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Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal


Well... luckily for me I switched Logre to the front in lieu of Axion (RM) for the fourth stratum boss... I'll keep that in mind though.
I'm just wondering what your gameplan is, since you have room in the back for the Runemaster. Even if you wanted to shove your nightseeker in the back while they're trying to land throws, you could just swap them with the fortress for a few turns.


Small update!

I actually didn't end up listening at you guys and just kept the party I was using. Subbed my land to runemaster for the elemental bonus and tp boosts, my fortress to dancer for the evasion boosts, my dancer to night thingy for dual wielding, my medic to runemaster to use the elemental runes for damage or defense buffs and my sniper to Arcanist for the binding bonus and tp recovery.

I realized that on my last play through I rushed my way through the Golden Lair to quickly and was facing the Salamander at around level 30. I took my time this time around and gathered better materials weapons and was a little bit more leveled so it was a piece of cake.

Got to the 4th zone so I'm happy!


Reporting in!

I think I ended up being way over leveled just by being careful and using adriane threads whenever my item pouch got full, plus dancer really helped my Landsketch's Link's make a lot more sense and do so much more damage, was way more useful overall due to the regen waltz and the multi hit attacks than can stun. Overall, everyone pulled their weight well enough, even my Medic/Runemaster which gave me element runes for buffs and nerfs while having very good support tools, auto heal and auto revive were god like as well. My Archer/Arcanist really helped a lot at dealing very good damage, binding and getting the tp back.

Ended up steamrolling both the 4th and 5th dungeons, which was a shame because the stealth element in 4 was a pretty cool idea but seeing I was murdering the FOE's I didn't have to try hard to avoid them. Dungeon 5 was a little dissapointing but still had a blast visiting the other dungeon parts.

Final boss was also kind of a pushover but was pretty inventive. Messed around with the post game for a bit, and got killed by the FOE behind hidden in the first overworld. Left him with a few pixels of hp and he just ko'd everybody except the fortress on the last turn so I'm excited for the difficulty spike that's to come. Messed a bit the new quests and got to the 6th dungeon that seems pretty tough as well. I wonder if my team will be up to the task.

Speaking if which, what's the deal with retirement? Another party member with more skill points will replace my other unit? And I know rest substracts two levels to reset the skill points but does it also substract the two total skill points from the levels? And what's the deal with new game+, you keep your equipment and stuff, so does the difficulty scale up?

Still, loved it, amazing battle system that's fast, strategic and allows for multiple builds and approaches. The mazes felt a lot easier than 3's from memory, and mixed on how much easier and streamlined everything was especially starting out. Wasn't a fan of the farmer class in 3 as a dead weight battle wise for the benefit if better equipment and items but I think this over compensated with the ease of getting resources and money. Also, sea exploring was amazing.

I don't wanna burn myself out with the series, but having finally "beaten" it, I'm more invested than ever. Maybe I'll go back to 3 or perhaps I'll grab the remakes cheap off the eshop later on, just don't wanna burn myself. I know 5 got announced a while ago but they've been super quiet about it since right?

Haha ok, sorry for all the ramblinga and incoherent mess this post will surely be, but thanks for the support, advices and for reading!
Congrats! Glad that you managed it this time.
Thanks a lot!


Resting resets your skills points at the cost of 2 lvls, and doesn't do anything else. Retiring, on the other hand, replaces the current character with a new one (of any class) and gives it extra stats and skill points based on the lvl of the retiree. Normally you'll want to either retire at lvl 70, before getting the dragons. or at 99, to get the greatest boost.

The battle system is the main reason why I keep coming back to this game. No other turn-based RPG battle system feels as good as EO.


Speaking if which, what's the deal with retirement? Another party member with more skill points will replace my other unit?
Retirement gives you a new recruit with higher base stats and more initial skill points to replace your old unit. The higher the level of your old unit (in 10 level increments), the more stat points and skill points your new recruit gets.
And I know rest substracts two levels to reset the skill points but does it also substract the two total skill points from the levels?
Resting does subtract those two lost levels from the pool of skill points available.
And what's the deal with new game+, you keep your equipment and stuff, so does the difficulty scale up?
New Game+ gives you the option to keep all your characters and their equipped gear, and it gives you the option to keep your maps, but it doesn't have an option to increase difficulty.


