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Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan |OT|: Fight & Heal Brings 3D To Europe!

Finally started playing this game last weekend. Is there any benefit to the streetpass stuff that I'm missing out on? I can get all the QR codes from gamefaqs but wasn't sure if there was something else (like how you would miss out on developing that inn in DQIX if you didn't encounter a bunch of people).

Nothing special that I know of, but I have yet to pass anybody with the game. I assume it's just the same as when you scan a QR code, though, and I can't imagine what else could be included with StreetPass vs. QR Scanning.


Neo Member
Bought a 3DS XL, picked up this game first.

Haven't had too much time to play it, but I'm having a blast. Music is great, love the graphics. Gameplay is very fun and I'm surprised at how customizable if feels. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I enjoy the depth. Map making is surprisingly enjoyable as well (this is my first EO).


Bought a 3DS XL, picked up this game first.

Haven't had too much time to play it, but I'm having a blast. Music is great, love the graphics. Gameplay is very fun and I'm surprised at how customizable if feels. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I enjoy the depth. Map making is surprisingly enjoyable as well (this is my first EO).

I can't believe the map making stuff is as easy as it is. I thought it would be a giant pain in the butt. Quite the opposite in fact.

Oh perfect, thanks!

It's called the Activity Log.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Damn I just got hooked into this awesome demo.

I'm completely conflicted between buying this game, Luigis Mansion 2, or DKC Returns. 3DS has too many awesome games! And all three of those games are so different, I know I can really only afford one.

... or should I just wait for SMTIV this summer? Bah curse you Nintendo!


Damn I just got hooked into this awesome demo.

I'm completely conflicted between buying this game, Luigis Mansion 2, or DKC Returns. 3DS has too many awesome games! And all three of those games are so different, I know I can really only afford one.

... or should I just wait for SMTIV this summer? Bah curse you Nintendo!

This game needs more love!!! Get this!! You can import your demo data to the main game!
Well actually any of those 3 games are too good to pass up. 3ds is too good this days.


Damn I just got hooked into this awesome demo.

I'm completely conflicted between buying this game, Luigis Mansion 2, or DKC Returns. 3DS has too many awesome games! And all three of those games are so different, I know I can really only afford one.

... or should I just wait for SMTIV this summer? Bah curse you Nintendo!

SMTIV is in July, so just play EOIV till then. Best plan.


Damn I just got hooked into this awesome demo.

I'm completely conflicted between buying this game, Luigis Mansion 2, or DKC Returns. 3DS has too many awesome games! And all three of those games are so different, I know I can really only afford one.

... or should I just wait for SMTIV this summer? Bah curse you Nintendo!

Buy this game. Support Atlus.
Damn I just got hooked into this awesome demo.

I'm completely conflicted between buying this game, Luigis Mansion 2, or DKC Returns. 3DS has too many awesome games! And all three of those games are so different, I know I can really only afford one.

... or should I just wait for SMTIV this summer? Bah curse you Nintendo!

I have the 3 games and they are ALL AWESOME, but I really recommend EO4 and SMTIV, so much content!


Neo Member
Oh man, using Holy Gift when a rare monster appears is just about my favorite thing ever. And here I thought it would be a waste of a Burst slot.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Woah... I just checked the eShop, this game is only $29.99?!!

Well that makes it an easy decision for me. I could've SWORE that this game was $39.99 on the eShop when it was released. Did it get a price reduction recently or has it always been $30?


Neo Member
Woah... I just checked the eShop, this game is only $29.99?!!

Well that makes it an easy decision for me. I could've SWORE that this game was $39.99 on the eShop when it was released. Did it get a price reduction recently or has it always been $30?

Looks like it's on sale, but I can't find any info on it. Lucky though, I bought mine from the eshop for $39.99 a few days ago.


I'm ALMOST done grinding through the EOIV post-game.

Just have the 3rd floor of the Hall of Darkness and the Fallen One left to conquer.
Will be nice to get this out of the way before Animal Crossing arrives.


Awesome just got it CD and everything, used though.

Dude beat the game already so I have a NG+ option, what are the benefits? I guess I should do a factory reset though right?

It's also been 3 months since I played the demo, do you guys recommend starting again or carry over the save? Leveled 10 all of the classes and stuff, I guess the option will appear once I erease everything?
Woah... I just checked the eShop, this game is only $29.99?!!

Well that makes it an easy decision for me. I could've SWORE that this game was $39.99 on the eShop when it was released. Did it get a price reduction recently or has it always been $30?

it was 39.99, I checked the price for a friend some weeks ago, it's a nice price drop.



Awesome just got it CD and everything, used though.

Dude beat the game already so I have a NG+ option, what are the benefits? I guess I should do a factory reset though right?

