Well in that case
the fuck is this harry potter shit
Well in that case
the fuck is this harry potter shit
the fuck is this harry potter shit
All of your horcruxes are gone, Windam. Your journal, your pet snake, and Skin Diamond.
It's still really bruised and the right side bruised too.Awww... Forgot to ask, how's your ankle doin?
Able to walk right?
You had Boards of Canada as the header, I had to quote to just say you're a cool guy in my book.
That sounds like her, yeah.
I agree.
Guns and women are your motto then.I guess I'll just have to follow Irvine's method. It worked for him! Now where did I leave that cowboy hat?
While she's a pretty awful character in her own right, I think Square-Enix trying so hard to make her "the next Cloud" in terms of popularity and iconography has exacerbated the hatred.
you guys ever sit down with a female talking about something sort-of-serious but you try to joke a bit too. Then realize your jokes only kinda make her smile forcibly.
I..I'm a nice guy. I ..I'm not funny but I'm just trying to lighten the mood![]()
FF7 forever. The series ended for me after 7. I skipped 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, hated 13, enjoyed 14 for a bit.
FF7 forever. The series ended for me after 7. I skipped 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, hated 13, enjoyed 14 for a bit.
FF7 forever. The series ended for me after 7. I skipped 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, hated 13, enjoyed 14 for a bit.
Seriously.. 8 was that good guys?? I've more or less heard that 12 was astounding. I wouldn't mind going back and playing the older ones but 13 left such a bad taste in my mouth.
But mama said, m-m-mama saidSpoony said Seifer sucked though
he didn't even pass a damn test to be a SeeD yet wants to be like a villain.
The game's card game is addiction.FF8 was the best open world card game simulator I've ever played.
Seriously.. 8 was that good guys?? I've more or less heard that 12 was astounding. I wouldn't mind going back and playing the older ones but 13 left such a bad taste in my mouth.
I wanted Seifer in Dissidia sooooooooo badly.
9 is the worst thing ever I hate that game8, 9, and 10 are masterpieces.
Stealing my edit strategy.
9 is the worst thing ever I hate that game
Needs more belts and zippers.
Seriously Nomura, lay off the belts and zippers.
The only good use of his belt obsession was Lulu's dress in FFX.
It totally looks like older Sora.![]()
Very very very similar looking.
Ehhh his KH design is okay but there's a couple really dumb design decisions.
Too many belts and zippers and while I understand they were combining his appearance with Laguna's, the long hair doesn't look as good as his short hair.
His KH2 design is a little better but we don't see it drawn so I like the KH1 image better.
That guy with the tail is the fucking devil.I thought people really liked 9
it had that guy with the tail and the black mage thing
I wonder if I'll ever see 15 in my lifetime.
Crisis Core is also just really good as a huge FF7 fan. Even though you know the ending is coming from the beginning it still hit super hard.
Imo that's the only redeeming thing to come out of the FF7 Compilation stuff. Advent Children is alright for what it is but I don't like it all that much.
I'll agree about the belts and zippers but the long hair looks much better with the scar and all.
Why is he wearing a trash bag?
Crisis Core is also just really good as a huge FF7 fan. Even though you know the ending is coming from the beginning it still hit super hard.
Imo that's the only redeeming thing to come out of the FF7 Compilation stuff. Advent Children is alright for what it is but I don't like it all that much.
No way brah, look at dat swag. Short in the back, party in the front.
He's borderling rocking a mullet in KH.![]()
Didn't really mind any of that stuff but yeah I can see where you're coming from. It as definitely the most quality product to come out of that whole thing though. Dirge of Cerberus.....ugh.Eh. CC is a really fun game and there's some story aspects that are great but there's also some shit that was retconned that were really bad.
Zack being Aeris's reason for what she wears and acts was really stupid. Not only that but the ending retcon while still good, was more powerful with the two soldiers killing him instead of the army. I think they should have had him fight a few and then do the battle with the two where you try to kill them but they finish you off.