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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Will Mariah's Thirsty be this thread's anthem?


Today sucked. Every day sucks.

I'd go over to the Mental Health OT but it'd be as useful as talking to a brick wall.
Remember that you're posting in a thread where many others are also suffering from depression so there's not always going to be a response.

Sometimes it's a good place to just vent your feelings but if you really need a response then you should PM many of the willing to listen members. :)


Unconfirmed Member
The first time I clicked mark forums read it was "What the fuck just happened, everything it marked now. Did I log out?" The second time it was n-n-n-no, now i've just resigned myself to my fallibility.

Sometimes it's just a good place to just vent your feelings but if you really need a response then you should PM many of the willing to listen members. :)

Especially Bagels, although i'm not sure if he's busy with work or not because he hasn't been around as much as of late.
I had this story I need to get of my chest.

Yesterday (or the day before, I'm not sure since it happened overnight I think), I was playing DC Universe Online, and my character is a female superhero. A couple days ago, someone called pinupgrl or something like that added me to a league called pinupgrl or something like that. Seeing how my character is female, and she looks like a classic superhero design (imo), I decided to join. Why not? I have been playing solo since the beginning, so it's nice to actually met and talked to people. It's an MMO after all.

Back to yesterday, I was just running around in the Watchtower (a location in the game) and no one in the league logged in. I was confront in personal chat by this player called Mayloney or something. I will call it M right now since I'm not sure. This was how the chat conversation went (by the way, my ingame name wasn't Fool):

M: pin is that you?​

Fool: ?​

M: why is your league's name is pinup girl?​

So I assumed that he/she mistook me as someone whose name is pinup girl or something similar. I just decided to answer the question that I was invited to this league by this player with the same name blah blah blah. I was lying on my bed playing with my laptop, and I was literally lying down with my laptop next to me, not just sitting on my bed with laptop on my lap. Basically I was in a position that did not allow me to type with both hands, so I was typing kinda slow. Before I could answer that person's question, he/she sent me this:

M: you're a stalker o_o​

And then that person's character flied away from me.

What. The. Fuck. I am accused of being a stalker. Because I was in a league that has a name similar to someone he/she knows or something? What... I... How... I couldn't fucking believe it. I was confused and offended. I decided to finished whatever I'm typing:

Fool: Some player named pinupgrl or something invited my to his/her league.​

M: lmao​

And that's it. Like I said, I was confused and offended. i then check the league members list (there was roughly 10 members) and there was no one in the league named pinupgrl, or pinup girl, or anything similar. Unless that person changed his/her display name (something you can purchase with real money), I assumed he/she quitted the league that he/she created (since the league had the same name, I assume that person created the league). I quitted the league moment after.

Can someone explain to me what was happening?


Unconfirmed Member
Send a PM to the girl/guy who added you telling them that that "M" called you a stalker and it was weird, ask them if they know what the hell the guy was talking about.

That's the only way you're getting some closure.


Morning you beautiful people. Hope everyone enjoyed their Bank Holiday and is happy to be back at work "yay"!

Fool, rename your character "I dream of Pinupgirl."
Today sucked. Every day sucks.

I'd go over to the Mental Health OT but it'd be as useful as talking to a brick wall.
I don't have much experience with mental health but this whiny, entitled attitude isn't helping anyone. You make it sound like people should feel obligated to help but saying "nobody wants to listen to my problems" is unlikely to encourage people to want to listen to your problems. You've got to remember than this is a videogame forum not a Q&A session with your GP.

Sorry if that came across as really harsh, but you've got to put things in perspective! If you're really that depressed you need to seek proper, professional help. Feel better man.
Mental Health GAF doesn't help. It's nice for people to get their shit out, but no one ever bothers to actually reply if you take the time to type something out.

He wasnt really off base.

Every there wants help but isn't interested in giving help most of the time.

That said, my experience was with Anxiety and not depression.
Send a PM to the girl/guy who added you telling them that that "M" called you a stalker and it was weird, ask them if they know what the hell the guy was talking about.

That's the only way you're getting some closure.

The problem is that when I quit the damn league, I didn't keep any info of anyone. There are, what, thousands of players? That would be hell to find that pinupgrl person.



Mental Health GAF doesn't help. It's nice for people to get their shit out, but no one ever bothers to actually reply if you take the time to type something out.

He wasnt really off base.

