Dragon Age: Veilguard |OT| 'Oof': A non-buynary return to form

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Do you HAVE to keep that character in your party?
When choosing your party for a mission just leave her out.
You can also ignore her optional conversations at the Lighthouse.

I'm still early game with the 1st two recruited companions though.

Not sure if there are "forced" instances where Taash is in your face 😊


About 20 hours in, this is a bad game that I'm enjoying a lot. Absolutely wild.

If anyone wants companion recommendations, Davrin and Neve are well written and interesting characters. Haven't recruited the necromancer yet but the others are pretty insufferable to me.
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About 20 hours in, this is a bad game that I'm enjoying a lot. Absolutely wild.

If anyone wants companion recommendations, Davrin and Neve are well written and interesting characters. Haven't recruited the necromancer yet but the others are pretty insufferable to me.
This, the game has flaws but im completely hooked on it and i feel guilty for it?
Davrin, Neve, Emmrich the Necro and Lucanis the rogue are great. Bellara is "ok" but just a bit too...chirpy? Harding and Traash can get fucked. Terribly written.


I'm also about 20 hours in.
Kinda regret getting it on EA play pro instead of buying outright. Will play through it once and get it again when on sale to try other classes probably.
Last part of the first act was pretty awesome.
If I had criticisms for this game is that they could have made the cities feel more alive and enemy/boss variety is quite lacking. Minor issues for the most part.


Gold Member
People in this game really love to call everyone a god even if they are not actual gods uh? It's a bit confusing:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Solas is the god of trickery etc. But then they say it's just a powerful ancient elven wizard...so no god like zeus or thor.

The 2 new big baddies are supposed to be gods but then they say they are just ancient tyrants that were worshipped like gods...but again, not actual gods.

Maybe my concept of god is different from these people :lollipop_grinning_sweat:


People in this game really love to call everyone a god even if they are not actual gods uh? It's a bit confusing:lollipop_grinning_sweat:
tbf there was an early conversation that addressed this. Rook was basically "we'll save the philosophical conversation about what a god is for later, call them what you want and let's move on"


People in this game really love to call everyone a god even if they are not actual gods uh? It's a bit confusing:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Solas is the god of trickery etc. But then they say it's just a powerful ancient elven wizard...so no god like zeus or thor.

The 2 new big baddies are supposed to be gods but then they say they are just ancient tyrants that were worshipped like gods...but again, not actual gods.

Maybe my concept of god is different from these people :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
They are more ancient elves who were or managed to become so powerful that in time they were revered as gods.
Signs of the actual God or Maker as they call him are pretty thin or even if he actually exists, as he may yet be just another powerful being.

At least this is my understanding of it short version.


Gold Member
tbf there was an early conversation that addressed this. Rook was basically "we'll save the philosophical conversation about what a god is for later, call them what you want and let's move on"
But there is no philosophical discussion to have really, a god is a god, a tyrant is a tyrant and a wizard is a wizard.

Fighting 2 elf gods should be a whole order of magnitude harder than just beating 2 tyrants, they are not similar things that pose the same level of challenge, they are not interchangeable like a lion and a tiger that pose a similar level of threat, that's why i was confused, these people consider mages, tyrants and gods as the same thing vut i know they are not the same thing at all :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Gold Member
I wonder how this game is doing when it comes to sales. So far there is no much information online


Gold Member
Have you solved? I turned it off but the hard lock on is still dogshit terrible and lose the target every 3 sec.
I switched to the warrior class because i thought being closer to the enemy could have helped but no, even in melee distance the lock on does the fuck it wants...

Negative not yet, that above fix didnt work for me either.

Im going to mess with it more when I get home from work.

I dont know why, but I didnt really notice it too much at first but now its starting to become a huge pain in the ass. Maybe because Im starting to encounter larger groups of enemies that are more mobile and the fight is moving around a lot more.

