what's bad about it. I'm now scared to go in
The sexy pictures. What could have been.
what's bad about it. I'm now scared to go in
does it fucking matter
stop thinking and just fap
did egyptian females really dress like that?
Damn it guys if you're gonna do that at least excuse yourself to the bathroom fir-WHOOOOOAAAAAA!!! OOOF!!! Ugh, gross.
Haha Beef I love this VIII referencing. It's basically step 1 to romancing me.I'll be the Fuujin to your Raijin
Gorl you're too kind!Pretty sure for you it wouldn't be an issue... ;P
Kevin is available~
Nah it's more you're too young AND I see you like a FakeGAF brother!I'm too ugly for Megan, but thanks.
Damn son. Confidence!
Canucks fans suck good anyways
I also googled Wazzy, but all I found was a picture from the original FakeGAF of her giving acrid the finger and Dragonz eating ice cream.
Yeah I painted my nail shark colors. Worst thing to do in my life. D:
Windam, go get a mop and clean this up before Emily gets back. How will you ever win Wazzy's heart if you keep covering the thread in splooge? She already has a messed up ankle, no need to cause her to slip and hurt the other.
Hate to break it to you but we've both seen all there is to see of each otherBe careful what you wish for, Wazzy. You might get it. And by it, I mean a foot fetishist. Besides, I've never trusted GAF relationships. Lucian and Bufbaf are gonna pull a catfish on each other any day now.
Windam, go get a mop and clean this up before Emily gets back. How will you ever win Wazzy's heart if you keep covering the thread in splooge? She already has a messed up ankle, no need to cause her to slip and hurt the other.
At least it made for an interesting story in the future. One of the stupidest things that I've ever done to cause self injury was vaulting over my bed and bruising my ribs when I landed on the post.
I leave for fucking 18 hours and there's 8 pages already?
Quiet, you fool! She will slip and hurt the other ankle, and I shall blame it on Jake's spooge being on the floor. Then I shall nurse her back to health and we will slowly fall in love.
Wait--fuck I posted this in the thread. Well, there's my plan, Wazzers.
it wasn't a ghost
I leave for fucking 18 hours and there's 8 pages already?
Damn. IGN gave planet of the apes of 95%. I don't think I've seen a movie review so high.
Hate to break it to you but we've both seen all there is to see of each other
Also buying my flights next weekSkype is a wonderful thing![]()
LolThat's what you think.
Oh man If my other ankle is taken out I will be a saaaaaad panda.
Don't forget to tell her how she's your favorite author and then break her ankles with a hammer when you find out that she killed off your favorite character in the last book and then tried to escape your psycho house.Bonus points for those who get the reference.
You had Boards of Canada as the header, I had to quote to just say you're a cool guy in my book.Should I check it out?
That sounds like her, yeah.I also googled Wazzy, but all I found was a picture from the original FakeGAF of her giving acrid the finger and Dragonz eating ice cream.
I agree.Yeah I painted my nail sharks colors. Best thing I've ever done in my life.![]()
18 hours is years in internet time, and a decade in here.
Misery. Give me my prize!
It's FakeGaf not Flynn's Arcade.
It's FakeGaf not Flynn's Arcade.
Sorry. Also, I'm now second in post count! Soon the time of the Dark Lord Windam the Time Dragon, Lord of FakeGAF and Master of Fate will come.
Haha Beef I love this VIII referencing. It's basically step 1 to romancing me.
Trojita did it better, though.![]()
I love how Separate Ways started playing when Sam powered the place back up.
Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two
Sleepless nights
Losing ground, I'm reaching for you, you, you
Because Sam and Flynn are both heartbroken, and Sam is acting out so he can feel closer (Reach out) to his missing dad.
There's so many levels.
Randomly have the Scooby Doo theme song stuck in my head.
I have no idea why.
Naw I'm not going out like my father did. I will be a combination of Morgoth and Sauron. Arda has had it too good for too long. It's been over 10, 000 years since Sauron was vanquished. High time for a new Dark Lord.
But I love the Eldar. Maybe I'll use magic to try to turn Men into Elves, thus creating Orcs once more. :/
Arda is a better place with a Dark Lord in it tbh.
I'm still settled into the #9 spot. Glad that I finally cracked the top 10, though.
Windam, if you release the era of Lightning onto this thread, you will be called to account for all the atrocities you've committed, the unspeakable horrors you've let loose upon this world, and the dark, ancient powers you've enslaved.
Windam, if you release the era of Lightning onto this thread, you will be called to account for all the atrocities you've committed, the unspeakable horrors you've let loose upon this world, and the dark, ancient powers you've enslaved.
Too bad we'll never know how Arda was truly meant to be since Morgoth corrupted it during its shaping (thus completely fucking over the Elves, and placing seeds of corruption into the hearts of all Men).
Thou shall not question my reign nor my actions. My will is the will of the One.
I knew everyone hates that Lightning chick.
I'm still settled into the #9 spot. Glad that I finally cracked the top 10, though.
While she's a pretty awful character in her own right, I think Square-Enix trying so hard to make her "the next Cloud" in terms of popularity and iconography has exacerbated the hatred.
How do you check that?
They must really want to nail it into peoples brains with..3 games. She has 3 whole FF games.
and her DLC costume was cloud's outfit. Subtle![]()
Is it terrible that I prefer WoW's lore to LoTR's?
No king rules forever, Windam. Look now to your defenses, Windam, for the champions of justice gather at your gates!
No king rules forever, Windam. Look now to your defenses, Windam, for the champions of justice gather at your gates!
Shut up I'm a Dark Lord not a fucking Lich King.