I have to post this gif. Then I'm going to bed.
corduroyCHUCK told me that he likes his girlfriend more than me, the prick. Not with words, but with actions.
tumblr people sit down and try to make the worst gifs possible?
This place seems pretty cool, so just dropping by to say hello! ^_^ (Congrats on member status, Monsoon!)
Hey, fancy meeting you around. Thanks!
I have only been here for a short while and it's pretty cool.
I think mom came back and moved them thankfully. They were super cute!Aww, should have snatched one and raised it to become Rocket Raccoon. How are they doing now? Did the mother take them out or do they live in the garbage bin now?
Rabies avoided. +21 to MED.I think mom came back and moved them thankfully. They were super cute!
But now that they're gone, sleep time for me.
Ariana has to be one of the most boring, cookie cutter, manufactured pop starlets in recent time. So utterly unremarkable.
She kind of does look like a cookie and fun p where is your date
Ariana has to be one of the most boring, cookie cutter, manufactured pop starlets in recent time. So utterly unremarkable.
I mean where are you taking the frothy date
I tell it like it is.
I have a date tonight, so I feel happy and bubbly and even in the mood to listen to some poppy songs.
Francisca Valenzuela - Quiero Verte Más
Update on the super cute girl that was at that party:
She's my friend's sister.
Yeah, I'm going to get off the internet for a little bit.
Update on the super cute girl that was at that party:
She's my friend's sister.
Where the lie tho?
does anyone know what a modern day southern hipster looks like?
I have nothing but respect for the god.
Ariana has to be one of the most boring, cookie cutter, manufactured pop starlets in recent time. So utterly unremarkable.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Starlet may refer to:
A young actress or singer, especially one working her way up through the Star System