It's also been 3 months since I played the demo, do you guys recommend starting again or carry over the save? Leveled 10 all of the classes and stuff, I guess the option will appear once I erease everything?

I would just carry it over. You'd basically just replay what you did in the demo if you don't, unless that's what you want to do.
Finally put some sustained time into this this weekend. This is bringing back everything I loved about dungeon crawlers and to some extent tabletop games when I was a kid. Can't believe I waited until now to try this series.


Not Wario
So I did end up buying this after the recommendation a few days back to play it over the others first and I've unexpectedly had a ton of time on my hands to play it since fracturing my ankle and being confined to bed.

I have to say that this is the most I've enjoyed a Japanese RPG in a very long time. Some decent challenge for once, meaningful character and party customization options, the mapping system, one off dungeon challenges-
watching the bats in the cave to know where to go, figuring out how to move through the room with only 10 steps allowed at a time, the warm/cold Golden Maze, etc.
- I'm sure I don't really need to elaborate to the choir; you guys know it already. And for all the talk of grinding I'd heard about the series beforehand, I'm in the 4th stratum now and there was only one time throughout the past 30 - 40 hours I felt like I was underleveled.
Tried to take on the Hollow Queen at lvl 23 and got crushed. Felt like an oldschool WoW raid boss where I had to go and get my ice resist set- the rings and ice mists- before fighting her again to stand a chance.
The game does a good job of setting you up correctly for everything you run into.

All in all, really looking forward to settling in to finish the game. Trying to figure out if I want to rest my whole team right now as they're all hovering around 42. Current setup is:

Hodor, Fortress/Landsknecht- Took Lands over Dancer for subclass as the Fortress is already fine at at taking physical hits and doesn't really need the evasion, (gets a second passive defense boost from Lands anyways to make it even more easy) and I find that he has plenty of skills to use already between the Element/Strike protection, various Shields, Holy Blessing in some fights, and Taunt, so there's no real room in his "rotation" to apply dances. As the game has gone on, his role has become more and more about trying to mitigate the damage others take with the increased prevalence of aoe attacks. (while obviously still trying to taunt whatever he can to himself) Swordbreaker fulfills that purpose nicely.

Rickon, Landsknecht/Runemaster- I was kind of underwhelmed with the Landsknecht throughout the early game and heard good things about the Nightseeker so I was tempted to switch, but I wasn't really running into any kind of wall, didn't want to relevel a character, and found the synergy between the Lands links and my third front row member promising enough to continue. As he's gotten more of the mid and last tier skills, though, the potential has started to show through. Took runemaster for elemental bonuses to links and runic gleam on front row where the bulk of the dmg lands.

Jojen, Dancer/Nightseeker- I saw a lot of people early in the thread building dancers as healers/supports. That's not really the direction I went at all. This guy is pure physical dps and, with the right setup from the lands and himself, gets in an absurd amount of hits. I've been forging various ailments onto his weapons and having moderate success at getting both those and the passive dancer stun to proc between them all. Took ns for even more evasion as he's easily the most squishy frontliner and the second attack, which makes sword dance and trick samba procs even better. While I did end up going this direction, I also took a few points in the heal line just to have refresh dance and have been pretty pleased with his ability to repeatedly remove debuffs so the healer can do other work. All in all, this is the most unique class in the game to me and I really love it. My favorite.


Bran, Arcanist/Medic- Bran had been a Medic for most of the game but I retired him at 40 and used the Sentinel training to get his Arcanist replacement up to 35. He runs out of mana much more frequently than the medic (which was subclassed RM just for free energy and the tp boost) as the tp recovery granted by fading circles rarely triggers. (Most of the time, fights end first or he replaces the circle with another one- although I've yet to actually monitor and see if that procs it) He also has a much harder time cranking out burst heals when needed, so I'm hoping he improves soon because I am feeling a little more vulnerable. He does have some pretty substantial advantages though. Up until I added him to the party, I couldn't bind or inflict status ailments in any way, so it's nice to be able to lockdown troublesome abilities. I maxed poison and, man, I think he went from dealing no damage to dealing the most consistent damage without setup immediately. Lastly, what he lacks in burst and single target healing, he makes up for with consistent, party wide healing. I'll keep him in and hope the downsides improve/aren't relevant because his upsides are so high.

Meera, Runemaster/Landsknecht- Had her focused in one line initially but rested earlier and reallocated her points such that she had less in any one tree, but could use any element proficiently instead since new skills buffed her damage to enemies weak to specific elements. Took Lands because I honestly didn't see anything appealing in any of the existing trees for her and just wanted the bonus points. Having swordbreaker for my weak back line isn't terrible either. I've heard the last class makes a good subclass for runemasters, though, so I may rest her for them once I unlock them.

