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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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I'd be fine with it just being impossibly hard to get a gun if a full ban is unreasonable

umm.. even measures to halt sales to people on the terrorist watch list is unreasonable right now

they are unwilling to even make a law that says "if you're on the terrorist watchlist [which also means you're unable to legally board an airplane], you can't buy a gun". Not even that is possible in our evil congress.
To the surprise of no one my conservative friends had to say something when I expressed disgust with the Senate not being able to pass those 4 gun laws last night.

"hurr durr criminals will get guns anyway..."

it's like no shit..... what was being proposed wasn't to take away your precious guns it was laws to help the authorities do their job better.

this fucking country grosses me out.

Bow to our NRA masters.

Mass shootings are the best advertising for gun manufacturers.
confirmation bias

you want everyone to be lame so you can justify not going out with anyone


Why don't you give people a chance to surprise you?

A lot of people are actually pretty cool once you get to know them.

I'm a good judge of character

Meaning: I don't like a lot of people and tend to be able to tell when I won't like someone *cough*

Bow to our NRA masters.

Mass shootings are the best advertising for gun manufacturers.



I'm a good judge of character

Meaning: I don't like a lot of people and tend to be able to tell when I won't like someone *cough*

Listen man, I hate people too, but I realize that this comes from a sense of misplaced superiority more than anything. I think you might have those same problems tbh so I say:

Give it a chance! Find someone who looks even the least bit interesting to you (even if it's just a looks thing, don't be scared to approach someone based solely on appearances) and be OPEN to them surprising you.

I swear, everytime I open myself up to someone they turn out to be WAAAY cooler than I thought.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I'm gonna set an appointment to talk to the doc about it

But I really wanna improve my run time and I can't do that if I'm recovering from surgery so eeeeehhhhhh
Yeah but long term it'll be better. Like I use a FTM binder and I tape them down and I would love to not do this.


One me or on someone else's?

Like I like looking and big tits, I just hate having them.

Like I would like a C. Still decent size, but manageable.

That's good. Honestly I think smaller or larger than C are also fine, it's more about shape and stuff tbh.
I've never tried the dark theme for gaf until now and it's fantastic , especially since my screen protector has that oil/reflective mess for white backgrounds


I had a dream that a huge earthquake hit and I was really unprepared. I have a gallon of water and that's it. Plus I have like zero cash hidden away. Taking out $500 at the ATM tonight. No robberies pls kthx.
Listen man, I hate people too, but I realize that this comes from a sense of misplaced superiority more than anything. I think you might have those same problems tbh so I say:

Give it a chance! Find someone who looks even the least bit interesting to you (even if it's just a looks thing, don't be scared to approach someone based solely on appearances) and be OPEN to them surprising you.

I swear, everytime I open myself up to someone they turn out to be WAAAY cooler than I thought.

I will admit

I might also be being incredibly shallow >_>
C is a great size, but I'm biased.

also Lili! Lili! I need you. did you see ep 12 yet? :(
Yeah. There were a couple points where I shed a tear watching it. But mostly it all seems so senseless.

I don't understand the motivation most of these characters have. Like the white supremacist group is just being racist for the hell of it, it seems like. And I don't get that. Every time they try to act peaceably in the show someone inevitably breaks it up just because the show needs drama and tension. It feels more like grotesque characatures than real people at this point.

And maybe that's a problem more with me than the show. Maybe I just don't have enough experience to know that people actually act like that.


lol.... wanna know something gross?

I felt my hearing was not so good in my left ear today so I just scooped a big blob of black wax out of it. so fucking gross man



:: shakes gif machine ::


there we go


lol.... wanna know something gross?

I felt my hearing was not so good in my left ear today so I just scooped a big blob of black wax out of it. so fucking gross man

You should try putting your ear over a cup of hot (steaming) green tea and keeping it there for a bit. The heat should help reduce the swelling that's causing you pain and the green tea is good.

100% guaranteed to help cause it always helps me so it must be science.


I still feel like there is a bunch of wax down in there. I need to get some peroxide but I have to be at work another 3 hours..... ugghhh

edit - also I feel like "doesn't know emo" is a bad criteria for relationship choices.

I'm pretty picky too, I mean, my dream girl is a girl that is good at synths but I don't think I would ever rule someone out because of their musical inexperience

You should try putting your ear over a cup of hot (steaming) green tea and keeping it there for a bit. The heat should help reduce the swelling that's causing you pain and the green tea is good.

100% guaranteed to help cause it always helps me so it must be science.

noted. thanks.


My son, you have not experienced the hell that is period cramps.

I stubbed my big toe in some weird way in college when running up some steps and the pain was the most intense pain I've ever felt for about 10 min straight. It was worse than childbirth or any period cramp. My nail turned black and fell off, then grew in wrong multiple times and kept falling out. It took 2 years before I had a normal nail again.


I stubbed my big toe in some weird way in college when running up some steps and the pain was the most intense pain I've ever felt for about 10 min straight. It was worse than childbirth or any period cramp. My nail turned black and fell off, then grew in wrong multiple times and kept falling out. It took 2 years before I had a normal nail again.

I played soccer with shoes that are too small. that happened twice a week.


I stubbed my big toe in some weird way in college when running up some steps and the pain was the most intense pain I've ever felt for about 10 min straight. It was worse than childbirth or any period cramp. My nail turned black and fell off, then grew in wrong multiple times and kept falling out. It took 2 years before I had a normal nail again.

jesus christ!
Don't be a shit message her and TEACH HER

Teach her how to be Emo or realize you now have something good in your life so you don't have to be Emo anymore

I feel like leading with "That's not emo" isn't really the best plan :p

...but then what do I know?

edit - also I feel like "doesn't know emo" is a bad criteria for relationship choices.

I'm pretty picky too, I mean, my dream girl is a girl that is good at synths but I don't think I would ever rule someone out because of their musical inexperience
I was joking


I wouldn't require a potential mate to share all of my interests, but sharing some of them is certainly nice and I think a general compatibility with my disposition is more important
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