Every there wants help but isn't interested in giving help most of the time.

That said, my experience was with Anxiety and not depression.
I'm not suggesting his assessment was wrong (I wouldn't know, I've never been in), I was simply pointing out that it's not other members' job to advise you on your mental health issues. And even if it was, would you really want to trust their advice on something so sensitive?

Seek professional help if you're mentally ill, don't ask a videogame forum and then be surprised when you don't get the help you want. I had this out with a certain recently departed member of britGAF who would often expectantly treat us like his own little support network.


Mental Health GAF doesn't help. It's nice for people to get their shit out, but no one ever bothers to actually reply if you take the time to type something out.

He wasnt really off base.

Every there wants help but isn't interested in giving help most of the time.

That said, my experience was with Anxiety and not depression.
Except he is off base. You can't expect everyone to respond to paragraphs of posts detailing their depression when many posters are either already responding to someone else or are unable to at the moment.

There's also the fact it's a great place to find the members who you can PM if you want a better more personal response.

As I said, sometimes it's a good place to just vent your feelings.

And how are people suffering severe depression supposed to help others? It's not easy.


Mental Health GAF doesn't help. It's nice for people to get their shit out, but no one ever bothers to actually reply if you take the time to type something out.

He wasnt really off base.

Every there wants help but isn't interested in giving help most of the time.

That said, my experience was with Anxiety and not depression.
The posts that go ignored are those that are written in language similar to what garret said. It doesn't really leave an opening for discussion or for someone to help, it comes across as pushing people away but still wanting to be heard. Venting usually doesn't get a response because people who are there to vent aren't as open to the advice that follows.

That's understandable given the context and it's hard to put into well conceived words how you're feeling without coming across that way, however I wholeheartedly disagree that no one bothers there. Plenty of people do, and have been doing it for years.

If you really need a discussion or someone to talk to there's an IRC room and many people there are open to PMs for advice with specific problems.

And how are people suffering severe depression supposed to help others? It's not easy.
Actually that's a big part of why that community exists in the first place. The knowledge that you aren't alone in facing these problems and others are experiencing the same thing.


Can't stress enough how much professional help can make a difference. May take you a while to find someone you can really connect with(took me 10+ years of on and off therapy) but just having a person to hash things out with in a comfortable environment is amazing. If you have health insurance I implore you to look into making an appointment with someone.
The posts that go ignored are those that are written in language similar to what garret said. It doesn't really leave an opening for discussion or for someone to help, it comes across as pushing people away but still wanting to be heard. Venting usually doesn't get a response because people who are there to vent aren't as open to the advice that follows.

That's understandable given the context and it's hard to put into well conceived words how you're feeling without coming across that way, however I wholeheartedly disagree that no one bothers there. Plenty of people do, and have been doing it for years.

If you really need a discussion or someone to talk to there's an IRC room and many people there are open to PMs for advice with specific problems.

Actually that's a big part of why that community exists in the first place. The knowledge that you aren't alone in facing these problems and others are experiencing the same thing.

I certainly just used it for seeing if anyone else had similar issues with anxiety that I had since I had (and still do) have anxiety attacks that came out of nowhere last fall with no obvious cause. Doctor and counselors I've seen to try to figure out a cause are just as stumped as I am as to what's causing them too.

That's fine for that. But when I was in there, I did see a lot of posts where they weren't really phrased like "I don't want help" and they didn't get replied to. I get that others are dealing with their own stuff, but a few times I saw people who (I think it was curtisaur) said something about attempting suicide and no one even bothered to reply to that.

Just off-putting to me in a way, I suppose.

Though I do agree with Ninja in saying that a videogame forum isn't the best place to look for help when there are plenty of forums dedicated exclusively to mental health issues on the internet that are likely better places to go for that. Your approach to dealing with people who have problems with mental health stuff does seem rather abrasive though, Ninja.

Can't stress enough how much professional help can make a difference. May take you a while to find someone you can really connect with(took me 10+ years of on and off therapy) but just having a person to hash things out with in a comfortable environment is amazing. If you have health insurance I implore you to look into making an appointment with someone.

Although I'd never put my anxiety issues or anxiety in the same level of shittiness as depression (had that a few years back after a divorce in the family), I have and the people and doctors I've seen are just as lost as I am as to what's causing my anxiety attacks.

