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F-Zero GX - the best game ever released on a Nintendo console.

Naked Lunch

My Gamecube has been boxed up for over a decade - I find the GC's library pretty jank outside of a handful of games (Killer 7, Fire Emblem, and the glorious F-Zero GX)- but I NEEDED to play F-Zero GX again on my HDTV. I dont currently own a wii so I recently bought a Carby solely to play it. Nearly 17 years after release, Im thoroughly convinced F-Zero GX is the best game ever released on a Nintendo console.

The first and best core collaboration between Nintendo and Sega - and they produced videogame perfection. The game was aimed squarely at the hardcore. Many Nintendo games go for that all ages, anyone can play style - this game left more casual gamers in the dust. Gameplay that takes literally years to master, perfect controls, crisp visuals, hype music, and completely unmatched sense of speed.

This is the only game that makes my stomach dip like im on a real life roller coaster in spots - and im playing a fucking videogame. Its one of those rare videogames that gives you that zen-like feel when you really GET it. Unlocking the AX courses is one of the most difficult tasks in gaming history - but all so rewarding. I could race on the track Aeropolis: Multiplex forever. So, so smooth.

Too bad I never had access to an F-Zero AX arcade machine...

So, Nintendo - why on earth have you not released F-Zero GX in proper HD on a modern console?
Why do we not have a single F-Zero game online?
Why has it been 16 YEARS (!) since the last proper F-Zero entry?
I need answers...

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Why no sequel? Well, firstly, it was actually SEGA's Amusement Vision that made that F-Zero game (with some help from Nintendo programmers/designers), and I don't even know if Amusement Vision is around anymore.

Secondly I'm not sure if Nintendo has any internal studios with the creative tastes to make a new worthy F-Zero follow-up possible. Closest might be the Mario Kart team but MK and F-Zero (especially GX and AX) are completely different types of beasts.
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I find this game completely unplayable...when playing via Dolphin, I have to cut the CPU clock in half to induce enough slowdown for me to be able to react quick enough on some of the more insane tracks :messenger_beaming:


Based God Toshihiro Nagoshi



I've played F-Zero GX on the Gamecube and on Dolphin Emu. Fantastic game, would love a successor but Nintendo said they would only make a Sequel if they had a special reason to do so.


In a world inhabited by Galaxy, Super Metroid and Super Mario World no, but it is the best racing game on a nintendo system or anything else ever, the sense of speed is incredible a bit tough but sure that's what practice is for!


I really like this on Dolphin Emulator, it's like playing a remastered version. This along with Metroid prime look so clean, and put off details that the gamecube never showed us, on top of being butter smooth.

Fzero even plays on phones at 60fps. 2-3x resolution.
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Super Metroid is still the best but I’ll accept GX as runner up. No futuristic racer is half as good... and I’m a fan of wipeout but comparatively to GX it’s amateur hour.
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normal difficulty is manageable I could beat it at the time without much struggle. is the increase in difficulty that extreme im harder difficulties?

anyway one of the best games I agree, and the best Fzero imo. I also miss the series 😭

Naked Lunch

Secondly I'm not sure if Nintendo has any internal studios with the creative tastes to make a new worthy F-Zero follow-up possible. Closest might be the Mario Kart team but MK and F-Zero (especially GX and AX) are completely different types of beasts.
This is the problem when a franchise reaches its apex, and there's nothing to add to something that's already perfect.

Nintendo should simply re-releases it in HD, with that beautiful Fast RMX engine (without its physics), and I would be the happiest dude on Earth.
Those are some sad, hard truths. Perhaps they were better off not even trying.
But we at least need it re-released in HD - preferably with online play. It is way past due.

normal difficulty is manageable I could beat it at the time without much struggle. is the increase in difficulty that extreme im harder difficulties?
YES. Master difficulty is insane. One strategy is to kill your rivals to nullify their points. Killing other machines at a billion miles per hour all the while trying to win the race is of course not easy. You have to finish first in all the cups on Master difficulty to unlock the AX cup - which is the tracks from the arcade game - the arcade game is hidden within the Gamecube game. It took me years to unlock the AX cup. Just an amazing bonus.
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Those are some sad, hard truths. Perhaps they were better off not even trying.
But we at least need it re-released in HD - preferably with online play. It is way past due.