Anyways, just wanted to thank you guys for the recommendation. Love the game and, as this is my first exposure to the genre, it's really inspired me to go back and check out some of the older classics later. Thinking Wizardry trilogy will be the next stop.
Anyways, just wanted to thank you guys for the recommendation. Love the game and, as this is my first exposure to the genre, it's really inspired me to go back and check out some of the older classics later.

I'm glad to see a newcomer to the series enjoy the game so much :)

nice team btw, Dancer/Nightseeker is what's usually used in the end game when you already have an Arcanist for healing. Does crazy damage with the right setup.


Oh man, using Holy Gift when a rare monster appears is just about my favorite thing ever. And here I thought it would be a waste of a Burst slot.

Oh yes. I wish I knew exactly how much % experience boost you get from a rare monster, from Holy Gift, and from each up arrow for the food bonus. The most XP I've received from a battle (up to the end of the second zone) is around 75,000. Shiny FOE, fire crystal, Holy Gift. So good :)


And for all the talk of grinding I'd heard about the series beforehand, I'm in the 4th stratum now and there was only one time throughout the past 30 - 40 hours I felt like I was underleveled.

We said this many times but EOIV doesn't need grinding unlike the previous ones, especially 1&2.

Anyway, I'm glad you're appreciating the game but I'm always surprised to read people saying that they didn't expect such a good game. How is that possible? Especially when you read all positive impressions, the reviews that praised it and the indispensable Iwata Asks (one of the best developer's interview I've ever read).


Not Wario
We said this many times but EOIV doesn't need grinding unlike the previous ones, especially 1&2.

Anyway, I'm glad you're appreciating the game but I'm always surprised to read people saying that they didn't expect such a good game. How is that possible? Especially when you read all positive impressions, the reviews that praised it and the indispensable Iwata Asks (one of the best developer's interview I've ever read).

Yeah, on reread, I do see the comments about grind not being needed, but I know I've seen it in reviews and other comments regarding the game. Was, gladly, mistaken, in any case.

I keep playing JRPGs in search of games that actually have the depth and, more importantly, challenge and balance to make the depth meaningful, genre aficionados have long claimed it had and, in my experience, few do. Most conflate the sheer number of abilities, amount of content, and the actual existence of stats with depth, when the games boil down to very simple gameplay that doesn't require any indepth analysis of their systems. So when I actually find one that does, I'm pleasantly surprised. In my view, if your game is turn based, you're saying that I cannot possible consider all the options I need to, make the right strategic decisions, and execute them all in a real time environment. Well, Starcraft is the benchmark to me for what can be expected of a person in real time, so when I'm playing, say Dragon Quest V, and I can literally do the same basic if then reactions every single time (like a FFXII gambit almost) AND the game isn't even asking me to execute them in real time AND positioning is simplistic at best and non-existant at worse, the game just feels super shallow, especially when I can play something like Starcraft that is not only asking a lot more of me tactically, but its also doing it in real time and with the added dimension of positioning. That's what gets me- classic JRPGs lack real time demands and positioning demands, like, say, a shooter, but the options they present don't ask enough of me in turn like, say, Civ IV does- to use a turn based game that I feel justifies its turn based nature- to make up for it.

Sorry for the tangent, but that's basically my feelings on turn based RPGs in general and why I feel they typically fail to live up to the depth they so want to claim over the dudebro games. It's a rare enough thing to find one that lives up to its reputation.

Yay more converts, spread the good word. Like you, the only japanese rpg I've enjoyed in a long long time.

You need to pimp the game to others!


Yeah, on reread, I do see the comments about grind not being needed, but I know I've seen it in reviews and other comments regarding the game. Was, gladly, mistaken, in any case.

I keep playing JRPGs in search of games that actually have the depth and, more importantly, challenge and balance to make the depth meaningful, genre aficionados have long claimed it had and, in my experience, few do. Most conflate the sheer number of abilities, amount of content, and the actual existence of stats with depth, when the games boil down to very simple gameplay that doesn't require any indepth analysis of their systems. So when I actually find one that does, I'm pleasantly surprised. In my view, if your game is turn based, you're saying that I cannot possible consider all the options I need to, make the right strategic decisions, and execute them all in a real time environment. Well, Starcraft is the benchmark to me for what can be expected of a person in real time, so when I'm playing, say Dragon Quest V, and I can literally do the same basic if then reactions every single time (like a FFXII gambit almost) AND the game isn't even asking me to execute them in real time AND positioning is simplistic at best and non-existant at worse, the game just feels super shallow, especially when I can play something like Starcraft that is not only asking a lot more of me tactically, but its also doing it in real time and with the added dimension of positioning. That's what gets me- classic JRPGs lack real time demands and positioning demands, like, say, a shooter, but the options they present don't ask enough of me in turn like, say, Civ IV does- to use a turn based game that I feel justifies its turn based nature- to make up for it.