Ended up steamrolling both the 4th and 5th dungeons, which was a shame because the stealth element in 4 was a pretty cool idea but seeing I was murdering the FOE's I didn't have to try hard to avoid them. Dungeon 5 was a little dissapointing but still had a blast visiting the other dungeon parts.
I liked the 5th dungeon because it felt like a throwback to EO1, but following on the heels of more elaborate dungeons, it does feel a little plain.

Speaking if which, what's the deal with retirement? Another party member with more skill points will replace my other unit? And I know rest substracts two levels to reset the skill points but does it also substract the two total skill points from the levels?
Retirement is explained somewhat in the OP of this thread. It's a way to get bonus stats and skill points. If you're this far into the game, just level to 99 before retiring for the maximum benefit.

Yes, you lose 2 skill points as a result of losing 2 levels when resting, but you get them right back when you level up again.

And what's the deal with new game+, you keep your equipment and stuff, so does the difficulty scale up?
No, difficulty is the same. Pretty much the only reason to NG+ in EOIV is to get more of the once-per-play unique equipment, like the gloves that grant charge skill, for example. In the Untold games, NG+ is a much more useful feature because you can go between Story and Classic mode and bring your characters with you.

I don't wanna burn myself out with the series, but having finally "beaten" it, I'm more invested than ever. Maybe I'll go back to 3 or perhaps I'll grab the remakes cheap off the eshop later on, just don't wanna burn myself. I know 5 got announced a while ago but they've been super quiet about it since right?

IMO you haven't beaten IV until you finish the postgame dungeon, which is one of the best in the series, and where the game finally feels like other EO titles in terms of challenging you. Also, all the most fun boss fights await you. You can finally get revenge on those darn dragons for smashing your airship.


Cool, I'm on my high 60's so I'll think about retiring, Bushi's and Imperials are interesting classes and I'd like to mess around with them. But on the other hand, my guild is pretty badass. I'll try my luck with what I have for now.

While I love the depth of the battle system, it was a little dissapointing that my team relied so heavily on setting up links for larger battles, ended up being a little monotonous in a way, but I suppose that's just my fault for making the team based on that.

Edit: definately planning on tackling the post game. I assume it's when it gets serious. It was dissapointing because I remember pre release interviews that mentioned that because of the inclusion of casual mode, normal mode was going to be a lot harder. Still, it's a lot better than 99% of rpg's but I was looking for some more ass kicking from the game's part.

And yeah tuffy's avatar is legendary. Shaaaaaame.


I would hold off retiring now, tbh. You have some momentum and synergy with your party, so see how far you can go with that.

As for normal/casual in EOIV, maybe it was just being a series vet by the time I played IV, but I thought Normal mode in IV was definitely on the easy side of things (until postgame). Normal mode is definitely harder than casual mode, but normal mode in EOIV is still easier than EO1-3 are on their "normal" (only) modes.

Your fortress and dancer are gonna be MVPs in postgame. The rest of your party might need some reworking for some of the tougher bosses (mainly for better damage output without as much setup). You can definitely make a linker team work for clearing postgame (I think someone reported in this thread clearing postgame with a linker team that was still like 10 levels from cap?), but some things like your medic/runemaster might not work as well for you in postgame as they did so far.


I normally retire once I kill the end boss, since that's when I shuffle around party members for the post-game. But it really depends. If your current party is good enough, keep them till 99. You'll most likely need to retire for the extra boosts for the post-game boss.


I'm most worried about the medic as well due to your guys feedback, regarding the impossibility of winning the war of attrition post game. Same problem with the linker team that takes time to set up.

I'm thinking on investing skill points for the medic on one element tune attacking spell, lightning most likely due to only having volt hammer for an attack skill with the fortress but not sure if my fortress will have the luxury to be on the offensive moving forward lol. I don't use the shield skills much (have used them sometimes for great effect but mostly taunt, rampart and evade has carried me so far).

Having trouble on how to keep building my dancer nightseeker as well. I suppose I'll keep investing points in utility dances, as I don't think it'll pay off to invest on throw skills or the attack skills of the nightseeker class for her.

Oh, and is it worth it to spend points for the defense boost with two weapons for the Landsketch as it classed it? Or do you need to combo it with nightseeker to be effective?