I was fighting a boss last night and I swear the lock on was breaking every 2 seconds it was driving me insane.
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Gold Member
Negative not yet, that above fix didnt work for me either.

Im going to mess with it more when I get home from work.

I dont know why, but I didnt really notice it too much at first but its starting to become a huge pain in the ass. Maybe because Im starting to encounter larger groups of enemies that are more mobile and the fight it moving around a lot more.

I was fighting a boss last night and I swear the lock on was breaking every 2 seconds it was driving me insane.
I'm more surprised that no one is talking about this, it doesn't feel like a random bug but more how the game is coded, and it's very annoying.
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Playing on PC (4070ti/5800x3d) and the game is great. Yeah story and acting ain't the best but it's fine. 23 hours in and barely any cringe dei shit. Graphically the game is pretty amazing and it runs so well.

But I'm loving the combat. It really a is top tier action game.Im playing a rogue and so many options in combat. I'm now experimenting with different parties and you can tailor your party members skill tree quit a lot to.

But yeah loving it, it's probably my favorite game since God of war. Some of the champions are bastards lol.
I am really really enjoying the game, I'm barely progressing through the main story as theres so much stuff to find and explore in the main zones and crossroads.

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The fight against the two dragons is just borderline rage-inducing! It's chaos. The camera just can't keep up, and you're constantly thrown around by the lunging dragons and their attacks. The combat system is simply not good enough for this type of scenario. This is like God of War from Temu...

I want to finish it, as I’m already 30 hours in, but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to fight the dragons again...


Wow, after all the negative reviews, I don't understand what these people wanted?

Graphics are great, even if a little cartoony and it's the best optimised PC game I've played in a while.
It's fun, combat it good. Puzzle aren't exactly taxing but they do go beyond "put thing on thing, door opens" which I'd been lead to believe.
Story...seems good enough to keep me interested.
There is plenty of content and it's not as on rails as I'd also been lead to believe.
It feels "gamey" in it's physics and progression systems. Subjective but that's fine by me, it's a game after all.
Apparently it has woke nonsense in it? Not noticed anything yet, the inclusion of a specific non-binary character seems maybe a little misguided as historically in Bio ware games, anybody just shagged anybody irrespective of gender but...ultimately I don't care or maybe don't understand the offence it causes.
The writing...bit meh but there's so much gameplay that it's pretty irrelevant beyond some exposition and chit chat.

Loving it :)
No slaves in Tevinter etc
Huh? The entire lore in Veilguard regarding Shadow Dragons is about freein slaves.

A dark/gritty RPG where your choices matter

Im concived you ppl havent played Origins or ure just blinded by nostalgia. There is nothing in Origins that is more dark and gritty than whats in Veilguard. Just because its color pallete is less gloomy doesnt mean the story and what happens is less dark. Theres slaves, theres people getting hanged in the streets, theres massacre, you have to make a choice between saving one of two cities, there are more dead bodies in the fist hours of the game than the entire Origins game lmao...etc. Stop being blinded by social media and play the game.
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A dark/gritty RPG where your choices matter, that's not written like a 2024 Disney+ tv show?
Worldbuilding that actually follows the lore of the previous games, and not shoved aside because HR was in the room? (No slaves in Tevinter etc).

And I suppose that's what I'm not missing as I was never hugely invested in the series and only played Inquisition so fair play. All I'm seeing is an enjoyable experience, maybe it's seen as a Dragon Age betrayal or shift in style but that doesn't make it a bad game in isolation, for me it certainly isn't. I like dark and gritty don't get me wrong but I personally don't care that it's not what this set out to be.


Gold Member
Game has texture streaming issues on the Pro, its really annoying. Is it Pro exclusive issue or its the same on base model? Both gameplay and cutscene. Some of the character textures takes like 10-15 second to load the higher ress...
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Game has texture streaming issues on the Pro, its really annoying. Is it Pro exclusive issue or its the same on base model? Both gameplay and cutscene. Some of the character textures takes like 10-15 second to load the higher ress...