YES. Master difficulty is insane. One strategy is to kill your rivals to nullify their points. Killing other machines at a billion miles per hour all the while trying to win the race is of course not easy. You have to finish first in all the cups on Master difficulty to unlock the AX cup - which is the tracks from the arcade game - the arcade game is hidden within the Gamecube game. It took me years to unlock the AX cup. Just an amazing bonus.
crap i didn't even knew about that cup! damn I'd like to replay it.
basically normal difficulty meant not crashing on anything, I remember you had to race perfect in order to qualify.


I liked GX, but if I'm being honest I don't think the Switch controllers with that poor lag time would be up for the job. And then there's all the snaking. Hate the snake.


An HD rerelease is all it needs. I'd buy a Switch for one. Yet another Sega game that's not playable on current systems.


I wonder how many copies of these are left in the wild compared to production. A shitload of those mini discs had to have been broken in frustration.
It is a fantastic game, don't get me wrong, and arguably the best F-ZERO game yet. But best game released on a Nintendo console? I respectfully say no.


Gold Member
I want an HD Remaster of this in the worst way.

I am going to be one of those nerds that just says play it in Dolphin - play it in Dolphin. It is native widescreen. The performance is very good. I play it with my old Wavebird pad and it's perfect for the game. Running at 1080p, the game looks incredible. The art design and effects are still fantastic. Not "fantastic for their time" - fantastic.
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F-Zero X is way better than GX. Due to its soundtrack, gameplay and specially it's difficulty. Which in GX is simply broken.


I am going to be one of those nerds that just says play it in Dolphin - play it in Dolphin. It is native widescreen. The performance is very good. I play it with my old Wavebird pad and it's perfect for the game. Running at 1080p, the game looks incredible. The art design and effects are still fantastic. Not "fantastic for their time" - fantastic.

I do that now. But I want something where I can take it on the go and not have to use a laptop. Switch would be perfect for this.


Awesome game, but the best? Not so sure. It's probably the most hardcore, though. It has some flaws like some of the courses are frustratingly designed. I think some of the soundtrack is also mediocre. But it more than makes up for this in other areas. You gotta however learn the sharp turns if you wanna enjoy the game.


Funny, I was playing this moments ago on Dolphin. Still have my original copy (payed a lot here in Brazil when it was released)


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Its been 16 years and not a single futuristic racer has come close to the greatness that is GX.


I always wanted to try the arcade version. GX was the apex of the FZero series though. A massive improvement over X’s graphics and even faster gameplay
F-Zero GX is an incredible title that's often overlooked, the SEGA arcade machine version was also fucking baller.

However, I can't let you get away with that title op - we all fucking know Imagine: Babie Partiez on the Wii blows F-Zero out of the neon water.
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Ya that game single handedly ruined the wipeout series.

GX is a masterpiece in it's genre and will unlikely ever be surpassed because of the unique set of circumstances that lead to it's creation will never happen again.

dr guildo

My Gamecube has been boxed up for over a decade - I find the GC's library pretty jank outside of a handful of games (Killer 7, Fire Emblem, and the glorious F-Zero GX)- but I NEEDED to play F-Zero GX again on my HDTV. I dont currently own a wii so I recently bought a Carby solely to play it. Nearly 17 years after release, Im thoroughly convinced F-Zero GX is the best game ever released on a Nintendo console.

The first and best core collaboration between Nintendo and Sega - and they produced videogame perfection. The game was aimed squarely at the hardcore. Many Nintendo games go for that all ages, anyone can play style - this game left more casual gamers in the dust. Gameplay that takes literally years to master, perfect controls, crisp visuals, hype music, and completely unmatched sense of speed.

This is the only game that makes my stomach dip like im on a real life roller coaster in spots - and im playing a fucking videogame. Its one of those rare videogames that gives you that zen-like feel when you really GET it. Unlocking the AX courses is one of the most difficult tasks in gaming history - but all so rewarding. I could race on the track Aeropolis: Multiplex forever. So, so smooth.

Too bad I never had access to an F-Zero AX arcade machine...

So, Nintendo - why on earth have you not released F-Zero GX in proper HD on a modern console?
Why do we not have a single F-Zero game online?
Why has it been 16 YEARS (!) since the last proper F-Zero entry?
I need answers...

Fzero says hello !

Edit : Snes edition, not N64 which was crap.
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One of the best racing games ever made but it sold like shit. That was F-Zero at it's zenith and it just didn't sell, so they shelved it because what else can you really do?


With all the hyperbole about certain Nintendo games like Zelda or Mario being the greatest games of all time F Zero GX is the game that deserves such praise.
It has never been surpassed in its genre and no one has even came close.
It is as close to a perfect game you are ever going to get and Nintendo very well knows that can't top it.
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