game on PS3, and that version is really poorly optimized, or I have a magic Xbox 360. I don't remember but a couple of times the frame rate chugged in the second half of the game, but I do have a Slim and the game is installed to the hard drive.

Weenerz said:
I'm open to any good game, so I'll probably just rip it open. The more I think about it, if I even decide to purchase Black Ops, it would be from steam. Thanks for the advice!

Good man. Enjoy! Be sure to stop back and let us know what you think.


Kolgar said:
See my post above. I know a lot of people picked this game up for the TRU sale, and I hope a lot of people keep it. As I was playing the last three chapters last night, I kept thinking what a nice surprise is waiting for those who do give this game a try.

That said, I don't know what type of gamer you are. If you enjoy colorful adventures with a cinematic feel, and you're willing to try something different, play this. But if you're a grizzled war-game veteran who has to have his next big fix and you have to choose between this and Black Ops, well--definitely go for Black Ops.

I'm open to any good game, so I'll probably just rip it open. The more I think about it, if I even decide to purchase Black Ops, it would be from steam. Thanks for the advice!


Kolgar said:
Edit: I really don't get all the "sub-20fps" complaints here. Either there are a lot of folks playing this game on PS3, and that version is really poorly optimized, or I have a magic Xbox 360. I don't remember but a couple of times the frame rate chugged in the second half of the game, but I do have a Slim and the game is installed to the hard drive.

360 version here. No, you don't have a magic 360. If you did not notice how bad the framerate is then you're fucking blind to framerate problems. There is no other logical conclusion.

Don't take offense at that it just is what it is. It's perfectly ok to not be impacted by the frankly obscene framerate (particularly in the second half of the game).


Amir0x said:
360 version here. No, you don't have a magic 360. If you did not notice how bad the framerate is then you're fucking blind to framerate problems. There is no other logical conclusion.

Don't take offense at that it just is what it is. It's perfectly ok to not be impacted by the frankly obscene framerate (particularly in the second half of the game).

Like I said, I noticed a couple of rough patches. But I have to admit, I am so smitten with the art style and design of the game world that I was probably too busy drooling at all the pretty colors and crazy architecture to be troubled by some frame drops.

Yeah, the U3 engine's trademark look showed through in a few places, and I was underwhelmed by a low-res texture here and there, but much of the time, I was simply impressed by the imagery on display.

And I simply do not recall any point at which the frame rate got in the way of my play, which is what really matters to me.

Peff said:
Yeah, if somebody plays the "defend the four cores" part and isn't annoyed by the frame rate drops there, that person should be really glad and avoid further discussion before you actually start to notice it forever :lol

Well, now of course I'll be watching for the damn frame drops on my second playthrough. :lol But yeah--I count myself lucky that I was having so much fun playing the game that I simply wasn't bothered by any technical shortcomings.


Yeah, if somebody plays the "defend the four cores" part and isn't annoyed by the frame rate drops there, that person should be really glad and avoid further discussion before you actually start to notice it forever :lol


Kolgar said:
Like I said, I noticed a couple of rough patches. But I have to admit, I am so smitten with the art style and design of the game world that I was probably too busy drooling at all the pretty colors and crazy architecture to be troubled by some frame drops.

Yeah, the U3 engine's trademark look showed through in a few places, and I was underwhelmed by a low-res texture here and there, but much of the time, I was simply impressed by the imagery on display.

And I simply do not recall any point at which the frame rate got in the way of my play, which is what really matters to me.

I always feel like I gotta go on hyper defense mode because people who don't get bothered by framerates say stuff like "maybe I have a magic 360 herp derp" but what they're really saying is that they just don't notice stuff like that.

Which is OK - I really loved the art direction of Enslaved too. Nobody is saying you have to care about it (i feel like I've had this discussion in many threads lately :lol). But the framerate frequently under 30 is a factual thing, it's not like a subjective "this art direction is good/bad." So you just don't notice it much :)

The framerate was constantly getting in the way of my enjoyment, but that's just me. Specifically, the final four chapters, and the Battle of the Windmill, were just embarrassingly poor framerates.


How long is this game (and if there are different difficulties, on the hardest one)? I'm going to see if the redbox near me has games yet, and was thinking of picking this if it does have them.


Diebuster said:
How long is this game (and if there are different difficulties, on the hardest one)? I'm going to see if the redbox near me has games yet, and was thinking of picking this if it does have them.
i beat it on hard in 6 hours having collected all the masks, but missed a few orbs here and there
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