Kiriku said:Uh, I don't really think Holland played much better than Sweden. They were pretty even, both teams were very close to score. Holland didn't play impressive at all.
Miburou said:That's why I said "slightly better team". Both teams didn't play that well, but Holland had more chances, and Van der Saar did better in the shootouts.
Kiriku said:The difference is, I didn't think they were "slightly better". The teams were even, Sweden had just as many good chances to score as Holland IMO.
Miburou said:Well, you said "I don't really think Holland played much better than Sweden." before...
Alucard said:Man, Van Der Sar looked like a cocky little bastard during that entire shootout.
Miburou said:I've hated Van der Saar ever since that incident with the Argentinian midfielder in the semi-finals of the 1998 World Cup.
Forsete said:Now, Portugal do your thing.![]()
Miburou said:If I remember correctly, tempers were flaring, and Ortega was booked previously for diving. Then after a narrow save by Van der Saar, just as Ortega was about to get up, Van der Saar stood right on top of him, so that Ortega would him hit with his head while hastily getting up. It worked and he was red carded. Oh, and it was actually in the quarter finals (Holland won 2-1).
Who do they have in goal?BigJonsson said:
I was sad that Sweden lost...
Good thing I'm only 1/4th Swedish
Sweden will take the silver in the world cup of hockey though, that will make up for this
robertsan21 said:he has a to big ego, before Euro he said in an interview to a a magazine:
News reporter: so why are you wearing gold shoes?
Zlatan: Have you ever played football on my leverl? no i dont think so!
ZLATAN YOU F###er!!!!
robertsan21 said:they are going to crucify Zlatan in sweden today hehehe
Go watch the footage again, Ortega DID hit him. He even fucking jumped and his feet weren't touching the ground.Chibbi Brady said:You could see that he was going to miss. He looked scared beforehand, you could just see it in his eyes. Same with Zlatan, his run-up was just too straight. He was asking for trouble because of it, technically it's harder to shot when you run at such a crap angle.
JMPovoa said:For all those feeling robbed, read what the referee himself, Urs Meier had to say about the disallowed goal.(straight from CNNSI)
Swiss referee Urs Meier defended his decision to disallow England's goal in the 90th minute of its quarterfinal against Portugal, saying it followed an "obvious" foul on the goalkeeper.
"The goal didn't count. I didn't hesitate for a second to disallow it. If I had to start over, I'd do the exact same thing. You can't charge down a goalkeeper like that," Meier was quoted as saying in the Saturday edition of Le Matin daily.
When reminded the English were arguing the goal would likely have stood in their national leagues, Meier said, "Maybe that's the case on the other side of the Channel.
"But this wasn't the English league, it was the European Championship. And there was an obvious foul on the goalkeeper, in his box. Just because the English close their eyes, it doesn't mean we should forget that the rules exist. There was a foul, full stop. I've watched the video replays several times -- there's absolutely no doubt."
"When you lose, you always go looking for excuses," Meier added. "I'm the ideal scapegoat, but that doesn't bother me. It's not my problem. My conscience is clear."
Commenting on David Beckham's missed penalty in the shootout, he said the England captain was caught out by the quality of the pitch
"It was really bad at the penalty spot," he said. "He must not have seen the hole and also shot into a lump of turf. The day before the match the English trained penalty shooting -- but into the other goal."
Meier said he has already received 16,000 e-mails -- some containing threats -- after the English tabloid The Sun published his Internet address.
"And I guess this is only the beginning," he said.
joaomgcd said:Rules are to be followed. There is a rule that forbids anyone from the opposite team to touch the goalkeeper in the box. The english guy touched the keeper. It was a foul. The goal was NOT valid! End of story.
Just because they like to overlook rules in the english league doesn't mean everyone does that.
Swiss referee Urs Meier defended his decision to disallow England's goal in the 90th minute of its quarterfinal against Portugal, saying it followed an "obvious" foul on the goalkeeper.
"The goal didn't count. I didn't hesitate for a second to disallow it. If I had to start over, I'd do the exact same thing. You can't charge down a goalkeeper like that," Meier was quoted as saying in the Saturday edition of Le Matin daily.
When reminded the English were arguing the goal would likely have stood in their national leagues, Meier said, "Maybe that's the case on the other side of the Channel.
"But this wasn't the English league, it was the European Championship. And there was an obvious foul on the goalkeeper, in his box. Just because the English close their eyes, it doesn't mean we should forget that the rules exist. There was a foul, full stop. I've watched the video replays several times -- there's absolutely no doubt."
"When you lose, you always go looking for excuses," Meier added. "I'm the ideal scapegoat, but that doesn't bother me. It's not my problem. My conscience is clear."
Commenting on David Beckham's missed penalty in the shootout, he said the England captain was caught out by the quality of the pitch
"It was really bad at the penalty spot," he said. "He must not have seen the hole and also shot into a lump of turf. The day before the match the English trained penalty shooting -- but into the other goal."
Meier said he has already received 16,000 e-mails -- some containing threats -- after the English tabloid The Sun published his Internet address.
"And I guess this is only the beginning," he said.
"It was really bad at the penalty spot," he said. "He must not have seen the hole and also shot into a lump of turf. The day before the match the English trained penalty shooting -- but into the other goal."
otheranthony-ns said:EL OH EL! There was hole there! Infact if you look at pics of Davids penalty you can see his standing foot dissappear! Incredible. And the ref didn't even think of switching ends when he saw this hole? Nor did he warn the first penalty taker that it was there? (david beckham) The rest knew of it after obviously. advantage portugal. what a farce of a game.
otheranthony-ns said:I had a better view than that shitty ref
Alucard said:Man, Van Der Sar looked like a cocky little bastard during that entire shootout.
We need pics of this hole.Kiriku said:I'm pretty sure Beckham noticed the hole. I mean, it was big enough to hide his standing foot after all.![]()