Funky Papa
As soon as fibre gets here I'm abandoning the 30/10 DSL ghetto and joining the 200/200 master race. Infinite landline calls and a buttload of landline to cellphone hours included for about 35.
PREACH.Cops are shit and guns are fucking garbage. BYE.
Really good bro, thanks for asking. I just got another job, I'm with Trof as well as Mint Lounge now who own some of the best music venues in the city. I start at Albert Hall tonight, then likely start at Deaf Institute as a supervisor when they reopen in October (Marmozets opening night boi!).
Lol, Tash ain't no Ninja breh.No windows open to test your ninja skills?
I get 3/<1 for $30
Be grateful you don't live in the middle of nowhere.
holy shit where do you live
rhode island?
But no, I live in Backwoods, Ohio.
Isn't that the state that's only relevant once every 4 years?
Lol, Tash ain't no Ninja breh.
Yeah my here's my post in the pick-ups thread. It was a super small shop but they had a good selection plus paint and stuff. Enjoy Bebop man. Try to get all the constant praise for it out of your head and just enjoy.Nausea :/ sucks. Oh man did you pick any up? That'd be super fun. I'm 6 or 7 episodes into Cowboy Bebop. It's pretty good so far.
Yeah the gishwhes week ended Saturday. Back to normal living.
Yeah my here's my post in the pick-ups thread. It was a super small shop but they had a good selection plus paint and stuff. Enjoy Bebop man. Try to get all the constant praise for it out of your head and just enjoy.
How did the team end up doing? I saw a bunch of stuff for it from hpro on twitter.
Oh my god you're straight? I had no idea. You seem normal to me. Did you know that Sara is straight too? You two should totally hook up. I can't believe you're straight. You could be my straight best friend. We could go to football games together. It'll be so much fun. So like how long have you been straight? Your whole life!? No way.
I'm 6 or 7 episodes into Cowboy Bebop. It's pretty good so far.
I think at this point I'd be cool if my gay friends hooked me up with their straight girl friends.
It's that sad.
I think at this point I'd be cool if my gay friends hooked me up with their straight girl friends.
It's that sad.
About to go down a mine. Pray for mojo.
Also Timo accidentally started talking to me in German. He got a blank stare lol
I've seen that movie.About to go down a mine. Pray for mojo.
Also Timo accidentally started talking to me in German. He got a blank stare lol
Legitimely the only horror movie that has scared me witless as an adult. I watched it one lonely summer night when I had my parent's house for myself and I was double checking each corner before going to bed. I basically noped myself to sleep.Man, fuck that movie. Fucking disturbing af.
So bleak, hopeless, and claustrophobic. Not to mention the creatures. #icant
Just read the difference between the endings.
Welp, that's depressing. But now I have to watch it with the original ending because I hate myself.
Happy birfday, zeemumu. Now you just need to wait for another year so you can celebrate in style.
Happy birthday!!!!![]()
That film, when you first see one of them in the camera......omg
Great horror film
I saw Dead Alive when I was 15. I laughed my ass off.
I could see some glimpses of Jackson's old cheekyness at some points of LotR, but the man has yet to make another film with so much charm and heart. And we are talking about an actual gore film.
I finally managed to sit through the whole of WWZ without turning it off
What the fuck
Yeah, not buttering my parsnips at all this like Tash. Granted I only listened to like 2 minutes, but I doubt the following 46 minutes would change my mind.
There's apparently a Descent sequel. And I hate it now because it ruins the ending of the original.
An outrage that you changed your avatar, Tash.
Oh yeah, the one whereshe apparently escapes and the military asks her what happened and don't believe her so they send her back down there for some reason?
it doesn't matter poet, not everything is about thirstThe Israeli bird in it is pretty fit.
idfc, boomtown looked immenseNice one Papa! Cute girls are mint.
Yeah, not buttering my parsnips at all this like Tash. Granted I only listened to like 2 minutes, but I doubt the following 46 minutes would change my mind.
An outrage that you changed your avatar, Tash.