Also wondering, how much of a benefit is to keep leveling up skills, I realize 50% and 100% will give you the biggest bonuses and if they're key skills you should invest on them quickly to max, but for more situational skills I suppose it's better to spread the points as you go along right?


I'm most worried about the medic as well due to your guys feedback, regarding the impossibility of winning the war of attrition post game. Same problem with the linker team that takes time to set up.

I'm thinking on investing skill points for the medic on one element tune attacking spell, lightning most likely due to only having volt hammer for an attack skill with the fortress but not sure if my fortress will have the luxury to be on the offensive moving forward lol. I don't use the shield skills much (have used them sometimes for great effect but mostly taunt, rampart and evade has carried me so far).
Neither your medic nor your fortress will have the luxury of being offensive with any regularity in postgame. At least, I don't think so. You will be dealing with a lot more incoming damage, binds, and ailments. There will be cases where your medic has a free turn, sure, but even with a good TEC stat they won't be doing any considerable damage with sub runemaster skills. If you want to keep a medic (which is fine, 100%'d the game with a medic), I recommend arcanist sub instead of runemaster.

Having trouble on how to keep building my dancer nightseeker as well. I suppose I'll keep investing points in utility dances, as I don't think it'll pay off to invest on throw skills or the attack skills of the nightseeker class for her.
Front row, right?

This is my dancer's endgame build 7221584843868103450xx01230880003000000000030000000000



(also experimented with /Bushi build which was something like this
which can deal some disgusting damage but has a harder time landing ailments and also needs a turn to go into surge, so I went back to /Arcanist because it's more reliable and not as fragile...this build N/B build is a medic's worst nightmare to keep alive lol)

My medic's

And lastly my Runemaster/Bushi who can pump out some crazy damage with Galvanic Rune while surging.

That Dancer build I came up with is a build first and foremost to boost my N's damage, but she also is great at support even without maxing all the healing dances, so while my build might not be exactly what fits best for your party, it should give an idea.

I'm very rusty on my L builds in EOIV because I didn't use one in my main party, only built one in postgame via autobattle to try them out on some bosses, so I never really fully absorbed all the nuances for using them, but I think a good build for them would be something like this
And you can spend the extra 22 skill points on whatever other stuff you want (probably some non-link attacks so you have some options that don't require setup).

You can also arrange your party's equipment so that your L can always act before the rest of your team which means you may not even need to spend the points in Vanguard.

Oh, and is it worth it to spend points for the defense boost with two weapons for the Landsketch as it classed it? Or do you need to combo it with nightseeker to be effective?
Anyone can equip 2 weapons which means they can receive the benefits of some forges from that 2nd weapon like extra ATK/STR/TEC/etc. However, only N's Blade Flurry skill allows the offhand weapon to be used when attacking. So, no, you don't need to be L/N to use those skills. However, I also wouldn't bother spending points on Iron Wall or Weapon Parry because you have a Fortress in your party. Those tanky skills for L are more useful for when you are using them as a pseudo-tank.

Also wondering, how much of a benefit is to keep leveling up skills, I realize 50% and 100% will give you the biggest bonuses and if they're key skills you should invest on them quickly to max, but for more situational skills I suppose it's better to spread the points as you go along right?
It really depends on the skill, but, yes, usually half leveled or max leveled is the way to go in terms of best return on your SP/TP.


Thanks for the feedback, I'll take a look at the site when I have time but min/maxing isn't my my fav way to play. Thank god for resting though


Thanks for the feedback, I'll take a look at the site when I have time but min/maxing isn't my my fav way to play. Thank god for resting though
You're not going to need to go overboard on min/maxing even for the 6th stratum; that'll only be necessary if you're in the mood to tackle to final postgame boss the hard way. I was able to bring it down the easier way using some pretty conventional setups just by making use of good party synergy. But between glowy FOE farming, no-experience guest characters and a reduced resting penalty, it's never been easier to bring a new team up-to-speed.

And apparently an avatar full of Wynne wasn't working out, so Protector Girl is back by popular demand.


These dragons are kicking my butt holy hell!

Reached level 70 and realized I wasn't leveling up and looked up that you need to kill the dragons to unlock more levels. Tried the ice one a bunch of times and then the fire one and I'm doing ok until I reach past 50% of their health and they ohko my entire party with an attack.

