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Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal


So it's that time of the year where I debate on splurging my precious little disposable income on a 3DS or not.

Is the New 3ds here to stay, or is a successor along the way?

If you're short on cash it's better to get a 2DS or a 2nd hand 3DS. The 3DS is nearing the end of its life cycle so I wouldn't pay full price for a N3DS unless you want to keep it after the NX is out.
So it's that time of the year where I debate on splurging my precious little disposable income on a 3DS or not.

Is the New 3ds here to stay, or is a successor along the way?

How much will you play Monster Hunter? If the answer is a lot, then maybe a New 3DS. There isn't really any exclusive but the c-stick alone makes it worth playing 1000s of hours. But this is an Etrian thread, so if Monster Hunter isn't your thing then a standard 3DS is probably the way to go. All Etrian Odyssey™ games can be played with the good old 2DS or 3DS or even the 3DS XL. If you aren't bothered with the no clamshell or no 3D, get a 2DS.
The 3DS is definitely on the latter half of its life cycle, so what you see on it is mostly what you'll get. They'll be the odd game still to come
like Etrian Odyssey V hopefully.

Edit: lol everyone else has probably answered this by now.
Ok, you guys basically convinced me haha. I wasn't sure if the N3ds had any real exclusives, but Xenoblade and Monster Hunter aren't killer apps for me. Guess I'll look for a cheap 2ds.

btw I asked in this thread because this is my second home outside of the Magic: the Gathering thread. :p
By the time of EO4, I was pretty deep in setting my foundation post school. Priorities for money, you know.

I was super active back in the early EO days before all you pups. The threads didn't get a lot of participants. :p


By the time of EO4, I was pretty deep in setting my foundation post school. Priorities for money, you know.

I was super active back in the early EO days before all you pups. The threads didn't get a lot of participants. :p

Hey I started with EO1 too. I just wasn't posting on GAF then.
I started with 4 :)
can I use the "I'm European" excuse??

I've been playing the 5th dungeon for awhile. I'm starting to think that is either because my party doesn't have any synergy or I'm at the point where MD games start being random to the degree of unfair.
I'm currently running Paladin, Wanderer, Hexer and Healer. Is it viable to not use a healer? I guess I could use a dancer instead. I just wish the medic had the EO4 male design because I like that one.


I started with 4 :)
can I use the "I'm European" excuse??

I've been playing the 5th dungeon for awhile. I'm starting to think that is either because my party doesn't have any synergy or I'm at the point where MD games start being random to the degree of unfair.
I'm currently running Paladin, Wanderer, Hexer and Healer. Is it viable to not use a healer? I guess I could use a dancer instead. I just wish the medic had the EO4 male design because I like that one.

EO1 got localized and even translated into various languages actually.

To be honest, I'd say a Dancer actually makes for a better healer than a Medic, as the dances last several turns. The only downsides is that they occur at the end of the turn, and there's no Revive spell.
EO1 got localized and even translated into various languages actually.

To be honest, I'd say a Dancer actually makes for a better healer than a Medic, as the dances last several turns. The only downsides is that they occur at the end of the turn, and there's no Revive spell.

I wish I knew about EO at 1. It sucks EO only returned at 4 (but thank you region free).

Yeah, revive is kinda useful for when members get one shotted.


I started with 4 :)
can I use the "I'm European" excuse??

I've been playing the 5th dungeon for awhile. I'm starting to think that is either because my party doesn't have any synergy or I'm at the point where MD games start being random to the degree of unfair.
I'm currently running Paladin, Wanderer, Hexer and Healer. Is it viable to not use a healer? I guess I could use a dancer instead. I just wish the medic had the EO4 male design because I like that one.

I beat the game with Protector, Runemaster, Gunner and Landwhatev and didn't have any problem.
I've just realised bindings help bring down a DOEs AT field. I feel like an idiot as it has taken me until half way through the 6th branch to find this out.


Well, Flavio was the only one left standing on turn 35, but that damn red dragon is finally dead after a couple hours of attempts. Even with the guest party member that fight is really tough with the story party due to his crazy damage output and super high HP. Onwards to floor 30 now~


Posting this 'cause I guess it's a "semi-official" mention of Etrian Odyssey V near the end of the latest Persona Stalker Club episode:
It's most likely nothing and was mentioned as a joke to something else, but PSC is officially backed by Atlus so they could have edited it out if they were skittish about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let me just drop this bird on ya.

Mauricio_Magus said:
So I got banned forever and I don’t feel like making an alt account, so here’s a lame goodbye message for you guys.
This is my favorite community, I don’t regret spending my time talking about this series basically all the freaking time and telling every single NeoGAF member to play it, I don't really know of a better place where I can talk about this amazing series with so many passionate fans so you guys will always be the best.
I’ll miss you all, even ohlawd.
Don’t stop dungeon crawling, keep mapping, stock on Ariadne's Threads, keep running from the Atlus Police, and never stop hoping that EOV doesn’t end up an iOS/Android exclusive.
I hope to see you guys again, maybe in some other place and at another time.
Thank you for everything, Goodbye.

I'll also add that EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD should boycott EO until the Atlus tax no longer exists.


So, I got 4 when it launched and loved it just like I did with 3, but the same thing happened to me with both where my team ends up being super mediocre around the end of the 3rd stratum and I end up giving up on them.

I restarted 4 a few days ago because it was exactly the game I was itching to play and so far so good. Have a Landsketch, Fortress, Dancer, Medic and Sniper. Same team as before except I had a Nightcrawler instead of the Dancer before. It's pretty standard team with Vanguard-Extended Link-Links, Taunts, Chase Samba, Healing and Binding/Criticals. First two stratums were a joke, I was beating FOE's pretty easily and didn't have to worry to much, only time I got in slight danger was against the second stratum boss which did a lot of damage and took me by surprise but I still beat her on the first try.

