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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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My boy Kenji is not amused you didn't make a song about him.


DOGGY!!!!!!! :3


I finished my FF VIII anniversary tribute video. It's not even very good but I don't care because I finally completed it. :')


Ahhhh so that's where your avi comes from, Wazzy. Nice job it was fun to read. I think 8 and 9 are the only ones I haven't played.....oh and 13-2 13-3 -_-

Play VIII and IX. Just ignore the evil wretches who say otherwise. They eat puppies afterall.

Arkham Knight delayed to fucking June next year. It was already pushed to March.

I'm fuming



Damn this is some nice fanart.


Funky Papa


Fuck you, I still have a mop full of hair. My temples are a bit deep now that I keep it extra short, but they've always been like that, so I'm not worried.

Seeing my balding friends makes me fucking paranoid. Oh God oh God oh God.

Speaking of teens. My workmate today thought I was 19. I laughed and laughed. Then she didn't believe my actual age ;__;

Count your blessings, querl. From 18 and until very recently I looked about 4 years younger than I actually was. Compared to my "age corrected" friends, my skin, hair and general tone is so ridicuously better it's not even funny. Not a single gray hair, neither.

Many guys and gals go to the dogs after 26. It's sudden, brutal and make up can only do so much about it. Be glad you look younger than you are!

Funky Papa

Fuck baldness. I'd rather transplant my pubes than going smooth.

If it ever comes to that, I'm growing a massive beard to compensate.


Why is that?

So what's the issue?

The older ones were nicer and more organized when it came to things like cons and such.

I was such a paragon *chug*

Sorry that I didn't answer these sooner. My store decided to increase our hours to 11:00 so I didn't get home until about midnight so I ended up passing out on my bed right after I finished typing this.

I did figure out how I want to decorate my house for Halloween this year, though. Usually we put web on the front entrance so that people have to go around. This year I'm thinking that we make a sort of web funnel around the entrance, cover the web in fake spiders, and put a giant fake spider on the part of the roof that's right above the door and get 8 red LED lights to arrange on it in the shape of eyes, then get a playlist of nothing but spider sounds and thunder and one strobe light that will go off periodically in tune with the thunder, so when it flashes, anyone walking up to my door will get a brief glance around them and see that they're surrounded by spiders. If it works correctly, everyone will be too creeped out to come to the door and I'll get to keep the candy.


Fuck baldness. I'd rather transplant my pubes than going smooth.

If it ever comes to that, I'm growing a massive beard to compensate.
Just look at Harrelson or Statham, they both look good without hair and minimal beard. No need to worry.

But bald plus beard can be attractive too.

Oh yeah. :3

Funky Papa

Yeah, when you are ripped, have a beautifully crafted skull and a chiseled jaw, you can rock the bald look like a motherfucker.



So that's a bit more than 5 1/2 years posting for me, 7 1/2 of actively looking at the site.

My nephew started preschool today. Time.


I'm here since February 2013. Lurking from then on until my account got approved.

It's funny, I first thought I'd never leave Gaming side but more and more am I drawn into OT and the OT Communities. :/


I wanna go home and ride the motorbike some more...

There's a wicked winding road with ocean on one side and cliffs on the other.
That'll be my ride today. :p


Aside from the plaid shirt you kinda look like Android 18.

Should I take a nap while listening to music or go see ghostbusters at the movies?




Man, Hannibal is sooo good! I feel like I've already seen half the show in gif form ITT, but I'm loving it. Best thing so far(just started S2) is Hannibal's super fly plastic suit

Mads is so cool, shame he's Danish.
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