fuck.. I hope it's not that
you arting?
I've noticed this too. I think part of it is a drive to avoid easy jokes, and part of it is because it would get old for everyone in here if I talked about every time I have sex. But now that you've brought this to the fore I'll try to be a little dirtier again.
I'll give it a go purely because it's Hitchhikers.
Can I download that anywhere?
you arting?
Not at the moment, no. I'm not feeling super inspired.
Today wasn't actually all that productive. This is basically all I got done earlier (and a third of this was existing assets). I don't have a good feel for the area I'm arting yet. I spent what felt like hours just picking colors for the plaster.
And this is how I will spend my Sunday evening.
are shithead posters always male? do we have any confirmed female shitheads? I was just reflecting on how all the women I know of who post on Neogaf would never say any of the horrible things that are frequently said in OT, and every time something horrible is said it's either obviously a man or almost certainly a man.
is the logical conclusion to this line of thought "women are on average better people than men" or is there another explanation?
are shithead posters always male? do we have any confirmed female shitheads? I was just reflecting on how all the women I know of who post on Neogaf would never say any of the horrible things that are frequently said in OT, and every time something horrible is said it's either obviously a man or almost certainly a man.
is the logical conclusion to this line of thought "women are on average better people than men" or is there another explanation?
are shithead posters always male? do we have any confirmed female shitheads? I was just reflecting on how all the women I know of who post on Neogaf would never say any of the horrible things that are frequently said in OT, and every time something horrible is said it's either obviously a man or almost certainly a man.
is the logical conclusion to this line of thought "women are on average better people than men" or is there another explanation?
Ah, cool. I actually got a decent bit done today. Pretty much finished my monster. >:]
Color selection is the most impactful and important part of environment art design IMO. I usually hook it around two primary, often contrasting colors. E.g., The deep blue + yellow area, the green + purple area, etc.
I feel like I'd add some teal or blue elements to that pinkish area, but I can never say for sure until I see it
are shithead posters always male? do we have any confirmed female shitheads? I was just reflecting on how all the women I know of who post on Neogaf would never say any of the horrible things that are frequently said in OT, and every time something horrible is said it's either obviously a man or almost certainly a man.
is the logical conclusion to this line of thought "women are on average better people than men" or is there another explanation?
Ah, cool. I actually got a decent bit done today. Pretty much finished my monster. >:]
Color selection is the most impactful and important part of environment art design IMO. I usually hook it around two primary, often contrasting colors. E.g., The deep blue + yellow area, the green + purple area, etc.
I feel like I'd add some teal or blue elements to that pinkish area, but I can never say for sure until I see it
We've permed one notable female gaffer for basically being an insufferable shithead and she was constantly treated with kid gloves prior to the perm. Like over a dozen bans. Frankly there are not many women proportionally to the total gaf population to start with.
That pretty much describes my experience in life but I've also dealt with a lot more guys than girls so its probably something more like the amount of guys that are intolerable are enough that you can't avoid while the amount of girls is proportionally small.are shithead posters always male? do we have any confirmed female shitheads? I was just reflecting on how all the women I know of who post on Neogaf would never say any of the horrible things that are frequently said in OT, and every time something horrible is said it's either obviously a man or almost certainly a man.
is the logical conclusion to this line of thought "women are on average better people than men" or is there another explanation?
Honestly, I am so fucking tired of this shit. Fuck the NRA and fuck anyone who supports them. Full stop.
Was she treated with kid gloves because moderators want more women in the community or other reasons?
Speaking as a European, I can not fathom how an entire country is so blind to the obvious. Every time I think "this time your politicians and organizations and even the gun nuts have to learn", but they never do. I'm sorry man :/
And no, I don't want to start a discussion about gun rights, you guys do whatever you think is right. I don't have a word in this.
That pretty much describes my experience in life but I've also dealt with a lot more guys than girls so its probably something more like the amount of guys that are intolerable are enough that you can't avoid while the amount of girls is proportionally small.
Law of averages or something
There is a desire to be a welcoming community but it is certainly not a policy to go easy with the moderation. In some cases it was because she'd be in an argument with someone who also got banned.
I wince at male bravado. The quickest way to alienate me is to be a tough guy
No idea if this has anything to do with anything, but in all of my school time, I was the quiet, lone, nerdy glasses guy, you probably know what I'm talking about. In pretty much every class ever there also was 'that' super cool guy who just can't help making himself feel better through making fun of (or even attacking or ridiculing) others, mostly guys like me. I guess guys like that are to blame for making me absolutely despise "tough guy" male behaviour.
Probably also for destroying a whole bunch of my self confidence but that's another story
Alright I'm talking way too much today lol
I'd say "the bullies feel shit about themselves, that's why they do it" but I'm not sure if that's actually always true. I suspect a lot of assholes are just assholes because they are assholes.
I don't understand the American fetishism in guns. To be honest I look down on those kind of people. There is no necessity for you to bear arms if you're not part of the military and even then instruments of death shouldn't have place in your life out side your working place. Get your shit together, USA...
In many cases that behaviour displays power fantasies which in return is mostly a reaction to aspects of life where bullies lack any any power over (career, school performance, love etc.).
I don't understand the American fetishism in guns. To be honest I look down on those kind of people. There is no necessity for you to bear arms if you're not part of the military and even then instruments of death shouldn't have place in your life out side your working place. Get your shit together, USA...
The problem with the second amendment is the wording is shit. The intent made sense for the time. We had just broken away from Great Britain and there were fears that a disarmed populace would lead to a new cycle of tyranny.
They wanted you to be allowed to have a musket and form a militia during much rougher times.
Somehow that original intent has been stretched to mean owning high tech assault weapons. I'm not sure where they draw the line or why no one seems to be upset that they can't own RPGs or other anti air missiles, which would make far more sense for the purpose of fighting the government than hand guns and other small arms
why do people always say "now is not the time to discuss gun laws" during news of a mass shooting?
we should wait until there is no gun violence (aka wait forever) to discuss gun laws which would then be unnecessary. ohhhh kay?
Now is not the time to discuss discussing gun laws, jobbs.
'Cause it's a good excuse to avoid talking about it. 'Cause they're afraid of the answer and afraid of change.why do people always say "now is not the time to discuss gun laws" during news of a mass shooting?
So what are your plans for the first conferences tonight? Imma watch EA for sure, probably the Giantbomb "we talk over the conference" stream. After that I'll probably head off though, you guys never think of us poor Euros with those times.
why do people always say "now is not the time to discuss gun laws" during news of a mass shooting?
we should wait until there is no gun violence (aka wait forever) to discuss gun laws which would then be unnecessary. ohhhh kay?
Because it's never the right time. STOP POLITICIZING IT!
"Politicizing" it continually is the only way shit will change. Yes, it's awful that people have died. But it would be a disgraceful to just sit on the sidelines and let the status quo continue.
One of my least favorite shithead posters recently got banned and I couldn't help but get excited about it.are shithead posters always male? do we have any confirmed female shitheads? I was just reflecting on how all the women I know of who post on Neogaf would never say any of the horrible things that are frequently said in OT, and every time something horrible is said it's either obviously a man or almost certainly a man.
Trabby where do you fall on the Great Simpsons Debate?
I think he saw a previous person say goodbye to a shoe
Kind of don't feel like going out on the town ever again :/
^ good on them but I wish someone would take those kittens in![]()
There are so many random cats in Asian countries that it just seems like an almost impossible task.^ good on them but I wish someone would take those kittens in
when singers who sound great on the album can't sing for shit live
If I lived in Orlando I'd stay in for a couple days, probably... In fact, I'm nowhere near Orlando and I'm going to do that!