Granted I haven't gone in with good good and I guess element protection accessories should be mandatory here right?


These dragons are kicking my butt holy hell!

Reached level 70 and realized I wasn't leveling up and looked up that you need to kill the dragons to unlock more levels. Tried the ice one a bunch of times and then the fire one and I'm doing ok until I reach past 50% of their health and they ohko my entire party with an attack.

Granted I haven't gone in with good good and I guess element protection accessories should be mandatory here right?

Elemental resist accessories will help while you're low level, and the guest party members that join you for the quest should help, too, even if it's just to throw items on every turn. Once you are level 80ish you probably won't need the accessories because you'll have the stats and gear to survive them easier and kill them quicker. I've had Untold 1 and 2 on the brain (where protectors can just elemental wall to completely nullify the breath attacks) for so long I kinda can't remember my exact setups for dealing with the dragons' breath attacks in IV... oh I just remembered.


There's a food buff you can eat that gives high elemental resist to each element, so be sure to eat elemental resist food before fighting them.

I never bothered with Fortress's Elemental Guard skill, either. On the Fortress note, you mentioned not using their shield skills much... well... get ready to start using them a lot more now, lol. And move them to the back row on turns you're going to use Party Shield.

It's kind of coming back to me now. I think I would eat the food, equip my Fortress with the elemental resist accessory, and then use party or line shield to take the breath hits so that the rest of my team could use better accessories, but I think that was only once I was farming them, not the first time I fought them, so that may not be a good idea to try right now lol...

You will want to use binds and ailments to weaken the dragons and prevent some of their attacks. They can typically be bound, blinded, feared, paralyzed (except thunder dragon, IIRC), and stunned. However, until you're like running at 90+ LUC stat or something, it will take some skill specialization to land ailments on them, so don't expect a M/A to have any luck binding them at level 70 (an A/M should be able to), or a Nightseekeer subbing anything but Arcanist to be able to land ailments reliably. Sniper should probably sub Arcanist and max the Snipe skills if going for binds, too, because you'll need that help from Ailment Boost passive.

Also if you have anything subbing Arcanist, you should be sure to use Releasal Spell on the dragon ASAP because it should nullify any special bind or ailment resistances they start the fight with (those resistances can still be built back up after you hit them with an ailment or bind).

In terms of HP all the dragons are the same but the Ice one has the weakest attack/defense (by a little bit), then the thunder, then the fire is the strongest one.


Yeah, I keep thinking that Fortresses have Protectors' elemental walls. I forgot how I did it, but I didn't have a Fortress in my postgame party. Probably just food.

Edit: Oh, and there's the Aegis Ward burst if you need it.


The strong elemental resistance food is conveniently located right next to each dragon. I also found it helpful to keep a Runemaster's elemental Rune skills going to lower the damage further. That was typically enough to keep from getting wiped out by their breath attacks.


The strong elemental resistance food is conveniently located right next to each dragon. I also found it helpful to keep a Runemaster's elemental Rune skills going to lower the damage further. That was typically enough to keep from getting wiped out by their breath attacks.

Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I think that's how I did it. No accessories on the party, just food + resist ring on Fortress + the appropriate Rune spell from my R. Then my Fortress would have enough damage resistance to just tank the whole front row's breath hits while the back row would survive and get topped up with a party heal or a healing circle. If your F isn't able to survive the multiple breath hits, just let the rest of the party take the hit and as long as their resistance is high enough (maybe with an accessory) they'll survive.

The danger with the Rune spell against the thunder dragon is it counts 5 of your 8(?) buffs before you trigger Corrupt Howl, which is a Bad Time (tm). So I would approach that that one differently because I preferred to use 6 of my buffs on dances on the front row.


Great Dragon defeated!

Yeah I just had to get the special food item which wasn't respawn img because I was doing the innkeeper's quest, which even though I'm pretty sure I got all 4 I can't clear the quest :(

Didn't get the second item from the dragon sadly.. Guessing you need to kill it with a fire attack or something? Well I did get pretty lucky with binds and my runes overriding his fire debuffs


So does like status booster up special attacks? For example if my hammer has 3 electric stat boosts and I do a bolt bash, does it do more? Or if my bow has binding forged to it does it have more chances of binding?

Or in these cases only elemental attack up or luck would help?


