Welp, it's here.
Any tips? Never played an Etrian Odyssey game before except just maybe 10 minutes fooling around in the first one.
Create a Fortress and max taunt and proficiency(only 5 points for all that) ... he'll save your life all the time, if you're new you'll love the Medic + Patch UP. The enemies will target whoever is in the front row the most, so have your healer and runemaster/sniper(whoever you make) on the back row.
REMEMBER that you can "REST" your party members, it costs you 2 levels(which is nothing, do it whenever you need to) and you can re-spec your characters, it's SUPER useful.
There's a debuff in EO that could help you early on if you go with a Sniper, Binding. Every move in EO(yours or of your enemy) come from their Legs/Arms/Head, by binding an enemy you can stop them from doing attacks that use that certain part of their bodies... it's pretty obvious what you gotta bind if you're enemy is using a move called "Super Punch", for example.