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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Happy B-Day Emz! :D

I love this so much

I know! :D



The new Angus & Julia Stone record is pretty decent. Julia solo puts me to sleep but now she's singing with Angus on guitar besides her and his voice in the mix too I can actually stay awake.


Oooh yeah, this is really good.

I haven't actually listened to Angus' solo material at this point.

It's all a matter of taste of course. I rather listen to more guitar heavy bluesy work than fragile folk. But there are some folk artists I do enjoy. Stuff like Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes. Or singer song writers like Hiss Golden Messenger and Damien Jurado.
I feel like cleaning today for some reason. I never feel like cleaning. What is happening?

[edit]: I really, really hate this country.

I'm sure the paid leave will let the murderer think about what they've done and they'll be a better person afterward. And it won't happen again until next week.

The people playing devil's advocate may have a point if anything like this ever happened to white children.

I'm unfamiliar with that feeling, but I imagine that chest stub is a real bitch.

Soft, squishy boobs >>>>>>>> itchy meat shields.

Eh, not that bad tbh.

Sure bewbs are superior comfort wise but I can't do anything about that. #gayproblems

This would be funny if it weren't so depressing and true.

I think he's being ironic, but it's so fucking hard to tell these days. I blame the summer heat.

I was thinking that too. But he's not conveying sarcasm well enough if that's his intention.

[edit]: He hasn't been back in the thread. I don't wanna call it drive-by shitposting yet. But I'm tempted to.

Almost as bad as people who comment with "I'd state my opinion but I don't want to be banned." If your opinion on something might cause you to get banned, then it's probably a shitty opinion and you should re-evaluate your life.

Funky Papa

That jif also bumped 21 Jump Street to the top of my to BR list for no particular reason. I know which movie I'll watch tonite.

Edit: LOL, 21 Jump Street was rated R in America and 12 and above in Spain.


Ok, I am kind of nervous to go down to the states for PAX....Washington apparently has an open carry law.

And Happy B-Day Dragonz!!


Gugi, one of my Seattle friends has a license to carry. I never even notice or remember. Seattle is far from a scary city.
My fucking phone is broken so I can't get on FakesApp

sad face guys
I've been in there this whole time wondering where the fuck you and ninjaboi are.
This person probably likes music with pop elements in it and just doesn't know it.

If they listen to anything with a verse/chorus/bridge structure then pretty much. Which is a fair chunk of most music.

But surely Real Music Lovers™ would never listen to such swill.

I only listen to tribal bone drums. It's just realer somehow.
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