Which blows because I don't want to get stuck on or tolerant of the Xanax and I sure as fuck don't want to be put on an SSRI for anxiety with no apparent cause that came out of nowhere.


Actually that's a big part of why that community exists in the first place. The knowledge that you aren't alone in facing these problems and others are experiencing the same thing.
I agree. To clarify, I meant that these people are suffering from depression as well so it's not as simple as expecting an instant response since you can't expect them to solve all your problems or always be in a mood to listen.

It should however be a comfort that these are people who you can relate to.


Yep, there are times like that and it's unfortunate. There a few factors but I'll mention a couple. It's a draining thread with constant negativity, from the outside. It's when you go there regularly for a while you see where the encouragement lies.

The other thing has to do with what Ninja and Acid touched on. Ultimately it's people on a forum. While there are people who can be of great help, they're also people dealing with their issues and aren't qualified professionally to deal with these situations. It's a place to try to ease people into feeling better about seeking whatever help they need, rather than a place to get better from full stop, if that makes sense.
I agree. To clarify, I meant that these people are suffering from depression as well so it's not as simple as expecting an instant response since you can't expect them to solve all your problems or always be in a mood to listen.

It should however be a comfort that these are people who you can relate to.
Hey that's what I just typed. Thanks for clefairying though.


Although I'd never put my anxiety issues or anxiety in the same level of shittiness as depression (had that a few years back after a divorce in the family), I have and the people and doctors I've seen are just as lost as I am as to what's causing my anxiety attacks.

Which blows because I don't want to get stuck on or tolerant of the Xanax and I sure as fuck don't want to be put on an SSRI for anxiety with no apparent cause that came out of nowhere.

I've heard good things about SSRI's from some people but they sure as hell didn't work for me. Hated how they made me feel.
Yep, there are times like that and it's unfortunate. There a few factors but I'll mention a couple. It's a draining thread with constant negativity, from the outside. It's when you go there regularly for a while you see where the encouragement lies.

The other thing has to do with what Ninja and Acid touched on. Ultimately it's people on a forum. While there are people who can be of great help, they're also people dealing with their issues and aren't qualified professionally to deal with these situations. It's a place to try to ease people into feeling better about seeking whatever help they need, rather than a place to get better from, if that makes sense.

Hey that's what I just typed. Thanks for clefairying though.

I know. At some level though, I wonder to myself at times whether the people posting might feel as though no one cares and that could potentially make a situation worse. That's why I always kind of wince when I see a post in there go without a reply. I know if I was feeling like that, going into a mental health support thread and not receiving a reply (even though it certainly isn't out of malicious intent) would do the opposite of helping.

Obviously, seeing someone about the issue (or at the very least going to a more specialized forum for it) is the best thing you can do, but with how many people on GAF consult the internet first and refuse to see a doctor about potentially serious health issues and instead make a topic on GAF, I can't say if really surprises me that more people don't take that step.

That and the fact that a lot of healthcare plans in the US suck at covering counseling (mine doesn't) and that mental health issues are still somewhat stigmatized in our country doesn't help either.

I've heard good things about SSRI's from some people but they sure as hell didn't work for me. Hated how they made me feel.

For anxiety or depression? I don't have any depression right now. Just anxiety. Like I said, not even a clear cause.

My friend was on it for a few days for an entirely different issue that I won't mention (unless she wants to), and I don't think she cared for them either. I haven't heard good things about how they make you feel either and I'm wary that my doctor acts so concerned about me becoming dependent on xanax yet is so pushy to get me stuck on SSRIs when they're even easier to get hooked on and harder to get off of.


Though I do agree with Ninja in saying that a videogame forum isn't the best place to look for help when there are plenty of forums dedicated exclusively to mental health issues on the internet that are likely better places to go for that. Your approach to dealing with people who have problems with mental health stuff does seem rather abraisive though, Ninja.
Yeah, you're probably right, I've got very little patience for stuff like this. I've also got no personal experience with it, so that probably doesn't help!

If someone has an actual quantifiable problem that I can help them work through then I'm all over it, but this "urgh, I'm depressed" is such a beige shrug of an issue, it's so vague. Which is where the professional help comes in.

Anyway, I don't mean to be dismissive of anyone's problems and I know depression is a very serious issue for some people. Was just pointing out that a videogame forum probably isn't the best place to seek help and advice.
Yeah, you're probably right, I've got very little patience for stuff like this. I've also got no personal experience with it, so that probably doesn't help!

