That's interesting. So, like, when music starts playing you don't even want to start tapping your feet or drumming your fingers or anything?
Of course I do.
That's interesting. So, like, when music starts playing you don't even want to start tapping your feet or drumming your fingers or anything?
Oh, cool, now I get it. Thus everybody should learn to love dancing!
that's how it works, right?
Don't you dare use Highschool Musical against me
You have to dance with friends and get lost in the music. The sweat and the crowds are the draw in this case because it's less likely people are focusing on you, so you can just let loose.
Of course I do.
They've also put tons of money into fundraisers, have their own fundraiser, and are generally very nice people. I'm a huge fan of their work (have all their books in paperback form) and they used to be immature but they aren't bad people. I know that's a very controversial opinion here though, mostly because of that one incident.Yeah, the Penny Arcade dudes are immature assfucks. They also flew Uwe Boll into PAX just so people could make fun of him for an hour.
Guys don't do the group dance line. If you go out there to dance, you're on your own
Of course I do.
Teach me as I taught you
Personally though I only feel the urge to join with the band
Essentially. If a good song is on I would rather just sit and enjoy the music itself rather than dance around.
It's just a preference, and I can understand others who really enjoy moving around with the music.
Huh. I guess I just have a hard time stopping at that point. I have to express it through my whole body.
I've played in the band before, and even then I couldn't stop dancing. Rocking out on stage is so much fun. Bands that just stand still bore me, haha.
I feel like learning to waltz and attending a masquerade would be cool. And then I interrupt the masquerade dressed as a large skeleton and force them to perform my handwritten opera or I'll drop the chandelier
I hope people get that reference.
They've also put tons of money into fundraisers, have their own fundraiser, and are generally very nice people. I'm a huge fan of their work (have all their books in paperback form) and they used to be immature but they aren't bad people. I know that's a very controversial opinion here though, mostly because of that one incident.
I'm the drummer. I sit
Already much better than Mighty No 9 and its just a demo for a game that still has a long way to go.
Beware of alluring prototypes! Anything could happen. Anything
I trust Iga.
Tornado watch until 5AM.
If I die, I just want y'all to know I hate you.
Fuck you too Dorothy.
I just got accused of giving up too easily because these promotions have been expired for a month. It got under my skin more than it should. A lot of my effort goes into making myself get up in the morning because I know I don't want to but I need to if I'm gonna get out of this hole. I don't need people's bullshit on top of that.
I'm not in Kansas anymore.
(Thankfully I was never in Kansas. It sounds like a hell pit.)
I nutted everywhere.
Go to sleeeeep.I DON'T WANT TO DO CARDIO FFSKFLJSKFDJWOIJFoweijfwo[43p59uwepiojmfsdffdfsf
Edit: What the hell it is midnight
Bloodstained looking pretty good there.
Worse case scenario you get some sweet pumps out of the whole deal.
Got criticized for something that i can't control and did the maximum amount of effort to try and fix but got accused of being lazy anyway and im sick of it becuase it's been going on for a long time and I have my own issues to solve that don't involve having to call out a stuborn person on their bullshit every other day. I needed to doaquick vent so i could get some sleep
Where's the demo???=ODownloading Bloodstained Demo. I'm nutting so much. #BlessGAF
Where's the demo???=O
If you backed it you should have a key emailed to you I think.
Good morning
off to work, 12 hour shift calling
yeah fuck retail. Fuck it to hell.
And it is already 23 degrees C outside :|
Did you manage to get a raise out of that whole mess?
Bloodstained is just shitting all over MN09
Also jeez, because my friend yesterday and HyruleWarrior today I'm going to have a fucking heart attack![]()
New store manager is pushing hard that we should get paid for all extra hours this week, but I highly doubt that she will succeed. HR sector is highly against it....
I usually work from noon till 7 pm in the afternoon, but this week is like : 10 am - 8 pm
Really, it is grueling and customers are really grumpy due to heat wave.
I'm the drummer. I sit
Let me try to limit myself to one or two purchases during the Steam sale.
That crack of lightning sounded close.
I'm so used to this shit by now tho.
he bout to sexually identify as dead when that tornado hit