The third area however had a significant difficulty bump and while I'm managing I'm a lil scared the same thing is gonna happen. I'd love some advices on how to proceed, I just unlocked subclasses and I'm not sure how to subclass people. I'm not against switching characters as well.

I'm also not sure how efficient my skill distribution is. With the Lamdsketch I maxed out vanguard, the parry passive skill and have the fire link a little higher than the other 2. With the fortress after getting auto taunt and taunt maxed out, I maxed the defense passive and then started going after the shield skills which I don't really use much. Dancer got her evade passive maxed out before moving her to front row, with like one point in regen and the rest on Chase Samba and the sword passive skill where she can attack multiple times (not sure on what to invest now). Medic has had an even distribution on the different healing spells and with the sniper I maxed out the critical buff, then put some points on the arm binder and then put a lot on the critical passive and a few of the arrow skills (was hoping the one where she rains lots of arrows would work great with links but my god the accuracy blows). So basically I'm asking if maxing out the passives was a dumb idea and how far one should put points on skills before going to some other skills. Like just enough to open the next skill or pump to 10 the one skill you're gonna use a lot or if something like 80% of points is enough.

Hope you guys can guide me a bit. So fun though!


I would fold the Medic and Sniper together into a binding circle Arcanist with Medic subclass, then bring in more elemental damage. Dismiss Heal does a ton of healing later on, and binding circles are more efficient at shutting down random encounters than having a Sniper target monsters one at a time.


I'm guessing Medic/Arcanist doesn't work as well as the other way around due to the specific class skill right? Would using Wufanbe good or would it be better to start from scratch?

I guess that way I can get a runemaster in which I've never had.

Any tips on subclasses?


I'm guessing Medic/Arcanist doesn't work as well as the other way around due to the specific class skill right? Would using Wufanbe good or would it be better to start from scratch?
Medic main has almost too much healing, while an Arcanist main's class skill along with "TP Return" is pretty much inexhaustible TP.
Any tips on subclasses?
Fortress/Dancer is surprisingly viable because Dancer's "Fan Dance" stacks with the Fort's Shield line of skills. Landsmeckt/Bushi is good because the Bushi class is packed with damage boosters. Dancer/Bushi might also be good for the same reason (and I can't think of a better alternative for Dancers, since I didn't use them much).


Wufan is perfectly fine, and yes, the specific class skills make an Arcanist/Medic better than a Medic/Arcanist.

As for the rest of your party: Landsknecht/Runemaster because the latter's passives boost your links, Fortress/Dancer for gathering all the utility onto one character, and Dancer/Nightseeker for damage, or you could just do away with the Dancer completely and roll a Nightseeker/Arcanist for incredible amount of damage and ailments.


Dancer/Bushi might also be good for the same reason (and I can't think of a better alternative for Dancers, since I didn't use them much).

Nightseeker for dual wield is the way to go if you plan to use Trick Samba or any kind of ailment procs (which includes Dancer's stun skill, Mist Dance). With normal attacks they can hit up to 8 times in one turn.

Dancer/Bushi is good for Beat Dance party but I it never seemed to me like a good build in a more orthodox party because in that case your Dancer is probably either a healer or a hybrid damage dealer where chases and stun procs are very valuable and the damage of the dancer herself is secondary to the damage generated by other party members as a result of the dancer (as in, focus on skills like Attack Tango, Trick Samba, Sword and Mist Dance, and Refresh and Freedom Waltz). Of course, Dancer is probably the most adaptable class in the entire game so if you can make a Dancer/Bushi work, more power to you.

I'm guessing Medic/Arcanist doesn't work as well as the other way around due to the specific class skill right? Would using Wufanbe good or would it be better to start from scratch?

I guess that way I can get a runemaster in which I've never had.

Any tips on subclasses?

You can beat the postgame boss with Medic/Arcanist, so don't worry too much about that vs the reverse. Just be sure to load your M/A up with luck stat boosting gear to make the bind circles work better.

I used a Fortress/Nightseeker/Dancer party for 100%ing the game and the N and D make a good combo. Dance buffs turn Nighseeker into a death machine. Once attack buff is active and the enemy has an ailment, use Trick Samba to generate lots of extra attacks from the Nightseeker (with D/N dual wielding, you almost always get all 3 chases from Trick, and when the N is chasing on an enemy with an ailment, those basic chases are big damage).

I have not tried a party with a Landshark and a Nightseeker together. The two just don't seem to have good synergy on paper, and I'm not a fan of snipers in EOIV when Nightseekers and Arcanists can shut down packs of enemies so much more efficiently, and then N can do absurd damage on top of that. Snipers to work well with L for chaser procs, but if you're feeling like you're low on damage I would definitely say consider a Nightseeker...they start squishy but once you get Venom Throw they become gods in random encounters, and by the time you're at endgame, they're doing tens of thousands of damage in one turn with Swift Edge and Follow Trace.

P.S. The trick with Squall Volley is that you need to leg bind them first. Leg bind = no evasion = 100% accuracy.


Sooooo, I think I'm gonna stick with my old party rather than doing the whole 3 nightseeker thing (don't ask), my party will be NS/AR, LS/RM, and RM/BU in the front, and FO/DA, AR/ME in the back, will this be decent enough for the final boss? I don't get back to my 3DS for a few days so I can't really check my skills and levels though.
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