Finally watching. Smash 4 time baby!
There's a legendary Wero in the PIU community, but I doubt it's the same guy. Is he Mexican?
Wow, that's insane. Wero's one of the best Pump players in the world. (Pump It Up, Korean step/dance game.Think DDR with five arrows.)It sounds like he probably is. I don't think any of us have heard of him. He's on team TA which is an abbreviation used by a Mexican team.
ZSS vs Sheik after that terrible last round is like a cold glass of water after enduring the dry desert
Scrubager losing from a time out hype
TA Wero bodied Cloud 3-0
Thank the devil that's over.
Jesus, some of these Tekken matches. Intentionally losing to get more matches, switching characters when winning...
IIRC, one of the winner's finals they showed on stream last night had players of this skill level....
my scrubby ass might have a chance of getting out of pools if i joined and got lucky lol