So does like status booster up special attacks? For example if my hammer has 3 electric stat boosts and I do a bolt bash, does it do more? Or if my bow has binding forged to it does it have more chances of binding?

Or in these cases only elemental attack up or luck would help?

No, these don't help, they only confer a volt or binding attibute to your weapon. Elemental and Luck forges do help though.


No, these don't help, they only confer a volt or binding attibute to your weapon. Elemental and Luck forges do help though.
Perfect, that's what I figured but wanted to check.

Labyrinth 6 is pretty tough with the dark rooms and the petrification plants. Have died a lot actually! But chugging along.


Figuring out the dark rooms gimmick early on can save a lot of time later. It's probably the most essential place to have a very accurate map.


Perfect, that's what I figured but wanted to check.

Labyrinth 6 is pretty tough with the dark rooms and the petrification plants. Have died a lot actually! But chugging along.

For the petrification the best way I found to deal with it with my party was just make sure my Dancer had the anti-stone accessory and then dance Refresh waltz in the first turn of battle and move to the back row, just in case. Then also use Refresh waltz with my Fortress, if auto-taunt went off. Before you unlock the accessory, just dance Refresh with both characters and you should be okay.


Figuring out the dark rooms gimmick early on can save a lot of time later. It's probably the most essential place to have a very accurate map.
Yeah, it's filled with X's where it resets, but I'm managing. It's pretty time consuming though.

For the petrification the best way I found to deal with it with my party was just make sure my Dancer had the anti-stone accessory and then dance Refresh waltz in the first turn of battle and move to the back row, just in case. Then also use Refresh waltz with my Fortress, if auto-taunt went off. Before you unlock the accessory, just dance Refresh with both characters and you should be okay.
Ugh, just got my whole party petrified and lost tons of experience as I was killing the foe's in Floor 1 and 2 were shiny :(

I do use refresh dance but only with the Dancer,


Yeah, it's filled with X's where it resets, but I'm managing. It's pretty time consuming though.
You don't have to find the reset points by trial-and-error. Notice the symmetry between the dark rooms and the identically-sized not-so-dark rooms with the damage floors.


Yeah, it's filled with X's where it resets, but I'm managing. It's pretty time consuming though.
You will hit the icon limit on the map using the X symbols lol (I know because I did). Use a different color to paint those tiles instead.


Hate to admit it but I'm having so much trouble in the 3rd floor. Can't seem to figure out how to explore past the poisonous gas room that only gives you 10 steps. I can get to it with the heat on or off and I'm sure I need to get to it frozen so I can skate past the top part, but no matter if I come from the north or the sides I just can't make it and I haven't found a secret path. I'm missing a few of the liquid machines so I haven't even started to piece the logic puzzle we got going.

Also, that 4th dragon is just so scary

Oh and I don't get Rapiers being semi exclusive to landy's as they're really worse compared to swords throughout. Used them most of the time and other than thrusting attacks they kinda always paled in comparison to the swords the dancer was using both in damage and slots.


You'll need to reach the Yellow chemical before you'll be able to reach the Green one, and you'll need the heater off for that final stretch. From there it's mostly about using the few steps you have in the gas room to open passages in the gas-free area along the north end of the floor. Eventually you'll be able to reach the machine from the passage at the north of A2.


You'll need to reach the Yellow chemical before you'll be able to reach the Green one, and you'll need the heater off for that final stretch. From there it's mostly about using the few steps you have in the gas room to open passages in the gas-free area along the north end of the floor. Eventually you'll be able to reach the machine from the passage at the north of A2.

I'll keep a lookout for more hidden passageways up above.

Rapiers are faster than swords. Good if you want to proc Initiative without Vanguard or set up Links.
Ah! That makes total sense. Seeing some specials have different priorities, I guess it makes sense for weapons to do so as well. Still, my landy was always going 3rd or 4th even if she always had the best all round accessories. Only speed augmented Rapiers got her 2nd which still isn't really useful as the dancer can get to 8 hits and really helps with the links.


Warped Savior kicked my little butt so hard.

Tried going for the buds first, I took them down relatively easy while containing his other stuff, then he berzerked and did 3 elemental spells in a row, managed to survive that with my fortress and used the revive all burst power to reset the situation while the jerk pretty much did the same. Then I tried going for one bud at least before tackling the savior himself and while I did that, I wasn't doing much damage to him due to the rows, and my medic and sniper were losing tp fast due to no energy dance in that row.

