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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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I'm after not melting my GPU. Just curious on what is the leading cause of overheating with one. It's only been a problem with Dark Souls 2. I assume it's a setting, but I haven't had time to finagle with settings yet.

The leading cause of overheating is you not being hardcore enough.

Actually I'm not sure, ask the PC thread maybe.


It didn't even bluescreen, it went straight to blackscreen. And then when I turned it back on Firefox didn't like working :C

It seems ok now though. I'll just have to turn settings way down next time.

Also, I don't know how people can't love The Wire. My dad just put on the 2nd episode of series 4 halfway through and I was immediately sucked in.

It's the best thing. Not just on TV, thing in general.

I've seen the blackscreen before, not with this game though...

Never seen the wire, people keep telling me it's good...

Back to playing DS2... :D
(And having playoff hockey on...)
Playing DCUO: I tried to create the superheroine that I had in my mind, but goddamn I sucks with colors. Every combinations of colors I tried all looks like shit. -.-
Oh. Maybe you have spider stalkers then.

Edit: So I found out it's not just Dark Souls that ramps up my GPU. Something can't be right in the case because Hearthstone has it ramp up to 80 degrees too.
Happy birthday me!!



Happy birthday though :)

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Driving with a cat for an hour is not the most fun thing to do. Food and pets have cheered him up though


Scaley member
Ex tweeted me for my birthday? Nope nope nope nope nope, not after what you did last year you don't, oh look, I'm having a fucking anxiety attack.


FFVIII thread on Gaming side, no Wazzy posts on the first page. YOU'RE SLIPPIN' WAZZERZ.

yes, 50ppp please shut up with your 100ppp remarks


Unconfirmed Member
If I made a thread about how hot Michael Fassbender is, would you post in it?


Unconfirmed Member
Benedict Cumberbatch > Michael Fassbender

I would go gay for Mr. Cumberbatch.

I just want to make the dude version of this thread. I mean c'mon, how is that thread not locked yet. I don't want to be a buzzkill, I just want to kill everyone's buzz,


Just in the supermarket, the girl on the till is checking someone's lottery tickets. There are like 6 of them:

Till girl: "That one is no good. Nope, that one either. Nope..."

Me: "If you scanned a winning ticket, would you not just pretend it was a duff one and stick it in your pocket?"

Till girl: "Haha! God no, it's more than my job's worth."

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