If someone has an actual quantifiable problem that I can help them work through then I'm all over it, but this "urgh, I'm depressed" is such a beige shrug of an issue, it's so vague. Which is where the professional help comes in.

Anyway, I don't mean to be dismissive of anyone's problems and I know depression is a very serious issue for some people. Was just pointing out that a videogame forum probably isn't the best place to seek help and advice.

Right, just pointing out that handling it that way or chastising someone who's in that state usually isn't the best way to go about it and usually won't help (and could possibly do the opposite).

Not trying to lecture you or anything, just letting you know for the future. :lol
Yeah, same here. Got to work in the morning and then have to mentally prepare for game 3
or play Titanfall

I'll reply to your post tomorrow, Acid. Curious to see if you meant anxiety as well and if so, what ended up helping the most.

If you'd prefer, you can always PM me as well.

Edit: also, Tearaway is fantastic. You'll love it.


Unconfirmed Member
Mental Health GAF doesn't help. It's nice for people to get their shit out, but no one ever bothers to actually reply if you take the time to type something out.

Can't reply to everyone, and some people really do comment just to get their shit off their chest, and separating venting from "I want someone to talk to me now" posts is near impossible, so a few slip through the cracks.

Edit: oh wait everyone beat me to the punch, and then some.
Can't reply to everyone, and some people really do comment just to get their shit off their chest, and separating venting from "I want someone to talk to me now" posts is impossible, so a few slip through the cracks.

I explained what I meant a bit more in the posts below that.

Night, y'all.


For anxiety or depression? I don't have any depression right now. Just anxiety. Like I said, not even a clear cause.

My friend was on it for a few days for an entirely different issue that I won't mention (unless she wants to), and I don't think she cared for them either. I haven't heard good things about how they make you feel either and I'm wary that my doctor acts so concerned about me becoming dependent on xanax yet is so pushy to get me stuck on SSRIs when they're even easier to get hooked on and harder to get off of.
Mostly for depression, I had a separate benzo prescription for anxiety at the same time. Can't remember what the drug was specifically, but it wasn't Xanax. I don't get anxiety attacks very often, it's mostly just a constant lingering anxiety that keeps me from doing certain social things because I just feel crazy uncomfortable sometimes. It led to me having a bit of a booze problem because it helped get rid rid me of it for a while. Led to me abusing it though, which led to multiple blackouts, which led to bad times with my friends, which led to me not really drinking anymore.

Biggest problem I had with the drugs is that while they helped for a little while, none of my underlying issues were being taken care of at the same time. They just kept clawing at me under that layer of calm the drugs provided but it eventually became too much to handle. Found a therapist that I love and I've been seriously working through my past traumas with her for the first time and it has been crazy helpful. My depression has become much easier to deal with in the past year but the anxiety is still there. Not sure what to do about it really.

Edit: if you couldn't tell, I'm pretty open talking about all this stuff :lol but that wasn't the case even a year ago.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm on an SNRI (basically like an SSRI, only it can also effect norepinephrine in addition to Serotonin) for mostly anxiety issues and it's been moderately successful. Less ups and downs / panic attacks. It can help in regulating, but doesn't do much to address the fundamental issues or in terms of raising the "base" level, at least not for me. That's what therapy/talking to people is for.

Mental Health GAF is a very interesting place. It's helped me personally tremendously, but you have to see its limits. Everyone's case is so unique that a lot of people don't feel comfortable with giving advice to that person because they don't feel qualified to, not because they are purposely ignoring the posts. That way it often seems like it's just people venting. On the other hand there are some truly great people always available for chat/PM, where you can talk more deeply. So if you just post about your issues and don't get a response then it's probably because people just didnt want to give bad advice. If you ask for specific advice someone to talk to in private, I pretty much guarantee that you will find people at least willing to attempt to help.

It's a long, dark path, going it alone makes it even harder. I know.


formerly Oynox Slider
Everyone needs different types of support. As any Brit Gaffers here know, I have abysmal mental health but manage to function OK after years and years of coming to terms with my own limits. Gaf generally has helped me loads and Brit GAF especially. Big big love to a really warm and friendly bunch of people.

I'm happy for you to PM me if you ever need to vent. I've seen and done it all when it comes to mental health - drugs, suicide attempts, hospitalisation, the works. You CAN get through it and you can thrive and be happy.
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