Hmm. I don't remember it ever being that notable in my time with the game, maybe some distant pop-in but never that much that it jumped out at me.


That said.

Really enjoyed my time with the game. 100% / 1000G / Platinum is also fairly easy, nothing that requires dozens of hours of grinding or some shit.




Flashless at the Golden Globes
Did some companion quests and my god how far Bioware have fallen since the ME days. Hell even Andromeda wasnt as bad as this. Nothing happens in these quests. you collect some shit and see a dialogue screen where they tell you some sap story about their pathetic little lives and boom its over.

ME2 and ME3 perfected these loyalty quests so why change? Where did all those developers go?

This is why you need to retain talent. these new guys have absolutely no idea how to make bioware games. The talent drain in this industry is whats ruined this industry. not woke stuff. not diversity. Talent. We let all those experienced developers leave.


The new patch unfortunately did nothing for the console crashing. Wonder whats triggering it, as seeing folks here who also play on PS5 seem to be unaffected. This is rage inducing.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Dont want to spoil myself reading the achievements but are there any missable ones?


There's a very definitive 'point of no return' and you can pretty much do all of them before that.

One that might cause you some trouble is that you need to find Mementos to upgrade the Caretaker in your homebase, some of those are locked in story dungeons that you only visit once, so keep an eye out of them.

The toughest achievement was getting the Caretaker to his max level since you need that for one achievement.
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Did some companion quests and my god how far Bioware have fallen since the ME days. Hell even Andromeda wasnt as bad as this. Nothing happens in these quests. you collect some shit and see a dialogue screen where they tell you some sap story about their pathetic little lives and boom its over.

Yeah I have to agree with this despite me liking the game. Its not that theyre super bad, but its clearly a design choice that diminishes their importance a bit even tho, with the exception of Taash, most of them are pretty cool. Luckily most if not all side quests have stories and are related to one another and not just collect 20 skulls or visit a random planet and hit a switch(member missions in Mass Effect 2?).


There's a very definitive 'point of no return' and you can pretty much do all of them before that.

One that might cause you some trouble is that you need to find Mementos to upgrade the Caretaker in your homebase, some of those are locked in story dungeons that you only visit once, so keep an eye out of them.

The toughest achievement was getting the Caretaker to his max level since you need that for one achievement.

Ah fuck I think I already missed one because I thought I could return and saw no way to reach the damn thing. Can't you max it out by buying it from all the shops?


Gold Member
Did some companion quests and my god how far Bioware have fallen since the ME days. Hell even Andromeda wasnt as bad as this. Nothing happens in these quests. you collect some shit and see a dialogue screen where they tell you some sap story about their pathetic little lives and boom its over.

ME2 and ME3 perfected these loyalty quests so why change? Where did all those developers go?

This is why you need to retain talent. these new guys have absolutely no idea how to make bioware games. The talent drain in this industry is whats ruined this industry. not woke stuff. not diversity. Talent. We let all those experienced developers leave.
Lack of talent is also related to woke and diversity if you don't hire the most skilled but the more darkly skinned\strangely gendered because you have to reach a quota, you can't really think that things are not related, you are not that naive.

Look at the people in charge at bioware, these people probably hired as many skizzos similar to them as they could, you think all of these blue haired activists with retarded pronouns in bio were the best for the job? Think again.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ah fuck I think I already missed one because I thought I could return and saw no way to reach the damn thing. Can't you max it out by buying it from all the shops?

Oh yeah, you absolutely do *not* need all of them. There are way more than enough and shops sell some and some shops even restock with new momentos after a while.

Just that those one's in the story dungeons are the only real misable things in the game as you only go to those dungeons once and never again.
Oh yeah, you absolutely do *not* need all of them. There are way more than enough and shops sell some and some shops even restock with new momentos after a while.

Just that those one's in the story dungeons are the only real misable things in the game as you only go to those dungeons once and never again.