Sorry for the tangent, but that's basically my feelings on turn based RPGs in general and why I feel they typically fail to live up to the depth they so want to claim over the dudebro games. It's a rare enough thing to find one that lives up to its reputation.


Now you need:

Press Turn Megaten games.

Breath of Fire V

Saga Frontier 2 (its what he asked for!)

I'm missing some.


Picked up the game after a good demo experience and recent 25% sale. Pretty good. I'm not used to having games where a random encounter of only 1 enemy can rock my entire team so hard. Lots of fun though!

I'm at level 5, how long before I can use skills? Or am I missing something?


Picked up the game after a good demo experience and recent 25% sale. Pretty good. I'm not used to having games where a random encounter of only 1 enemy can rock my entire team so hard. Lots of fun though!

I'm at level 5, how long before I can use skills? Or am I missing something?

Can't recall actually how the beginning starts actually. Have they given you any skill points to invest with yet? You don't get a skill unless you've put a point in it. Also just a heads up, most skills have diminishing returns, and have the biggest boosts at the first point, half way point, and final point. In the beginning you might wanna spread out to cover your bases first. But you can always rest at anytime (at the cost of two levels) to respec, which is no biggie at all.


Picked up the game after a good demo experience and recent 25% sale. Pretty good. I'm not used to having games where a random encounter of only 1 enemy can rock my entire team so hard. Lots of fun though!

I'm at level 5, how long before I can use skills? Or am I missing something?

You are given 3 skill points when you create a character. Go to Custom/Skills, then you can set your skills there.


The game told me I had skill points, but I didn't know how to actually use them. I was wondering why my medic wasn't getting any abilities yet. Thanks!

Was the game supposed to come with a manual? My physical copy didn't have one, and I'm wondering if my local EB gave me a resealed copy.
The game told me I had skill points, but I didn't know how to actually use them. I was wondering why my medic wasn't getting any abilities yet. Thanks!

Was the game supposed to come with a manual? My physical copy didn't have one, and I'm wondering if my local EB gave me a resealed copy.

no manual. Also, you can rest your characters in the place that you created your party, you lose 2 levels with that character and you get to re-assign all your skill points, YOU WILL DO THIS SEVERAL TIMES.

So don't worry about what skills you get, just experiment.


The game told me I had skill points, but I didn't know how to actually use them. I was wondering why my medic wasn't getting any abilities yet. Thanks!

Was the game supposed to come with a manual? My physical copy didn't have one, and I'm wondering if my local EB gave me a resealed copy.

Only ingame manual :(
Picked this up used for $20 after using a 20% off coupon at GS. I know it doesn't come with a manual, but mine is completely empty. Was there anything else that should be in the case?


Neo Member
Wow holy crap sub-classes change everything. I almost wish they unlocked it sooner.

I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking about Resting some if not all of my party to min/max their skillpoints. Is this something everyone else does? Or is retiring into a new member (of the same class even) a better idea?
Wow holy crap sub-classes change everything. I almost wish they unlocked it sooner.

I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking about Resting some if not all of my party to min/max their skillpoints. Is this something everyone else does? Or is retiring into a new member (of the same class even) a better idea?

I did retire my party at level 30 but it's not necessary AT ALL. It's cool if you want to change classes.

Resting is something you do regularly in these games, I have fun trying several builds.
Thanks for the response.

The benefits of retiring are very appealing, but I'm a little afraid of the regrind.

Think about this, let's say you retire at level 30, you have level 30 gear for your level 15 chars. It's REALLY easy to go back to your usual level. I retired when I was 50 and it took what I felt was an hour or two to get back to 50, and I didn't even grind, I just continued with the game.


Neo Member
Think about this, let's say you retire in level 30, you have level 30 gear for your level 15 chars. It's REALLY easy to go back to your normal level. I retired when I was 50 and it took what I felt was an hour or two to get back to 50, and I didn't even grind, I just continued with the game.

Oooh good point.


There is no need to retire before the post game. It isn't really worth doing it at lv30 because the bonus is small.
Do it when you hit lv70. You'll be very likely in the post game when you reach that level.
There is no need to retire before the post game. It isn't really worth doing it at lv30 because the bonus is small.
Do it when you hit lv70. You'll be very likely in the post game when you reach that level.

just as he says.

I think retiring is great when you want to change your party or you just feel like it, but it's NEVER necessary until the post game.


Enter a labyrinth, guard up front goes "this place is easy, you'll just run into a fawn or two".

First match - get 1-shotted by frogs, fail to run away after ~7 attempts. And this was after I figured out how to make new armor available and increasing all my character's defense values by > 50%.
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