Bring It On takes a very hard turn from silly comedy to comedy-drama about institutionalized racism.
they were hot too!11 year old me had such a crush on him. Also the two guy cheerleaders.
I think the tough roles suit her best.and I've always liked eliza dushku a lot. and iirc in that role she's the sort of "mean but nice" that I like
I've never seen that movie. I thought it was about cheerleading?
Liv <3That's fine but can we talk about Liv Tyler in Empire Records
"It's not a democracy. It's a cheerocracy."
"You are being a cheertator, Torrance, and a pain in my ass."
it is. I used to be a cheerleader when I first watched it >![]()
Liv <3
"Report those compliments to your ass before it gets so big it forms its own website"
Does the dentist ever tell you to close your lips over that hose that sucks out your spit and it starts draining the air from your lungs?
you're so bank
::makes spirit fingers::
::spirit fingers intensify::
This traffic can eat my ass
::makes spirit fingers::
::spirit fingers intensify::
I forget, did the mean choreographer actually end up helping them, or did they get rid of him or something?
well seems like you gotta watch it again!
he screwed them over and sold the same routine to several squads.
in college we always watched girl movies like this, probably before you ever watched it, so more points for me tbh
but yeah I do need to see it again..
not so sure about that but again: you'RE old!jk. <3
man the "did I just get dated" thread is hilarious. I swear all the guys I meet are either that guy or fuckboy mc fuckenson. there's no inbetween.
not so sure about that but again: you'RE old!jk. <3
man the "did I just get dated" thread is hilarious. I swear all the guys I meet are either that guy or fuckboy mc fuckenson. there's no inbetween.
Some tone deaf straight people in that gay bar thread.
and it's okay I don't mind being old.
any time a thread about dating pops up I know it's going to be a member of the "comedy horror" genre. only question is if it's one I like (drag me to hell) or one I don't like (evil dead)
:: awkward waves ::
Honestly I've never seen the movies in their entirety, only in fragments. A long time ago my brother was a huge fan of them and I would kind of go against him on it for some reason because that's just how I was.
In any case I really do like Drag Me To Hell.
And what's the origin of the fedora stuff?
So I caught up with her at the gym. Said Hi, and she mumbled hi back, she looked busy with shit so I just let her get on with it.
We started talking after that and she was basically asking me to teach her how to do pull ups in a non-forward way paraphrased you can do them I can't I wish I could, my gym partner is injured etc. So I offered to meet up and train together.
She gave me her number and I waved good bye again.
To be fair, this time I was covered in sweat and a hug would have been more of an assault of the olfactory system than anything else.
Edit: Still no confirmation if it's anything more than platonic or whether she tricked me or not.
as far as I know it's a bar that a lot of gay people are in. you can't catch it. more than likely no one will mind if you drink there without being gay. what's to get wrong?
and I have been to one before, as I said earlier
It's more the straight men who intentionally go to gay clubs to try and pick up women.
fedora tipping is the ultimate wizard/virgin move according to the internet.
you really gotta read the thread lol. I can't believe this dude. lmfao
I feel you, living at home as an adult is terrible in a lot of ways. Living on my own was the best experience I ever had, until I broke off my engagement and had to move back home... it's humiliating, your parents piss you off, and you feel infantilized in many ways. A lot of my friends live at home too even though they have full time jobs, and they also don't like it. Even with all the money I've made working, with my last job being a rather nice one, I can't afford to move out without seriously compromising my lifestyle.I want to move out of this house so fucking bad. I feel like such a loser being almost 30 years and never have lived by myself. It does not help at all, that my finances are so damn limited that I may have to take a second job just to be able to move.
It's days like this that makes drunken nihilism seem rational.
The first Evil Dead is pretty rough. As far as Horror Comedy goes, Gremlins, Creepshow, Krampus, and Army of Darkness are my favorites
I don't like Dragon Me to Hell that much.
Dark chocolate is trash.
White chocolate is the hottest garbage, however
Random suggestion time for movies of a similar kind: Night of the Creeps, Critters, Return of the Living Dead
First and latter are more dark comedy though, but Creeps is fun. Oh, and Of Unknown Origin, because that movie is just so much fun.
Nope, I used to love that too!I used to like the chocolate orange where it was like a frigging orange and you could take the slices out.
Did that exist or am I imagining it? Too lazy to google
I used to like the chocolate orange where it was like a frigging orange and you could take the slices out.
Did that exist or am I imagining it? Too lazy to google
I had one from the UK this year, so yeah I know which you mean. Let me look up what it's called.
edit: "Terry's chocolate orange"
Could not have guessed.
Has anyone ever plotted a successful surprise party? Maybe I'm misremembering, but I feel like every one I've ever been to, the victim inevitably finds out ahead of time and then just has to play coy. It's so awkward.
Welcome back!![]()
they were hot too!
I think the tough roles suit her best.
if anyone ever asks me what my type is I'll just show them a pic of Jesse Bradford.
man I totally forgot he also was in Hackers
When the house kitten thinks he is a book
anyone wanna see a crappy pic of me in pjs and new tattoos?