Just holy cow, dude just wrecked me.


I'll keep a lookout for more hidden passageways up above.

Ah! That makes total sense. Seeing some specials have different priorities, I guess it makes sense for weapons to do so as well. Still, my landy was always going 3rd or 4th even if she always had the best all round accessories. Only speed augmented Rapiers got her 2nd which still isn't really useful as the dancer can get to 8 hits and really helps with the links.

Here are the modifiers, if you want them:
Shield: -2 speed
Heavy Armor: -2 speed
Medium Armor: -1 speed
Light Armor: +2 speed
Gloves: +1 speed
Shoes: +4 speed
Accessories and helms are neutral.

Gunblade: -4 speed
Hammers: -3 speed
Swords: -2 speed
Thrusting Swords: +2 speed
Katanas: +2 speed
Daggers: +3 speed
Bows and staves are neutral.

If you can, it might be worth throwing some slower equipment on your dancer.

Wish I could help with WS, but I honestly don't remember much about him.


I don't think I can do this :(
Granted I haven't rested yet to reorganize my skill points but I did reach lvl 99. I also haven't gotten the bestest weapons with enough materials to forge them but I don't see it making a big difference. I'm barely doing any damage to it. I read that he has a completely linear ai script but I don't wanna memorize what moves he's doing on what turns to counter that.

At least I beat the black dragon so that's something I guess.

Merry Christmas guys!


You're spraying him with chems, right?

Even if you are he's no pushover. You will need good AoE damage and strong single target damage to beat him. Can't spend a lot of turns on setup once the real fight starts and the buds come out. Retiring will help, +10 to all stats is substantial. It's also a chance to change your party members around. In particular I would really consider changing M's sub from R to A and changing out your L and S for a R and... something like a N or I or maybe even a B? Warped Savior is pretty easy to farm with the team setup I used (F/N/D|R/M) and it's not even an optimal setup for damage since it relies on ailments. Maybe someone can give some tips on how to approach the fight with L+S link setup but I can't D:

N and R can both do a lot of damage to the buds (venom throw works on them) with only 1 turn of setup (spread throw / a rune buff).

Also I recommend setting the stun burst skill to use on the turn after he opens his eye.

You don't need the best weapons to beat WS (since it drops the best weapon material, after all), but you should have no problems farming Formaldehyde now so you can stock up on some good forging material. For example, if you stick with a L in your party for links, I think it's recommended that your L be subbing R and be wielding a dagger in the offhand with ELM forges (it doesn't matter that they don't attack with the dagger, the forges still apply to their overall character stats). IIRC the second best dagger for forging is from the conditional drop from mantis FOEs in the last land.

Also be sure to farm the good ATK and ELM accessories from the last dungeon. They require rare drops from the sleeping lions and the hollows there. I think you'll want the ELM one for your L if you keep the L. If you go with a Runemaster, you'll of course want them set up with their class specific body armor, the ELM accessory, and 2 ELM forged daggers.

I think my record kill was 7 turns on Warped Savior and that included the pupa phase but that was with my Nightseeker doing like 45000 damage in one turn with weapon from Warped Savior's drop... my first kill took maybe twice that long... as far as memorization goes, if you're fighting him chem'd he's not that tough and you won't have to memorize too many actions... WS with chems is very easy relative to other EO postgame bosses (without chems he's very hard relative to other EO postgame bosses lol).

Edit: Oh and Merry Christmas y'all. I will be soon bashing my head against Expert mode Ur-Child in EOU2. Wish me luck :D (anyone here beaten him yet? Might need some tips)



Merry Christmas y'all. Let's sing the same old tune every year~

Oh, and:



Christmas is a time to be thankful. It's basically Thanksgiving 2.0, except culturally palatable outside America. So whether you're opening the presents around the Christmas tree or eating Kentucky-Fried Christmas with your betrothed, just keep diligent in the Etrian Spirit.
Because it'll take V years to come out at this rate.

Merry Christmas y'all. Let's sing the same old tune every year~

Oh, and:

Guess there were two versions of that second image. A buddy sent me one that doesn't have a typo in the last party member's name. Where'd they come from, anyway?

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