Uggghhh my chest is killing me
Uggghhh my chest is killing me
Uggghhh my chest is killing me
Good morning everybody.
I would never give up my firearms. Ever. That said I am in favor of licensing initiatives and making it harder to get them.
I don't think anything can happen on guns for another generation or two. we need old people to die first
Trab, how was the concert?
it's only starting in a couple hours.
My bad, it's 11pm here already. Time for bed. Good night everybody
got this some time ago. finally got around to put it somewhere:3
I finished with my workout and was going to tell everyone to fite me but the body count of the Florida shooting is at 50. 50 dead, 53 injured. Not in the mood for fiting anymore
edit: and it sounds like it was anti-gay motivated.
Oh man I have so many patchesgot this some time ago. finally got around to put it somewhere:3
got this some time ago. finally got around to put it somewhere:3
got this some time ago. finally got around to put it somewhere:3
got this some time ago. finally got around to put it somewhere:3
I finished with my workout and was going to tell everyone to fite me but the body count of the Florida shooting is at 50. 50 dead, 53 injured. Not in the mood for fiting anymore
edit: and it sounds like it was anti-gay motivated.
to add clarity, this is the worst shooting in US history, which is saying a lot because we are good at having shootings
I've been torn up all day. Not sure if I'll be around much today.
I just don't have any words.
I wish I could give blood to them
Why can't you give blood?
Oh man, signs are pointing to this guy being associated with a domestic islamic terrorist cell.
I'm worried about repercussions from idiots attacking mosques for no reason![]()
Angel was on this cop's shoulder
That thread already has derailed into a shit fest. I had to leave.
edit: I'm going to go bike around. Maybe check out a comic shop. Thankfully it's beautiful today.
Was it good though from the perspective of a Warcraft fan?
Went to give blood. Lines around the block.
I love my city.
Went to give blood. Lines around the block. They ran out of supplies to take blood. Turning people away now.
I love my city.
Angel was on this cop's shoulder
Not divine intervention. Human ingenuity. ACHs are specifically designed to do that
Went to give blood. Lines around the block.
I love my city.
I liked it but I saw it with a girlfriend of mine who was confused as fuck the whole time. You need to know the story of Warcraft to enjoy the movieFrom the perspective of a Warcraft fan it's pretty cool to see the story in a large-scale movie.
One thing, though. (Spoilers, but you've played the games so maybe not)
How long has Gul'dan been capable of fist-fighting Durotan? I always pictured Gul'dan as an old-ass warlock who relied on magic for pretty much everything. But then Durotan challenges him to a mak'gora and Gul'dan takes of the cloak and is surprisingly more buff than he should be and is able to beat Durotan down (then cheats anyway with soul-drain).
In how many minutes/hours will this happen? I have no idea what or when PM ET is
LOL. I know what time it is in most areas of europe. I'm so insulted.
It was supposed to start 9 minutes ago. He's running late apparently.