Ah nice, cool, thanks.


Gold Member
Hmm. I don't remember it ever being that notable in my time with the game, maybe some distant pop-in but never that much that it jumped out at me.


That said.

Really enjoyed my time with the game. 100% / 1000G / Platinum is also fairly easy, nothing that requires dozens of hours of grinding or some shit.



Sad. Its pretty much everywhere and in your face. Sigh


I just realized you can also enchant your abilities. I thought I had been missing out but realized I still need to upgrade the ghost man's upgrade emporium one more level to access it.


Is inquisition worth it before playing this guys ? I quite like the lore of dragon age
At this point I'd say Inquisition is a better game, and it's nice coming into this having a history with Solas from that game, but it's a big game and would be a time commitment to complete.


Is inquisition worth it before playing this guys ? I quite like the lore of dragon age

This is good story recap.

For me Veilguard is better than Inquisition; better comabat, no abonden MMO feeling that I got from Inquisition; when I started playing and got quest to collect 10 herbs I rolled my eyes. And, yes its a big game plus DLC.
Inquisition is very good game, but Veilguar have better hand crafted location and better side quest. But qunari race design is better in 2 and Inquisition; this here.... Oh....

Like someone who love this series abd have finished all previous games I love this game!



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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Hmm. I don't remember it ever being that notable in my time with the game, maybe some distant pop-in but never that much that it jumped out at me.


That said.

Really enjoyed my time with the game. 100% / 1000G / Platinum is also fairly easy, nothing that requires dozens of hours of grinding or some shit.



Do you ever, like, actually work or have a job? Christ you're a machine :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Yeah, but let's be real though, you're still collecting a ton of random shit on the ground in Veilguard, you're just not getting a quest to do it.
Like in almost every RPG ever.

But its different, I am inquisitor and I am collecting herbs for poor lady in village; and its a quest!

After prologue, I got MMO design feeling for Inquisition. Like they abonded that project and made single player game!
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Now that I've gotten further into this game, the criticisms about the games writing now seem completely over blown and exaggerated. This is the same forum that praises the Legend of Heroes writing, where every single character has to get their say in and it's some of the most useless text you'll ever read.
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Now that I've gotten further into this game, the criticisms about the games writing now seem completely over blown and exaggerated. This is the same forum that praises the Legend of Heroes writing, where every single character has to get their say in and it's some of the most useless text you'll ever read.
Joining Welcome Home GIF

this forum(not entirely ofc, just some obvious users you should prolly ignore) has turned into a manhunt for anything that has even a slight hint of diversity. the fact that they also follow that grifter scammer racist pos grummz is worrying. Try the games urself and never follow social media and you'll live a happier life.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Level 28 now and 20 hours clocked in game. Combat just keeps getting better and better. There are so many different systems in play here. The unique items are really unique. I have a necro ghost thingy that spawns after each kill attacking others. I get people pulled in after a parry. I get precision/critical hit after a kill. My companions now heal me without asking. That came in so clutch during a level 37 boss fight.

This reminds me of Anthem which had the best 3rd person combat ive played since MGSV. TLOU2 topped it a year later but man, there were so many different perks all clicking in that game, and this game feels a lot like that. I talked about talent earlier, well its clear the combat talent is still here.

Shame the story and companion quests are so shit. I dont like any of my companions. ive resorted to just skipping all dialogues now to get to combat. sucks that the story has zero mocapped scenes since the very first cutscene. crazy how its been 20 hours and the first cutscene was the only mocapped one with any real production value. mass effect 2 was 20 hours long total.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
sucks that the story has zero mocapped scenes since the very first cutscene. crazy how its been 20 hours and the first cutscene was the only mocapped one with any real production value. mass effect 2 was 20 hours long total.
It sucks but it definitely helps keeping the budget on check considering where BioWare is at now. It’s probably in the range of a AA+ game and not full blown AAA title. It’s fine.
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