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F-Zero GX - the best game ever released on a Nintendo console.


One of the best.
Weirdly I was thinking about this the other day.

The one sega helped make had easier controls for me

I suck at racers.... even GTA 5’s driving compared to GTA 4 and Sleeping dogs driving is too hard for me lol


My Gamecube has been boxed up for over a decade - I find the GC's library pretty jank outside of a handful of games (Killer 7, Fire Emblem, and the glorious F-Zero GX)- but I NEEDED to play F-Zero GX again on my HDTV. I dont currently own a wii so I recently bought a Carby solely to play it. Nearly 17 years after release, Im thoroughly convinced F-Zero GX is the best game ever released on a Nintendo console.

The first and best core collaboration between Nintendo and Sega - and they produced videogame perfection. The game was aimed squarely at the hardcore. Many Nintendo games go for that all ages, anyone can play style - this game left more casual gamers in the dust. Gameplay that takes literally years to master, perfect controls, crisp visuals, hype music, and completely unmatched sense of speed.

This is the only game that makes my stomach dip like im on a real life roller coaster in spots - and im playing a fucking videogame. Its one of those rare videogames that gives you that zen-like feel when you really GET it. Unlocking the AX courses is one of the most difficult tasks in gaming history - but all so rewarding. I could race on the track Aeropolis: Multiplex forever. So, so smooth.

Too bad I never had access to an F-Zero AX arcade machine...

So, Nintendo - why on earth have you not released F-Zero GX in proper HD on a modern console?
Why do we not have a single F-Zero game online?
Why has it been 16 YEARS (!) since the last proper F-Zero entry?
I need answers...

It's really cool.
But one of my favorite is still Donkey Kong Country

Naked Lunch

I am going to be one of those nerds that just says play it in Dolphin - play it in Dolphin. It is native widescreen. The performance is very good. I play it with my old Wavebird pad and it's perfect for the game. Running at 1080p, the game looks incredible. The art design and effects are still fantastic. Not "fantastic for their time" - fantastic.
Perhaps my PC is just crap but all the Sand Ocean tracks have significant performance issues thru Dolphin. Ive seen some other clips of people playing FZero thru there with the same issues. Thats why I just went for the Carby to play on original hardware.

The graphics are beautiful though thru Dolphin. Playing the first track on Mute City when you corkscrew - and see the vibrant city below - its a detail that isnt quite there without the ultra sharp HD of Dolphin. It was like playing a new game.


Gold Member
Perhaps my PC is just crap but all the Sand Ocean tracks have significant performance issues thru Dolphin. Ive seen some other clips of people playing FZero thru there with the same issues. Thats why I just went for the Carby to play on original hardware.

The graphics are beautiful though thru Dolphin. Playing the first track on Mute City when you corkscrew - and see the vibrant city below - its a detail that isnt quite there without the ultra sharp HD of Dolphin. It was like playing a new game.

IIRC, those sand maps do have some effects that do push the hardware quite a bit. I had to play around with the settings a little before I was able to get consistent 60fps performance with the game. Yea, like I said though, it looks like a current gen game in HD, it’s fantastic.


I’ve been playing GX through Dolphin recently and it’s the Green Plant tracks that are the ones taxing my system. The rest of the game runs flawlessly.

This game holds up so well in HD that all Nintendo needs to do is up the resolution to 1080p and release it as is. It looks like a modern game.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
F-Zero GX was the last first party Nintendo exclusive I cared about....Amazing Title

Not going anywhere near a Nintendo console until they make another one


It's a truly amazing game with such high production values. It has issues though.

The ticket system was a bit naf. Basically you needed enough tickets to unlock new story missions. You get some from completing said missions but not enough to move onto the next.

Also found it weird that the fzero AX tracks the arcade version were in the code but as far as I know without an action replay like device you couldn't unlock then in game.

Also captain falcon himself controlled like shit and I think that's why a lot of people found it hard.

It's really not when you pick a better character like octoman.

Also back on the story it's way too difficult. No need for it to be that hard especially when you can do the track again ON hard mode.

I know I seem like I'm ragging on it but I love this game and it absolutely shitted on Mario Kart double dash at the time.

It needs a proper new release but I'd like to see someone else but Nintendo do it.

Cutty Flam

They really need to make F-Zero for the Switch. And not just any F-Zero, this needs to be the statement game where it draws the world’s attention sort of like how Resident Evil 4 popularized the Resident Evil games on a global level

But what would F-Zero need to do to reach that next level is the question? Racing games don’t typically grab a large audience even when they’re superbly made for some reason
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Naked Lunch

F-Zero GX was the last first party Nintendo exclusive I cared about....Amazing Title

Not going anywhere near a Nintendo console until they make another one
Im in the exact same boat. My line is for them to release an online F-Zero game - which they still havent delivered 17 years later...
Also found it weird that the fzero AX tracks the arcade version were in the code but as far as I know without an action replay like device you couldn't unlock then in game.
You have to complete all the cups on Master difficulty to unlock AX. It was stated a couple times in the thread - but this is one of the most difficult tasks in gaming history, but also one of the most rewarding - adding even further to F-Zero GX's hardcore legacy.

Funny, the one true hardcore game from top to bottom that Sega/Nintendo makes on any Nintendo console, ends of being probably their best game - and they pack up shop and never try again. They fact they are (were?) very capable of making extremely hardcore games but wont - is highly disappointing.
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Playing it right now on my GC Loader. Still an absolutely awesome game. Great music, great visuals, smooth 60fps, great control. Sega did an amazing job for Nintendo.

P.S. Dr. Stewart's bio theme is still bangin'.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
I would LOVE to see this remastered for Switch.

I have heard people play it via emulator in VR, using a thing called 'Tri Def'. I was unable to successfully try this myself, but I urge that if any of you have, please gush about it here so we can weep openly in wanton desire.
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