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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving

Mate I told you! Lines be getting blurred and shit. I'm OG anyway Tash, I was here from the start, sploatee is just a filthy bandwagon jumper. Screaming Meat used to pop in with some music bombs in the old thread but not so much now.
This is like when you meet your mate outside their school that you don't go to and it's weird seeing all these strangers
You should be happy, Tash. And you should stay!

I'll pop in occasionally, britgaf is dead now our whatsapp has pretty much murdered it


Unconfirmed Member
The colder it gets the more willing I am to put my body against someone else's. Evolution is like an over-protective parent sometimes in it's ability to get me to forsake dignity for safety.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
The colder it gets the more willing I am to put my body against someone else's. Evolution is like an over-protective parent sometimes in it's ability to get me to forsake dignity for safety.

Why does wanting a warm body forsake dignity though?
I'm on an SNRI (basically like an SSRI, only it can also effect norepinephrine in addition to Serotonin) for mostly anxiety issues and it's been moderately successful. Less ups and downs / panic attacks. It can help in regulating, but doesn't do much to address the fundamental issues or in terms of raising the "base" level, at least not for me. That's what therapy/talking to people is for.
SSRIs are pretty much sorting my life out, sometimes people neeed a little help innit!


lol at BritGAF gatecrashing FakeGAF's shit.

Who the fuck do you guys think you are coming in here with your funny words and your manky teeth?
Ninja what have you did why are all BritGAF here

On an unrelated note I forgot how fucking good Veni Vidi Vicious is. Shame Hate To Say I Told You So got totally overplayed and made me kind of hate it though.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
lol at BritGAF gatecrashing FakeGAF's shit.

Who the fuck do you guys think you are coming in here with your funny words and your manky teeth?
We follow the party

Ninja what have you did why are all BritGAF here
But meeum :(
Sploat and Ninj left a trail of bread crumbs.

I don't know whether or not the logical conclusion then is that this thread is the gingerbread house I get fattened up and eaten in.

Let's Find Out.
hold me close


formerly Oynox Slider
Everyone should play Child of Light. It's beautiful. Finally, Ubisoft did something right!

1000% agree. I was gonna post something on gaming side about how although everyone hates big publishers, the ubi art games are brilliant. Then I remembered the Watch Dogs thread and thought it's probably not a good idea.

But yes it's beautiful and elegant and really, really sombre. I'm completely expecting to cry at the end. Sometimes I get distracted and just wander about to look at the backgrounds.


Unconfirmed Member
I marked them as REEEAD. Hold me windam, I feel so violated.


Scaley member
I got a girl's number at the university bookstore!

...because she wants to sell me her calculus book. Damn women only wanting my money. :(
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